Showing posts with label Read. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Read. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Critics SAVAGE Latest Pirates of the Caribbean: Read the Reviews!

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales will likely make a lot of money at the box office.

Which is good news for star Johnny Depp, who could use every last cent these days.

But critics across the country are positively SLAMMING both Depp and the latest installment in this franchise, which has clearly run out of ideas, humor and any semblance of entertainment.

Consider the Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales reviews below before you head out to the theater this weekend…

1. Angie Han, Mashable:

Angie han mashable

Oh, if only dead men told no tales. Then we might have avoided this fifth Pirates of the Caribbean adventure, which fails to justify its own existence in any way whatsoever.

2. John DeFore, The Hollywood Reporter:

John defore the hollywood reporter

Johnny Depp’s cartoonishly louche Keith Richards-meets-Hunter Thompson pirate Jack Sparrow, the globally recognized caricature who by now feels (appropriately) more like a theme-park mascot than a Hollywood swashbuckler. Depp remains wholeheartedly the focus of this fifth Pirates film, and saying the character’s loopy novelty has faded is like complaining that there are maggots in the below-decks gruel: You knew what you were getting when you came aboard.

3. Andrew Barker, Variety:

Andrew barker variety

His performance here is no better and no worse than in his previous two or three outings, though what once was a bracingly anarchic approach is starting to feel a bit old hat, like a standup comic rehashing vintage punchlines for cheers of recognition, rather than laughs.

4. Jim Vejvoda, IGN:

Jim vejvoda ign

Jack’s schtick is so tired now – it’s been tired since the second film, frankly – but Johnny Depp does seem to be trying a wee bit harder to deliver here than he was in his sleepwalking turn in On Stranger Tides. Still, it is like seeing a classic rock band perform uninspired encores of their biggest hits, with only fleeting reminders of the magic that made you like their music to begin with.

5. DeFore Again, on The Rest of The Cast:

Defore again on the rest of the cast

[Kaya] Scodelario, of the Maze Runner films and Andrea Arnold’s Wuthering Heights, is just about the only member of the cast who seems to believe she’s expected to be more than a thin generic functionary or flamboyant scene-stealer. Which is unfortunate, given how Jeff Nathanson’s screenplay sometimes treats her.

6. Matt Singer, Screencrush:

Matt singer screencrush

[Salazar is] played by Javier Bardem in a performance that is at least 45 percent him hissing the words “Jack” and “Sparrow” repeatedly while black goo drips off his lips. Bardem’s absurdly hammy work here makes his Skyfall villain look like a model of thespianic restraint in comparison.

View Slideshow

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Farrah Abraham: Can She Even Read?!

Farrah Abraham … well, goodness knows she tries.

She tries to be eloquent, she tries to be thoughtful, she tries to communicate in a way that makes sense.

She just always, always fails.

When we see Farrah on Teen Mom OG, she has such trouble expressing herself, and she often misunderstands what other people try to tell her.

When we see her do interviews, she really strives to be intelligent and insightful, but that’s just not who she is. That’s not in her skill set.

It’s a rare occasion that we have to see something she’s actually written — as you can imagine, that’s an especially tragic experience.

And unfortunately, it’s an experience we’re facing today.

See, Farrah has been working hard on building up a business for her daughter, Sophia.

She’s getting her into acting and modeling, and she recently opened up a children’s boutique for her to “run.”

Right now, she’s getting the website for the store up and running, and in doing that, she wrote a nice little thing called “Our Story” for the About section.

Well, she tried to make it nice. It didn’t really turn out that way.

And that’s because, as it turns out, the girl just is not capable of writing. At all.

Farrah’s story begins with “Sophia Laurent is the owner of this celebrity children’s boutique, at age 7 Sophia loves to shop and create for exclusives and awesome toys, clothing and accessories for boys and girls from new born to 12.”

It’s not great, but hey, at least we know what she’s trying to say, right?

“Sophia was born on MTV Network and her shows continue to be on the network in many other countries Poland, Canada, United Kingdom’s, Africa and much more,” Farrah continues.

And that’s where it all falls apart.

