Showing posts with label Support. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Support. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Shannon Beador Tearfully Confronts David: Just Pay Your Spousal Support!

In July, we told you that Shannon Beador and David Beador reached a support settlement. It wasn’t set in stone, however.

Now, David is trying to amend the agreement and is claiming that Shannon makes much more money than the court agrees.

Their latest hearing was so stressful that Shannon confronted David, in tears, outside of the courtroom. Oh, dear.

RadarOnline reports that Shannon Beador and David Beador’s latest hearing dragged on for three hours.

Anda pparently it was so contentious that Shannon was biting back tears as she confronted him outside of the courtroom.

“You are such a nickel and dimer!” Shannon was reportedly heard saying to David.

She is said to have then lamented: “It’s disgusting!”

An exchange like that really makes you wonder what went on in that courtroom.

Fortunately, we do not have to wonder — because we also have the details.

On Monday, October 15, Shannon and David appeared in court.

Their previous agreement, which covered both spousal and child support, had allowed that the court could later revisit spousal support if David chose to.

Well, David chose to.

David had been paying a total of $ 22,500 per month.

$ 10,500 of that was spousal support for Shannon, and the rest was child support for their three daughters.

David asked to modify the amount that he pays out to Shannon on a monthly basis.

Well, on Monday, David says that he should be paying less — and that it’s all Shannon’s fault.

He told Judge James L. Waltz that Shannon’s paperwork does not accurately depict how much money she is making.

David claimed that Shannon makes $ 900,000 per year and therefore does not need spousal support from him.

That’s interesting, because the forensic accountant doesn’t believe that to be the case.

According to the accountant, Shannon rakes in $ 24,000 per episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County.

That’s a lot of money, but until RHOC starts making 37-episodes per year, it doesn’t look like the numbers add up. But David disagrees.

David, acting as his own attorney, 

“I’m just trying to provide a basis for the fact that he’s using $ 300,000 as her year-per-year salary,” David argues.

David continues: “When she was making far more than that.”

“That’s all I’m trying to prove here,” David announced.

“Honestly, I hate this,” he admitted.

Yeah. Divorce is zero fun.

“And,” David explained. “I just want to settle the whole thing.”

Shannon’s attorney disagreed, citing that David’s 2017 income was about $ 108,168 per month in 2017.

David argued that his earnings fluctuate during the course of his business, so he sometimes does better some months than others.

It turns out that acting as your own attorney isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be.

(Don’t do this unless you have no other choice, folks)

The judge admonished David for his income and expense declaration paperwork, citing it as incomplete.

David explained that he’d only gotten the chance to work on it during his lunch hour.

It doesn’t sound like that went over well with the judge. Kind of like how teachers in high school can usually tell when you did your homework during lunch.

Ultimately, the judge did decide that the court should see more up-to-date financial filings from both parties.

(We’re sure that the forensic accounting will look through both, so no cheating!)

In the mean time, however, David is ordered to continue paying Shannon the current amount.

Things may have driven Shannon to tears in that courtroom, but it sounds like their relationship has improved.

Remember earlier in their divorce when David reportedly shut off water to Shannon’s house, where his daughters live?

This sounds contentious, but a lot less hateful than they were earlier this year.


Monday, October 15, 2018

Gia Giudice Rallies Support for Dad as Joe Faces Deportation

Last week, Joe Giudice’s family responded to the stunning news that he will be deported upon his release from prison.

Daugther Gia issued a desperate plea, urging her incarcerated father to fight this deportation order with an enthusiastic appeal.

Now, she is using her social media clout to defend her dad and call for support from others.

Gia Giudice, eldest daughter of Teresa and Joe, took to Instagram to rally support for her father.

“This is one of my favorite pictures of me and my dad,” she began, referring to the image you’re about to see.

“My father is no threat to society,” she affirms.

Joe was arrested for fraud. That can be harmful, but not what usually comes to mind when you describe a dangerous criminal.

“He is one of the most warm hearted people I know,” Gia writes.

Here is the photo.

The touching throwback photo shows a young, fit Joe and a very young Gia.

