Showing posts with label Name. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Name. Show all posts

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Fruit of the Loom Sues Fruit of the Tomb for Jacking its Name

Fruit of the Loom is trying to pants the company it says got into the name game a little too late — like, 124 years too late. The iconic underwear company is suing En Grande, claiming its Fruit of the Tomb clothing brand is a total ripoff. In the…


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Charice Pempengco Changes Name, Comes Out as Transgender

Charice Pempengco has a major announcement to make.

And it is this:

The singer/actress is no longer known as Charice Pempengco.

The Filipino star, who rose to fame in American for her role on Glee 2007, says she nows goes by the name Jake Zyrus.

This change is consistent with what the artist told Oprah Winfrey in an interview three years ago, during which she told the talk show host that her “soul is male.”

“From the bottom of my heart, thank you for the love and respect,” Zyrus wrote on Instagram on Monday. “I love you back and I’m sending peace to everyone.”

The transgender entertainer deleted all previous social media posts, marking this name change as a fresh start in his life.

He added on Twitter, shortly after making the above statement:

“My first tweet as Jake. Overwhelmed. Saw all your love comments and I’m so happy. Finally. I love you, everyone and see you soon.”

chance tweet

Dubbed by Oprah as “the most talented girl in the world,” Zyrus became the first Asian solo singer in history to land in the Top 10 of the Billboard 200 albums chart with the release of 2010’s “Charice,”

It debuted at the time at number-eight.

The rising star also made an  appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show and other daytime program, using thoise platforms to cover such hits as “And I Am Telling You I’m Not Going,” “I Will Always Love You,” “I Have Nothing,” and “My Heart Will Go On.”

She now 25 years old.

But at the age of 16, Zyrus appeared at Madison Square Garden to perform a duet of “Because You Loved Me” with idol Céline Dion.

Pretty darn impressive, no?

On Glee Season 2, Zyrus came on board as Sunshine Corazon, a talented singer and foreign exchange student who teamed up with New Directions and immediately established a rivalry with Lea Michele’s Rachel Berry.

The character eventually joined the glee club Vocal Adrenaline and appeared in three episodes of the show.

Along the way, the actor sang the songs “Telephone,” “Listen,’ and “All By Myself.”

Zyrus came out as a lesbian in 2013.

He then talked to Oprah once again, this time for a segment on Winfrey’s “Where Are They Now,” discussing rumors of a gender transition head-on.

“I’m not going to go through that stage where I change everything,” Zyrus said at that time. “I’ll cut my hair and wear boy clothes and everything, but that’s all.”

He added:

“I knew when I was 5. Then, when I was 10, I was like, ‘Oh, that’s it, I’m gay.’”

Thankfully, social media users have been nothing but supportive in light of this announcement.

chance response

We’d like to also send along our best wishes and congratulations fo Jake.

Everyone should live a life true to who they are.

Do whatever makes you happy, people. YOLO, after all.


Monday, June 19, 2017

Rock Band The Slants Win Supreme Court Battle Over Name

Asian-American rock group, The Slants, are free and clear to trademark their name after a Supreme Court ruling in their favor. The Slants had attempted to trademark their controversial name back in 2011, but the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office shot…


Rock Band The Slants Win Supreme Court Battle Over Name

Asian-American rock group, The Slants, are free and clear to trademark their name after a Supreme Court ruling in their favor. The Slants had attempted to trademark their controversial name back in 2011, but the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office shot…


Friday, June 16, 2017

Game of Thrones Season 7 Spoilers: Who Dies? What"s Jon Snow"s Real Name?

It feels we’ve waited a dozen Long Nights for the Game of Thrones Season 7 premiere, but the summer is finally upon us, children!

Yes, we’re exactly one month away from one of the most highly-anticipated episodes of television since that Happy Days where Fonzie demonstrated to the world that water-skiing in a leather jacket is not only possible, but a good and cool thing to do.

Hopefully there won’t be any shark jumping this time around, but if creators D.B Weiss and David Benioff decide to bring Ramsay Bolton back just to have him devoured by beasts again, we’d be cool with that.

Okay, you’ve sat through the long-winded throat-clearing sesh worthy of GRRM himself, now it’s time for what you really came for:

Yes, we’re talking spoilers, so don’t read any further and then complain in the comments if you don’t want to know what’s in store.

We’re sending up more red flags than a Lannister army here, so you’ll have no one to blame except yourself.

Here goes:

As in years past, the show’s creators have done their damnedest to keep major developments under wraps, and for the most part, they’ve done an impeccable job.