For one, Africa is not a country. For two, “United Kingdom’s” … United Kingdom’s what? Did she mean to name countries in the United Kingdom?

Does she think there are multiple United Kingdoms, and she just got confused with how to make it plural?

Oh, honey.

She goes on to write “Sophia Laurent believes in every child has a voice and sky is the limit for any child any age and we hope to make every child whom walks in our store feel special like a king or queen.”

Right, right.

Things are similarly awful for the rest of the story, until Farrah gets to the end, when she … you really just have to see this madness for yourself.

“Sophia’s biggest fan her mother Farrah Abraham top female celebrity in our nation continues to grow the inventory, customer service and success of the children’s boutiques plan of expansion.

Atrocious grammar aside, does Farrah sincerely believe that she is the “top female celebrity in our nation”?

Forget all the huge movie stars, like Meryl Streep, Sandra Bullock, and Julia Roberts, or newer, immensely popular actresses like Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Stone.

Don’t even think about naming any beloved singers like Taylor Swift or Beyonce.

No, the top female celebrity in our nation is for sure, beyond the shadow of a doubt, Farrah Abraham.

Just … bless her heart.


Friday, May 19, 2017

That Time Kendall Jenner Forgot How to Read at the Billboard Awards

Much is written about Kendall Jenner these days, but one fun fact many have long forgotten is that she may or may not know how to read. 

We kid … mostly. This classic 2014 clip will make you wonder!

At the 2014 Billboard Music Awards, the now-21-year-old Keeping Up With the Kardashians star literally forgot what words are on TV.

And with the 2017 BBMAs coming up this Sunday night, what better occasion for us as fans to never let her live this moment down!

Sorry Kendall. All love, seriously.

In fairness, even three years ago, young Kendall was far from the experienced celebrity and polished supermodel that she is today.

To say that things didn"t go as planned when she tried to introduce 5 Seconds of Summer would be an understatement, but nevertheless.

We all have our embarrassing moments, and public speaking is difficult … most of us just aren"t thrown in front of millions to do so.

Was she about to announce One Direction? It sounded like it for a hot second, and given her then-romance Harry Styles? It"s possible.

That, or the teleprompter messed up? She didn"t make any such claim after the fact, so we"re guessing this is all on her lithe shoulders.

Fortunately for (and in spite of) Kendall, 5 Seconds of Summer did eventually come on stage to perform and put her out of her misery.

Naturally, Twitter was watching, and #kendallyouhadonejob began trending before you could say 1D or 5 Seconds of Summer or any band.

These days, the joke is on us, as Kendall has made a wildly successful name for herself, and in her own right, not just as a Kardashian.

Sure, there was the controversial Kendall Jenner Pepsi ad, perhaps the most tone deaf commercial ever green lighted by a brand.

That wasn"t her fault, though … and we don"t suspect it will impact her ability to get work in the future. She is a woman on the up and up.

If this live flub didn"t hurt, what will!?

Kendall jenner can barely read

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Keiynan Lonsdale Comes Out as Bisexual: Read His Moving Statement

Keiynan Lonsdale has an announcement to make.

The actor, best known for his role on The Flash as Wally West, shared a lengthy Instagram post over the weekend in which he opened up about his personal life.

Specifically, Lonsdale admitted that he’s attracted to both men and women.

“I like to change my hair, I like to take risks with how I dress, I like girls, and I like guys (yes),” wrote the 25-year old star, who you may also recognize as Uriah from the movie Allegiant.

He added on Saturday, May 13:

“I like growing, I like learning, I like who I am and I really like who I’m becoming.

“Spent way too many years hating myself, thinking I was less valuable because I was different … which is just untrue.”

Lonsdale included the following photo with his announcement and went on to explain that a “couple years ago” he was “able to accept” himself.

Wrote the star:

“It saved my life, but now I’ve gotten to a new road block and I feel kind of lost. I gotta take the next step and actually embrace who I am, which is pretty exciting.

“Not faking sh-t anymore, not apologizing for falling in love with people no matter their gender. I’ve become bored of being insecure, ashamed, scared.”

Good. We admire Lonsdale for fully embracing who he really is.

Along with the aforementioned television and film role, the 25-year old has appeared on TV shows All Saints and Dance Academy, along with the movies Insurgent and The Finest Hours.

He concluded in his Instagram post that no one should be ashamed about who they are. Quite the opposite, in fact.

“More and more I see so many young people being their best / truest selves, it’s f-cking inspiring … so what have I been waiting for!? Who knows.

“Everyone in their own time. I hope we can all learn to embrace who we are and not judge people who aren’t exactly the same as us.

“The truth is we are all family, we’re all one.”

Amen, right?

Fortunately, yes, right: a significant number of social media users have come out and offered their support to Keiynan Lonsdale.

“U DESERVE ALL THE GOD DAMN LOVE IN THE UNIVERSE,” read one enthusiastic response, while another follower chimed in as follows:

“The love is beyond measurable.”

Click above for a look at other celebrities who have openly embraced their bisexuality and join us in saluting the bravery of Keiynan Lonsdale.

Do whatever (and whomever!) makes you happy, man. No judgment here. Just love.


Thursday, April 13, 2017

Charlie Murphy: Read His Final, Poignant Tweet

As previously reported, Charlie Murphy has died at the age of 57.

Despite the comedian having been diagnosed with Leukemia and having been in the hospital at the time of his passing, the news was still received a shock to those who knew Murphy well.

Various sources have confirmed that Murphy kept the dire status of his disease very quiet, even from close family members.

But it seems pretty clear that the star was aware his time was inching closer.

Consider his final Tweet, written the day before he died:

“One to Sleep On: Release the past to rest as deeply as possible.”

murph tweet

Fans didn’t give the message much thought at the time, but it’s impossible not to stare at, analyze and grow teary-eyed over the Tweet now

In the aftermath of Murphy’s passing, comedians and actors from across Hollywood have expressed their condolences on social media.

Eddie Murphy and his relatives have also released a statement that reads as follows:

Our hearts are heavy with the loss today of our son, brother, father, uncle and friend Charlie.

Charlie filled our family with love and laughter and there won’t be a day that goes by that his presence will not be missed. Thank you for the outpouring of condolences and prayers.

We respectfully ask for privacy during this time of great loss for all of us.

Aside from co-writing a few of his brother’s films and starring in a handful of movies himself, Charlie Murphy was best known later in life for hilarious appearances on Chappelle’s Show.

On Wednesday night, during a surprise cameo at a John Mayer concert, Dave Chappelle spoke to the crowd about losing his good friend and former colleague.

“Today I got some terrible news,” said the beloved stand-up comic from a stage in Ohio.

“My good friend Charlie Murphy passed away this morning, and everybody in comedy is heartbroken.”

He went on to say that Mayer’s song, “You’re Gonna Live Forever in Me,” reminded him of “my friend Charlie Murphy — our friend Charlie Murphy.”

As Mayer proceeded to play that track, Chappelle concluded:

“Rest in peace Charlie Murphy. We love you. We loved your comedy, we loved your stories, and we love your spirit.”

Murphy recently completed a tour with Cedric the Entertainer, Eddie Griffin, George Lopez and D.L. Hughley on The Comedy Get Down.

He stood out for roles in such movies as Are We There Yet?, The Boondocks and Black Jesus, while helping his brother pen Norbit and Vampire in Brooklyn.

He will be greatly missed and his comedy always appreciated.

Please join us in sending your best wishes to Charlie’s family, along with your thoughts, prayers and condolences.


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Leonardo DiCaprio Pays Tribute to Darlene Cates: Read His Statement

Leonardo DiCaprio is here to say goodbye to Darlene Cates.

The veteran actor, who got his huge break on the big screen in 1993 when he played Cates’ son in What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, took to Facebook on Tuesday and paid tribute to Cates.

The long-time actress died this week at the age of 69.

“Darlene was the best acting mom I ever had the privilege of working alongside,” DiCaprio wrote, adding of the actress:

“Her endearing personality and incredible talent will live on in the memories of those who knew her, and those who loved her work.

“My thoughts and prayers are with her family during this difficult time.”

Cates died on Sunday morning in her sleep. Her sister, Sheri Cates Morgan, shared the sad news on social media.

“It is with a bitter-sweet heart that we share that our precious wife, mother, and Gaga, Darlene Guthrie Cates, was called Home, somewhat unexpectedly, peacefully in her sleep Sunday morning, March 26th,” Morgan wrote.

Best known for portraying Johnny Depp and DiCaprio‘s overweight, housebound mother in the memorable film, Cates was discovered by Gilbert Grape author and screenwriter Peter Hedges.

He saw a tape of the actress on a 1985 episode of Sally Jessy Raphael titled “Too Heavy to Leave Their House.”

On the talk show at the time, Cates opened up about her battle with obesity and the pelvic infection that caused her to gain nearly 150 pounds.

Here’s a look at her on set with two actors who would go on to become A-Listers in Hollywood:

“I can do moms real well. I don’t have to delve very deep to find Mom in there,” the Texas native told The Dallas Morning News at one point in an interview about her acting.

Only 19 at the time the movie was released, DiCaprio earned his first Oscar nomination for What’s Eating Gilbert Grape.

He later wrote Cates a note in praise of her on-screen ability.

“I’m not really the best in expressing my words in writing but you are the most special person I have ever [met],” he said back in the day, adding:

“I’ll always remember you as the best acting mamma I ever had. You triumphed in your role.”

WEGG Poster

Following many years of health struggles, Cates lost 250 pounds and tried to get back into acting awhile back.

She went on to appear in such TV shows as Picket Fences in 1994 and Touched by an Angel in 1996 and also had a small role in the 2001 film Wolf Girl.

May she rest in peace.


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Jared Fogle Attacker Hailed As Great American Hero, Read the Letters (DOCUMENTS)

Jared Fogle’s turned a guy doing hard time for gun charges into a true blue American hero, and we have the letters that show the kinda love he’s been getting. We broke the story … Steve Nigg is the inmate who handed Fogle his ass during a brutal…


Jared Fogle Attacker Hailed As Great American Hero, Read the Letters (DOCUMENTS)

Jared Fogle’s turned a guy doing hard time for gun charges into a true blue American hero, and we have the letters that show the kinda love he’s been getting. We broke the story … Steve Nigg is the inmate who handed Fogle his ass during a brutal…


Thursday, March 16, 2017

Demi Lovato Celebrates 5 Years Sober: Read Her Message

Demi Lovato has something important to say.

And we doubt anyone will take issue with this statement.

Forget the controversial fact over Lovato claiming to be 1% African, she’s here with a far more persona message to send to all social media followers.

On Tuesday, the 24-year old celebrated a milestone:

She has now been sober for five years.

“So grateful. It’s been quite the journey. So many ups and downs,” the beloved star wrote alongside a progress tracker (below) from The Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.

She added as a caption to this image:

“So many times I wanted to relapse but sat on my hands and begged God to relieve the obsession. I’m so proud of myself but I couldn’t have done it without my higher power (God), my family, friends, and everyone else who supported me.

“Feeling humbled and joyful today.

“Thank you guys for sticking by my side and believing in me.”

Demi Lovato steps

Over the years, of course, the former Disney channel actress hasn’t shied away from addressing her tumultuous teenage years.

She’s spoken out on numerous occasions about her past of substance abuse, addiction, eating disorders, depression and self-inflicted harm, all in the hopes of helping other people going through similar tribulations.

Back in 2010, Lovato left a tour with the Jonas Brothers in order to check into a rehab facility for three months.

She emerged a changed young woman, although she has often admitted that the struggle remains real and constant.

In 2013, for example, Demi reportedly moved into a sober living house for about a year.

She has since advocated for mental health reform on Capitol Hill after being diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

And, for someone who once fought a serious eating disorder, which stemmed from severe body confidence struggles, Lovato is now proud and open with her figure.

When she shares a revealing Instagram photo, for instance, she isn’t trying to make headlines or increase her follower count.

She’s trying to prove that anyone can feel good about him or herself. 

“Like millions of Americans, I’m living with mental illness,” Lovato said before the crowd in Philadelphia at the Democratic National Convention last summer.

She continued:

“But I’m lucky.

“I had the resources and support to get treatment at a top facility. Unfortunately, too many Americans from all walks of life don’t get help, either because they fear the stigma or cannot afford treatment. 

“Untreated mental illness can lead to devastating consequences, including suicide, substance abuse and long-term medical issues.

“We can do better. Every one of us can make a difference.

“By getting educated on this epidemic and its frightening statistics and by breaking the stigma. I urge every politician to support laws that will provide access to better health care and support for everyone.

“This is not about politics. It’s simply the right thing to do.”

Amen, Demi.

Here’s to five fifty more years of good health and happiness.


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Matt Baier: Read an Excerpt from His New Tell-All!

A few months ago, we learned that Matt Baier has been so troubled by the media’s portrayal of him that he decided to write an entire book to set the record straight.

Sounds obnoxious already, right? Well, hold on.

The book, a tell-all he actually titled You Have No F**king Idea: The Naked Truth About My Life, comes out in May, and we’re sure it’ll be as cringeworthy as it sounds.

Really, we know it will be — and that’s because we have an excerpt!

In this passage of the book, Matt begins with “Everybody had a story. Everybody had a picture. Everybody had a wild tale to tell and the media ate it up.”

“Hell, they still do,” he continues. “There was a story recently about my past drug use that referred to me as the ‘slimy, sleazy fiancé of Amber Portwood."”

Because he’s upset that he’s painted in such a negative light all over the internet, get it? He’s sad because he’s done questionable things and now that he’s semi-famous, people know about those things.

But still, Matt argues that “The fact of the matter is that I have not done the majority of what’s been written about me. I have no criminal record. I barely have a background.”

“The press has invented sins based on the word of people looking to get paid and be famous.”

He then goes on a little tirade about the tabloids, about the little tricks they use to report scandalous but unverified things about him — “allegedly” he’s done this, “a source says” he’s done that.

He writes that he asked a tabloid reporter about why all this happens to poor, innocent Matt, and the answer was simple: people see his name in a headline, and they click on it.

As for why that happens, Matt muses that “I think it’s because they can’t get over the age difference between Amber and I. It’s shocking to them.”

“Some of it, I’m sure, has to do with the demographic of Teen Mom viewers, who are generally younger. They’re wonderful, but they don’t understand.”

He explains that “If you’re nineteen, and you’re watching this show, your father might be younger than me. I just turned forty-five. Amber and I got together when I was forty-two.”

“To the kids watching this show, I might as well be 100.”

Another thing, he says, is that he and Amber have been together for three years, and “Really, who do you think knows me more, the person I’ve spent twenty-four hours a day with for the last three years, or somebody I met in a bar fifteen years ago, and never even got their last name?”

With the tabloids, he says that “the truth wasn’t what they wanted. They didn’t think the truth got clicks. They didn’t think the truth sold magazines.”

“Well, now it’s my turn.”

And there it is.

Matt wrote this book so that he could refute countless tabloid reports about his status as a deadbeat dad, his former substance abuse, and his entire sordid past.

And that’s great. We’re glad he feels so passionate about setting the record straight.

But the issue is that he seems to think so many people care about each and every individual report about him, when that’s just not the case.

People care about two things: one, that he pretty much lied to Amber Portwood about how many children he had, and that he doesn’t have the best relationship with those children — something he’s admitted to.

And two, the fact that he tried to holler at Jenelle Evans and Farrah Abraham on Twitter before he was successful in getting with Amber.

Those are facts, they make him shady and suspicious, and that’s why people don’t like him.

But congrats on the book, guy.


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Emma Watson to Beyhive: Chill Out. Read THIS!

Emma Watson would really like to make peace with the most passionate fan base on the Internet.

The former Harry Potter star and current Beauty and the Beast beauty has found herself in unexpected hot water over the past few days, all because she took her bra off for Vanity Fair.

No, really.

That’s the entire basis for Watson facing the first backlash of her impressive career.

The British actress is featured in rather seductive fashion for the latest issue of this publication, staring into the camera under the headline “Beauty & the breasts” while donning nothing on top but a see-through sweater over her shoulders.

