Showing posts with label Sister. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sister. Show all posts

Monday, June 4, 2018

Leah Messer: My Sister Is Messing Up Her Life Just Like I Did!

These days, Leah Messer’s life has settled down a bit, but there was a time when she presented Teen Mom 2 viewers with as much weekly drama as Jenelle Evans or Kailyn Lowry.

Leah’s been through so much that it can be tough to recall all of her ups and downs.

But those who recall her earliest years as a reality star and new mom will remember that she experienced more downs than ups.

Viewers have seen Leah struggle with addiction.

They’ve offered words of encouragement on social media, as she’s continued to cope with her daughter Ali’s health issues.

And they’ve rooted for Leah through her two marriages and subsequent divorces.

Through it all, Leah has received support from her loving sister Victoria.

But while Victoria had a front row seat for all of Leah’s troubles, it seems she didn’t learn many lessons about how to avoid a similar fate.

Back in 2015, Victoria welcomed her first child, a girl named Cami.

Just six months later, Victoria filed for divorce from her first husband, Brian Jones.

Clearly not one to waste time, Victoria revealed last week that she’s expecting a second child.

And if you thought the announcements would stop there, you don’t know Victoria:

The 22-year-old revealed on Facebook this week that she’s already remarried — to a man with the hilarious name of Domenick Crapello

We can only hope she decided to hyphenate and is now known as Victoria Messer-Crapello

“I have came along way in my life, filled with negativity and just right down nasty people,” Victoria wrote on Facebook.

“My life changed a little over a year ago when I decided to change my lifestyle and who I had became within myself due to situations I was in. God blessed me with Cami November 16 of 2016.. she was my safe haven, she saved me,” she added.

“I swore I would NOT allow negativity to continue or to continue being settled with my life especially when I knew in my heart my life needed changed for me and for her, for the better. I knew that we had a bright future ahead of us.”

Victoria concluded with a bombshell, writing:

“Little did we know on this day Feb 23 2018 I would be a wife and a momma to 2 beautiful baby girls with another on the way. I am blessed and i love my family more than anything or anyone else.”

Yes, apparently, Victoria has been married since February.

Why she decided to keep the news to herself until now is anyone’s guess.

Naturally, fans have been theorizing that she’s angling to replace Jenelle Evans, who many feel is soon to be fired by MTV.

It’s impossible to say for sure, but it’s not such an outlandish theory.

After all, Victoria has been appearing on TM2 for free for several years now.

And she’s got a lot of mouths to feed these days.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more on the messy Messer sisters.


Sunday, June 3, 2018

Nikki Bella Hits the Gym with Her Sister and Her Niece

“Total Divas” stars Nikki and Brie Bella hit the gym Saturday with baby Birdie … and no sign of Cena. Nikki kinda sorta back with ex-fiance John Cena.  As we reported, Nikki told TMZ she and John are working on getting back together but the…


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Kendra Caldwell Scandal: Is Her Sister SECRETLY Dating a Duggar?!

If you follow the Duggar family closely, then you’re likely aware Joseph Duggar married Kendra Caldwell last year in front of about a thousand of the couple’s closest friends.

In most respects, it was the typical Duggar wedding – a chaste, dry affair attended by just about every fundamentalist in a hundred-mile radius.

But in one very scandalous respect, Joseph and Kendra were entered uncharted territory when they said “I do.”

The problem, it seems, is that Joseph is not the first Duggar to catch Kendra’s eye.

No, before she began her relationship with Joe, Kendra was courted by Jedidiah Duggar.

Someone (read: Jim Bob) decided that Kendra was better suited to Jed’s older brother, Joseph.

Apparently, they hit it off, because these days, Kendra is pregnant with Joseph’s baby.

So the situation worked out for everyone … except poor Jed.

Jim Bob was then left with a disgruntled incel son, and naturally, he decided to appease the 19-year-old with a comely maiden.

Of course, the Duggars live in the middle of nowhere and fundamentalist virgins of virtue true can be hard to come by.

Which is why many fans believe that Jim Bob has returned to familiar hunting grounds and set Jed’s sights on Kendra’s younger sister, Lauren Caldwell, who just turned 18 this month.

Lauren has reportedly been in attendance at recent family gatherings, which wouldn’t be that strange on its own.

After all, her sister recently married into the Counting On clan.

