Showing posts with label Once. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Once. Show all posts

Monday, November 27, 2017

"Once Upon A Time" Star Could Make $300k in First Season

“Once Upon A Time” star Alison Fernandez’s paycheck is a fantasy for most twice her age, because at 12 she’s already in line to bank more than $ 300k a season. According to her minor’s contract Alison’s making $ 14k an episode her first season…


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Bill Murray Proves Once Again Why He"s the Best

Bill Murray enjoyed himself quite the Wednesday night.

The beloved actor attended Game Four of the National League Championship Series, watching his Chicago Cubs earn their first victory of this playoff round by a tight score of 3-2.

But that wasn"t all.

He also helped met a married couple named Robbie and Kirsten Schloss and helped them make an announcement of a lifetime:

They"re expecting a baby!

“Hey, I got news for you. You’re gonna be grandparents,” Murray says in the clip below.

Adds an excited Robbie: “We’re having a baby!”

Robbie, who will become a first-time father in April, expounded on what happened in a post published to the Love What Matters Facebook page.

“We talked casually during the game and he playfully switched glasses with Kirsten for a minute since his shades make the entire stadium turn blue,” he wrote.

“After the Cubs win, I told Bill I needed him to make our pregnancy announcement.

"Kirsten struggled with fertility so we decided not to make it public at first but this was too fun to pass up."

This has sort of become Murray"s thing.

As you can see below, he once photobombed a couple"s engagement photo shoot:

And we"ll never forget when he also crashed a bachelor party, actually giving a heartfelt and hilarious toast in the process.

Seriously, remember the following video?

There was also the time he went viral for dancing to Turn Down for What.

Bill Murray is the greatest, that"s all we"re saying.

Check out his pregnancy announcement now:

Bill murray helps cubs fans announce pregnancy watch cheer

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Dominique Wilkins Once Beat the Hell Outta NCAA Bribery Suspect

One of the men arrested in the FBI’s NCAA hoops sting has been hit with charges before — after getting hit by Dominique Wilkins … and TMZ Sports has the face-busting footage.  Turns out, Rashan Michel — a high-end suit maker — has been on…


Dominique Wilkins Once Beat the Hell Outta NCAA Bribery Suspect

One of the men arrested in the FBI’s NCAA hoops sting has been hit with charges before — after getting hit by Dominique Wilkins … and TMZ Sports has the face-busting footage.  Turns out, Rashan Michel — a high-end suit maker — has been on…


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

"Blacks for Trump" Guy an Ex-Cult Member, Once Charged for Conspiring in Murders

The guy with the “Blacks for Trump 2020” sign at the President’s Phoenix rally is an ex-cult member … who was once charged with conspiring in 2 murders. Michael Symonette was once a member of the Yahweh ben Yahweh cult, led by…


Friday, June 23, 2017

Johnny Depp Once Booted from White House Reception for Showing "Disrespect"

Johnny Depp’s disdain for the White House runs deep … so deep he was once corralled by Secret Service agents who refused to let him shake the President’s hand. Depp, who’s taking heat for his Trump assassination crack, was at 1600 Pennsylvania…


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Congress Baseball Shooter James T. Hodgkinson Once Arrested for Battery

James T. Hodgkinson had a violent history involving guns long before he opened fire on the congressional baseball practice. According to police records … Hodgkinson was busted in 2006 for allegedly punching his daughter’s 20-year-old female…


Monday, June 12, 2017

Sean Avery Street Fight Video Surfaces, Ex-NHL Star Fought 2 Guys at Once

Ex-NHL tough guy Sean Avery didn’t just fight on the ice — he fought in the middle of an NYC street back in 2013 … and TMZ Sports has found the video. We know … it’s old. But it’s kind of awesome. We’ve confirmed the 37-year-old former New…


Monday, June 5, 2017

Rob Kardashian Once Boned Kim Kardashian Lookalike Contest Winner Apparently: WATCH!

