Showing posts with label Secret. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Secret. Show all posts

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Donald Trump Jr.: Secret DMs, Bacon Fetish... REVEALED!

We all love bacon.

It may very well be the perfect food.

But new direct messages released by a model named Melissa Stetten have revealed the level to which Donald Trump Jr. apparently adores this pig-made delicacy…

… and it’s A LOT.

Donald Trump Jr. loves bacon a lot.

The oldest son of President Donald Trump, whose marriage legally fell apart this week, sent Stetten a number of messages in November of 2011, not long after his wife gave birth to son Tristan.

The DMs don’t necessarily reflect any sort of inappropriate relationship between the businessman and the model.

They simply depict an odd obsession of Donald Trump Jr.’s that has been rumored about over the years.

“Surprised his marriage didn’t work out since he was sending me DMs a month after his wife gave birth,” Stetten tweeted this week, sharing a screen shot of Trump Jr.’s message to her, which read as follows:

“Well Im getting s–t 4the bacon comment glad I opted not 2send the tweet asking 4pics from ur bathroom tweet last night;) people need2chil.”

Need an explanation?

Let’s turn to Stetten…

She said on Thursday that this DM came after she tweeted a “joke about pulling a muscle changing a tampon” and – to her confusion – “he replied asking if I smelled bacon?”

stetten message

Once word of this exchange went viral, a spokeswoman for Trump Jr. provided the full thread of their DMs in order to prove two things:

1. There was no affair going on.

2. Both sides were clearly joking around during their online chat.

Here is the full exchange:

full junior

We’re happy to grant that Trump Jr. and Stetten were not carrying on in a sexual manner.

Was the former flirting with the latter? We’ll leave that up to readers to debate.

Stetten told People Magazine, though, that she had “no idea” what The Other Donald meant by the bacon reference, although she did cite other Tweets from around this time that proved Trump has “some weird obsession with bacon.”

For example:

One tweet from Trump Jr. back then read:

“Does anyone else have a Bacon fetish??? It sounds so wrong but tastes so right!”

loving bacon

How does Stetten know Trump?

She doesn’t, not really.

“He just started following me so I followed back,” she tells People, adding:

“He would favorite my tweets and occasionally reply. I always thought of the Trumps as idiots so it was entertaining to see his failed attempts at hitting on me.”

In further Tweets shared by Stetten, she responded to his initial remark by joking, “@DonaldJTrumpJr soaking my body in bacon today,” to which he replied:

“Now you’re just toying w my emotions. Why don’t women come up w bacon perfume? Seems so much better than that channel [sic] crap.”

He later wrote:

“Stop that!!! I am a happily married man,” with a winking smiley face.

Okay, there’s no longer a debate: Trump was flirting with her.

weird tweet

Trump Jr. has not publicly responded to Stetten’s tweets.

He does have other things to worry about, of course.

As previously mentioned, his wife and the mother of five children just filed for divorce.

And he’s also under investigation for possibly colluding with Russian agents in order to help swing the Presidential election to his father.


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Secret Service Descending on Trump"s Beverly Hills Fundraiser

The Secret Service is all over the super exclusive gated community of Beverly Park like white on rice, securing the area for Tuesday night’s Donald Trump fundraiser. Agents were at the front gate, at the home where the event is going down, and…


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Robert Kraft"s GF Reportedly Births Secret Baby

Age ain’t nothin’ but a number for Robert Kraft … the 76-year-old Patriots owner’s 38-year-old girlfriend has reportedly given birth to a secret baby — and signs point to Kraft being the daddy. Kraft’s GF, Ricki Noel Lander, gave birth to the…


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Amy Schumer Shares Photos of Top Secret Wedding

Amy Schumer pulled a Jennifer Aniston and secretly married her boyfriend, Chris Fischer, Tuesday in Malibu with only about 80 people in attendance. Schumer tied the knot overlooking the Pacific in an off-white dress. The bridesmaids wore pink,…


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie: We"re Holding Secret Talks!