But as commentators in the Duggar-focused corners of Reddit have pointed out, it’s a bit strange that Lauren started showing up so soon after her 18th birthday.

In a conversation about which one of the Duggar men will end up with Lauren, the majority of the votes went to Jed:

“Jedidiah. He couldn’t get Kendra so he’d probably go after her younger sister,” one user commented, In Touch Weekly points out.

But there was some dissent among the ranks:

“Not sure who, but she will be a Duggar because her teeth are nice and straight and she has fundie hair! She is in for sure,” another wrote.

A third had a different theory altogether:

“Lately how all the older guys keep getting with barely-legal girls, I’m gonna say JD.”

Since there have been rumors that John David is secretly courting, we suppose that’s a possibility, but the ten-year-age difference likely wouldn’t fly with Duggar fans.

We’ll keep an eye on the situation, but for now, just expect a Jed-Lauren courtship announcement n the very near future.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Meghan Markle"s Sister to The Royal Family: Stop Inbreeding!

The Royal Wedding has been over for days now.

However, the loudest critic of The Royal Wedding is yet to move on.

Indeed, we’re very sorry readers, but it’s time to once again talk about Samantha Markle.

The half-sister of Meghan Markle (aka The Duchess of Sussex!), Samantha is 17 years older than her more famous and FAR more classy sibling.

The two share a father, but did not grow up in the same household and barely know each other.

Over the course of the past several weeks, Samantha has been dragging Meghan left and right, slamming her as fake and phony and unappreciative and acting very bitter over her lack of a wedding invitation.

(Hmmm… we really can’t figure out why Meghan didn’t invite her, can you?)

After actually watching her sister get married, though, and after especially listening to Bishop Michael Curry’s impassioned sermon about love, Samantha appeared to have a change of heart.

Kind of.

“I watched the bishop talk about love and unity and forgiveness and I hoped it would strike a chord within Meghan,” she said earlier this week, still clearly blaming Meghan for their riff and adding:

“If that was real and if I were to define a principle to all of this, then it would be that we all just work for a peaceful resolution and reunion as a family.

“I feel a religious and moral obligation to be open to her and not be vindictive or isolating or hurt.”

You can guess how long this “open” attitude lasted probably, can’t you?

First, Samantha took Meghan’s mother to task, bashing Doria Ragland for “cashing in” on her appearance because she talked to Oprah Winfrey and, according to Samantha only, sold photos to the press.

But Samantha, who did warn us about never shutting up, was only getting started with this Tweet.

On Tuesday, Samantha wrote on her private Twitter account that her family is “just as embarrassed by [Meghan]” as ever before, adding that just because Markle is now royalty “she does not suddenly walk on water and she owes it to our father it is not charity it is gratitude.”

This is a reference to how Markle’s dad was not given his own coat of arms.

(Thomas Markle did not attend the wedding due to health problems and also embarrassment over a scandal in which he was caught paying paparazzi to take flattering photos of him.)

“To exclude him off a coat of arms is really stripping him of an honour and it’s a huge insult,” Samantha fumed to The Sun.

“After a heart attack that would be cruel and isolating.”

According to the Daily Mail, meanwhile, Thomas was not given a coat of arms because the process was deemed too “complicated.

It entails finding proof that the family had an ancestor who was a subject of the Crown.

Instead, Meghan will actually be given her own coat of arms… but her American family won’t be able to use it.

(We love Meghan and Harry and William and especially Kate Middleton, but man: This royalty stuff is very weird and sort of messed up, don’t you think?)

Samantha, however, is in no mood to try and actually comprehend her dad’s perceived snub.

She used Twitter to attack the Royal Family’s allegedly superior attitude, noting that they’d had “generations of scandal” themselves.

And then getting especially frisky and personal by writing:

“You’ve got inbreeding, you’ve got substance abuse, you’ve got alcohol abuse, you’ve got infidelity. On what grounds could the royals feel that the Markles are somehow not worthy?”

There’s a lot we could unpack here.

There’s no real arguing that the Royal Family lives by a haughty set of unusual rules that literally don’t really apply to anyone else in the world.

But they are coming around, that’s for sure.

They’ve accepted Meghan into their home, despite a previous divorce and despite the fact that she’s American; this would have been unheard of decades ago.

More importantly, though, is the context of this complaint and these allegations.

They come from someone who is working on a book about her toxic relationship with her estranged half-sister — and it will be titled “The Diary of Princess Pushy’s Sister.”

Samantha Markle really needs to go away.


Friday, May 18, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Half Sister Hosting Royal Wedding Viewing Party

Meghan Markle’s going to have her half sister with her as she marries Prince Harry — at least in spirit … ‘cause she’ll be watching from home, with security standing guard. Samantha Markle tells TMZ she’s hosting a viewing party to watch the…


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Sister: Hospitalized After Car Wreck

As the Royal Wedding looms closer, it has appeared that Meghan Markle’s awful sister will never stop saying hateful things about Meghan and, well, everything else.

But something has given Samantha Grant pause.

She has been hospitalized with multiple injuries following a car accident.

TMZ reports that Samantha Grant was hospitalized with what they say appears to be a broken ankle and a fractured knee.

What’s more, this comes after an alleged confrontation with the paparazzi — or at least one paparazzo.

According to Samantha’s boyfriend, Mark, the two were driving in Florida near a toll booth when this happened.

it is Mark who describes this as a “paparazzi confrontation.”

Allegedly, a paparazzo veered in front of them in the hopes of getting a clear shot with his camera.

Mark says that he then swerved to the left to avoid a collision.

He was successful in avoiding the photographer … but ended up running into a concrete barrier.

Mark says that Samantha hit the windshield on impact — and then fell to the floor mat.

(We would hope that she and everyone else on the planet always wears a seatbelt, so we’d love an explanation for how that happened)

Samantha has MS, and was unable to lift herself up from the floorboard.

She says that her foot was twisted backwards. We can’t even imagine how that would look, but it sure sounds painful.

Mark says that the paparazzo fled the scene.

We have to keep in mind that, so far, we only know Mark (and, we suppose, Samantha’s) version of events.

We don’t yet know the full story of what happened.

Obviously, conspiracy theorists always like to run wild — but no, Queen Elizabeth II did not arrange this.

Outside of fictional settings like Grimm, the British royal family only wields as much power as your average millionaire dynasty who plays an anachronistic ceremonial role in government.

Though we’re sure that the Queen would do anything to make her grandson’s wedding perfect, this was not a hit.

Sometimes, accidents happen.

Especially when an alleged overeager photographer is pursuing a vehicle.

Given the way in which Prince Harry and Prince William tragically lost their mother at a heartbreakingly young age, this is something that the Royals know better than most.

Mark of course drove Samantha to the E.R. for treatment, but a broken ankle can take months of recovery.

Based upon the description of her injuries, it seems likely that she’ll have metal surgically implanted to keep her ankle break from repeating.

Ankle injuries are nasty, and once they are severely injured, conventional wisdom says that they are never the same again.

We don’t know if MS will complicate Samantha’s injuries or her recovery.

We also don’t know if she has any other, less obvious injuries from what sounds like a frightening collision.

We know that there is clearly no love lost between Samantha and Meghan.

But that doesn’t mean that Meghan is looking out a palace window somewhere like a dramatic villain, gleefully celebrating her detractor’s injury.

Obviously, Meghan is getting married in two days.

Additionally, Meghan Markle’s father’s heart attack has her concerned for his health, and has left the family scrambling to make new arrangements since he can no longer attend.

She has a lot on her plate, and honestly, this news is probably just another distraction.


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Half Sister Samantha Hospitalized with Possible Broken Ankle

Meghan Markle’s half sister, Samantha, is in the hospital after suffering what appears to be a broken ankle and a fractured knee after a confrontation with the paparazzi … TMZ has learned. Samantha’s boyfriend, Mark, tells TMZ, they were…


Meghan Markle"s Awful Sister: I Will Never Shut Up!

Forget those earlier rumors about Meghan Markle being a bridezilla.

Based on a few anonymous quotes, it just sounds like the former actress is a perfectionist who wants her wedding to go as smoothly as possible.

But sister-of-the-bride-zilla? This made-up term doesn’t adequately begin to describe bitter, disrespectful and all-around awful Samantha Grant.

Grant (who is sometimes referred to as Samantha Markle) has been making the media rounds for months now, exploiting the fame of her half-sibling by using every platform she can find to disparage Prince Harry’s fiancee.

She’s actually writing a book about her sister (which labels Meghan as a “Pushy Princess”), despite the fact that Samantha is 17 years her senior and the two barely know each other.

Of late, Samantha has been in the news more than ever because the father she shares with Meghan has made headlines for two reasons:

  1. He will not be attending the Royal Wedding due to a recent heart attack and upcoming heart procedure.

  2. He was recently busted for a pay-for-pose scheme in which he would pay paparazzo to snap flattering photos of him.

Samantha has been defending her father in numerous interview, even getting into a heated debate with Piers Morgan after she blamed the media for how he’s been treated.

Watch it unfold here:

Elsewhere, Samantha has not shut up about how she and a few other family members are NOT invited to the wedding.

And she made it clear while talking to TMZ yesterday that she doesn’t plan on shutting up, either.

“If it’s about my life or my fathers’s, there’s something in this country known as freedom of speech,” Samantha told this celebrity gossip outlet, adding in defiance:

“She doesn’t have a copyright on that and she’s not going to tell me that I can’t speak about my own life or my father’s where it’s a matter of public self-defense.”

It’s worth noting, of course, that Markle has not come out and told Samantha to be quiet.

We’re sure she’s thought it because Samantha is dragging her all over the place.

However, Kensington Place simply released the following statement in light of Thomas Markle backing out of the festivities:

This is a deeply personal moment for Ms. Markle in the days before her wedding. She and Prince Harry ask again for understanding and respect to be extended to Mr. Markle in this difficult situation.

But whatever, people!

Samantha Grant won’t be silenced, okay?!?

“The media is disparaging us. I’m not going to take it,” she added to TMZ, going on about her relative:

“She’s not qualified to suggest that I don’t under any law in this country. This is not Great Britain. I am a United States citizen. That’s all there is to it.”

Samantha sounds totally sane and reasonable, huh?

According to this terrible person, Markle is “way out of her league to tell me that I can’t speak. I’m not saying anything about her but if I’m talking about my life or my father’s, she has to respect it.”

Except that Samantha has said A LOT about Meghan.

She has said her sister isn’t actually a humanitarian and that she’s a phony and that she has no class.

She has said these sort of things many, many times in public.

But whatever.

Markle continues to take the high road and she’ll at least have the last laugh, that’s for certain/

In what way?

In the way she gets to have sex with Prince Harry for the rest of her life. Woo-hoo!

Game, set, match… Meghan Markle.


Meghan Markle"s Sister Samantha Says Meghan Has No Right to Muzzle Her

Meghan Markle’s half-sister says England’s new princess-to-be has no right to tell her when to talk, or what to say — ‘cause this is ‘Merica, damnit!!! Yes … seriously. We spoke with Samantha Markle a few days ahead of Meghan’s wedding with…


Friday, May 11, 2018

Kristin Harmon, Sister of NCIS Star, Dies at 72

Kristin Harmon, the sister of NCIS star Mark Harmon and the former wife of 1950s teen idol Ricky Nelson, passed away from a heart attack on April 27.

The sad news just went viral this week, with Harmon’s daughter, Tracy Nelson, confirming Kristin’s passong on Facebook.

She was 72 years old.

Kristin Harmon pic

Wrote Nelson as part of her post:

“Thanks Universe, for incarnating me into a group who lives through their art and painting and music and words so that if I ever need to check in with those that have gone I can, if my children ever need to know who they were, they can.

“It lessens the panic of never seeing someone again, face to face. Oh my God, such a Hurricane. Such a life.”

Harmon was the older sister of Mark Harmon, who has anchored NCIS for 15 season; and former model Kelly Harmon.

Her dad was Heisman trophy winner Tom Harmon; and her mother was an actress named Elyse Knox Harmon.

In 1963, at the age if 18, she married Nelson, who was a wildly popular teen idol at the time.

That same year, Harmon also became a series regular on the TV show The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet.

This is a photo of her on the series:

nelson series

Harmon and Nelson had four kids, Tracy, a former actress; twins Gunnar and Matthew, who started the band Nelson; and Sam.

Their divorce was finalized in 1982, three years before Nelson’s tragic death in a plane crash.

“No one could light up a room like she could, or a conversation, or lead an army of friends into joyful noise like she could. If you knew her you knew this,” wrote Tracy Nelson about her mom on Facebook, adding:

“A force. A reckoning. Artist, first, always. Anarchist, bohemian, beauty. Hurricane Kris. No one could blow the house down like she could.

“And no one could make something out of nothing like she could.”

It’s really a beautiful, lengthy tribute.

You can read the entire thing HERE.

During the 1980s, Harmon struggled with alcoholism.

Her younger siblings took care of her children at the time; and then, following Nelson’s death in 1985, Mark Harmon (pictured above) urged his sister to enter rehab.

“Nobody but my brother could have talked me into this because I trusted him,” Harmon said in a 1987 interview with People Magazine. “A voice inside me said, ‘For once in your life, let somebody help you."”

May Kristin Harmon rest in peace.


Thursday, May 10, 2018

Amber Baltierra: Tyler Baltierra"s Sister Enters Rehab for 3 Months

Teen Mom OG viewers will recognize Amber Baltierra, the sister of Tyler Baltierra.

While Tyler has recently discussed the fact that he is bipolar, Amber has her own troubles. Hers, it seems, have been getting worse.

And now it is revealed that she will be checking herself in to a 90-day stint in rehab. But why?

Amber tells fans that she is going away by sharing a couple of (filtered) photos of her children, writing on Instagram:

“These two. They are my rock. My motivation. My inspiration.”

That’s exactly what we want to hear from any parent.

“The reason I breathe and wake up every day.”

At times, her message slips from being about her children to being directed at her children.

“Mommy loves you [two] more than you guys may know right now.”

She says that she is doing this for them.

“You both deserve nothing but the best and I will give that to you.”

In talking about how much she will miss her kids, she reveals how long she will be away.

“I’m gonna miss you these 90 days.”

That’s a very long time. But she knows that they will be okay.

“I know dad and everyone else will keep you busy this summer.”

Her thoughts will always be with her children.

“Just know I love you both with every fiber in me.”

This step, which she is taking for herself, will also help her to be their parent.

“When mom gets home she’s gonna be the best woman I can be and an even better mom.”

Teen Mom fans already understand that Catelynn Lowell’s mental illness does not make her a bad mom. So surely they can understand that Amber’s troubles don’t meant hat she loves her kids any less.

She does not explain why she is entering rehab, but she does write:

“I’ll pray for your comfort and happiness everyday I’m not with you.”

That is so sweet.

“Show the world [you’re] my babies and you guys are strong and can get through anything.”

And she shares some words of inspiration with them:

“Because well, you got Baltierra blood and it don’t get stronger than that”

Her estranged husband, Billy Wade Elkins Jr., tells RadarOnline that Amber Baltierra will undergo treatment at a Texas rehab facility. And she’s leaving very soon.

“She’s going to Texas. She leaves Friday.”

Her father, Butch Baltierra, had already confirmed that she would be doing a stint in rehab.

Though Amber did not specify why she is entering rehab, it is reported that this may be for relationship issues as well as alleged drug use.

We hope that this experience helps her.

(Also, check out this throwback that she shared of her and Tyler)

One insider claims to RadarOnline that, in their opinion, Amber is going to rehab as a sort of … vacation?

“I think it’s an excuse to ditch her responsibility as an adult.”

They say that she is no genuinely trying to change.

“Not to really get any help.”

This source does not expect to be overwhelmed by the results of Amber’s 90 days away.

“I’d be very surprised if she came out changed for the better.”

This insider also thinks that it may be some sort of stunt.

“Amber in my opinion is only going to therapy for attention and what it does for the show.”

Overall, this person clearly does not think highly of Amber.

“She’s just irresponsible, immature, so maybe it’ll get her act together.” Yikes.

We wish Amber Baltierra the best of luck during her rehab stint.

We can only imagine how much she will miss her children. She’s planning to be gone until August, folks.

And while we’re sure that Tyler understands, Catelynn Lowell only returned from rehab last February. Now, his sister is entering a facility.

It’s good that they’re getting help, but he has to be missing these important figures in his life while they’re away.


Friday, May 4, 2018

Meghan Markle Dragged by Sister: Stop Treating People Like Trash!

With the Royal Wedding date swiftly approaching, excitement continues to mount for fans of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry.

Markle’s family, in the mean time, continues to make it clear why none of them — save her mother — were invited.

But this time, it’s the bride-to-be’s sister blasting the royal family for something kind of major. Does she have a point?

Samantha Markle Twitter Pic

As a huge gesture, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have invited the serfs — sorry, the common non-royal people — to attend the wedding from a respectable distance.

But these guests, who will not actually be entering the chapel where the ceremony will take place, have been advised to bring their own food for a picnic lunch … as they won’t even have the option of buying food.

Samantha Markle couldn’t see that and not respond with a tweet.

“For the , instead of shuffling homeless people to the outskirts of Windsor, there should be a tented area with steak dinners, music, job corps, and housing representatives, set up to improve their lives.”

(The 1,200 guests were selected from various charities that the royal couple supports)

Samantha continues her tweet, saying:

“Homeless people are human. Treat them with dignity. Namaste”

Namaste is a traditional Indian greeting often used in the West during yoga.

Samantha followed up that tweet with another, in which she expresses further outrage … allegedly on behalf of these guests.

“Wow do they get sent to dungeons if their children get grouchy and express that they’re hungry with no catering?”

That’s … not something that’s been within the power of the British Royal Family for generations.

“Bring your own picnic basket? Really?”

She compares this wedding to other events, and may be throwing a little shade at Meghan’s career.

“Even low-budget film sets have roach coaches selling burgers and taquitos.”

While the term roach coach is a little much, it’s worth noting that only because of decades of hard-fought union battles are actors and others who work on set entitled to craft services.

In an op-ed in The Guardian that Samantha Markle shared, the writer considers it tacky and hypocritical for the royal family to invite these guests and not feed them.

That opinion piece likens inviting these guests to calling in a bunch of “TV extras” for the wedding ceremony.

Others have voiced similar criticisms, comparing these 1,200 spectators to “props” and calling the invitations themselves and empty gesture.

It’s easy to see where these critics are coming from — after all, you have to think a lot of yourself to consider that allowing others to glimpse you getting married is a “gift.”

That said, this is a royal wedding. Of course people are excited to be invited to attend a once-in-a-lifetime event.

Now, Meghan Markle’s estranged sister has had a lot to say in recent months.

Samantha Markle has been exposed as a lying opportunist by her own ex-husband.

As people watch her go off on Meghan as she approaches her wedding day, it’s easy to understand why her name wasn’t on the guest list.

At the same time, it’s difficult for many to imagine why she won’t give her own sister a moment’s peace.

However, others can understand why she would be so outspoken.

Especially if she could potentially profit from the media coverage.

Samantha Markle has since responded to headlines referring to her “shading” Meghan, writing:

“The world has gone mad and it’s quite comical that the new word for the ‘truth’ is #shade.”

She displays a fundamental misunderstanding. Shade is insulting someone indirectly; it is akin to a backhanded compliment or a subtle jab.

Tea is the word for “truth.” Just so that we’re clear.


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Ben Seewald"s Sister Is Jim Bob Duggar"s Worst Nightmare

It should come as no surprise that the women of the Duggar family are a close-knit lot.

After all, it’s not as though they can go outside their family for female companionship.

The Duggar women follow a set of rules so strict that it basically forces them to stick to their own kind – which is probably the point.

But for all their father’s efforts to clip their wings, several Duggar women have left the nest, and in some cases, they’ve found themselves ill-equipped for the wider world – while in others, they’ve adapted with astonishing speed.

The best example of the latter case is probably Jinger Duggar, who began wearing pants in violation of her family’s strict dress code shortly after marrying Jeremy Vuolo.

Jinger’s oldest married sister, Jill Duggar, has pursued a more traditional lifestyle, in keeping with her family’s teachings.

And then there’s Jessa Duggar, who’s embarked down a middle path, not quite appeasing her parents, but not exactly rebelling, either:

Jessa is married to Ben Seewald, who leans slightly to the left of the ultra-conservative Duggars, in terms of his political and religious beliefs.

In the past, this has brought him into conflict with Jim Bob, such as the time Seewald endorsed the Black Lives Matter movement and expressed his belief in the right of NFL players to kneel for the national anthem.

Now, it looks as though Ben’s liberal (by Duggar standards) beliefs are no fluke.

In fact, it seems like the entire Seewald family espouses beliefs and lifestyles that would condemn them to hell under Jim Bob’s belief system.

That’s a photo of Ben’s parents standing alongside his sister, Jessica.

It was posted to the Seewald family Instagram page this week, along with the following caption:

“@jessicaseewald, congratulations on your new journey in law enforcement,” the Seewalds wrote.

“We sure do love you and are praying for the days ahead! #backtheblue.”

Becoming a cop might seem like just about the least rebellious thing in the world, but take a moment to reflect on what you’re seeing here:

That’s a young woman wearing pants and embarking on a career that’s been closed to women for most of its history.

Yes, Ben’s sister is basically Jim Bob’s worst nightmare come to life.

And Jessica’s rebellious (again, by Duggar standards) ways don’t end there.

The 21-year-old reportedly has a boyfriend named Philip, and the two of them do not follow the famous Duggar courtship rules.

And we think it’s safe to say Jim Bob would not approve of Jessica’s choice of attire:

Shorts! On a woman!

Michelle Duggar would probably need smelling salts if she laid eyes on this pic.

But if you’re worried that Jessica’s far-left views will tear the Duggar clan asunder, fear not:

As In Touch Weekly points out, Jessica is a gun-collecting Trump supporter who’s political beliefs lean far to the right.

Plus, her name starts with a “J,” so she’s probably just fine in Jim Bob’s book.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, April 23, 2018

Sister Wives: Are Kody and Meri Brown Actually in Love Again?!

Who would have thought all those years ago when we first met the Sister Wives that this family would take us on such a roller coaster ride of emotions and drama?

Well, we probably all thought that — it was a reality show about a man with multiple wives and over a dozen kids, so there was never really a chance that it would be drama-free.

But still, the Browns have given us more reality show gold than we ever could have dreamed of, thanks in large part to Meri and her catfish.

That was a few years ago, but the family is still dealing with the issues it raised — issues like all the ones that exist in Meri"s marriage to Kody.

There have been rumors upon rumors that their marriage is over, that she"s leaving the family, that they want her to leave …

But are things actually looking up for them?!

1. Struggles

Meri brown with kody

Kody and Meri have been having problems for a long, long time. Like, all the way back to the very first season of Sister Wives.

2. Problems with Polygamy

Meri brown on instagram

Back then, Meri struggled with the idea of Kody getting a fourth wife — the first season was based on him getting engaged and married to Robyn, in case you forgot.

3. More Sadness

Meri brown from sister wives

She’s also always had a hard time dealing with the fact that she was never able to have another child after giving birth to her daughter while Kody’s other wives have had oodles and oodles of kids.

4. Uh …

Meri brown and kody brown

In one especially memorable moment from that first season, Meri had a private conversation with Kody about how she sometimes resented the fact that he had other wives at all. She asked him how he would feel if she had multiple husbands, and he told her the thought was disgusting. Because hypocrisy.

5. More Problems

Meri brown poses with a chair

As the years went on, Meri still expressed how difficult it was for her at times to share her husband, and she and Kody argued about whether or not to begin fertility treatments to see if they could have more children together. But for the most part, things went on as normal.

6. One and Done

Kody and his sister wives

Meri eventually decided against having any sort of fertility treatments, and she made peace with not having anymore children as Kody went on to have a few more with Robyn.

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Sunday, April 15, 2018

Toni Braxton Drops Another Sister from Tour, Tamar"s Out

And then there was one … Toni Braxton is now hitting the road without either of her sisters after 86’ing Tamar from the upcoming family tour. The tour was supposed to feature three of the Braxtons … Toni along with Tamar and Traci as her…


Thursday, April 12, 2018

"Jerry Springer" Producer Jill Blackstone Arrested for Murder of Sister

Jill Blackstone, a former producer on “Jerry Springer” and “Sally Jessy Raphael” — has been arrested for murder in the death of her sister … TMZ has learned. Blackstone’s sister, Wendy, died in 2015 from a combination of carbon monoxide poisoning…


Meghan Markle: Shamed by Sister Over Wedding Snub

Anyone who has ever planned a wedding knows how stressful the invitation game can be.

Do you invite co-workers? Former co-workers? Friends of friends of friends of your parents?

It can turn into quite a mess… and that goes for nearly any bride, let alone the bride who will soon take part in the most famous wedding of the decade.

As reported a few weeks ago, invitations to the Royal Wedding have gone out.

They’ve been received by friends, by loved ones of Prince William and Meghan Markle and by nearly every high of state not named Donald Trump.

But a few people are noticeably absent from the list of impending attendees:

Members of Markle’s own family!

As we’ve detailed on many prior occasions, Markle is not especially close to some of her relatives, most specifically her half-sister, Samantha Grant.

The siblings are not close in age and were not raised in the same household, yet Grant has taken many opportunities to slam Markle over the last several months…

… and now she is doing so again.

Depending on which reports you believe, around 600 people will attend Markle and William’s wedding on May 19, while the reception afterward may include an audience of over 2,000 individuals.