Rob Kardashian came over to visit Khloe on last night"s Keeping Up With The Kardashians, and things took a weird turn.

This is GROSS, even for the Kardashians.

Okay, so Rob"s visiting Khloe — he used to live with her, if you remember — and she"s laying in bed, and Rob comes up and lays down beside her.

Normal sibling stuff, right?

Not for long.

Rob then lays down like he"s trying to spoon with Khloe, which is … not how adult siblings cuddle unless they"re very specific characters from Game of Thrones.

After that he checks her for a fever, probably because she"s a bit of a drama queen and didn"t think to attribute her warmth to, say, the fact that she lives in Southern California and, not to stereotype, but almost certainly keeps her house undercooled and overheated throughout the year.

That"s just how they do things in Southern California.

Because they"re all lizard people who get cold when it"s below 70 degrees. Anyway

Then, somehow, checking her fever transitions into caressing her face.

That"s barely even a normal thing for lovers to do.

Usually when you see it on television, it"s a melodramatic supervillain caressing the face of his hostage and they"re doing it to make the audience super uncomfortable.

Spoiler alert but audiences get even more uncomfortable when they see real life siblings doing this on reality television.

Honestly what the hell.

Khloe just laughs it off while the audience cringes.

This is somewhere where things get worse.

Khloe, for obvious reasons, is clearly reminded of other gross and borderline-incestuous things that Rob has done.

So she just comes out and asks him: "Do you remember when you f—ed the girl who won the Kim Kardashian lookalike contest?"

That is so GROSS.

Like, no offense to Kim, who"s beautiful and many people doubtless want to hit that, Rob is her brother.

He shouldn"t be banging girls who even just happen to look like his sister, let alone one who looked so much like Kim that she won a freaking contest.

Rob pivots to what sounds like a random sexual encounter with a fan, though we"re not sure because the details that he gleefully shares are so unnecessary that it"s difficult to make sense of anything else.

"I thought you were talking about the girl that pulled up to your house and she was like, butt-naked, and then I went upstairs and had sex with her and she period-ed all over the bed … and we were completely fine with it and then she just left after."

Period-ed isn"t a word.

Also he"s just ruined The Shining for us.

Even Khloe is eyeing him askance at all of this. The poor thing even knows that story already.

But don"t think that Khloe"s the voice of reason in the room.

Or the bed.

Because she then poses a question to Rob:

"Why didn"t you ever sleep with someone who won a Khloe Kardashian lookalike contest?"

We know that she"s just playing off of his weirdness but this is too much.


Rob kardashian once boned kim kardashian lookalike contest winne

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Manchester Attack: Once Upon a Time Cast Pays Tribute to Georgina Callander

With news continuing to leak out concerning the Manchester terrorist attack on Monday night at an Ariana Grande concert, we’ve come across the following unique piece of information:

One of the 22 victims who died in a bomb set off by Salman Abedi had recently met members of the Once Upon a Time cast.

Georgina Callander, 18, was identified earlier on Tuesday as an attendee at the aforementioned Grande concert.

Around 10:30 p.m., just after Grande has finished her set and fans were making their way to the exists, Abedi blew himself and nearly two dozen others up via what authorities have described as a “nail bomb.”

Callander was one of the fatalities.

We learned afterward that she had met Grande two years ago, Tweeting a photo of herself and the singer (below) in anticipation of seeing Ariana perform in Manchester on Monday evening.

Now, she’s dead.

Callander, meanwhile, also spent time with a number of Once Upon a Time stars at a fan convention just a few weeks ago.

Once these actors and actresses learned of this connection, they took to social media to express their show and sorrow.

“RIP @emiliesatwell remember meeting her last month. Beautiful, sweet girl,” wrote Emilie de Ravin on Twitter, adding:

“She gave me the most lovely letter…at a loss 4 words #Manchester.”

The former Lost actress also wrote the following on Instagram:

 “RIP Georgina you beautiful soul…words can’t express my anger and sadness towards the people involved in planning and carrying out the attack last night in #Manchester.”

Concluded de Ravin:

“My love and courage goes out to Georgina’s family and friends and to all the families and friends of the victims last night. Praying for eternal peace for Georgina and all involved.”

Rebecca Mader, who also appeared on Lost with de Ravin, Tweeted the following photo of herself and Callander and sent along her condolences as well:

“I am heartbroken to wake up to learn Georgina was taken from us in Manchester. R.I.P Georgina. You were such a special girl. I’ll miss you.”

And then there was Lana Parilla, who also met Callander.

A photo of the veteran actress and the late teenager is below, while Parilla wrote on social media:

“We lost a ONCE fan, @emiliesatwell , in the #manchesterexplosion last night. Devestating. RIP sweet Georgina.” 

ISIS has claimed responsibility for this heinous act of violence, as British authorities continue to delve deeply into what transpired and who, specifically, was behind it.

Earlier today, an unnamed 23-year old has been arrested in conjunction with the horrible crime.

Along with these Once Upon a Time stars, numerous celebrities in Hollywood and members of the Royal Family have spoken out on the bombing.

Karen David, another series cast member who met Callander, penned this tribute on Instagead:

“I’m deeply saddened to hear that this sweet, and beautiful lady, Georgina, who I had the pleasure of meeting and talking to for awhile, only a couple of weeks ago at #SBUK3 was one of the innocent victims in tonight’s atrocity in Manchester.

“It’s not fair, it’s not right. It makes me so angry and it breaks my heart that such a young and promising life has been stolen away! But I refuse to give in to hatred.

I continue to choose love. I continue to choose unity because when we join together, we are strong! We will not be afraid. Dearest Georgina, may your kind soul rest in peace.

“Heaven has gained an angel… My thoughts and prayers are with you, your family, and your friends.”

david and callandar

Added Colin O’Donoghue, who plays Hook on Once Upon a Time:

“Saddened to hear about the death of Oncer @emiliesatwell last night!! No words! #thoughtswithmanchester.”

A GoFundMe page has been set up in tribute to Callandar and to help her family deal with this unimaginable loss.

Donate to it HERE and join us in sending your heartfelt condolences to the Callandar family.


Monday, May 8, 2017

Once Upon a Time Stunner: Who"s Out?

There is one episode remaining on Once Upon a Time season 6.

And, on a related note, there is also just one episode remaining for Jennifer Morrison as a lead character on Once Upon a Time.

The actress has announced she’s leaving the show.

Now, one important caveat to keep in mind is this:

ABC is yet to renew Once Upon a Time beyond this season.

Many fans have anticipated for many weeks now that Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 21 (titled “The Final Battle”) will mark the conclusion of the beloved drama.

And now we have an even stronger reason to believe this will be the case. 

Still, long-time followers of the program are reacting with sadness to Morrison’s announcement.

“As I reached the end of my 6 year contract on ONCE UPON A TIME, I was faced with a significant decision,” the star wrote on Instagram this morning, adding:

“ABC, Eddy Kitsis, and Adam Horowitz very generously invited me to continue as a series regular. After very careful consideration, I have decided that creatively and personally, it is time for me to move on.”

Morrison has anchored the series as Emma Swan since the premiere.

She concluded her statement as follows:

Emma Swan is one my favorite characters that I have ever played. My 6 years on ONCE UPON A TIME has changed my life in the most beautiful ways.

I am absolutely blown away by the passion and commitment of the Oncer fans. I am so honored to have been a central part of such a special show.

I will be forever grateful to Adam, Eddy, and ABC for giving me the gift of playing Emma Swan.

It’s also worth noting that simply because Morrison is leaving, this doesn’t mean she’s leaving her fan base high and dry forever.

The actress promised loyal Once Upon a Time viewers that she’ll continue to make appearances at fan conventions whenever she can.

“As I move on to other creative endeavors, I will continue to attend the fan conventions whenever my professional schedule allows,” she wrote.

“I always look forward meeting the fans.”

Finally, if ABC does, indeed, pick the show up for a seventh season, Morrison is willing to return and wrap up her character’s storyline.

“If ABC Network does in fact order a season 7, I have agreed to appear in one episode, and I will most certainly continue to watch ONCE UPON A TIME,” she assured fans.

“The creativity of the show runners has always inspired me, and I cannot wait to see the ways that they continue to develop and reinvent the show.”

NOTE to ABC: Do not pick up Once Upon a Time for Season 7.

The show lost its creative juice about two years ago and Morrison’s announcement here ought to serve as a final nail in its coffin.

It’s been a great ride. But it ought to end now.


Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Kendall Jenner, Rosario Dawson Goes After Kendall Pepsi Ad She Once Mocked (VIDEO)

Kendall Jenner’s Pepsi ad is about 15 years too late and it totally misses the point, according to Rosario Dawson, who once used soda to mock soda companies that exploited social injustice. Rosario starred in the Chemical Brothers’ video for…


Thursday, March 16, 2017

Matthew Perry Once Beat Up Justin Trudeau in Elementary School (VIDEO + PHOTO)

Matthew Perry once beat up Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau … and he thinks it pushed the guy into politics. Matt was on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” Wednesday, and he told the story of how he and his buddy beat up a 3rd grade Justin for “excelling…


Saturday, March 11, 2017

Muhammad Ali Jr. Stopped Once Again at Airport, Claims Religious Profiling

Muhammad Ali’s son was stopped and questioned again at another airport … and his lawyer says  the TSA is lying by trying to minimize the incident. Muhammad Ali, Jr. was at Reagan National Airport Friday when he tried checking in for a flight…


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Spike Dudley Once Asked Vince McMahon for Weed ... Says Bubba Ray Dudley (VIDEO)

And now: “When 3 AM Phone Calls Go Wrong” … starring ex-WWE superstar Bubba Ray Dudley!  Here’s the deal … we asked Bubba Ray for his best Vince McMahon story (everyone’s got one) and the “Busted Open” radio co-host came through…


Monday, January 30, 2017

Leah Messer: Once Again Criticized for Bad Parenting

Leah Messer just can’t catch a break.

No matter what she does, no matter how far she comes in life, she continues to receive criticism like there’s no tomorrow.

And sure, sometimes she’s deserved it.

Who could forget all those times on Teen Mom 2 when her daughters were crying because she hadn’t fed them breakfast and they were hungry?

Or what about that time that she legit nodded off while holding a baby?

But sometimes, Leah does her best, and it’s still not good enough for her haters.

This is one of those times.

Over the weekend, Leah took her girls to a cheerleading competition. One of the twins, Aleeah (also known as Gracie), was in the competition, and Leah proudly shared some photos of her.

And that, according to many people, was the wrong thing to do.

People took issue with Aleeah’s costume as well as the amount of makeup she was wearing.

“I don’t understand the need to dress our children so sexy and provocatively and put makeup on them and make them look older,” one commenter wrote. “Let them be little let them be children. Let them be innocent!!!”

Another commanded Leah to “Cover those babies up!!! Too much skin!!!”

One person complained that “It’s pretty sick how parents dont let their kids be kids!”

Another asked “Can someone here explain the need for makeup and crop tops/mini shirts on a child?? Umm how does this ad to the sport??”

And one more really got out of line, writing that “These are babies that don’t need makeup or even wear cheer clothes like these. I can bet everything I have (and dear god I hope I’m wrong) that she’s going to be 16 and pregnant too. Ugh.”

There are so many issues with these kinds of comments … where do we even begin?

One, we shouldn’t have to explain how wrong it is to suggest that a seven-year-old girl is going to end up pregnant at 16.

Two, Aleeah has to wear that much makeup because she’s on a stage in front of a big crowd with bright lights on her. If she didn’t wear heavy makeup, no one in the audience would be able to see her face.