According to an onslaught of recent rumors, Brad Pitt is getting back together with Jennifer Aniston.

Call us crazy, but we aren’t exactly buying this chatter.

On a semi-related note, however, reports also indicate that Pitt is back in contact with estranged wife Angelina Jolie, leaving folks to wonder why.

Is Jolie pissed about the Aniston reunion talk?

Is she considering a reconciliation with Pitt?

Are they collaborating on a movie project?

No, no and no.

Nearly 18 months after they stunned the world by announcing their separation and planned divorce, Jolie and Pitt are still working out the details of their legal split.

There’s no chance they will ever see each other naked, so don’t go getting all excited over this drawn out process.

But there is hope that the initial tension between the superstars has thawed and that an amicable relationship is still very much possible.

The Blast writes that Jolie and Pitt have filed documents in their divorce case, asking to extend their “temporary judge” so that negotiations remain private.

This means we can’t say for certain just what the actress and actor are talking about as it relates to their break-up.

But it’s most likely they are figuring out a way to distribute assets and, of course, coming up with a custody arrangement that satisfies both sides.

Granted, most divorces do not take this long to settle.

However, most divorces do not involve so many millions of dollars between the man and the woman – or so many kids!

Angelina and Brad are the parents to six sons and daughters: Maddox, Pax, Zahara, Shiloh, and twins Vivienne and Knox.

Amid speculation that Pitt was actually abusive with Maddox on board a private airplane in the fall of 2016, Jolie was hesitant at first to agree to any sort of joint custody.

But the two are now coordinating schedules so that Mom and Dad both get ample time in the kids on a regular basis.

“Brad and Angie are doing OK, working out time for him to be with the kids,which he treasures,” an insider tells People Magazine.

Right now, the kids reside permanently with Jolie in Los Angeles and visit with Pitt on occasion.

“Angelina is busy with everything she is doing, including being a super mom to her kids,” someone close to the actress previously told this publication, adding:

“But she is doing fine and working with Brad on ways to continue their lives so everyone is happy.”

As for Pitt?

He’s at least in a better position now than he was several months ago, back when he was actually under investigation by the FBI for supposedly getting physical with Maddox on board that aforementioned airplane.

He’s given a few candid interviews in which he’s admitted to maybe smoking and drinking a little too much back in the day and appears to have arrived at a few revelations about his life in general.

The guy clearly loves his kids.

“The process has been difficult,” said a different People source. “But he is OK and remains committed to his family.”


Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Josh Duggar: Secret Return to Rehab Exposed!

It’s been two and a half years since the dueling Josh Duggar sex scandals nearly brought down his family’s pristine reality TV empire.

Though the Duggars survived at TLC, their reputation was never the same after Josh’s child molestation and adultery were exposed.

Josh’s downfall and rehab stint came shortly after he lost his lobbying job with the Family Research Council in Washington D.C. 

After confessing to cheating on Anna Duggar and being addicted to online porn, the disgraced Duggar was sent off to Rockford, Illinois.

The faith-based rehab center Reformers Unanimous became his home for the better half of 2015 until his quiet return home in 2016.

Now, thanks to Radar Online, we’ve just learned that Josh made a secret return to the Christian-based labor camp (sorry, rehab center).

Has he fallen back into his old habits?

Not necessarily, according to reports.

The oldest Duggar child was joined by his wife, Anna, as well as his parents Michelle and Jim Bob, in returning to the facility last August.

Three of his younger siblings, John-David, Justin and Josiah Duggar, also made the trip to Illinois. But what was the occasion?

“He visited the men’s home and the church where God changed his life,” said the celebrity gossip site’s insider. “It was a great reunion.”

So it was just a trip there … for fun?

The Duggar source revealed that the family members enjoyed a show put on by a church member from the North Love Baptist Church.

“It was great,” the source added of the Duggars’ big reunion. “In fact, Josh ordered pizza for everybody and it was a good time.” 

So much to celebrate … or something.

This individual dressed up as the character “Patch the Pirate,” and everyone apparently had a terrific time. For whatever that’s worth. 

At the time, Anna was just weeks away from delivering her and Josh’s fifth child, a baby boy they named Mason in September.

Tellingly, the insider revealed that while time had passed since Josh last resided at the rehab facility, he’s still “the same guy.”

Not exactly a comforting thought, is it?

The source confirmed that Josh is still in Arkansas selling cars, and that “I don’t think his job of selling cars is going anywhere soon.”

His relationship with his family remains complicated, given that he either molested his siblings or let them down in other ways.

Josh has been recently seen on social media along with some of his family members. Gradually, he’s being brought back into the fold.

Not everyone is thrilled about it, though. In particular, we’ve heard talk that Jana Duggar cut Josh off from any contact with her.

As for his troubled marriage to Anna, the insider said that things between them are “beyond beautiful” despite their obvious hardships.

Now that’s just insane.

Anna herself remains a controversial figure of sorts. Some view her as a victim, suffering at the hands of Josh and trapped in a cult.

Others see her as complicit in the Duggars’ behavior by virtue of standing by them through the tumultuous last couple of years.

Pretty large gray area, to say the least, but it doesn’t appear that she’s going anywhere, despite the recurring divorce rumors.

Clues as to what we can expect from the couple going forward are few and far between as the family keeps him at arms length.

Will we see Josh on camera this spring? Or will TLC continue to use every trick in the book (above) to pretend he doesn’t exist?

Time will tell.


Mel B Hints at Spice Girls Secret, Has a Word About "AGT" and Queen Latifah

Mel B is so damn good at the promotion game, she’s giving Spice Girls fans some serious hope for a reunion tour by dropping a few well-chosen words. Mel B was walking out of Fred Segal Tuesday in WeHo when we asked, point-blank, if…


Thursday, January 18, 2018

Victoria"s Secret Models Hit the Beach in Lingerie

The real Victoria’s Secret was exposed in Miami, which is that lingerie works just as well as a bikini on the beach … maybe better.   VS models Lais Ribeiro and Cindy Bruna were doing a beach photo shoot Wednesday, and passed on the…


Victoria"s Secret Angel Josephine Skriver Looks Fine in Pink Beach Lingerie

Josephine Skriver found herself at the beach without a standard sexy-as-hell swimsuit, so instead … she went with the pretty-in-pink lingerie look. The Victoria’s Secret Angel rocked the racy lingerie during a photo shoot near the beach in Miami…


Thursday, January 11, 2018

Alex on "The Secret World of Alex Mack" "Memba Her?!

Larisa Oleynik is best known for playing the teen Alex Mack — who gained special powers after a crazy accident with the chemical GC-161 — in the ’90s Nickelodeon show ‘The Secret World of Alex Mack.’ Guess what she looks like now!


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Jill Duggar: Son"s Secret Medical Crisis Revealed!

Jill Duggar has been a reality TV star since childhood.

As such, she’s accustomed to sharing just about everything with her family’s massive fan base.

But there are some things that even Jill would prefer to keep private.

When Jill welcomed her second child back in July of 2017, she waited several weeks before posting a photo.

Now, fans believe they know why.

Jill’s husband, Derick Dillard, posted the above photo on his Instagram page this week as part of a montage celebrating his mother’s birthday.

Fans were shocked by the never-before-seen image of baby Samuel hooked up to wires with tubes coming out of his nose.

Some of Derick’s followers were deeply concerned by what they saw.

Others insisted that while they’re certainly unsettling, such scenes are not uncommon.

“That is a tube to suction fluid out of the lungs,” commented one fan.

“When babies are born by C-section the fluid does not get pushed out by contractions. It is normal to have to get this out, not a complication. Happened with both my C-section babies.”

