Showing posts with label Paris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paris. Show all posts

Friday, May 25, 2018

Paris Hilton Melts As Fiance Chris Zylka Surprises Her

Roses are red. Violets are blue.  Who cares if you’re richer than bae. Cuz he still got these roses for you. … is probably what Paris Hilton was thinking as her fiance surprised her with a bouquet of roses. We got Paris outside The…


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Paris Jackson: I Didn"t Even Know Janet Jackson Would Be Performing ...

Fans and viewers watched in awe as Janet Jackson totally owned the stage at the Billboard Music Awards.

But when the camera panned to some of her family in the audience, some folks were surprised and even saddened to see that Paris Jackson was nowhere to be seen.

Paris responded to the flurry of questions, but she’d really prefer for intrusive fans to mind their own beeswax. That’s fair.

Taking to social media, Paris writes:

“Dear social media followers, friends, stalkers, lovers and haters, and fellow moonwalkers:”

That is such a sweet and fun way of addressing everyone, including fans of her late father.

“Please do not tell me/demands/try to control how I handle my relationship with the people in my life.”

That is a very fair boundary to set with her fans. And she gets more specific.

“Specifically my family.”

Though she has used social media to clap back at family members who think she’s going to die, that was her conversation to reveal.

She says that her family’s highs and lows are very personal.

“As amazing and as s–tty as things can be, it is no one’s business but ours.”

But she acknowledges why so many fans lose perspective when it comes to the Jackson family.

“I understand that some of you feel some sort of connection or need to be a part of our lives considering you watched us grow up.”

She understands, but she’s very politely laying down the law.

“However, I am handling my situation exactly how my father did.”

Meaning that she is not going to spill specific details about family troubles.

“And I am happy keeping it that way.”

She emphasizes that, even when there are problems (which she isn’t denying), she loves her family.

“I will always have love and respect for my family. ALWAYS.”

Speaking to her fans who want to know more, she makes it clear that even a family that is considered American Royalty has normal family problems.

“Every family has their moments of trauma, heartbreak, separation, love, oneness, tribe, pain, everything. EVERY FAMILY.”

But because she is famous, their issues are consumed by millions.

“My family, specifically, and a good number of others … well, our drama is broadcasted worldwide through media.”

Just because something is widely reported does not make it unusual, however.

“But that doesn’t mean our family issues are any different from yours.”

Except, of course, in one major way.

“Ours are just made public.”

Paris continues, saying:

“Every level has another devil.”

That is a quote that is sometimes attributed to Tyrese Gibson.

“Every life has their own s–t to deal with.”


“We ain’t inferior or superior to y’all. We’re all f–king human.”

She then takes that we’re all human line to shame the people who are demanding that she divulge family drama.

“So let’s act like it.”

She emphasizes that she loves her fans, however.

“I appreciate any and every person reading this.”

She also makes it clear that she’s not whining about her life, in case there was any doubt.

“And I’m grateful for everything in my life, positive and negative.”

When one tabloid took to Twitter to say that Paris’ statement hadn’t really cleared up anything, Paris responded.

Understandably, she got a little heated.

“And you clearly didn’t get the message. mind. your. own.”

Business. That’s what she wants people to mind.

“Should i spell it out for you in wooden alphabet blocks?”

We somehow doubt that this would make it clearer.

“No one told me about the performance or award. not my family or my management so take a hike dude.”

She has revealed recently that some members of her family have not called or otherwise contacted her for some time.

For those still curious about her business, Paris did offer a little further context to why she isn’t always in the loop on every single thing that members of her extended family get up to.

“i also have like a job and like a life i’m trying to provide for myself n my doggo.”

She’s a model and an actress, folks.

It is totally okay to wonder about what’s going on in the family of people whom you admire.

But when all that’s going on is some behind-the-scenes family drama and nobody’s getting hurt, try to avoid demanding answers from your faves.

They’re real people with real feelings.


Monday, May 21, 2018

Paris Hilton Loved Meghan and Harry"s Royal Wedding and Her Veil

Meghan Markle’s haute couture Givenchy wedding dress wasn’t the showstopper of the Royal Wedding, it was her 16-foot veil, according to Paris Hilton. We got Paris at LAX over the weekend fresh off the plane from the Cannes…


Friday, May 18, 2018

Paris Hilton Poses at Cannes After Fiance Chris Zylka Fixes Her Dress

Paris Hilton doesn’t need an assistant or stylist on the red carpet to make her look good … she’s got her fiance, Chris Zylka, to help her out! Chris got down on bended knee (again) as he and Paris strolled down the carpet in Cannes Thursday…


Paris Hilton Poses at Cannes After Fiance Chris Zylka Fixes Her Dress

Paris Hilton doesn’t need an assistant or stylist on the red carpet to make her look good … she’s got her fiance, Chris Zylka, to help her out! Chris got down on bended knee (again) as he and Paris strolled down the carpet in Cannes Thursday…


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Autograph Seeker in Cardi B Fight Also Hounded Paris Jackson

Paris Jackson was hounded for an autograph before the Met Gala by the same guy who got beat down after pestering Cardi B to sign for him. We got Paris leaving the Carlyle Hotel in NYC and you can see the brush-off is quick — she…


Monday, May 7, 2018

Paris Hilton Shows Up to Her Hacker"s Sentencing

Paris Hilton’s done stashing her nude photos on the iCloud — she made that declaration on her way into the sentencing of the woman who hacked her, and her private pics … along with more than $ 100k. One thing’s for sure, Paris made one helluva an…


Saturday, May 5, 2018

Hacker Hit Paris Hilton for $130k and Obtained Nude Photos

Paris Hilton is the victim of a hacker, who stole hundreds of thousands of dollars as well as nude photos … TMZ has learned. The hacker, a woman named Paytsar Bkhchadzhyan, was active from 2015 to 2017 and stole from Paris and 2 other people.…


Friday, May 4, 2018

Paris Jackson Blasts Paparazzo for Calling Her "Doo-Doo Head"

Paris Jackson furiously went after a paparazzo for calling her a nickname reserved only for those close to her late father, Michael Jackson. The encounter went down as she was leaving a Met Gala event Thursday night in NYC … with an…


Thursday, May 3, 2018

Michael Blackson Says Slavery Was No More a Choice Than Kim"s Paris Robbery

Comedian Michael Blackson says he’s seen firsthand how slavery wasn’t a choice after visiting the Slave Castles in his native Ghana, but he’s still willing to give Kanye a pass for his controversial comment. We got Michael at LAX Thursday and he…


Monday, April 30, 2018

Paris Hilton: My Sex Tape Leaking Was Like Being Raped

Paris Hilton is known for her looks, her brand, her reality television career, and even for acting and music. Unfortunately, she is also known for a leaked sex tape.

In a new documentary, the businesswoman is opening up about that intensely public violation of her personal sex life.

She says that the feeling was akin to a sexual assault.

For the past few months, Paris Hilton’s fans have been noticing that her account has been tweeting some very on-point, recent memes.

It’s no coincidence that she appears in the documentary, American Meme.

That documentary has now premiered at Tribeca Film Festival.

And in it, she addresses the 2004 leaked sex tape of her with ex-boyfriend Rick Salomon. And Paris is not mincing words.

“It was like being raped.”

Leaked sex tapes, like leaked nudes and revenge porn, are a tremendous violation of someone’s privacy and sex life.

“It felt like I’d lost part of my soul and been talked about in such cruel and mean ways.”

She was heartbroken.

“I literally wanted to die at some points. I was like, ‘I just don’t want to live,’ because I thought everything was taken away from me.”

Despite her sexy image, Paris is really not prone to promiscuity, and she worried that the entire world misunderstood her.

“I didn’t want to be known as that.”

At a post-screening Q&A session, Paris talks about how she rose to fame.

“I felt like the world was introduced to me through The Simple Life.

Technically, she first garnered attention thanks to a photoshoot with her sister, but people “got to know” her on reality television.

Which, she reminds us all, was still fairly uncommon at the time.

“There was no reality television back then, so it was very new.”

Reality television really took off during the 2007-2008 writer’s strike that saw many shows canceled before their time, and saw networks eager to fill time slots with programming that did not require writers.

“There was no social media, so I basically created this character that was basically what I thought the audience wanted.”

Paris is both intelligent and talented, but she built her brand on a very different image.

“Like, ‘Oh, she’s rich, so she needs to be a spoiled airhead’ — basically what the producers told me to do.”

Still speaking at the Q&A, Paris says of the director:

“When Bert told me about this film, he basically said, ‘Paris, you’re the O.G. of all this."”

She really is. Remember, Kim Kardashian was once basically just her sidekick.

“I really trusted him and was very vulnerable about things I had never spoken about before.”

Not everyone gets to see the real Paris.

“And basically just wanted to show the real me, because I don’t think I ever have before.”

It’s good that she was able to put herself out there.

During the documentary, Paris reveals the struggles that she has encountered after having risen to fame whens he was so young.

“It’s like I’ve been 21 for the last two decades.”

That might not sound like a curse, but it doesn’t really help people to know or respect her.

Paris also shares little details about herself and her thoughts.

She mentions that she is afraid that there’s no afterlife, which she says would be bad because: “that’d be so boring.”


Paris refers to her engagement to actor Chris Zylka and her enthusiasm for where her life is heading.

“I’m very excited for the next phase of my life and to start a family and find true happiness.”

Given how pampered Paris’ dogs are, she has a nurturing soul and will make a wonderful mother.

“Because yes, this is so much fun — I love what I’m doing, it’s great being in Ibiza every summer DJing until eight in the morning.”

“But sometimes it gets a little tiring.”

Paris is 37. We get it.

“I’m still going to continue being the girl boss I am, but I’m also going to be a mom, and I can’t wait for that day.”

Paris and Chris Zylka have both appeared on The CW as actors.

Zylka was one of the stars of The Secret Circle, a massively underrated series.

Paris herself was a guest star on Veronica Mars back when it was called The WB, and she later guest starred as an old world god who had shapeshifted into the Paris Hilton on Supernatural, back before the series jumped the shark.

Chris Zylka has also appeared in films, from indie hits like Kaboom to blockbusters like The Amazing Spider-Man.

Paris Hilton has appeared in cameos in films like Zoolander and taken on larger, more involved roles, such as in Repo: The Genetic Opera.

This is a talented couple, and they each deserve happiness.


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Paris Jackson Claps Back at Family Members Who Think She"s Going to Die

While Paris Jackson"s fans have been thrilled to see her locking lips with Cara Delevingne and generally living her best life, some people have been worried.

In fact, a report came out claiming that Paris" own family fears that her behavior is putting her in danger and even that her premature death is imminent.

Now Paris has recorded a video, and she"s clapping back at her own family members.

Paris jackson wild hair

So, remember that time that Paris Jackson nearly plummeted to her death?

We pointed out that she was careful to very deliberately not fall from the roof, but apparently the image of that video, which Paris herself elected to share, is haunting her loved ones.

Page Six reports that Paris Jackson"s family fears for her life.

They even compare her near-tragedy to the time that Michael Jackson dangled baby Blanket from a window.

"But this is worse than that because I still think Michael had control of Blanket and they weren’t nearly as high up as Paris is in this video."

Even though Paris was totally okay, it has people worried that she"s in a self-destructive spiral. Some might say that she"s just … 20.

"She’s lost it. She really has."

The relative goes on to say:

"Everyone saw that video, and even though we all knew that she’s now OK, watching it was so traumatic that nobody wants to show it to either Katherine or Joe."

Paris jackson mirror selfie

Well, not all celebrities look at stories about themselves.

And even the stars who do look into what people are saying about them don"t always comment on it publicly.

But Paris Jackson saw it. (She even reveals, in the video, how she saw it)

"So apparently people think I’m about to die."

She states that pretty matter-of-factly in this video, which was recorded while she was in a car with a friend.

"My therapist texted me about it laughing though, so that’s good."

We"re glad that she has such a good relationship with her therapist.

Prince michael and paris jackson

Paris continued in a second video (also below), saying:

"So I guess to the family members that are talking to all of these news outlets saying they’re worried for me:"

And she has a serious question for family members who would rather be a source than speak to their own relative.

"When is the last time you called me?"

Oh. That"s a good question.

Paris jackson cara delevingne photo

Paris isn"t done.

And she even has an example of someone who knows her well enough to not be concerned.

"Prince isn’t worried. Why? Because we talk all the time. We hang out."

By Prince, she of course means Prince Jackson, her brother.

"If you’re worried about me, call me."

That sounds like good advice.

There"s no telling whether or not someone will take her up on that.

For one thing … no one wants to admit to having been the source that spoke out.

Paris jackson sideboob tattoo while tree hugging

Paris Jackson is a sweetheart and she"s just a very nice person. She"s an environmentalist and she"s deeply spiritual.

On top of being a very free spirit, she is 20 years old. Those of us who are risk-averse may cringe at the idea of getting anywhere close to a rooftop"s edge, but Paris was careful. She trusts herself.

It seems a little much to blow one incident out of proportion … especially behind Paris" back like that.

That"s not how families are supposed to treat each other, right?

As always, we wish Paris the best.

Hear her speak in her own words:

Paris jackson claps back at family members who think shes going

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Paris Hilton Supports Khloe and Advises Tristan On How to Get Out of Doghouse

Paris Hilton says she loves Khloe Kardashian and wishes her the very best … and has some words of wisdom for Tristan Thompson if he ever wants to get her back. We got Paris and her sister Nicky in nearly matching dresses on Rodeo Dr. in Bev…


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Jared Leto Draws a Massive Crowd Heading to the Louvre in Paris

Jared Leto is now officially a living, breathing snowball effect — and don’t try questioning it … just watch how fast he can drum up an army of fans by simply walking. The Oscar winner and frontman for Thirty Seconds to Mars was minding his own…


Friday, March 30, 2018

Paris Hilton and Chris Zylka Say They Have a Prenup

Paris Hilton insists when she says “I do” to Chris Zylka it’s gonna be forever, but just in case … they have a prenup. We got Paris and Chris Thursday at LAX, and we asked them to settle it once and for all … prenup or no prenup. After all,…


Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Kyle Richards Says Paris Hilton Should Get a Prenup

Kyle Richards is relieved Paris Hilton found her $ 2 million engagement ring — but she’s even more emphatic about her niece protecting her fortune when she walks down the aisle. We got the ‘Real Housewives’ star Tuesday night leaving Craig’s…


Paris Hilton"s Reaction to Finding Lost $2 Million Engagement Ring Was Epic

It’s true, Paris Hilton somehow temporarily lost her $ 2 million engagement ring at a rave — but that’s not the craziest part of this story … her reaction to finding it was way better. In case you hadn’t heard … Paris’ super expensive,…


Monday, March 26, 2018

Paris Jackson and Cara Delevingne: Spotted Locking Lips!

Back in February, we reported that Cara Delevingne and Paris Jackson are dating. For the most part, these two have kept their relationship low-key.

Now that the cat is out of the bag, however, it looks like they’re loosening up … and locking lips in public.

They make such a cute couple!

Macaulay Culkin is Paris Jackson’s godfather. The two of them have a beautiful relationship. They’re family, really.

And they’re so close that it appears that they’re comfortable double-dating.

RadarOnline reports that Paris Jackson and Cara Delevingne were spotted locking lips after going out with Macaulay and his girlfriend.

You might recall that Macaulay is dating Brenda Song, who was a young Disney star who appeared on television alongside the Sprouse twins.

It’s wonderful that Paris and Macaulay have such a good relationship that they feel comfortable introducing each other to their respective loved ones and even dining out together.

So, the four of them went to an upmarket Argentinian steakhouse in West Hollywood called Carlito’s.

RadarOnline reports that, outside of the restaurant, Cara asked Paris to dance, and the two of them did.

(Both are very fun, carefree people outside of their professional lives, and Cara in particular is known for her goofy antics)

It was after dancing that the two were spotted kissing. Awww!

Cara was then seen sitting on Paris’ lap while the two of them spoke to Macaulay and to Brenda.

Cara and Paris met at the MTV Movie Awards in May of 2017.

in the public sphere, they weren’t in any way romantically linked until November, when they were spotted holding hands outside of a Dalston nightclub.

Though both women are young, gorgeous, and outspoken about their sexualities, seeing that they were spending time together wasn’t exactly confirmation that they were in a relationship.

It took a couple of months before fans became convinced that they were not only friends but now a couple.

And while these two aren’t exactly going around giving interviews left and right to confirm their romance … they’re not exactly being subtle about it.

Just recently, Paris and Cara showcased themselves cuddling up — some would say Netflix and Chilling — to watch Carol.

Carol was a 2015 romantic period drama featuring two women who fall in love.

If you’ve seen anyone on the internet say “Harold, they’re lesbians” or simply respond to a photo of a female couple with “Harold,” it’s because of a viral story of one Tumblr user who overheard that line while in a theater seeing Carol.

25-year-old Cara and 19-year-old Paris look happy and cozy as they cuddle up.

(Sure, you can’t see all of Paris’ face and Cara is “wearing” a cute bunny ears filter, but they look adorable anyway)

Unfortunately, not everyone is happy with the reported relationship between Paris and Cara.

It’s claimed that Paris’ conservative grandparents don’t want her seeing Cara because their relationship — like their granddaughter’s sexuality — goes against their beliefs.

We certainly hope that Paris — and everyone else — can find acceptance for who they are among their family.

In the mean time, it’s clear that Cara has a wellspring of support from godfather Macaulay Culkin.


Saturday, March 24, 2018

Rick and Kathy Hilton, Prenup for Paris???

Rick and Kathy Hilton are almost always interesting … and they did not disappoint Friday night when we asked them about Prenups and soon-to-be-married Paris. We got Paris’ mom and dad in Bev Hills at Mr. Chow, and raised the prenup issue with…
