Showing posts with label Royal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Royal. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Prince William Confirms Royal Baby is Sort of Sleeping, May Be Named Jerry


Mere days after Prince William and Kate Middleton welcomed their third child into the world, the Duke of Cambridge attended an Anzac Day service at Westminster Abbey in London.

This was an event meant to honor the military.

After paying his respects (along with future sister-in-law Meghan Markle), however, William spoke to reporters briefly and answered a few questions about his son’s first few days.

“Sleeping’s going reasonably well so far,” the Royal Hunk told The Daily Mirror’s Victoria Murphy, quipping as a follow-up:

“So, he’s behaving himself, which is good.”

LOL. We’re glad to hear that a three-day old is on his best behavior.

William also said that his son and his wife are “doing very well,” prior to touching on the only subject matter anyone cares about right now.

What will he and Middleton name their kid?!?

When Australian High Commissioner Alexander Downer asked William if he’s considered the name Alexander for the little one, William responded:

“Well, it’s funny you should say that. It’s a good name.”

Alexander actually is a leading contender for the baby’s name.

From there, The Dean of Westminster joked that Sir Jerry Mateparae, New Zealand’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, would like the baby’s name to be Jerry.

How did William reply to this suggestion?

“Jerry is a strong name, absolutely.”

(Yes, this was a joke. Ain’t no way we’ll soon be greeting Prince Jerry.)

Based on William and Kate’s first two kids, we can expect to learn the child’s moniker by the end of this week. Maybe even by the end of today!

Middleton, of course, gave birth to the fifth heir to the throne at St. Mary’s Hospital in London on April 23. Kensington Palace announced the news on Twitter as follows:

Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge was safely delivered of a son at 1101hrs. The baby weighs 8lbs 7oz.

The Duke of Cambridge was present for the birth. Her Royal Highness and her child are both doing well.

Upon debuting the infant to the public on Monday (below), Middleton paid tribute to her late mother-in-law by wearing a dress similar to the one donned by Princess Diana back when she debuted Prince Harry.

Pretty cool, huh?

As for how four-year old brother George and two-year old sister Charlotte are responding to the arrival of their small sibling?

“Will and Kate [are] making sure [the children] felt included in everything,” an insider tells Us Weekly.

Of course they are. We’d expect nothing less from such amazing parents.

We continue to send our best wishes to Kate, William and all their kids.

We cannot wait to watch them all grow up!


Monday, April 23, 2018

Kate Middleton Baby Name: What"s the New Prince"s Royal Moniker?

As you"ve likely heard by now, Kate Middleton welcomed her third child this morning.

The newest member of the royal family already made his big media debut, but thus far, Kate and Will have kept mum with regard to his royal moniker.

But that"s not stopping the UK"s most problematic gamblers from betting their paychecks on the little lads name!

Most of the wagering took place before today"s delivery, but don"t worry – it"s not too late for you to get in on the ridiculous action!

Check out our full gambling guide in the gallery below:

1. Hear Ye, Hear Ye!

Checking in on kate

The royal baby has entered the building, y’all. Here’s one of the first pics of Will, Kate, and their newest arrival outside the hospital where the little prince entered the world this morning.

2. When Will the Announcement Take Place?

Oh royal baby

The bad news is, Will and Kate probably won’t announce the baby’s name until later this week. The good news is, that gives you, the degenerate gambler, plenty of time to place a bet on the royal moniker!

3. The Royal Precedent

Kate middleton baby photo

With both Prince George and Princess Charlotte, the royals waited a day or two befor announcing the name. Why, you ask? We have no idea! That’s not for peasants like us to understand!

4. No Jaden, Caden, or Braden

Kate middleton with prince george

As with their first two tykes, it’s a safe bet that Will and Kate will go the traditional route. And so, a handful of royal-sounding frontrunners have emerged as the the gamblers’ favorites.

5. No Jack City

Kate middleton and prince william together

It was briefly rumored that Will and Kate would go with the name “Jack” after one of Will’s favorite soccer players. That name quickly fell out of contention when royal-watchers determined it was much too modern.

6. Arthur: 2/1

Prince william kate middleton altazurra blue dress stewards acad

A name fit for a king! Arthur is the current front-runner with 2/1 odds. But if you’re looking to really cash in, you might want to put your pounds down on a moniker with longer odds.

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Good Bet Kate Middleton & Prince William Name Royal Baby Arthur

Kate Middleton and Prince William haven’t announced the name for their newborn son yet, but there’s already a bunch of people betting it’ll be Arthur. We reached out to Ladbrokes, a major UK betting company, who’s been taking bets on the new royal…


Kate Middleton Welcomes Royal Baby #3! It"s a ...

A new royal baby has arrived! Kate Middleton and Prince William have welcomed their child just a few hours ago, and she is beautiful.

Just kidding. It’s a boy!!

The new addition to the family, whose name has not yet been revealed, arrived Monday morning, Kensington Palace officially announced.

“Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge was safely delivered of a son at 1101 hrs,” the statement palace said.

It’s another big one, the palace adds: “The baby weighs 8 lbs 7 oz. The Duke of Cambridge was present for the birth.”

“The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall, Prince Harry and members of both families have been informed and are delighted with the news.”

“Her Royal Highness and her child are both doing well.”

Per royal protocol, an official announcement will soon be posted with full details on an easel in front of Buckingham Palace. 

The newest member of the British royal family was born at St. Mary’s Hospital in London, just like his two older siblings.

He joins Prince George, 4, who turns 5 in July and Princess Charlotte, 2 who will turn 3 in just a few weeks on May 2.

Reports of Kate Middleton in labor began to circulate this morning after she was admitted to the hospital around 6 a.m.

Just a few hours later, the child arrived!

It’s expected that Kate’s parents, Carole and Mike Middleton, and William’s father Prince Charles and his wife, Camilla, will visit soon.

Before long, barring any health complications, the couple is expected to take their baby home to nearby Kensington Palace.

At that point, Her Royal Majesty herself (and the baby’s great-grandmother) Queen Elizabeth is expected to visit the infant.

Meanwhile, royal fans have already gathered outside the hospital in hopes of another mini-press conference like we’ve seen in the past.

When William and Kate debuted George and Charlotte, they briefly held court for fans and media before heading home.

Kate Middleton once again battled acute morning sickness, also known as Hyperemesis Gravidarum, during her first trimester.

Having suffered through that with her first two pregnancies as well, she was an old pro at this point, handling it like a champ.

She soon returned to her royal duties, and we soon resumed our usual duties of wondering about the baby’s name and gender.

As usual, Kate Middleton’s baby name and gender were not revealed despite the massive public interest in this information.

William did drop a pretty big hint, however.

The royal baby is now fifth in the line of succession after Prince Charles, Prince William, Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

Thanks to a recent change in policy, Charlotte will not lose her spot to her new baby brother just because of his male gender.

Prince Harry just got knocked down a peg, though. Again.

Once third behind only Charles and William, Harry’s probably even more disappointed than Meghan Markle is this morning.

After all, no one’s going to be talking about their lame wedding when Kate just welcomed a beautiful new bundle of joy, right?

Just kidding. We made all of that up.

The baby’s arrival does come at an exciting time, though, just weeks before Harry and Meghan are set to tie the knot.

Looks like they had better add another place setting for the reception at St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle, right?!

As for whether Middleton will have a fourth child, she’s only 36, and is obviously a pro’s pro at this, so you never know.

Congrats to the whole family!!!!


Friday, April 20, 2018

Princess Di"s Biographer Says Meghan Markle Will Help Royal Family"s Race Relations

Andrew Morton, author of the most famous book on Princess Diana, says Meghan Markle holds a very important key for Royal Family’s image. Morton tells us Meghan becoming a Duchess after marrying Prince Harry is a much-needed step…


Friday, April 13, 2018

Prince William Drops MAJOR Hint on Royal Baby"s Gender

With Duchess Kate Middleton ready to give birth in the near future, this royal pregnancy is getting more and more attention.

And it appears that Prince William may have dropped a massive hint about whether they’re expecting a little prince or a little princess.

Is this a major royal gaffe?

Like a large number of people, Prince William is a fan of sports.

Specifically, he enjoys soccer, which is called “football” in … well, outside of the United States, where soccer is popular even among adults.

The Prince is a fan of the Aston Villa Football Club, and celebrated Jack Grealish’s successful and dramatic win for his side when he played against Cardiff City.

In his enthusiasm, it appears that he let something slip about his third child with Kate Middleton.

Referring to Grealish’s skill on the field and accomplishments during that particular game, William told fans:

“I’m going to insist the baby is called Jack.”

After a brief pause, in which he may have realized what he had said, he added:

“…Or Jackie.”

Is this a huge reveal and therefore a major royal gaffe?

It is difficult to tell, but many believe that Prince William accidentally leaked his child’s expected sex.

When one is excited, even a royal who has been schooled from birth to keep things private can have a loosened tongue.

That would certainly shoot down rumors that Kate Middleton is expecting twin girls. (Everyone loves a twin story)

But we should mention that it is also possible that was entirely joking about the name “Jack” and only threw in the “Jackie” line so that people would not jump to conclusions.

Obviously, that did not work out the way that he may have planned.

As for the name itself, well, regardless of the little one’s sex, Prince William is probably joking.

Even regular, non-royal people need to be thoughtful about the names that they give to their children.

If we all just picked the names of people we admire for our children, it could backfire when prospective employers refuse to interview someone named “Magneto” or decline to hire yet another “Carrie Fisher” because they already have a dozen and it’s already creating confusion at the office.

For royals, the pressures when it comes to names are even more intense. 

Look at William’s children’s names: George and Charlotte.

George is a traditional name in his family, and St. George is said to have slain Britain’s last dragon, and is the patron saint of England. 

Charlotte is another name from his family, most notably of Queen Charlotte of Mecklenberg-Strelitz. Also, the name Charlotte has its roots in Charles, the name of William’s father.

So it seems likely that whatever name they choose for this royal baby, it won’t be “Jack.”

(Probably for the best, since when people outside of the UK think of a famous British person by that name, they’re likely to think of Jack the Ripper)

This baby … who seems more and more likely to be a little prince … will probably have a name with a rich royal history.

A name deeply entrenched in British culture.

A name hich, zero offense to anyone named “Jack,” will probably have a less common air to it.

Now is more or less the right time for the couple to introduce a new child into the family.

Princess Charlotte just started preschool, so a new baby will be slightly more manageable.

And the child is also close enough in age to Charlotte and even George that they won’t feel like strangers from different generations.

They may or may not be playmates, but that will have more to do with personality and interests than it has to do with their ages.

We’re all looking forward to the birth of this next royal baby.

Even if it does end up being “Prince Jack.”


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Royal Wedding Invitations: In the Mail! Also in This Article!

That’s it! It’s officially official:

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are getting married.

We know, you figured this was official back when Harry proposed to Markle and, in nearly every way, you were correct in this assumption.

But proposals can always be taken back; answers can always be changed.

The real official way to know whether a couple plans on getting married or not takes place when the invitations go in the mail. There’s just no turning back at that point.

So, with that in mind, Kensington Palace was excited to make an announcement on Thursday morning:

The invitations are in the mail!

“Invitations to the wedding of Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle have been issued in the name of His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales,” the Palace Tweeted today, adding:

“Guests have been invited to the service at St George’s Chapel and to the lunchtime reception at St George’s Hall, which is being given by Her Majesty The Queen.”

So there we have it.

invites out

We’ve known for several weeks, of course, that Markle and Harry were getting married on May 19.

The date has been circled on our calendar and multiple alarms have already been set to ensure we don’t sleep through the ceremony.

But we now know the invitations were produced by Barnard & Westwood, a London-based printing company that has held a royal warrant for printing by appointment for the Queen since 1985 and Prince Charles since 2012.

We also know the invitations are stamped in gold and that they feature Charles’ Three Feather Badge.

Moreover, the guests’ names have added with a calligraphy printer.

How do we know all of this?

Because the Palace has also unveiled photos of the invites! EEEK!!!!!!!

royal invite

Clearly aware of the excitement and curiosity surrounding these nuptials, Kensington Palace also let folks in on how invitations were made, posting details and even a short video about the process on Twitter.

“Lottie Small, who recently completed her apprenticeship, printed all of the invitations in a process known as die stamping, on a machine from the 1930s that she affectionately nicknamed Maude,” reads the official Royal social media account.

The Palace notes that “using American ink on English card, the invitations are printed in gold and black, then burnished to bring out the shine, and gilded around the edge.”

Fascinating, right?

Almost as fascinating as the possibility that Markle may already be pregnant!

The Prince and the former Suits star confirmed their engagement in November.

Since then, they have been making trips around the United Kington to meet local people and help acquaint Meghan with the causes and interests Harry supports.

The stars bonded at the outset of their romance over shared charitable interests and endeavors.

This invitation insight, meanwhile, arrives two days after the Palace announced that the couple asked Violet Bakery owner Claire Ptak of London to create a lemon elderflower cake for their reception.

“I can’t tell you how delighted I am to be chosen to make Prince Harry and Ms. Markle’s wedding cake,” the pastry chef said in a statement, concluding:

“Knowing that they really share the same values as I do about food provenance, sustainability, seasonality and most importantly flavor, makes this the most exciting event to be a part of.”

No word yet on who Harry will choose as his Best Man.

But our money is on Zayn Malik.


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle Getting The Royal Emoji Treatment

Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton are going the way of Kim Kardashian and Blac Chyna and getting their own line of emojis.  A company called DRKHORS filed docs to trademark KateMojis and MeghanMojis. We’re told the two will be different ……


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

British Royal Family, Politicians to Boycott World Cup Over Spy Poisoning

U.K. prime minister Theresa May just laid down the gauntlet to Russia — saying NO members of the British government OR the royal family will attend the World Cup over a chemical attack on a double agent living in England.  May is FURIOUS over…


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Mel B Says Spice Girls Will Perform at Royal Wedding

The Spice Girls aren’t just reuniting, they’re becoming a wedding band … but only for one very special couple. Mel B went on “The Real” Tuesday and had a very hard time keeping anything secret about the group’s involvement with the Royal Wedding…


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Lifetime"s Prince Harry & Meghan Markle "Royal Love Story" Starts Filming

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have touched down in Canada to start production on a new Lifetime movie about their love affair — or at least the actors playing them have. The actors playing the couple in “Harry & Meghan: The Royal…


Monday, February 12, 2018

Royal Wedding 2.0: Get ALL the New Details!

About three months prior to one of the most anticipated says in British history, Kensington Palace came out and made an announcement.

Several announcements, actually.

Along with confirming the wedding date for Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, the Royal Family provided the public with an endless array of important details regarding what"s to come for the couple on their HUGE day.

When should you set your alarm? Where will Meghan and Harry go immediately after exchanging vows?

Find out below!

1. The Date

The date

May 19, 2018. The Palace confirmed this date not long after the stars got engaged.

2. The Location

Meghan markle and prince harry in love

St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle, England. It’s hard to imagine a much more romantic venue.

3. The Time

Meghan markle engagement photo

The service will begin at 12 p.m. U.K. time, which is 7 a.m. EST/4 a.m. PST. Set your alarms early, West Coast residents!

4. The First Act as Newlyweds

Prince harry and meghan markle 4 eva

After getting married, Markle and her prince will ride in a horse-carriage through the streets of Windsor. The carriage procession will depart an hour later after they exchange vows, at 8 a.m. EST/5 a.m. PST.

5. Side/Related Note

Side slash related note

Remember when Kate Middleton and Prince William took a carriage ride on their wedding day? Who could ever forget?!?

6. The New Names

Prince harry shakes

The stars will be married by the Archbishop of Canterbury The Most Revd. and Rt Hon. Justin Welby. He will conduct the marriage ceremony itself, but the full service at the chapel will be led by The Rt Revd. David Conner, the Dean of Windsor.

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Thursday, February 1, 2018

Megyn Kelly: Banned from the Royal Wedding?!?

NBC appears to have a royally big problem on its hands.

According to an interesting new report, Megyn Kelly knows where she wants to be this spring:

In London. Right in the thick of the most romantic and publicized wedding to hit Great Britain since Prince William exchanged vows with Kate Middleton.

Yes, Kelly wants to cover the Meghan Markle-Prince Harry nuptials.

She wants to be overseas, right alongside Today Show co-hosts Savannah Guthrie and Hoda Kotb, filling viewers in on the mood of the crowd, the designer of Markle’s dress and all the other pressing details related to this monumental event.

There’s just one problem:

Kelly’s bosses don’t want here there.


“NBC is going all out for their royal wedding coverage and has only the best correspondents with insider knowledge about the couple and everything going on behind the scenes,” an insider claims to Radar Online.

Kelly, it seems, does not fit this description.

In fact, NBC News President Noah Oppenheim “personally vetoed the request,” Radar writes.

The network is intent on putting together an entire team to be on hand for the wedding and, no doubt, for the days leading up to it.

Kensington Palace has confirmed that Markle will wed Harry on May 19, 2018, with Markle planning on breaking from tradition during her big day.

That’s the sort of major scoop NBC wants to make sure it, ummm, scoops up.

Why wouldn’t it want Kelly to be part of this investigative unit? Per this same network source:

“With NBC putting millions of dollars of resources into the wedding coverage, the last thing that anyone wants is Megyn to be there and say something completely inappropriate on the air which would create its own controversy.”

Kelly’s tenure at her new place of employ has not exactly gone smoothly to date, that much is certain.

She recently received very harsh coverage for the way she BLASTED Jane Fonda on air, slamming the veteran actress for being a hypocrite.

Ratings for Kelly’s hour of Today have also been very weak and there’s been chatter that others at NBC are bitter over how much money she’s making.

Especially when this money is not translating into popularity or viewership.

Overall, folks just don’t seem too keen on Kelly pretending like she’s Kelly Ripa or some TV personality who can casually comment on the news and/or share funny stories from her personal life.

Not after she spent years stirring up controversy as a conservative anchor on Fox News.

This is the fear of higher-ups at NBC apparently.

“She would somehow manage to upstage the royal wedding, and her bosses just aren’t going to take a chance on that,” Radar alleges.

Kelly’s rant against Fonda really does appear to have rubbed executives the wrong way.

“What Megyn is doing is suicide,” an insider previously stated to Radar Online, warning that the host “is welcome to kill her show but she will not be allowed to take down the Today show with her.”

And ain’t no way she’s taking down the MegHar wedding, either!


Meghan Markle: Planning to Break the Royal Rules at Her Wedding?!

We’re less than four months away from Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s wedding, and royal obsessives are already giddy with the anticipation of waking up at 4 am to watch two strangers say “I do.”

As with all royal matters, the details of the planning process are being kept under lock and key, but it’s safe to say that Harry and Meghan’s reception will be as non-traditional as their relationship.

In all likelihood, the ceremony will bow to custom, but it seems that after the vows are exchanged, Meghan is planning to let her hair down.

(Not literally, of course. Her updo will probably cost more than your car.)

We’ve already learned of various ways in which Meghan and Harry are planning to buck tradition.

For example, the couple reportedly plans to invite Cressida Bonas, one of Harry’s most high-profile exes, to the ceremony.

Not a big deal for most of us, but the sort of thing that results in widespread pearl-clutching in royal circles.

But Cressida’s presence will probably go mostly unnoticed by the massive international TV audience.

What reportedly has royal handlers far more concerned is the possibility that Meghan might … speak at her own wedding!

Yes, insiders say the actress is planning to give a toast in which she’ll thank all those who have helped ease her transition from peasant to royal.

She’ll apparently close by addressing Harry in an “affectionate” fashion.

Since royals are basically forbidden to display any sort of emotion in public, this is apparently a big deal.

According to tradition, men are allowed to give toasts at royal weddings, but women are just supposed to sit there and look pretty.

“Historically at a royal wedding reception, the bride’s father would speak on her behalf, and the other speeches are reserved for the groom and the best man,” wedding etiquette expert Amber Harrison tells Huffington Post.

Harrison adds that if she does decide to give a speech, Meghan will be “breaking centuries of royal tradition.”

“It is more common for an American bride to give a toast or make a speech at her wedding reception,” says Anne Chertoff, another wedding specialist.

“Since Meghan is an American it’s highly likely that she may make a toast or speech at her wedding reception, which will widely be received in a positive and wonderful way.”  

We don’t know what’s more shocking – that the royals still observe such an outdated tradition or that multiple people identify as professional wedding experts.

We get the feeling that you’ll be hearing a lot from these “specialists” in the months to come.


Monday, January 29, 2018

Desiigner Hyped AF at the Royal Rumble, Hollas at WWE"s Torrie Wilson!

Move over, Wale — there’s a new WWE superfan rapper, and his name is Desiigner! Want proof? Check out the “Panda” M.C. at the Royal Rumble in Philly Sunday night … losing his damn mind with pretty much every Rumble entrant. The…


Ronda Rousey Crashes Royal Rumble, Signs Full Time WWE Contract

It’s official … Ronda Rousey is a WWE superstar!  The UFC legend flew back from shooting a movie in Colombia to make a surprise (not really a surprise) appearance at the end of the Royal Rumble in Philly on Sunday night … and the crowd…


Saturday, January 27, 2018

Meghan Markle Wanted to be Willy Wonka Before Becoming a Royal

Meghan Markle’s on her way to joining the Royal Family, but before that, she had her sights set on becoming queen … of the lollipop biz. According to docs obtained by TMZ … Meghan and a friend filed trademark paperwork back in 2012 for the term…


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Ronda Rousey: No Royal Rumble for Me, No Deal Yet

Ronda Rousey is slamming the door on rumors she’ll make her official WWE debut at the Royal Rumble on Jan 28th — telling TMZ Sports it’ll be physically impossible … ‘cause she’ll be out of the country! “I’m actually leaving to Colombia right now…


Ronda Rousey: No Royal Rumble for Me, No Deal Yet

Ronda Rousey is slamming the door on rumors she’ll make her official WWE debut at the Royal Rumble on Jan 28th — telling TMZ Sports it’ll be physically impossible … ‘cause she’ll be out of the country! “I’m actually leaving to Colombia right now…


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Meghan Markle Will "Taint" Royal Family with Her "Black Seed," Horrible Girlfriend of British Politician Warns

As it turns out, not everyone loves Meghan Markle.

As it also turns out, not everyone is tolerant of people who are not Caucasian.

A pretty major flap has arisen in Great Britain after The Daily Mail obtained text messages from a woman named Jo Marney.

She is (or was, keep reading…) the girlfriend of a British politician named Henry Bolton and she GOES OFF on Markle in these explicit messages, writing the kinds of things one would expect to only hear from Donald Trump.

(Just kidding. Sort of.)

An ex-model, Marney refers to Markle in these texts as Prince Harry’s “black American fiancee,” adding that she will “taint” the Royal Family with “her seed.”

No, seriously. She wrote all that.

She also said Markle will pave the way for a “black king” to rule the nation.

It’s unclear to whom Marney is texting, but when she gets called out for being awful and racist, she responds as follows:

“lol so what. Not wanting other races and cultures to invade your own culture doesn’t mean I hate their race. Just means I don’t want their cultures invading mine.”

It’s a fine line, apparently.

(Marney also says that she would never have sex with “a negro” because they are “ugly,” but, hey, she doesn’t have any issues with that race, okay?!?)

Bolton, meanwhile, is a 54-year old leader in The UK Independence Party who some citizens wanted to resign even before this new scandal hit…because he left his wife and two kids for the 25-year old Marney.

He has broken up with his girlfriend in the wake of this public flap, but he may still be ousted by the party’s ruling National Executive Committee on Thursday.

If this happens, it would leave the party having to elect its fifth leader in just over a year and a half.

Here is a photo of the controversial former couple:

In a statement to The Mail, Marney apologized and claimed her comments had been taken out of context, which is pretty hilarious.

This is what she wrote for her mea culpa:

“No offense was intended and, again, I apologize unreservedly for any such offense or hurt that my messages have caused to members of the public, members of Ukip, my friends, family and loved ones.”

Markle’s father is white and her mother is African-American.

Sadly, she has faced a great deal of harassment concerning her mixed heritage ever since entering the spotlight as Harry’s girlfriend.

In November of 2016, the Internet trolls grew so loud in their racism that Prince Harry instructed Kensington Palace to issue a strongly worded statement in regards to a “wave of abuse and harassment.”

“It is not right that a few months into a relationship with [Prince Harry] that Ms. Markle should be subjected to such a storm,” this statement read, adding:

“He knows commentators will say this is ‘the price she has to pay’ and that ‘this is all part of the game.’ He strongly disagrees.

“This is not a game – it is her life and his.”

In their first joint interview as an engaged couple, Markle and Harry addressed this topic.

They remained level-headed about it and are refusing to let horrible people such as Marney influence their happiness in any way, shape or form.

“At the end of the day I am proud of who I am and where I have come from and we have never put any focus on that, we have just focused on who we are as a couple,” said the actress at the time.

Good for her.

And very bad for Marney. Very, very, very, very bad.
