Showing posts with label Nicole. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nicole. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Nicole Curtis Has THIS Important Message for Haters

Nicole Curtis is known on HGTV as the Rehab Addict.

But she also is known as a magnet controversy, especially when it comes to her children.

The home renovation expert has two kids, a son named Ethan from her relationship Steve Lane and another son (named Harper) from relationship with Shane Maguire.

In April of this year, Maguire filed his sixth motion against Curtis, alleging she’s been preventing him from seeing Harper.

This charge came just a few months removed from allegations that Curtis actually broke into Maguire’s home last summer and tried to steal Harper away.

Fast forward about a year from that ugly incident and Curtis acknowledges that things have been rough of late.

“I can’t say that my life is where I thought it would be,” she wrote on Instagram last week.

But she included those words as part of caption to a photograph that features her and her grandfather, adding immediately afterward:

“[I’m] so blessed and quite content…who wouldn’t be -2 beautiful children, 2 dogs, 92 yr old Gramps and love all around.”

A few days later, Curtis went into far more detail about her struggles.

She wrote that life as a woman in the real estate and construction business is no big deal; it’s a “piece of cake.”

But life as a woman in general? As a single mother especially? Well…

“Did my great-grandmother ever think we’d be in a position having to fight for our rights as mothers ? Our world is turning backwards,” she wrote on Instagram.

Curtis proceeded to elaborate on her specific obstacles, particularly what she has gone through while battling for custody of her two-year old.

“Ask me about the struggle of having my breasts discussed in an open court room, my child’s name sold to tabloids, being court ordered to pump rather than feed my baby the only way he knows how …

“… only to be ridiculed when I cry that I can’t produce enough milk with a pump, the humiliation of sitting in front of a stranger while topless hooked up to a breatpump so they could document that yes, indeed my body doesn’t produce enough milk by pumping…

“… then the humiliation of having to put that document on public record and sit in a court room of strangers all privy to an open discussion about my body – and the worst part of all this ? I’m not the only one.”

The HGTV personality, who is currently filming Season 8 of Rehab Addict, says she never intended her personal story to go public.

She wanted to have all court records sealed, but “was laughed at.”

So now that everyone knows abouther issues?

“I’m berated for speaking out —#WomensEqualityDay we have a long way to go -sadly, I thought we were actually getting somewhere before I experienced this firsthand…

“We shouldn’t have to #normalizebreastfeeding defend #attachedparenting preach #infantmentalhealth.

“Nothing is more natural than an infant’s attachment to their mother —and before we all assume that all the parties involved stripping mothers of their right to breastfeed are men—think again.”

Pretty harsh words from Nicole Curtis, huh?

We aren’t about to pass judgment, not being fully privy to all she’s gone through.

So we’ll just leave this right here and let readers form their own opinions.


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Michael Phelps and Nicole Johnson: Expecting Baby #2!

Olympic legend Michael Phelps and his wife Nicole are expecting their second child, the duo announced in dueling social media posts.

Phelps and the former Nicole Johnson are already parents to a little boy named Boomer … who seems pretty hyped to be a big brother!

The greatest swimmer ever wrote, alongside the photo above: “Number 2 on the way!!!! So excited!! Wonder if it’s a boy or a girl??”

We too wonder this, but there’s no debating that Boomer is about as precious as it gets as he holds his mom’s pregnancy test.

(Which we presume is positive, hence the post.)

Added Nicole in her own Instagram post featuring the same photo of herself and her son, “Lil mans going to be a Big Brother!!!”

The couple met in 2007, started dating in 2009 and temporarily broke up prior to the 2012 Summer Olympics before reuniting in 2014.

Michael’s been with her through a lot of ups and downs in life, but never has he seemed happier than right here, right now.

Not to be left out, Boomer, 15 months, says he’s looking forward to big brotherhood as well, according to his personal Instagram.

“So excited to see what mama is having!! Do I get to have a brother or a sister?!?” Phelps and Johnson’s son “wrote” earlier.

Nicole and Michael welcomed Boomer in May 2016, just months before he capped off his historic Olympic career in Rio that summer.

They also got married last year – two times!