Gia continues: “he would never harm a soul.”

“He puts everyone else before himself.” she says.

He and Teresa did make a deal to have separate prison sentences, even though that kept them apart longer, so that they could be there for their girls.

“I know who my father is,” Gia writes. “And I think many of you do too.”

Gia isn’t pretending that her father is perfect or incapable of breaking laws.

“My father did his time,” Gia acknowledges. “And learned from his mistakes.”

“Isn’t being in there supposed to make you realize your mistakes so you can become a better person?” Gia asked.

Perhaps if prisons were structured differently, designed for real rehabilitation instead of mere containment, more people would share Gia’s perspective.

But Gia believes in rehabilitation, writing: “and that’s exactly what my father did.”

“He hasn’t felt or looked this good since he was in his 30s,” Gia admits.

In that way, she’s showing that he is relatable to many other people whom time has worn down.

“We have so many plans to do as a family when he gets out,” she shares.

“I need my father to be here,” Gia writes.

She is a teen on the cusp of adulthood. She has already had too much of a massive disruption in her life.

“My father belongs with us and his entire family,” she affirms.

She reminds her fans and followers that Joe is Italian by birth, but doesn’t actually know the country any better than she does.

“My father came into this country when he was one year old,” she writes.

Because of this, “the United States is the only country he knows.”

She then encourages those reading her message to “spread the word” about how her father should not be deported for his non-violent crimes.

She even includes the hashtag: “#bringjoehome.”

Immigration and deportation are complicated subjects.

Some would gleefully deport Joe for the “crime” of having been born on foreign soil.

Others don’t blame him for that, but would disparage him for not seeking citizenship while married to Teresa — and for committing fraud.

But something to consider with deportation is that someone who has lived their entire life here, who has family here, is part of the community.

Unless that person is a threat, it is difficult to argue that the good of giving someone the boot outweighs the bad.

Gia would miss her father. Her whole family would.


Saturday, October 13, 2018

Dwayne Johnson Deserves Support for ‘John Henry,’ Says Actor Roger Aaron Brown

Dwayne Johnson is getting a raw deal from people who think he’s not black enough to play John Henry … according to Roger Aaron Brown, who had the role back in the ’90s. Roger played John Henry in the 1995 movie ‘Tall Tale,’ and tells us he…


Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Fatima Ali: Terminally Ill Top Chef Star Receives Outpouring of Support

If you’re a fan of the acclaimed Bravo cooking competition Top Chef, then you may have already heard the tragic news that beloved former contestant Fatima Ali has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.

Ali revealed her diagnosis Tuesday in a heartbreaking essay published by Bon Appetit.

“My oncologist has told me that I have a year to live, with or without the new chemotherapy regimen,” Ali wrote.

“I was looking forward to being 30, flirty, and thriving. Guess I have to step it up on the flirting. I have no time to lose.”

“I am desperate to overload my senses in the coming months, making reservations at the world’s best restaurants, reaching out to past lovers and friends, and smothering my family, giving them the time that I so selfishly guarded before.”

Displaying the trademark wit that made her a fan favorite during her time on the show, Ali added:

“I was looking forward to being 30, flirty and thriving. Guess I have to step it up on the flirting. I have no time to lose.”

In the hours after Chef Fatima’s article was published, thousands offered words of gratitude and support on social media, including her Top Chef co-stars:

“This is my friend, she is courage, strength and she wrote a piece almost as beautiful as she is, link is in my bio please read and share #teamfati,” wrote Top Chef Season 15 champion Joe Flamm.

“Can’t even begin to say how devastated I am to hear this news, it really hit me hard! No one truly can understand the bond created through @bravotopchef we’ve become a close knit family very quickly,” fellow chef Bruce Kalman wrote.

“I’m so inspired by @cheffati bravery and positive outlook on this situation.

“The deep connection and love we all have for each other, for better or worse, is unrivaled. Life is too short and it’s time we all appreciated everyone and everything in our lives.”

Just days before she revealed that her illness had reached the terminal stage, Ali posted the above video of her co-stars wishing her well from an event in Connecticut that she had been unable to attend.