The item covers her nipples, however.

There’s really nothing X-rated to see in the picture, but folks across the globe have been caught off guard by someone with the reputation of Watson striking such a risque pose.

Watson has endured a string of criticism from those who don’t think one can be a feminist AND take one’s shirt off for the world to gawk over.

In response to the harsh words hurled her way over social media, Watson spoke to Reuters and basically replied:

WTH are people talking about?!?

She’s actually too nice to say anything like that, but she did come sort of close.

“Feminism is about giving women choice,” Watson explained in her own defense, adding:

“Feminism is not a stick with which to beat other women with. It’s about freedom, it’s about liberation, it’s about equality. I really don’t know what my tits have to do with it.”

Perfectly said, right?

Yes, but fans of Beyonce have taken a different issue with Watson.

They’re cool with Emma flaunting her sexuality.

But they are the opposite of cool with Emma flaunting her sexuality a few years after seemingly slamming Beyonce for doing the same thing in her 2013 visual album.

In a 2014 interview, Watson said the following about a number of Beyonce music videos:

“I felt very conflicted, I felt her message felt very conflicted in the sense that on the one hand she is putting herself in a category of a feminist – but then the camera, it felt very male, such a male voyeuristic experience of her.”

Based on those remarks alone, members of the very outspoken Beyhive WENT OFF on Watson.

They accused her of being a hypocrite, citing this quote as proof that she bashes other women for taking their clothes off… but then goes right ahead and does so herself.

Here’s a look at some of their more pointed comments:

beyhive tweets

Surprisingly, and to her credit, Watson has actually acknowledged this growing scandal.

She’s taken to Twitter and shared the FULL excerpt of the 2014 interview in question, making it pretty clear that she’s always been on Team Beyonce.

“This is the part of my 2014 interview with Tavi where we talked about Beyoncé. My words are in bold,” Watson wrote as a caption to the following screen shot.

emma statement

So… did Watson really utter the words that have gotten her in trouble?

Yes, but they were part of a much longer conversation.

“[Beyoncé] does make it clear that she is performing for [Jay Z] and the fact she wasn’t doing it for a label, she was doing it for herself and the control that she has directing it and putting it out there, I agree is making her sexuality empowering because it is her choice,” Watson goes on to say in this same interview.

As you can read above, she also says:

“The second is that I would say you do get sense of, ‘I can be a feminist, I can be an intellectual, I can be all these other things, but I can also be ok with my femininity, and being pretty and with all these things that I thought might negate my message or negate what I am about.’

That really is the most interesting thing about the album. It is so inclusive and puts feminism and femininity and female empowerment on such a broad spectrum.”

In other words:

Perhaps people ought to do some research and some reading before they jump all over someone.

Everyone Watson said about Beyonce three years ago is the same thing she said about herself when it comes to her Vanity Fair photo.

In other other words:

There’s nothing to see here, folks. Go find another feud to contrive.

Watson is awesome. Beyonce is awesome.

And everyone has to chill the eff out.


Monday, March 6, 2017

Chrissy Teigen Admits to Postpartum Depression: Read Her Essay

Those who follow Chrissy Teigen on social media likely think of the model as a generally funny and upbeat individual.

She has no problem getting drunk and Tweeting a photo of her stretch marks, for instance.

Or grabbing her boobs for all to see while on board one of the most famous amusement park rides on the planet.

But Teigen opens way up in the new issue of Glamour, admitting that she has suffered from an illness that afflicts millions of women every year… even if you’d never know by looking at her.

“I’ll just say it: I have post partum depression,” Teigen wrote on Instagram as a preview of this cover story, adding:

“So much love to @glamourmag for letting me share something that was eating me up inside for months and months.

“One of the most amazing things about social media is the ability to interact candidly with friends and fans and it felt so weird knowing what I was going through but not really feeling like it was the right place to speak on it.

“I’ve always felt genuinely close to all of you and I’m insanely relieved you now know something that has been such a huge part of me for so long.”

Teigen then linked to the Glamour article itself.

At the outset of the piece, the wife of John Legend explains how she felt an unexpected sadness soon after giving birth to daughter Luna last year.

She initially chalked this feeling up to her living situation; she, Legend and their child were residing in a hotel while their home was under construction.

“But I was different than before,” she wrote.

“Getting out of bed to get to set on time was painful. My lower back throbbed; my shoulders – even my wrists – hurt. I didn’t have an appetite.

“I would go two days without a bite of food, and you know how big of a deal food is for me. One thing that really got me was just how short I was with people.”

Typically a nice person and an outgoing person, “I couldn’t figure out why I was so unhappy,” Teigen shares.

She went on to detail her experience as follows:

I blamed it on being tired and possibly growing out of the role: ‘Maybe I’m just not a goofy person anymore. Maybe I’m just supposed to be a mom.’

John would sleep on the couch with me, sometimes four nights in a row. I started keeping robes and comfy clothes in the pantry so I wouldn’t have to go upstairs when John went to work.

There was a lot of spontaneous crying.

Teigen couldn’t figure out why she was in so much physical pain, either.

“John sat next to me. I looked at my doctor, and my eyes welled up because I was so tired of being in pain. Of sleeping on the couch. Of waking up throughout the night. Of throwing up. Of taking things out on the wrong people. Of not enjoying life. Of not seeing my friends.

“Of not having the energy to take my baby for a stroll.”

Because this subject matter is so personal, we’re just going to keep quoting Teige word for word.

“My doctor pulled out a book and started listing symptoms. And I was like, ‘Yep, yep, yep.’ I got my diagnosis: postpartum depression and anxiety. (The anxiety explains some of my physical symptoms.)”.

Finally diagnosed, Teigen started to take an antidepressant and to be honest with people when asked what was the matter.

“I felt like everyone deserved an explanation, and I didn’t know how else to say it other than the only way I know: just saying it.

“It got easier and easier to say it aloud every time. (I still don’t really like to say, ‘I have postpartum depression,’ because the word depression scares a lot of people. I often just call it ‘postpartum.’ Maybe I should say it, though. Maybe it will lessen the stigma a bit.).”

Concluded the model, hoping to send a positive message to other new mothers:

“I just didn’t think it could happen to me. I have a great life. I have all the help I could need: John, my mother (who lives with us), a nanny. But postpartum does not discriminate. I couldn’t control it.

“And that’s part of the reason it took me so long to speak up: I felt selfish, icky, and weird saying aloud that I’m struggling. Sometimes I still do…

“I know I might sound like a whiny, entitled girl. Plenty of people around the world in my situation have no help, no family, no access to medical care. I can’t imagine not being able to go to the doctors that I need…

“I look around every day and I don’t know how people do it. I’ve never had more respect for mothers, especially mothers with postpartum depression.”

In the end, Teigen says she still goes some days without leaving the house.

She knows she’s lucky. She knows she’s well off and living in somewhat of a Hollywood bubble.

But she’s just like millions of other women when it comes to this deeply personal health issue.

“Physically, I still don’t have energy for a lot of things, but a lot of new moms deal with this,” she writes.

“Just crawling around with Luna can be hard. My back pain has gotten better, but my hands and wrists still hurt. And it can still be tough for me to stomach food some days.

“But I’m dealing.”

We admire Chrissy Teigen for being so open and honest and we wish her the best.


Monday, February 27, 2017

Oscar Nominees Read Mean Tweets: Go F--k Yourself, Ryan Gosling!

The moment that stole the show at the 2017 Academy Awards was a decidedly unscripted one:

The announcement for the night"s top honor was botched in epic fashion, leading to La La Land being announced as Best Picture, when the voters had actually selected Moonlight.

But once it was all sorted out and the Steve Harvey jokes were made, the right film took home the Oscar, and everyone was happy.

Well, except for the people who were digitally roasted in the evening"s Mean Tweets segment.

If you"re a regular Jimmy Kimmel Live! viewer, you know that the late night host and noted Matt Damon hater regularly has celebrities read Twitter"s harshest burns about themselves on his show.

Last night, he subjected recent Oscar nominees to the same treatment, and while the tweets were arguably milder than usual, it was still fun to see Hollywood"s best and brightest react to harsh observations to the tune of "Everybody Hurts."

"Samuel L. Jackson has resting fart face," tweeted one online insult comic.

"Emma Stone looks like a crack whore in every role she plays," observed another aspiring Don Rickles.

Of course, real talent is when you can use one Oscar winner to insult another, like the hero who tweeted:

"Casey Affleck is the real life version of Billy Bob Thornton"s character in Sling Blade."

God bless you, sir.

Check out the rest of the roast in the clip below.

You"ll never look at Lin-Manuel Miranda"s haircut the same again:

Oscar nominees read mean tweets go f k yourself ryan gosling

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Jenelle Evans: My Mom is a Liar, Read About It in My Book!

Jenelle Evans has some problems with her mother, Barbara.

And, of course, instead of dealing with them like the mature adult she should be — seriously, she has three kids now, would it kill her to act grown? — she’s airing all the dirty laundry on social media.

It’s not surprising, but it sure is disappointing.

There are several layers to this story. It’s like a moldy, smelly, but still entertaining onion that way.

First up, there’s this interview that Barbara gave to Radar about the birth of Jenelle’s third child, Ensley.

“David is very excited about having Ensley,” she said, which is kind of shocking, because she and David have never gotten along.

But don’t worry, nothing’s changed. Barbara added that “Everything was good until he threw me out of the room.”

So she was in the delivery room with Jenelle while she was preparing to give birth. That’s sweet, right? Or, well, it would have been, until that part where David kicked her out.

When Barb was asked exactly why David threw her out, she said “I don’t know, maybe it’s me! I haven’t seen them.”

As for Jenelle’s side of the story, she tweeted (and deleted!) that “She was never kicked out of any delivery room.”

“She says that so people feel pity for her. She ends up arguing with my boyfriend and leaves.”

So who do we believe here? Jenelle, who has always been one of the hottest messes that ever was, or Barbara, who honestly seems pretty confused most of the time?

It’s hard to say. But what we do know is that Jenelle is really enjoying hating on her mother these days.

She’s been retweeting several negative comments about Barbara, things like “Barn is seriously a conniving snake. She’s probably the main reason for all Jenelle’s issues. And now Jace is.”

Someone asked her why Barbara’s been keeping Jace instead of handing over custody to her, and she said “She really has no real reason. You will see more into this issue later this season.”

But when a fan told her that her mother was using Jace against her, and that she’s been verbally abusive to her, that’s when Jenelle let the real juicy stuff out.

“Wait until my book is released this summer,” she wrote. “There will be lots of diary entries of mine as a child and it sheds light on my earlier relationship with my mom.”

“Makes things very clear to me now why I have so much bad thoughts about the way I was raised. I was very unhappy.”

… So Jenelle’s releasing a book? And it’s going to have old diary entries of hers?

We all need to pre-order this mess immediately.


Friday, February 3, 2017

NFL Stars Read Mean Tweets, Try to Act All Tough

It may be easy for Russell Wilson to bounce back up from a hard hit he takes on the football field.

But what about a hard hit he takes within the Twittersphere?

On Jimmy Kimmel Live this week, Wilson and a handful of other NFL stars stepped up and sucked it up for the show"s latest version of Mean Tweets.

In anticipation of Super Bowl LI between the New England Patriots and Atlanta Falcons this Sunday, Wilson, Von Miller, Odell Beckham Jr. and others became the latest celebrities to publicly read some harsh statements made about them online.

To wit:

"Odell Beckham Jr transitioned from an exciting new rookie to an extremely lame looking d**khead in an alarmingly short amount of time," read the New York Giants controversial wide receiver.

These athletes are making millions of dollars per year to play a game and Wilson can see Ciara nude any time he wants.

So it"s hard to have too much sympathy for them.

But still. Consider the following diss:

“I’m tired of people saying Russell Wilson is too short to play quarterback. He’s ugly, too.”

That"s just mean, people!

What did strangers have to say about Miller? About Tony Romo?

Click PLAY and find out now!

Nfl stars read mean tweets try to shrug away the pain