Michael and Nicole, both 32, tied the knot in June and then wed again in late October during a larger event in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.

Clearly, parenthood suits them, as he said earlier this year they were already thinking about number two in terms of when, not it.

“Nicole has recently brought up that she would like a girl!” Phelps told People. “We definitely want more kids, it just depends on when.”

“I’m sure I’m getting pressure.”

Hey, at least she knows the swimmer’s boys can … sorry, that’s not even that funny at the end of the day, but we couldn’t resist.

Phelps said Nicole’s pregnancy with Boomer wasn’t planned, but this time around revealed, “[We’re] trying to get moving on some things!”

“We are so fortunate to have a healthy and happy baby and hopefully more coming soon, but we don’t know when,” Michael added.

“We’re going through life everyday happy and blessed with what we have. But I hope to have more kids in the future,” he said.

Now in retirement, the winner of an eye-popping 23 Olympic medals from 2004, 2008, 2012 and 2016 combined is quite content.

He may miss the competition sometimes, but having devoted his whole life to the sport, extra time at home with the kid is great as well.

So many milestones, every day.

“I think that is the coolest thing, watching him grow,” he said of his adorable young son. “Just watching him figure out new things.”

Congrats to the whole family!


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Nicole Scherzinger Flexible When It Comes To Vacation With Tennis Pro Boyfriend

Nicole Scherzinger and her Bulgarian pro tennis player boyfriend, Grigor Dimitrov, are far from splitting up, but that doesn’t mean they can’t pull off the splits. The former Pussycat Doll pulled out some of her old tricks while lounging around…


Monday, June 26, 2017

Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban Celebrate Their 11th Anniversary!

Hollywood marriages aren’t always built to last.

For a whole host of reasons, from busy schedules to way too many resources to certain temperaments to looks and wealth and rumors … celebrity relationships tend to crumble before our eyes.

So it makes sense that when you last a long time, you want to show it off. Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban are doing just that with a series of adorable selfies — because they’re celebrating their 11th anniversary.

To be clear, 11 years is a long time to stay together for a regular, run-of-the-mill, non-celebrity married couple.

In Hollywood years, it’s like these two have been married for the better part of a century.

But somehow Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban (the one who isn’t Nicole Kidman) have managed it.

And they’ve done so despite major disagreements about where to live. That takes work.

Then there’s the baggage that they have.

We don’t just mean regular relationship baggage or fame baggage.

We don’t even mean the fact that the Oscar-winning actress and the Crunchy … sorry, Country music singer come from different worlds.

(Like, Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani are closer than ever and they also come from different worlds)

Nicole Kidman also had a famous relationship with Tom Cruise.

The rest of her life is haunted by the specter of Scientology.

She doesn’t speak about the Church, but we all know how this works.

The kids that she and Tom adopted together are still Scientologists.

They’re adults, but were Nicole to ever speak ill of the Church or very likely of Tom, she’d be declared a Suppressive Person, and she’d never get to see them.

It can be a strain to be interviewed constantly and have to give a tight-lipped smile when people ask about a subject that makes you want to scream.

And that tension from walking a verbal tightrope can impact both members of a couple.

But it looks like they’re not letting it touch them.

Also, though they’re both celebrities, there’s something of a fame disparity between the two.

Because Nicole Kidman isn’t a niche celebrity. She’s, you know, world-famous as an actress.

Toby Keith sometimes gets confused with another Country singer by people who aren’t in that particular music fandom.

Remember, Keith Urban is the one married to Nicole Kidman.

Toby Keith is the one who played for an all-male audience in Saudi Arabia.

(Toby Keith Urban is their fused state, and can fly, but they only combine in real emergencies)

But Keith and Nicole look happy and also way younger than they actually are.

Because Nicole is 50 and Keith is 49.

Does time mean nothing to these two?

Yeah, these two are really adorable.

Some other couples have lasted for a really long time, but in a world where Brangelina is divorcing, staying married means really beating the odds.

(Though rumor has it that Brad Pitt is hoping to win back Angelina Jolie, so … we’ll see how that goes)

Yeah, these are really adorable.

Also, who says that old people can’t be cute, you know?