We hope Fatima finds comfort in knowing that she will receive such love and support in her final days — and joy in knowing that she’s been an inspiration to so many.


Sunday, October 7, 2018

Ashley Parker Angel Asks for Child Support Decrease Due to Back Injury

Former O-Town member Ashley Parker Angel says he suffered an injury that kept him from making big bucks on Broadway, so he’s asking a judge for a break … according to new legal docs. Angel claims he severely hurt his back in May while working…


Friday, October 5, 2018

"Jersey Shore" Cast Shows Up to Support The Situation for Tax Evasion Sentencing

It’s D-Day for Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino – who just arrived at federal court in Newark, NJ to find out if he’s going to prison for evading his taxes — and he’s got the whole ‘Jersey Shore’ crew with him. The ‘Jersey Shore’ star is…


Friday, September 14, 2018

Julie Chen Shows Support for Husband, Gets Destroyed on Twitter

Julie Chen is married to Les Moonves.

And this is a rather awkward arrangement at the moment.

That"s because Chen is a CBS host, likely best known for emceeing Big Brother; and Moonves is the just-ousted CBS President, who was recently removed from his position due to accusations of sexual misconduct.

Like we said: AWKWARD!

Chen briefly touched on this scandal back when news about it spread, but she hasn"t said very much about it since.

Until the night of September 13, that is.

To close out an episode of Big Brother, Chen signed off in a way that showed support for her husband.

It was subtle, yet also obvious, and social media users have A LOT to say about it.

See what we mean below…

1. What Did She Say?

Julie chen moonves

“From outside the ‘Big Brother’ house…I’m Julie Chen Moonves. Goodnight.” That’s how Chen closed out the latest episode of Big Brother, using her husband’s last name on air for the first time.

2. What Had She Said Previously About the Scandal?

Julie chen appears on big brother

“I have known my husband, Leslie Moonves, since the late ’90s, and I have been married to him for almost 14 years,” read her one statement on the topic. “Leslie is a good man and a loving father, devoted husband and inspiring corporate leader. He has always been a kind, decent and moral human being. I fully support my husband and stand behind him and his statement.”

3. What About on The Talk?

Julie chen kind of addresses les moonves scandal on the talk

This is the only thing Chen told the audience upon her return to The Talk about the scandal hit: “Some of you may be aware of what’s going on in my life the past few days. I issued the one and only statement I will ever make on this topic on Twitter, and I will stand by that statement today, tomorrow, forever.”

4. What is Moonves Accused Of?

Les moonves picture

Forcing himself on to a number of women, kissing them against their wishes, while harassing and verbally abusing them. Multiple women have issued these allegations, saying the incidents took place about 20 years ago.

5. Has Moonves Denied These Charges?

Les moonves photo

Yes, but he’s also said the following: “Throughout my time at CBS, we have promoted a culture of respect and opportunity for all employees, and have consistently found success elevating women to top executive positions across our Company. I recognize that there were times decades ago when I may have made some women uncomfortable by making advances. Those were mistakes, and I regret them immensely.”

6. What Does Twitter Have to Say About Chen’s Support?

Les moonves

A lot, as you might imagine. Scroll down to find out more…

View Slideshow

Friday, September 7, 2018

Rihanna: Siding with Chris Brown in Child Support Battle?!

Chris Brown is getting dragged to court by his ex because he’s a deadbeat dad, to absolutely no one’s surprise.

While Nia Guzman demands that he pay his fair share to support his daughter, Royalty, a shocking report claims that Chris has a surprising person in his corner.

Rihanna is allegedly heartbroken that Chris is getting dragged back into court.

Nia Guzman says that Chris owes her a lot of child support money for their little girl, Royalty. Chris strenuously objects.

An alleged inside source close to Rihanna tells HollywoodLife that Rihanna feels sorry for Chris Brown, if you can imagine.

“Rihanna’s heart goes out to Chris as he deals with his baby mama drama,” the source claims.

Apparently, she not only feels compassion for his plight — but confidence that he’s being a good dad.

To hear this insider tell it: “She has no doubts that Chris loves and supports his daughter.”

Loving and supporting someone is, for the record, not the same thing as meeting your court-ordered child support payments.

According to this report, Rihanna’s takeaway from their relationship is basically that Chris Brown is a family man who always does right by his loved ones.

“And Rihanna also knows from their time together that being a father was something he’s always wanted,” the insider declares.

Wanting something really bad always means that you’re responsible with it, right? Like teens and new cars, or little kids and puppies, or Chris Brown and women.

“And although she’s not involved in his life anymore,” the source claims. “From her perspective he’s been super devoted to his daughter Royalty.”

If she’s not in his life anymore … what possible perspective could she have? Unless she reads a lot of wholesome Chris Brown fanfiction.

To be clear, this alleged source isn’t going so far as to claim that Rihanna knows the facts of the case or, you know, any salient details.

“Rihanna has no idea what his child support agreement is though,” the insider admits.

But apparently that’s not important to her, the source says, “and she has no real interest in those details.”

“She does however, feel confident that Chris will do the right thing when it comes to supporting his daughter,” the insider asserts.

So … this report is claiming that Riri is Chris’ ideal character witness?

If Rihanna is really viewing Chris through rose-tinted glasses, Chris’ feelings are said to be even stronger.

“Not a day goes by without Chris thinking about Rihanna,” an insider tells HollywoodLife. “He still thinks she’s the most beautiful girl in the world and he truly believes that she’s the love of his life.”

First of all, he doesn’t think that Rihanna’s the most beautiful girl in the world. He knows. It’s a fact.

Chris tries to live his life without regrets,” the source reports. “But he can’t help wishing things had played out differently between him and Rihanna.”

We’ll say this much — there are some men who beat a woman’s face until it’s almost beyond recognition and don’t regret it. But regets don’t mean that Chris is a good dude.

Rihanna is many things. Savvy, beautiful, talented, gorgeous, funny, stunningly attractive, witty … the list goes on.

What she is not is a damn fool. A little more compassionate than is good for her? Sure. But she’s no fool.

We have an extremely difficult time believing that Rihanna imagines that Chris is some kindhearted family man. She knows better than most that he is not.

But we could absolutely believe that Riri has a friend who is s–tty enough to project their own nostalgia for Chris onto her and also blab about it to a tabloid.

We’re not saying that this is what happened, but … it’s certainly more plausible than Rihanna losing her mind.


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Miss Denver Kayla Kline Resigns in Support of Miss America Cara Mund

Miss America Cara Mund allegedly getting bullied by her own org is NOT okay with Miss Denver’s Kayla Kline … so Kayla is showing her solidarity by giving up her crown. Kayla — who not that long ago earned the Mile High City’s honor — tells TMZ…


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Jack Osbourne Draws Line in the Sand in Divorce Over Spousal Support

Jack Osbourne has filed his response to his wife’s divorce petition, and it seems there’s a conflict … at the very least, over spousal support. Jack is asking the judge to deny Lisa any such support. He’s down with her request to give them…


Monday, August 13, 2018

NFL"s Martavis Bryant"s Baby Mama Claims He"s a Deadbeat, Owes $80k in Child Support

The mother of Martavis Bryant’s 5-year-old daughter says the NFLer has been dodging child support payments for months … and claims he owes her nearly $ 80k. Bryant’s baby mama — Jasmin Keesley — tells TMZ Sports the Oakland Raiders WR has only…


Friday, August 10, 2018

Kurt Warner Would 100% Support Kneeling Teammates

Kurt Warner says he would 100% support any teammate who chose to kneel during the national anthem … telling TMZ Sports it’s important to get behind guys who want to make societal change.  Important to note: Warner says he himself would…


Thursday, August 9, 2018

Angelina Jolie Slams Brad Pitt: A Loan is NOT Child Support!!

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have been trying to keep this ugly divorce as private as possible, but now their contentious battle has spilled out into the open.

Angelina can prove that Brad is an unfit father, because he hasn’t paid child support. