Showing posts with label Race'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Race'. Show all posts

Friday, April 20, 2018

Princess Di"s Biographer Says Meghan Markle Will Help Royal Family"s Race Relations

Andrew Morton, author of the most famous book on Princess Diana, says Meghan Markle holds a very important key for Royal Family’s image. Morton tells us Meghan becoming a Duchess after marrying Prince Harry is a much-needed step…


Sunday, February 25, 2018

"Seven Seconds" Star Clare-Hope Ashitey Says U.S. Race Relations Worse than England

Clare-Hope Ashitey — star of the new Netflix drama “Seven Seconds” — is addressing the issue of race in America … by pointing out the vast differences between the U.S. and her homeland. We got the English actress at LAX Friday, and she tells us…


Sunday, February 18, 2018

Aaron Rodgers Gives Danica Patrick a Good Luck Kiss Before Final NASCAR Race

Danica Patrick went into her final NASCAR race ever with a good luck smooch from Aaron Rodgers … and while the event might be her personal finale, this pic might be a debut. TMZ Sports has obtained a photo of the new couple giving each other a…


Thursday, February 15, 2018

"Amazing Race" Stars Cody and Jessica Engaged After Runyon Canyon Proposal

‘Amazing Race’ couple Cody Nickson and Jessica Graf have been through a lot together — in the public eye — and now they can add getting engaged to the list. We got this video of Cody proposing to Jessica at the top of Runyon Canyon Park’s hiking…


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Duggar Pregnancy Race: Who Will Deliver First?!

The race is on, folks.

Who will be the first Duggar to welcome a child in 2018?

Three of the women in the family are pregnant, and it may seem like there’s a clear frontrunner–but far from receiving a gold medal, the odds-on favorite might be roundly ostracized if she delivers first. 

Allow us to explain.

The first of the pregnant Duggars to announce that she’s expecting was Joy-Anna, who revealed her baby bump just three months after marrying Austin Forsyth.

Not surprisingly, the timing resulted in a preponderance of “shotgun wedding” rumors.

If Joy delivers well ahead of schedule (as many fans believe she will), it could result in a minor scandal, as her family prohibits all forms of premarital sex.

Needless to say, of all the pregnant Duggars, Joy is the one attracting the most attention these days,

Next up is Kendra Caldwell, who’s currently pregnant with Joseph Duggar’s baby

Kendra announced last month that she’s expecting, but it’s not clear how far along she is.

There haven’t been any shotgun rumors there, but Kendra is still keeping pretty quiet about the details of her pregnancy.

(Well, “quiet” by the standards of Duggar sisters, who have been known to post weekly “bump selfies” on their Instagram pages.)

Of course, there’s always greater interest in the Duggar daughters than in the sons or their wives, so it should come as no surprise that Kendra’s thunder was effectively stolen when Jinger Duggar announced that she’s expecting her first child.

Now, this isn’t on par with Jana Duggar announcing she’s in a courtship, but it’s still news that the Duggar faithful have waiting for for quite some time.

Jinger married Jeremy Vuolo way back in November of 2016, which means she was married for over a year before she got pregnant.

That’s almost unheard of in a family in which women are taught from a young age that procreation is their primary reason for being.

Jinger is also more active on social media than Kendra, so she’s likely to retain her place in the spotlight.

As for the question of who will deliver first … well, the smart money is on Joy-Anna, and if it happens in the next couple weeks, buckle in for what should be some memorable Duggar drama.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most famous family.


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

"RuPaul"s Drag Race" Star Adore Delano Countersued by Managers

Adore Delano from “RuPaul’s Drag Race” wasn’t stiffed by his ex-managers — he actually owes THEM a lot of dough … or so they claim in a new countersuit. Delano’s managers at Producer Entertainment Group say the drag queen failed to pay them at…


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

The Bachelor Recap: The Race of His Life

Buckle your seatbelts, THGers and card-carrying members of Bachelor Nation. Season 22 is underway, and Arie is on the race of his life.

While The Bachelor spoilers have already revealed much about the outcome this season, Monday’s premiere offered our first TV glimpse …

Following a runner-up finish on The Bachelorette all the way back in 2012, Arie Luyendyk Jr. is back in the driver’s seat … so to speak.

Seeing him in the starring role after five and a half years may please  Bachelor Nation … or not. But either way, it’s got people talking.

Is this 36-year-old race car driver, real estate broker and distinguished, graying gentleman finally ready to fall in love again this winter?

We can’t say for sure, but … the spoilers have revealed the OUTCOME OF THE ENTIRE THREE-MONTH SEASON, so there’s that.

Hey, you don’t really, truly know who Arie picks and if The Bachelor spoilers were on point until the finale, right? You just never know.

But you probably do. Anyway, whether you’re a Bachelor spoilers junkie or not, proceed for the recap of the Janu-Arie 1 premiere now!

As you know – or may not know, since this was so long ago now – Emily Maynard rejected Arie Luyendyk Jr. on The Bachelorette finale.

We were treated to quite the retrospective on that, partly so we’d remember who Arie is, and also so we’d remember he’s a good guy.

He was SO in love with Emily, we were told, that he sent her his journal even after she got engaged to Jef Holm, hoping it would sway her.

Arie was in the hunt for The Bachelor job the next winter – that went to his fellow competitor Sean Lowe – and on Chris Soules’ season.

After those near-misses, he’s finally getting his second shot at TV love, and to be perfectly, honest, he’s pretty nervous about the journey.

Seeing these 29 girls will help, though.

First we meet Chelsea, 29, a mom from Maine (above). Then Caroline, 26, a realtor from Florida. Then Maquel, 23, a Utah photographer.

Nysha, 30,  is an orthopedic nurse and adrenaline junkie. Tia, 26, is a small town Arkansas girl who’s actually friends with Raven Gates.

Kendall, 26, is a taxidermy enthusiast. That’s a new one. The youngest contestant, Bekah, does not say her age. That’s a new one also.

Marikh, 27, owns an Indian restaurant with her mom in Utah, while Krystal, 29, works as health and fitness coach, and volunteers as well.

After these intros, it’s limo time!

Caroline (the Florida realtor) is the first to step out, with this one-liner: “If we do our jobs right maybe we’ll both be off the market.”

Good one. Chelsea, meanwhile, plays hard to get, and leaves him wanting more, assuring Arie, “There’s a lot to get to know.”

Tia (above) gifts Arie a tiny wiener so he remembers she’s from Weiner, Ark. “Please tell me you don’t already have one of these,” she jokes. 

Probably a safe bet.

Racing jokes abound, while Bekah shows up in a classic car and says, “I may be young, but I can still appreciate something classic.”

As more and more ladies arrive, we learn there are four Laurens this season and one Maquel. Yes, Maquel, who made quite the entrance.

Her race car arrival instantly raised the stakes for the other women and made them nervous, as did Maquel stealing him away at the party.

Arie’s first kiss when to Brittany T., but the coveted first impression rose went to Chelsea, to the dismay of Krystal (and everyone else).

The Maine mom definitely got the most screen time on the premiere, but it remains to be seen if she has a real shot to make the top four.

Sadly, we know more than a half dozen people who won’t be there for sure, as all good 29-woman cocktail parties must come to an end.

At the first rose ceremony, Becca K., Marikh, Kendall, Lauren G., Krystal, Bekah, Lauren S., Seinne, Caroline, and Brittany T. get roses.

Bibiana, Annaliese, Jenna, Valerie, Jacqueline, Jenny, Lauren B., Ashley, Tia and Maquel follow, all advancing to fight another round.

Eight down, 21 to go.


Sunday, December 24, 2017

"RuPaul"s Drag Race" Contestant Avoids Jail in DUI Case, But ...

“RuPaul’s Drag Race” contestant Andrew Bryson won’t spend time behind bars in his DUI case, but there are strings attached.   Andrew — whose drag name is Blair St. Clair — pled guilty to 1 count of DUI for his March arrest in…


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Roy Moore Shows Up Riding a Horse to Vote in U.S. Senate Race

Roy Moore went full cowboy mode … mounting a horse to cast his ballot in Alabama’s contentious special election. The Republican U.S. Senate candidate arrived on horseback Tuesday in Gallant, Alabama. Moore wore his trademark cowboy hat while…


Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Paris Jackson Hits Australian Horse Race with Mystery Man

Paris Jackson’s down under in Melbourne for the Australian Cup horse race, and she showed up for the event with a mystery guy … plenty of women would pick to win, place AND show.  Paris and the guy seemed pretty tight during the event –…


Paris Jackson Hits Australian Horse Race with Mystery Man

Paris Jackson’s down under in Melbourne for the Australian Cup horse race, and she showed up for the event with a mystery guy … plenty of women would pick to win, place AND show.  Paris and the guy seemed pretty tight during the event –…


Friday, October 6, 2017

"RuPaul"s Drag Race" Contestant Defies DUI Court Order

An upcoming “RuPaul’s Drag Race” contestant is thumbing his nose at the judge in his DUI case by going to werrrrk in Los Angeles … TMZ has learned. Sources tell us Andrew Bryson — whose drag name is Blair St. Clair — is currently taping in L.A.…


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Marathon Runner Goes Balls Out During Race In Slovakia

Dontcha just hate it when your dong and balls fall out of your shorts during the end of a marathon? That’s exactly what happened to Jozef Urban right before he crossed the finish line at the Košice Peace Marathon in Slovakia last weekend.…


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

World"s Greatest Drag Race Goes Down Between Porsche, Tesla, Benz, Ferrari ... Who Ya Got?

****BEFORE YOU WATCH, CAST YOUR VOTE BELOW**** Strap in for a good ole fashioned high-speed showdown between the world’s greatest exotic cars — Ferrari, Porsche, McLaren — and a Tesla. It’s the seventh edition of Motor Trend’s “World’s Greatest…


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

ABC Plays Race Card in First Bachelor Promo: WATCH!

The news may not have fully sunk in yet for many fans of The Bachelor, but ABC is wasting no time in hammering home its stunning decision:

Arie Luyendyk Jr. really is the next star of this franchise.

Yes, Arie Luyendyk Jr,; Not Peter Kraus or any of the supposed contenders heading into next season.

Arie Luyendyk Jr. was the runner-up on the 2012 season of The Bachelorette and… well… hasn"t been heard from very much since then.

But ABC decided to shock viewers by announcing Arie as the next Bachelor, and now it"s gone ahead and released the first promo for his new season.

Yes, already.

In the trailer below, we get an actual glimpse at Luyendyk in this role, along with a few quality racecar puns.

(Did we mention Arie is a racecar driver?)

"Hearts will race," the teaser states, including with it footage of Arie from Emily"s season in 2012 and shots of him from the unexpected reveal on Good Morning America.

"I was a little skeptical because we"d been in talks for a few years about doing it, so I just kind of went into it with an open heart, an open mind," he said on GMA. "It just hit me that yeah, I"m here."

Arie was supposedly under consideration in the past, losing out once to Sean Lowe and once to Chris Soules.

Known as The Kissing Bandit because he"s very good at the game of tonsil hockey, there is a bit of controversy already surrounding Luyendyk.

There"s also a lot of mixed reaction to his selection, as you can see here:

"We chose Arie because he"s great," says Chris Harrison, adding:

"I love Arie, I"m a little biased because he"s a friend of mine and I"ve known him for several years, so I"m actually really excited he"s the Bachelor.

"I think he"s a very sincere good gentleman and I think he"ll be a good one."

The new season of The Bachelor kicks off in January.

Check out the first preview now:

Arie luyendyk jr as the bachelor first promo

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Montel Williams Says Trump Ending DACA is Race Play For Whites

Montel Williams thinks the real reason President Trump decided to end DACA is purely about hate and keeping white folks on top. We got the ex-talk show host Tuesday in NYC — soon after Trump announced he intends to repeal DACA — and he sees…


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Former L.A. Mayor Takes Shot at Scooter Braun, Gavin Newsom in Cali Governor"s Race

One of the leading contenders for the Democrats in the next California gubernatorial election has just taken aim at his archrival, using Scooter Braun to fire the shot. Former L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has just reacted to the TMZ story, in…


Saturday, August 5, 2017

Usain Bolt Loses His Final 100m Race in Shocking Upset to Justin Gatlin

Usain Bolt’s not going out with a bang … the legendary sprinter just lost his final 100m race. Bolt ended his individual track career with the bronze in the men’s 100m sprint at the World Athletic Championships in London … losing to longtime…


Usain Bolt Loses His Final 100m Race in Shocking Upset to Justin Gatlin

Usain Bolt’s not going out with a bang … the legendary sprinter just lost his final 100m race. Bolt ended his individual track career with the bronze in the men’s 100m sprint at the World Athletic Championships in London … losing to longtime…


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Michael Phelps Defends Shark Race, Says Viewers Should Have Known What it Was

Michael Phelps isn’t taking a shred of blame for viewers’ disappointment over him not racing an actual great white shark, and says he stands by the “incredible” made-for-TV event. The 23-time Olympic gold medal winner opened himself up to his…