And, not for nothing, but this is such a level-headed, grounded way of celebrating an anniversary.

As far as we know, they didn’t swim around in a champagne pool or do any other ridiculous rich people stuff.

When you’re together for over a decade, sometimes happiness with your partnership is just enough, you know?

You don’t need all of the rest.


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban: What Prompted Their Biggest Fight EVER?

Nicole Kidman is an extraordinary actress and almost aggressively inoffensive.

Keith Urban is a man whose last name is at total odds with his brand.

Together, they make a sort of unexpected but usually pleasant couple.

At least, they used to, because it sounds like they just cannot reach an agreement.

According to Life & Style, Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban are fighting over where to live and raise their daughters, ages 6 and 8.

And, honestly, that’s such a mundane, normal total disagreement for a couple to have.

The specifics are a little off. See, as easy as it might be to forget, Nicole is an Aussie.

“Nicole wants to move back to Australia so they can raise their children among family, but Keith is opposed to leaving Nashville because his career is there,” says an insider.

Keith Urban, who we’re almost positive is a different person from Toby Keith, is also from Down Under — but likes living in Nashville. 

“Keith tours at casinos and state fairs, and he performs at award shows, so he wants to stay in the States,” the insider shares. And, you know, that makes sense.

Apparently, this is testing the limits of their relationship.

“They’ve been having this argument for almost two years now. It’s taking a toll on the relationship.”

We love Nicole Kidman, but her belief that the girls would be better off growing up in Earth’s Florida has us scratching our heads.

There’s the infamous wildlife. Wasn’t there just recently an article about a man who was bitten by a spider while visiting family and lost two limbs because of it?

Forgetting saltwater crocodiles and shark attacks and venomous snakes and rule-breaking spiders that dare to be both huge and venomous, there’s magpie season, when every day is Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds and the people of Oz just sort of … accept it.

Speaking of seasons, Australia is also an overheated hellscape where “fire season” is a thing. 

Even if you take out all of the dangers and discomforts — because hey, every country has their shares of those — Australians, more than any other English-speakers, have a knack for throwing out perfectly good words and replacing them with ridiculous ones.

So if you don’t want to slip on your tracky-dacks, head over to Maccas, and accuse someone of coming the raw prawn with you — which is not a sex position, we checked — then Australia may not be the place for you.

And probably not for your kids, either.

Which is not to say that we’re taking Keith Urban’s side. Nashville might have a television show named after it, but it’s not necessarily paradise.

It’s in Tennessee. We’ve been there a few times, and those times were enough. There are some lovely people, sure, but Tennessee is the answer to the age-old question: “What if North Carolina, but without beaches or swing state status or multiple world-class universities?”

But, you know, more country music.

Maybe Nicole Kidman likes country music so much that she married it, but we can see how living in Nashville might get old after a while. We can also see how she’d want her children to grow up in a different culture.

Come to think of it, maybe Nicole Kidman’s only feeling homesick for Australia because she’s not experiencing what the US has to offer. She’s wealthy and famous and could live anywhere.

Whatever they decide, Nicole’s no stranger to relationship issues.

Remember, she was married to Tom Cruise for a long while there. They adopted two kids together.

And, of course, it’s pretty clear that her relationship with those children is why she doesn’t openly criticize Tom or the Church of Scientology. If she were declared a Suppressive Person, she’d lose contact with her kids — who are still members of the Church.

That whole mess must make having a contentious fight with Keith seem mild in comparison, right?

Let’s not forget that she could have had a relationship with Jimmy Fallon. In another world, right?


Nicole Murphy Thinks Trump"s Beheaded Pic is "Funny" and He Deserves It (VIDEO)

Nicole Murphy got a big laugh at Kathy Griffin’s pic holding a bloody, beheaded image of President Trump … and she even thinks he was asking for it. We got Nicole at LAX Tuesday and she was quick to say Trump “set the bar” for Griffin’s photo…


Nicole Murphy Thinks Trump"s Beheaded Pic is "Funny" and He Deserves It (VIDEO)

Nicole Murphy got a big laugh at Kathy Griffin’s pic holding a bloody, beheaded image of President Trump … and she even thinks he was asking for it. We got Nicole at LAX Tuesday and she was quick to say Trump “set the bar” for Griffin’s photo…


Thursday, March 30, 2017

"Married to Medicine" Star Lisa Nicole Cloud Quitting Show, Happy National Doctors" Day! (VIDEO)

Lisa Nicole Cloud’s got a strange way of celebrating National Doctors’ Day — she’s done with docs, on TV, anyway. The “Married to Medicine” star told us she and her husband, Dr. Darren Naugles, are leaving the Bravo series. Lisa says she’s…


Friday, March 24, 2017

Nicole Curtis: Sued by Entire City of Minneapolis!

Nicole Curtis has come under fire.

And not just for the dumb name of her HGTV series this time.

Instead, the city of Minneapolis has sued Curtis’ company (Detroit Renovations), claiming the Rehab Addict host failed to renovate a dilapidated home her firm bought from the city in 2013 …

… for just $ 2.

According to legal documented obtained by Consumerist, the HGTV star and her company failed to adhere to the terms of a contract they entered into with Minneapolis.

This contract called for Curtis to fix-up a property in North Minneapolis, while also completing a list of basic improvements within 365 days.

The lawsuit was filed in January, but only just made public this week.

It states that Detroit Renovations “failed to substantially complete the Minimum Improvements on the Property.”

It also claims the company hasn’t paid property taxes or maintained insurance on the residence.

The city claims a breach of contract has been made and asks the court to take the property away from Curtis.

On Rehab Addict, Curtis and her team renovate historic houses around Michigan and Minnesota.

It debuted on HGTV in October of 2010.

The Minneapolis Star Tribune reports that Curtis’ attorneys responded in court filings that the small screen personality admits the residence in question has not been renovated.

However, that the company “was prevented and/or delayed from completing performance (of the contract’s terms) due to the acts of Plaintiff and the acts of third parties.”

As for how city officials even learned about the state of the property?

The Tribute states they received numerous complaints from neighbors about unsafe conditions.

Curtis isn’t keeping quiet about this controversy.

She responded to the lawsuit on social media, saying on Instagram that she’s told her employees to “to ignore the negativity.”

She added:

“The only way I’ve gotten this far is by staying on my path and remembering that those that have the time to disband such hate on others …well, let’s just say happy, successful people don’t do that.”

Curtis went on to slam her critics as “energy suckers,” while referring to herself as an “energy giver.”

Among other reactions she’s shared on social media…

Curtis Tweets

Curtis is a mother of two.

She embroiled in a child custody battle with the father of her 20-month-old son, Harper.

And she’s only the latest HGTV personality to get caught up in a headline-making scandal.

We all know about Christina and Tarek El Moussa at this point, right?

The hosts of Flip or Flop are getting a divorce, following a violent confrontation last spring, and are in the news these days more often for updates on their relationship status than for anything having to do with buying and fixing up homes.

Chip and Joanna Gaines, meanwhile, comprise the beloved couple at the center of Fixer Upper.

They reside in Texas and were dragged into a story late last year that centered around the pastor at a church they frequent, with a Buzzfeed reporter wondering about Chip and Joanna’s views on gay people in light of some of that pastor’s comments.

Chip called for general “respect” during this scandal, which appears to have at least blown over for the stars.

Unlike the El Moussas and Curtis (allegedly!), they didn’t actually take any kind of inappropriate actions to earn the scorn of long-time fans and viewers.

Will this lawsuit threaten the future of Rehab Addict on HGTV? Only time, folks, will tell.

Only time.


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Conrad Murray Enjoys Trinidad Carnival Festivities with GF Nicole Alvarez (PHOTO)

Conrad Murray — Michael Jackson’s former doctor who went to prison for his death — is now enjoying the finer things in life … like dancing with his hot girlfriend at Carnival. Conrad was raised in Trinidad so he’s reveled in the festivities…


Conrad Murray Enjoys Trinidad Carnival Festivities with GF Nicole Alvarez (PHOTO)

Conrad Murray — Michael Jackson’s former doctor who went to prison for his death — is now enjoying the finer things in life … like dancing with his hot girlfriend at Carnival. Conrad was raised in Trinidad so he’s reveled in the festivities…


Monday, February 6, 2017

Nicole Murphy: I"m Not Banging Odell Beckham ... "I Have Kids Older Than Him"

Nicole Murphy is adamant rumors she played bump and run with Odell Beckham during Super Bowl weekend are 100% FALSE … saying she’s “never even met” the Giants superstar. There are reports the two were spotted this week at a Migos party in Houston…


Nicole Murphy: I"m Not Banging Odell Beckham ... "I Have Kids Older Than Him"

Nicole Murphy is adamant rumors she played bump and run with Odell Beckham during Super Bowl weekend are 100% FALSE … saying she’s “never even met” the Giants superstar. There are reports the two were spotted this week at a Migos party in Houston…


Friday, January 13, 2017

Nicole Arbour Slams Scheana Shay: She"s SO Mean!

Between Donald Trump and Nicole Arbour, 2017 is looking to be huuuuuge for terrible blondes who have made careers out of talking sh-t.

If you’re not familiar with Arbour, you’ve enjoyed a blessed existence, and you should read no further, so that you might live the rest of your days unsullied by the knowledge of this angry comments section come to life.

If you are familiar with Arbour, then we don’t have to tell you she’s the absolute worst.

Arbour became “famous” for her noxious screed of a YouTube video, “Dear Fat People” back in 2015.

Like Martin Shkreli and countless toddlers before her, Arbour can’t distinguish between positive and negative attention, so she fed off the Internet’s contempt and stuck around well beyond her allotted 15 minutes.

So why are we talking about the Carlos Mencia of social media this week?

Well, like a parasite attached to a host, Arbour has managed to remain relevant by sinking her teeth into a slightly better-known Z-lister, former Vanderpump Rules star Mike Shay.

If you’re a fan of the the show, you know that Mike was married to Scheana Marie for about four seconds (or 18 months, whatever).

Mike and Scheana broke up recently, and portions of the drama will reportedly be featured in the latter half of Vanderpump‘s current season.

These days, Mike is in a hip hop group with Arbour called Dat Dope Group, because apparently Nicole is capable of being funny, but only when it’s unintentional. 

Because dat group has a total of 96 Twitter followers, which is decidedly un-dope, Nicole is drumming up publicity the best way she knows how – by being horrendous!

According to Arbour, Scheana basically sabotaged her marriage for the sake of Vanderpump‘s ratings, which seems like a pretty hefty price to pay for a storyline that the show rarely focuses on.

“Scheana and Shay were told if they didn’t cause more drama that she would be fired because she wasn’t interesting enough,” Arbour recently told Radar Online.

“They needed more drama from her. And that’s what started causing so many problems in their marriage.

“Mike wasn’t into it and Scheana was like, ‘Well, this is my job and you have to support me and cause more drama with me.’”

She added:

“He always spoke so highly of her, like, ‘I love my wife. My wife is amazing. I love her so much.’ But none of us ever saw that. We never saw them being in love.

Arbour went on to reiterate that she believes Scheana was lying when she claimed that Mike went missing and appeared to relapse back in November:

“One time he accidentally locked himself out of the studio and he wasn’t actually missing,” she said.

“He locked himself out and had to walk home. He was missing for a couple of hours because he didn’t call her back.”

Since Scheana has yet to take the bait and feed Arbour the troll pellets that she needs to survive, Nicole decided to go all-in by slamming the entire Vanderpump cast:

“It’s sad that this is what these people have to do,” she said.

“They have to make up lies and try to run with them so they have a career next year because they’re desperate for storylines.”

We never saw it that way, but Arbour is something of an authority on resorting to sad, desperate measures to guard her precious nugget of fame like some sort of angry blonde Gollum, so maybe she knows what she’s talking about. 


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Michael Phelps & Nicole Johnson Celebrate Wedding With New Year"s Bash!

Back in June, Michael Phelps married Nicole Johnson in a small, private ceremony in Arizona.

Phelps and Johnson had recently welcomed their first son, and they were eager to tie the knot, but sought to keep the news under wraps, so as to not distract from his preparation for the Rio Olympics.