It’s not like Leah is letting her kid go to school in that makeup, unlike some other Teen Moms.

Three, the kids have to wear a certain kind of clothing to be able to move freely, right? They’re just cheerleading, it’s not like they’re modeling bikinis like You-Know-Who’s kid.

Four, if Leah and the rest of these girls’ mothers are fine with this, then isn’t that what’s important?

Leah’s been working hard to become a good, stable parent, and it’s nice to see her doing things like this with her children.

Let’s not make this a negative thing, OK?


Monday, December 5, 2016

Watch Once Upon a Time Online: Check Out Season 6 Episode 10

Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 10 was titled “Wish You Were Here.”

It marked the final Once Upon a Time installment prior to a lengthy hiatus for winter. And what did it entail, exactly?

A magic lamp was stolen by the Evil Queen, and the wish she made had a chance to sideline the Savior permanently. Intriguing, no?

Meanwhile, David, Hook and Henry tried to thwart the Evil Queen; and Belle and Gold confronted an unexpected danger facing their newborn son.

What was it? And were they successful in the end?

We suggest you click on the above video to watch Once Upon a Time online and find out now!


Monday, November 28, 2016

Watch Once Upon a Time Online: Season 6 Episode 9

Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 9 was titled “Changelings.”

What took place? You can scroll down to watch Once Upon a Time online and also to read a brief summary of events…

On this installment of the ABC drama, a bond of sisterhood changed forever after Gold instructed the Evil Queen to murder Zelena. Yikes!

Meanwhile, a sacrifice made by Belle affected all of Storybrooke; Jasmine discovered a lamp with no genie; and, in a flashback, Rumple kidnapped Jack and Jill’s son.

Use the video above to watch Once Upon a Time online and see what else transpired now.


Friday, October 28, 2016

Man Sips From Wife"s Menstrual Cup, Kills Entire Internet at Once

A man on Reddit openly admitted that he discovered he’d accidentally been drinking from his wife’s menstrual cup – which, for all of you not in-the-know, is a period blood catcher. 

Sorry for all the graphic this morning.  

Many condolences or whatever. 

He wrote, “Ok, not just today, but I found out today about something I’ve been doing for a couple of weeks.” 

“My wife and I have a toddler and so our bathtub is always full of toyos, including non-bath toys our son insists on bringing in anyway.” 

You know how that goes – measuring cups, family pets, sometimes the television remote.  

“If anyone has kids,” he continued, “you know they come with all kinds of nonsense-looking pieces.” 

“Some of these pieces my wife puts up in the hanging basket, out of reach of our son, if it’s not supposed to get wet or it’s an important toy or something.” 

“I brush my teeth in the shower every morning,” he explained.


“And after my wife had taken out the cup I use to rinse my mouth out, I picked up the closest thing to a cup that was in the hanging basket.” 

“Figured it was one of these weird pieces to a toy,” he reasoned.  

“It worked fine to get a mouthful of water for rinsing after I brush.”  

“Cut to today in the car,” he continued. 

“My wife is talking about lady stuff and mentions her menstrual cup in the shower.” 

… Dear God no. 

“After a moment of spinning into the depths of hell, I asked her to please, for the love of gods, tell me it’s not that rubber cup thing in the basket.” 

“It was,” he said. 

“And I’ll never be clean again.” 

First of all, friend, those things, since they have to be inserted into a very important and sensitive area, are probably pretty sterile to begin with. 

Unless, of course, your wife is a slob who has no concept of feminine hygiene.  

But hey … we feel your pain, guy. 

(No, no, we don’t, because we’re too busy feeling our own pain from throwing up.) 


Monday, October 17, 2016

Comedian Deon Cole -- A Cat Saved My Life Once (VIDEO)

Deon Cole doesn’t think he’d be alive if it wasn’t for his cousin’s cat who he says saved him from a house fire. We got Deon at LAX Sunday and asked him about the viral video of a baby elephant rescuing a man in a river, when he recalled his own…