Others continue to suspect that Samuel experienced serious health problems from birth and that the Duggars did their best to downplay the severity of the situation.

“Omg poor Samuel, feeding tube and oxygen. Don’t think he was as healthy at birth as you said originally,” one of Derick’s followers wrote.

At the time of Samuel’s birth, the Duggars did reveal that he was born via C-section following a difficult and complicated labor.

“After 40 hours of labor, he was delivered via C-section at the hospital,” the family revealed in a statement released just after the birth.

“Thank you for your continued prayers and support!”

“His birth didn’t go as expected,” Jill later stated in an interview with People magazine.

In all likelihood, fans will never know exactly how serious Samuel’s health problems were at the time of his birth.

Derick Dillard has been fired by TLC as a result of some controversial public statements, and it appears as though his family will be leaving the spotlight along with him.

So going forward, the only source of information about the Dillard family will be the Dillards themselves.

Watch Counting On online to relive how Jill and Derick got to where they are today.


Thursday, December 28, 2017

Victoria"s Secret Angel Elsa Hosk Rings the Bell for Love Advent Calendar

Here’s hoping Elsa Hosk starts a new kettlebell trend … with her workout attire. The Victoria’s Secret Angel suited up in a lace leotard for day 28 of LOVE Magazine’s Advent calendar. Her form was on point … and her kettlebell…


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Khloe Kardashian: Kylie Jenner is a Secret Little Rodent for Hiding Her Baby Bump!

Kylie and Khloe are both pregnant, and even due around the same time.

But while Khloe finally confirmed that she’s pregnant, months after the world learned of it, Kylie’s staying shy … and mostly out of sight.

In fact, fans feared the Kylie might have opted out of her family’s Christmas party. But she was there. And there are photos to prove it.

Fans have been wanting to know where Kylie Jenner’s baby bump is for a while, now.

We could speculate all day about what it is that makes fans so eager to see baby bumps in general.

In Kylie’s case, though, it’s because she’s kept it secret for so long. Sure, Kylie’s baby bump’s been spotted once or twice, but she’s kept it under wraps to the point where some fans worry that they’re being pranked.

Others have begun to suspect that Kylie has already given birth — which I don’t think is the case, but it’s understandable that people wonder if there’s a point to this mystery.

(We know that mystery for mystery’s sake got a lot of viewers hooked on Lost, but it’s perhaps not the best way to approach a pregnancy)

So, the Kardashians are fabulously wealthy and they’re also devout Christians.

Christmas is a big time of year for that family. And of course they have a huge party.

Initially, fans worried that Kylie was M.I.A. She’s been reclusive — to say the least — for months, now.

But, clearly, she was at her family’s party.

And we have the photo booth pictures to prove it. Not to mention an exchange between the pregnant sisters in which Kylie expressly confirms it.

We have to wonder if Kylie and Khloe — both pregnant — took matching, side-by-side baby bump photos that they didn’t choose to share.

What we don’t have to wonder is what Kylie was like at the party.

People‘s source reports on how Kylie and her baby bump looked:

“Kylie looked great but didn’t really draw any attention to her baby bump. She still acts like she wants to keep her pregnancy private.”

Well, that’s Kylie’s choice, even though the entire world’s known since September. But we’ve heard that Kylie’s been having body image issues. So … that’s her choice.

“Everyone had the most amazing time,” the source added. “Kris always throws the best parties. It was all gorgeous. There was no drama.”

In case anyone wondered if this was just someone covering for Kylie (perhaps at Kris’ insistence, as that bit of praise seemed almost over-the-top for an anonymous source) …

Khloe and Kylie had a conversation about that on Snapchat, complete with goofy Snapchat filters.

“Merry Christmas! People think you weren’t there last night,” Khloe said.

“I was,” Kylie confirmed.