But this is 2017, and online GoT obsessives are like Lord Varys, but with much, much greater interest in porn.

As a result, the little birds have come home to roost, and it looks like we now have several pieces of potentially game-changing information about the upcoming season:

The leaks started back in November, when a Reddit user posted what he claimed was the entire plot of Game of Thrones Season 7.

Obviously, we have no way of knowing if his information is accurate, but the two new details that emerged this week are a little easier to fact-check:

First, bad news for people who like bad dudes:

Word on the web is that Littlefinger’s nefarious deeds finally catch up with him, and he gets iced in Season 7.

Not exactly a stunner, of course, as with all the double-crossing he’s gotten away with, Lord Baelysh has been a marked man for quite some time now.

The most convincing evidence for the theory that Littlefinger is headed for the big brothel in the sky comes from a recent cover of Entertainment Weekly, which shows Arya Stark rocking what appears to be Baelish’s Valyrian steel dagger.

It seems unlikely that he would simply hand it over without a fight, so in all likelihood, either ruthless killing machine Arya takes him out, or someone else does and gives her the blade as a gift.

Either way, RIP, Lord Baelish.

You certainly kept things insteresting.

This week’s other major spoiler concerns the Boy Who Lived (after he died) King in the North Jon Snow:

In the Game of Thrones Season 6 finale, some of our longstanding questions about Jon’s past and parentage were answered.

Now, according to a leaked page from an upcoming issue of Empire magazine, we’re soon to learn a lot more about The Man Who Knows Nothing.

The page reads:

“As we saw in the last episode of season 6, Bran’s psychic time-traveling ‘green sight’ revealed the true nature of Jon’s birth heritage and his real name: Jaehaerys Targaryen.

‘Bran’s now in this precarious situation in which it’s just him and Meera, and he has all of this information that could change the entire story,” said [Bran actor] Isaac Hempstead Wright. And it’s not just about Jon. ‘He knows all about the White Walkers too.’

Jarhaerys Targaryen I, known as “the Old King,” sat atop the Iron Throne longer than any other Targaryen momarch.

He’s remembered in Westeros as a wise and just king who butted heads with the dangerous Faith Militant (the High Sparrow’s be-robed douche bags).

Lyanna Stark naming her son after one of the most revered figures in Targaryen history would support the fan theory that she was in love her supposed kidnapper (and Jon’s father) Rhaegar Targaryen.

All of this, of course, would have huge implications with regard to where the story is headed from here.

So there you have it. 

Two of this season’s biggest surprises effectively ruined.

As always, you can watch Game of Thrones online at TV Fanatic, to try and puzzle out more spoilers, so as to suck the remaining fun of watching the story as it unfolds.


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Jill Duggar Reveals Name of Second Baby Boy!

New, headline-grabbing revelations about the Duggar family seem to be surfacing every day lately.

We suppose it makes sense, considering reality TV’s most controversial stars are in the midst of promoting the upcoming fourth season of Counting On, but it’s amazing that one family could generate so much fresh gossip.

Of course, it helps when said family is the size of the Duggar clan.

Just last week we learned that Joy-Anna Duggar married Austin Forsyth in a massively-attended ceremony in Springdale, Arkansas.

(Naturally, the wedding will provide the basis for the Counting On season premiere.)

That same weekend, the family revealed that Joseph Duggar had gotten engaged to Kendra Caldwell.

(The only thing Counting On viewers love more than a wedding is the build-up to a wedding.)

All the Dugs needed to really work their fans into a frenzy for the big premiere was a perfectly-timed birth.

Unfortunately, uteruses aren’t controlled by network execs (yet), so the promo team will be forced to settle for the next best thing:

A premature name-reveal!

Yes, even though their second child will likely still need a couple more weeks to gestate, Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard have decided to share their forthcoming bundle of joy’s moniker with the legion of Duggar obsessives.

If you were hoping for another off-the-beaten path Duggar handle like Israel of Spurgeon, we’re afraid you might be a little disappointed.

Jill dropped the unexpected bombshell with the following post on their personal website:

“We are so excited to announce the name of Baby Dillard #2! Samuel Scott Dillard,” she wrote.

“We can’t wait to welcome him to the world and have him join our family very soon!”

Yes, Samuel Scott.

So they’re sticking with the Biblical theme, but it’s considerably less quirky name than the one they chose for little Sammy’s older brother, Izzy.

It’s unusual for Duggars to reveal their kids’ names ahead of the birth, but who says you have to wait for a kid to be born for them to start earning.

The Duggars are old-fashioned about everything, and that includes child labor laws, friend-o.

Niw good put on your most durable overalls or your longest denim skirt and share this news with the masses the way God intended – via Twitter.

When you’re done, watch Counting On online to get caught up in time for season premiere on June 12.


LeBron James Defended By Emmett Till"s Family Over Name Drop (VIDEO)

LeBron James wasn’t wrong in invoking Emmett Till’s name when discussing racist vandalism at his home, so says Till’s cousin who told TMZ Sports she doesn’t get the criticism of the King. James used Till’s name during a news conference where he…


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Johnny Depp Blindsided by $40 Million in Loans Taken Out by Ex-Managers in His Name

Johnny Depp had no idea his former management team used his assets to secure $ 40 million worth of loans to cover up years of mishandling his money … according to new legal docs. As we reported, Johnny is suing TMG, his ex-business managers, for…


Friday, May 26, 2017

Blanket Jackson: New Name, New Beginning!

For most of his young life, Blanket Jackson has kept a low profile.

At 15, Blanket is the most seldom-seen of Michael Jackson’s three children, and those who know the boy best say that’s no accident.

Like his father, Blanket has often been described as shy and withdrawn, but it appears that these days, he’s taking a page from his older sister Paris’ book and embracing the public’s fascination with his life and family.

As you may have noticed, Paris is everywhere these days.

Insiders say the 19-year-old has a team of 20 full-time employees working around the clock to keep her in the spotlight.

And whether he likes it or not, it looks like Paris is bringing Blanket with her.

Despite not having any known social media accounts of his own, Blanket has been popping up on Snapchat and Instagram in recent weeks.

Blanket sightings on Paris’ pages are often result in the aspiring model’s most “liked” and shared posts.

Naturally, there’s been talk of Paris “exploiting” her press-shy younger brother, but fortunately, those closest to Blanket say he doesn’t mind in the slightest.

In fact, he’s reportedly shaking off his introverted ways and developing into a self-assured and media savvy young man,

Blanket changed his name back in 2015, and insiders say the new moniker, which is finally catching on, is of tremendous symbolic significance to the boy.

Blanket now goes by Bigi, and these days, his family and friends say he’s projecting a much more “confident” image.

Insiders tell People magazine that Blanket/Bigi is still “shy around people he doesn’t know,” but is gradually coming out of his shell/

His inspiration, the sources say, is his father, who didn’t allow his natural shyness to interfere with his career as one of the most iconic pop performers of all time.

“The kids live like Michael is constantly looking down upon them,” a family friend tells People.

The insider goes on to say that Bigi “has had the most problems adjusting after Michael died. He acted very lost and extremely upset.”

However, he adds that Bigi is beginning to overcome the trauma of losing his father so unexpectedly, and is able to instead celebrate Michael’s life.

We wish Bigi all the best.


Monday, May 22, 2017

Briana DeJesus: Reveals Baby Name, Gender!

It’s an exciting time for former Teen Mom 3 star Briana DeJesus.

Not only is Briana joining the cast of Teen Mom 2 this season, she’s also currently expecting her second child.

Briana’s been relatively tight-lipped about the details of her pregnancy, but that might be partially due to the fact that prior to her surprise casting on TM2, there just wasn’t much interest in her personal life.

These days, however, scrutiny of Briana is at an all-time high, and it seems she’s enjoying the attention.

(The “shying away and complaining about her lack of privacy” phase should come around the time of her second season on the show.)

Late last night, Briana posted the above photo to her Instagram page, along with some highly-anticipated revelations about her forthcoming bundle of joy:

“God, was today such a hectic day,” DeJesus captioned the image.

“I had about a million break downs but I’m glad I was able to spend my 23rd birthday celebrating my daughters baby shower and pulling this off! Thank you for everyone who came out of their way to make it special for me.”

She added:

“I feel so huge and I am so uncomfortable in my skin but that only means that the time is coming! Stella, you will be loved and everybody can’t wait to meet you!

Yes (in case the photo didn’t give it away), DeJesus is having a baby girl that she plans to name Stella.

She didn’t reveal any details with regard to her due date, but based on the pic and the fact that she had her baby shower over the weekend, we can assume she’s about ready to pop.

As for the other big question about her pregnancy, it looks like Briana is taking the Kailyn Lowry route when it comes to her baby daddy:

Just as TM2 fans had to wait months to find out that Chris Lopez got Kailyn pregnant, they’re now being kept in suspense by Briana.

All we know for sure is that it’s not the same guy who fathered Briana’s first child.

We’re guessing she’ll make some sort of reveal on the show this season, but it could be that she’s keeping the dad’s name under wraps because he wants it that way.

Either way, you can watch Teen Mom 2 online to get caught up in time for what promises to be a drama-packed season.


Sunday, May 21, 2017

Amanda Nunes Says GF Will Take Her Last Name When They Marry (VIDEO)

Amanda Nunes says she and her girlfriend have already worked out the name issue when they tie the knot … and the Nunes name won out. Amanda has been dating UFC fighter Nina Ansaroff for a while and they’ve been talking A LOT about marriage lately…


Amanda Nunes Says GF Will Take Her Last Name When They Marry (VIDEO)

Amanda Nunes says she and her girlfriend have already worked out the name issue when they tie the knot … and the Nunes name won out. Amanda has been dating UFC fighter Nina Ansaroff for a while and they’ve been talking A LOT about marriage lately…


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Russell Westbrook"s Baby Born, Gets Baller Name (PHOTO)

Russell Westbrook had a pretty exciting Tuesday — his wife, Nina, gave birth to their son!!!  The NBA star also revealed his kid’s name — Noah Russell Westbrook. Interesting choice considering Russell is technically Russell Westbrook III –…


Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Liam Payne Baby Name: Announced! Frightening!

Liam Payne and Cheryl Cole have made it official:

They had a bear of a time coming up with a name for their brand new baby.

And mean this literally, based on confirmation from the One Direction singer that he and his gorgeous girlfriend have, indeed, decided to call their first child…


Yes, the name of Liam Payne and Cheryl Cole’s son is Bear Payne.

We’re guessing they decided on this moniker after one of the stars said he or she had a pain so terrible that he or she could hardly bear it.

Either that, or Liam and Cheryl are very big fans of Alicia Silverstone and Kate Winslet, both of whom actually also named their children Bear.

The mostly private couple welcomed Bear (LOL!) into the world on March 22, with Cole sharing the following precious photo of daddy and son on her Instagram page soon after.

Wrote Payne upon becoming a first-time father:

“My close friends and family know there are very few times when I’m left speechless… wow!

‘I’m incredibly happy to welcome our new baby boy into the world, it’s a moment that I will never forget for the rest of my life and my favourite memory I have so far.”

Added Payne of Cole:

“I’m completely in awe of his incredible mother and how she has been the whole way through this, she’s really made my dreams come true.”

Payne also said at the time that he and Cole had not come up with a name yet, although the precious bundle of joy was “already capturing hearts including mine. I feel very blessed.”

The Daily Mail first published a report on Tuesday that claimed the artist and the former X-Factor host had decided to go with Bear as the first name for their son.

And then Payne came forward and corroborated this report.

“Liam and Cheryl couldn’t decide on a name for ages and kept toing and froing between options,” wrote the newspaper, adding:

“But they both loved Bear and settled on it a few days ago. Despite the sleepless nights, the couple are completely smitten with little Bear.”

Upon reading this article, TV’s adventurer Bear Grylls tweeted at Liam, writing the following:

“Great choice! Love & blessings to you guys as you start on the greatest adventure… @CherylOfficial @LiamPayne.”


Even better? Payne replied!

“Thanks man hope he grows with an ounce of your courage! Your a boss,” wrote back Liam.

bear tweet

The question now is when Payne and Cole will get married.

Let’s face it: the question now is also this:

Is Bear the most ridiculous name any celebrity has ever given to his or her offspring? Bottom 10? Bottom five?

As you can see below, there are plenty of contenders for this (dis)honor…


Friday, April 28, 2017

Jefferson Starship Guitarist Sues Band Members for Using the Name

The former lead guitarist of Jefferson Starship is furious at other members for jacking the name and tarnishing the rock band’s legacy … according to a new suit. Craig Chaquico claims 2 of this former bandmates and several other…


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: Did She Reveal Her Baby Daddy"s Name on Snapchat?!

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, then you’re likely aware that the show’s fan base is caught up in an ongoing mystery that’s inspired more social media sleuthing and wild theories than the series finale of LOST.

We’re talking, of course, about the speculation surrounding the identity of Kailyn Lowry’s baby daddy.

Throughout her third pregnancy, the usually candid star has been uncharacteristically cagey on the question of who knocked her up.

But as eagle-eyed fans have noted, Lowry has occasionally let her guard down.

Fans are convinced that Chris Lopez got Kailyn pregnant, and while there are many clues to support this theory, the one that’s cited by fans most often involves the manner in which Lowry refers to the bun in her oven.

Kailyn is in the habit of calling her unborn child “Baby Lo,” which many believe is an inside joke referring to the similar letters in Lowry and Lopez’s last names.

Interestingly, Kailyn has yet to refute those rumors, and it seems she’s still fond of that possibly very meaningful nickname:

Lowry posted the above selfie earlier today along with the following caption:

“Happy bump day from Baby Lo & me.”

Yes, Kailyn is still calling her forthcoming bundle of joy Baby Lo.

But there a could be an explanation for it that most of her fans have failed to consider.

Either that, or Kailyn’s team is desperately running interference so that she doesn’t get sued by a guy who clearly doesn’t want his name out there:

“It stands for littlest one,” a source close to Kailyn recently told Radar Online.

We’re gonna go ahead and call BS on that explanation for a number of reasons:

For starters, referring to your youngest kid as “littlest one” sounds like something out of a dusty Victorian novel, not an MTV reality show.

On top of that, if that’s the explanation for the nickname, why wouldn’t Kailyn just come out and say so?

She’s clearly fed up with the rumors, and the “littlest one” clarification would at least put one theory to rest.

We’re thinking that Lowry doesn’t want to confirm that fans got this one right, but doesn’t particularly mind if TM2 obsessives continue linking her to Lopez.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to search for clues of your own.


Thursday, April 20, 2017

Oprah Won"t Say Obama"s Name But Calls Vacay with "Em Day at the Salon (VIDEO + PHOTOS)

Oprah Winfrey loved gabbing with us about her super fab yacht vacay, but took a code of silence when it came to saying 2 names … Barack and Michelle Obama. We got O in D.C. Wednesday night, and asked her about her Tahiti trip with, not only the…


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Donald Trump Doesn"t Mention Tom Brady"s Name at Patriots" White House Visit

Seems Donald Trump isn’t happy with Tom Brady — because he didn’t mention the QB’s name ONCE at the White House ceremony honoring the New England Patriots. Of course, Brady did not attend the ceremony, citing “personal family matters” — shocking…


Jill Duggar: Did She Just Reveal Her Unborn Baby"s Name?

It’s been four months since we first learned that Jill Duggar is pregnant with her second child, and while she’s not quite as tight-lipped about her expanding family as her sister, Jessa Duggar, Jill hasn’t offered fans many updates in recent weeks.

Granted, part of the reason for that is the fact that she and her son and husband are currently back in South America performing missionary work, and Internet connections are reportedly hard to come by in their village.

Even so, it seems that Jill is occasionally able to login and fill fans in on the status of her forthcoming bundle of joy.

Jill posted a lengthy blog post to her family’s official website yesterday, and she ended with a surprising reveal.

She started with the sad news that the grandfather of her husband, Derick Dillard, passed away last week.

Jill thanked fans for their support and explained that while the Dillards are enduring a difficult time, there’s a good deal of joy on the horizon:

“Although the past few days have brought sadness to our hearts, we’ve also had reason to celebrate, since Israel turned 2 years old just a few days ago!” Jill wrote.

She went on to offer fans an insight into her pregnancy as she approaches her third trimester:

“Little ‘Samuelito’ (as the locals call him) sometimes wakes mommy up at night now with his active kicking,” Jill wrote.

“We look forward to returning home soon to prepare for the birth (before we can’t fly anymore!).”

The “Samuelito” tidbit has been interpreted by some fans as Jill’s way of revealing that she’s planning on naming her baby Samuel.

It’s a tad traditional for a Duggar baby name, but it’s in keeping with Jill and Derick’s habit of choosing names that reflect their faith.

Their first child, Israel Dillard, was named in commemoration of of the Christian holy land and the country where Derick perfomed his earliest missionary work.

It may seem like a casual way to make such a big reveal, but Jill isn’t as secretive as other members of her family.

Plus, we suppose when you can only access the Internet once a week, you’re not as selective about what you share online.

Watch Counting On online for more from the Dillard clan.


Thursday, April 13, 2017

Christina El Moussa Warns Beauty Campaign About Peddling Products in Her Name

Christina El Moussa’s pissed her good looks are being used to hawk an anti-aging product — she’s only 33, but she says the real issue is she never endorsed it … so now she’s threatening to sue. Christina’s name popped up in an online campaign…