But it doesn’t sound as though Grant is included on either of these lists.

And she wants the world to know about it.

“At issue is not a matter of closeness as more than 1000 complete strangers are invited. Family is family,” Grant tweeted on Wednesday, adding:

“I have an uncle I have only seen once but I would never say he is not family because we are not close. Humanitarians move forward with love and kindness especially to Family.”

This is quite the rich dig, many would say.

Markle, after all, it nearly as well known for her humanitarian and charitable efforts as she is for her role on USA Network drama Suits.

s, markle

Grant then followed up her diss with another Tweet that reads:

“Smoke and mirrors cannot hide the elephant in the room. Out of respect, tradition, and humanitarianism, the #Markles should be invited if 2000 complete strangers are invited.

“Our uncle who got her the internship, brother, me, best friend of 30 years Nikki Priddy, nephews. Fact.”

Perhaps Samantha should have considered this snub last year when she said of her half-sister:

“Hollywood has changed her. I think her ambition is to become a princess…The truth would kill her relationship with Prince Harry.”

s, m2

To Markle’s credit, she has never engaged Grant in any kind of back-and-forth.

We certainly can’t imagine her responding to these sorts of taunts.

Especially not when she has to concern herself these days instead with talk that Prince William has been cheating on her.

We strongly doubt that claim, which you can read more about via the link directly above.

But let’s just say this:

We actually believe it’s more likely that Williams stepped out on Markle than Meghan ever extends a wedding invitation to Samantha Grant.


Monday, April 2, 2018

Meri Brown: Do I Need to Leave Kody Brown for the Sake of My Sister Wives?

Hey, so, remember Meri Brown"s catfishing scandal? The fallout from that continues to drive a wedge between various members of the Brown family.

In this clip from part two of the Sister Wives Tell All, her fellow sister-wives are asked if they wish that Meri and Kody would just go their separate ways.

And Meri is shocked by their answers.

Robyn brown tells all

Early in this clip from the Tell All special, each of Meri"s fellow sister-wives are speaking about how Meri"s catfishing scandal and the ensuing troubles with Kody have impacted them.

Robyn is fairly staightforward with her answer.

"It sucks. The whole thing sucks."

Robyn continues.

"It"s not fun and it"s hard to know what to do with it."

That said, she makes it clear that 

"We love Meri, we love Kody, we have to be Switzerland constantly and we hate to see them in this place and it"s stressful for our family."

By Switzerland, she of course means neutral.

Meri brown and christine brown

Christine Brown, who has the best hair of the family, speaks next.

She is, perhaps, the gentlest.

"It"s sad to see two broken hearts and we don"t know what to do to fix it."

Sometimes, there"s little that an outsider can do.

But Christine explains what they are all doing.

"Just support and be there but there’s broken hearts involved on both sides and its super hard."

Robyn brown kody brown and janelle brown

Janelle chimes in.

"You know, in our family you don"t just live in a vacuum, like one relationship affects the other 100 percent."

That is true in any polyamorous relationship, and things are still hugely interconnected in the Browm family"s polygamy. Which, Janelle says, means that what impacts one of them impacts them all.

"You feel it when things are out of joint."

It is at this point when Meri is clearly crying.

(Poor Meri!)

Meri brown cries

Speaking of poor Meri, Andrea does — and you can feel the hesitation in her voice as she says it — pose the question.

Do any of Meri"s fellow sister-wives think that Meri and Kody need to call it quits?

She phrased it more delicately, but she"s clearly asking if they think that everything would be better if Kody just kicked Meri out of the family.

"No one thinks that," Christine reassures Meri.

"None of us think that it’s not supposed to happen or get better."

Even as she comforts Meri, she admits that she doesn"t know what the future holds.

"We don’t know what it looks like in the end but none of us think that."

Sister wives stars celebrate hard rock cafe las vegas 25th anniv

Honestly, many Sister Wives fans are hoping that Meri can find a better, happier life away from Kody.

It"s not that polygamy is inherently bad, but just that fans really, really do not like Kody. His man-bun, while a great style on some others, isn"t doing him any favors in this Tell-All.

(It"s a combination of his age and his facial hair. Long hair can be great, but Kody isn"t giving off the kind of look at he hopes to)

But what matters is what Meri wants. And she was clearly relieved to hear Christine"s kind words.

See the video below for a preview of the next Tell All special:

Meri brown do i need to leave kody brown for the sake of my sist