Now, Phelps has retired as the most decorated Olympian of all time, which means he’s finally free to party like all the non-superhumans he shares a planet with.

Phelps and Johnson celebrated their marriage in style on New Year’s Eve, with a huge party for their families, as well as for the many friends who weren’t able to attend the previous, more low-key reception.

Celebrity-ish guests in attendance included Olympic swimmers Allison Schmitt and Elizabeth Beisel, as well as Johnson’s makeup artist, Lisa G.

“I am headed over to get Nicole, her mom and besties makeup ready for the evening!!” Lisa wrote on Instagram before the party.

“I can’t wait for all of the festivities and to dance the night away!!”

Phelps and Johnson had a second ceremony back in October, and now they’ve celebrated their love once again with a Gatsby-themed soiree that would put Fitzgerald to shame.

We guess when you’re one of the most celebrated athletes in American history, your have your wedding last all year and no one will complain.

As for why the couple decided to get hitched in June rather than just waiting until after the Rio games, Phelps says they were motivated by logistics:

“Simple reason,” Phelps recently told Sports Illustrated.

“Boomer’s last name was Phelps and Nicole’s was Johnson, and that was going to make overseas travel more difficult.”

He added:

“We were getting married anyway, so we just did it.”

Phelps has said little about how he plans to spend his retirement, but it seems like he’ll be focusing on family life and shooting Intel commercials with Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory.

Hey, with everything he’s accomplished, the guy could spend the rest of his life in a recliner and still get mobbed for autographs when he leaves the house to stock up on Hot Pockets and Miller High Life.

He may never return to the pool for competition, but at least swim fans can look forward to the Olympic debut of Lil Boomer.


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Nicole Kidman & Keith Urban"s Blue, UV Safe Christmas (PHOTO GALLERY)

Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban might have a white Christmas, but it damn sure won’t be sunburned. Nicole and her country star hubby are down in Sydney (where it’s summer) for the holidays, and on Monday they hit the beach. Keith was shirtless…


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Nicole Arbour: Alan Thicke Was an Ass-Grabbing Perv!

Last night, the world received news that beloved sitcom star Alan Thicke had passed away after suffering a heart attack while playing  ice hockey with his son.

Millions have mourned Thicke on social media, many of them celebrities who knew the actor personally and shared firsthand of accounts of his warmth and generosity.

Nicole Arbour was not one of those celebrities.

You might remember Arbour from her vile attempt at viral fame, “Dear Fat People“, which earned her the title of “deplorable” months before racists in red baseball caps brought the word back into fashion.

Arbour has spent the past year doing everything in her power to claw her way up from Z-list obscurity, including trash-talking actual celebrities and forming unintentionally hilarious hip hop groups with obscure reality stars.

She’s never one to let a trending hashtag slip through her fingers, so it’s not surprising that she tweeted about the passing of Alan Thicke.

What is surprising is the alleged nature of her sole encounter with Thicke:

Nicole Arbour Tweet

This morning, Arbour tweeted and deleted the above allegation that Thicke sexually harassed while she was working as a model.

Obviously, this is a complex issue.

Matters of sexual assault and harassment should always be brought to light, but maybe leveling an accusation via hashtag less than 24 hours after the alleged perpetrator’s death isn’t the best way to handle the situation?

Of course, Arbour’s ongoing attempts to make a career out of online trolling and harassment likely won’t help her case in the court of public opinion.

But should the timing of the tweet and Arbour’s past have any impact on her right to share her experience? 

Absolutely not.

But that doesn’t mean that you’re victim-shaming if Arbour’s need to hashtag Thicke’s name and level the charge while he’s still a trending topic leaves a bit of a bad taste in your mouth.

Given her well-established desire for online fame, it’s likely that many will question Arbour’s motives in going public with allegations against Thicke.

We’d like to caution against that, as it’s an extremely slippery slope that leads to the sort of disgusting incentive-questioning we saw in the cases of Bill Cosby and Donald Trump.


Instead, we prefer to think that Arbour quickly realized there was something vaguely skeevy about the tweet, hence why she quickly deleted it.

Again, it’s her right to  state her case however she sees fit.

But we can’t help but think there are better ways for Arbour to make her accusation.


Friday, December 2, 2016

Sam Smith -- "Memba Me? I"m Alive, Chilling with Nicole Scherzinger (PHOTO)

Sam Smith damn near fell off the face of the planet this year — but resurfaced in London Thursday night with some hot arm candy, Nicole Scherzinger. The two hit up the Toy Room nightclub … which wouldn’t be a big deal, except for the…


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Deena Nicole Cortese & Christopher Buckner: Engaged!

Deena Nicole Cortese has officially grown up. 

The 29-year-old Jersey Shore star has announced that she and her long-time boyfriend, Christopher Buckner are engaged

The couple were vacationing in Riviera Maya, Mexico, when Buckner decided that the time was right and asked his little guidette to be his one and only. 

In true reality TV star fashion, Deena took to Instagram to show off her bling and say some loving words about her husband-to-be. 

Granted, the ring looks like a huge rock. 

Anyone would want to show that off. 

Have a look below at her posts:

“I always knew I would spend the rest of my life with Christopher,” Cortese captioned.

It sure sounds like Couples Therapy worked a treat for them.

Deena seemed to think the first picture didn’t show enough of the ring, so she shared a second image with an even bigger caption.

Surprisingly, she was right. 

“I felt like the other pictures didn’t show how beautiful the ring was.. The pic on the left was me a little after he proposed after I was finished happy sobbing lol Christopher did such an amazing job picking me out the perfect ring .. It fits my little hand perfectly .. This still all doesn’t feel real!!! I love you @cbuckner_ this weekend has been so amazing so far”

If you watch Jersey Shore online, you are probably shocked at the prospect of Deena settling down.

Joining the MTV hit for Season 3 as Snooki’s best friend, Deena quickly made her mark on the show and won over a legion of fans who quickly warmed up to her. 

She had a charming personality and managed to be funny without forcing the jokes. 

She really was a blast in a glass. 

In her first episode, she accidentally took her underwear off in from of a very shocked Mike ‘The Situation’ Sorrentino. It made for hilarious TV, but she changed a lot in the final season of the show. 

In subsequent seasons, her drunken behavior reached crazy heights and it even resulted in her being arrested for being drunk in public. 

She definitely followed in the footsteps of Snooki by being arrested. 

This was around the time Sammie Giancola and Ronnie Magro were looking out for her. 

Yes, the pair were actually getting along swimmingly in later seasons. 

It was clear she knew the show was coming to a close and tried her best to change the way she carried herself on the show. 

The show ultimately came to an end when it became apparent that most of the core cast were growing up and getting ready for a life away from the shore. 

What do you think about the engagement?

Sound off below!


Friday, November 18, 2016

Nicole Kidman to Jimmy Fallon: You Blew It With Me!

Jimmy Fallon is not exactly known for hard-hitting interviews.

See Trump, Donald.

But the tables were turned a bit on The Tonight Show host this week when Nicole Kidman sat down for a follow-up interview to her memorable Q&A from January of last year.

In that initial appearance, Kidman needled Fallon about being a terrible date, thinking back to a very long time ago in which they actually went out, but Fallon barely talked and even put on a video game at one point.

"After about an hour and a half, I thought, ‘He has no interest, this is so embarrassing and then I was like, ‘Maybe he’s gay,"" Kidman said at the time.

Fast forward nearly two years later to Thursday evening and Kidman only half-joked on set that she was hesitant to return as a guest after the way the previous interview had gone.

She then reminded the host that their date wasn’t even the only time he blew her off.

“You had a chance to ask for my number a second time and you didn’t,” she said.

Wait… what? Fallon said he didn"t recall this situation.

So Kidman went on to set the scene at David Fincher"s house back in the day, explaining who else was there and how she thought Fallon would ask for her number again and…

.. nope, nothing. Fallon was clueless.

"That’s even more offensive that you don’t remember,” the Oscar winner said. “You’re kidding, aren’t you? Do not pretend!”

Watch their full, very awkward and very funny exchange below:

Nicole kidman to jimmy fallon you blew it with me