Khloe then added “She’s a secret little bunny,” which we already knew. Kylie Jenner’s due date is February 4th and she still hasn’t confirmed it to the world. So, yeah. Secret.


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Jenelle Evans & David Eason: Secret Breakup EXPOSED?!

For weeks now, Teen Mom 2 fans have been abuzz with rumors that Jenelle Evans and David Eason have broken up.

There"s been no confirmation from either party, and Jenelle and David are doing their best to assure fans there"s no cause for concern.

But as the days go by, the evidence continues to pile up, and these days, it"s looking very much like the Easons have decided to call it quits.


1. Life on the Land

Jenelle evans kissy face with david eason

In the past year, Jenelle and David have bought a house, welcomed a child, and gotten married. But now, it looks as though they may regret having moved so quickly.

2. A Secret Split?

Jenelle evans and david eason pic

Rumors of Jenelle and David parting ways have been circulating pretty much from the moment they said “I do.” Last week, the reports seemed to be confirmed by some suspicious social media activity.

3. It’s Complicated

Jenelle eason david eason

Late at night, David changed his relationship status on Facebook from “Married” to “It’s complicated.” He later deleted his account entirely. Jenelle changed her profile pic so that it no longer featured David, and removed all relationship info from her page.

4. What Happened?

Jenelle evans david eason and ensley jolie

Even if the Easons aren’t officially over, it’s clear that they’ve gone through some tough times recently. So naturally, there’s been a good deal of curiosity surrounding the cause of Jenelle and David’s latest rough patch.

5. The Ex Files

David eason holds jenelle evans bump vmas 2016

The leading theory is that David became angry after seeing the recent Teen Mom 2 special that focused on Jenelle’s many exes. It seems he was less than thrilled by Evans’ kind words and fond memories toward some of her former flames.

6. Crazy … Even By Jenelle & David Standards

David eason picture

“Jenelle and David had a crazy jealous fight after the show aired,” a source close to the couple tells Radar Online. And it seems that David’s anger had to do with two of Jenelle’s exes specifically…

View Slideshow

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Secret Service Yanked Omarosa"s White House Access Card

Omarosa is officially persona non grata at 1600 Penn … according to the Secret Service. The agency confirms it deactivated Omarosa’s pass which had granted her access to White House grounds. It’s an odd announcement, considering President Trump…


Monday, December 11, 2017

Adriana Lima is Not Leaving Victoria"s Secret

Adriana Lima is not hanging up her VS angel wings anytime soon, despite recently saying she won’t be taking off her clothes anymore for an “empty cause.” Lima, who’s Brazilian, posted a lengthy message about turning down a sexy video shoot…


Adriana Lima is Not Leaving Victoria"s Secret

Adriana Lima is not hanging up her VS angel wings anytime soon, despite recently saying she won’t be taking off her clothes anymore for an “empty cause.” Lima, who’s Brazilian, posted a lengthy message about turning down a sexy video shoot…


Friday, December 1, 2017

Joy Behar Says Matt Lauer"s Secret Door Lock Not So Rare

Joy Behar is pulling the veil back on one of the creepier aspects of the Matt Lauer story — the secret button in his office — and says the public shouldn’t be so shocked. We got Joy in NYC outside ABC Studios where she told us, “I liked Matt at…


Monday, November 20, 2017

Model Falls In Victoria"s Secret Fashion Show, Alessandra Ambrosio Retires

This year’s Victoria’s Secret Fashion show was bittersweet because Alessandra Ambrosio took her final VS catwalk Sunday night in Shanghai.  Right before the gig, the 36-year-old announced she’d be hanging up her wings after a 17-year…


Friday, November 17, 2017

"Victoria"s Secret Fashion Show" Fans Getting Scammed Out of Thousands in China

‘Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show’ fans are getting scammed into dropping tens of thousands of dollars for a prized ticket to the China show … and we’ve learned the tickets aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on. We did some digging and…
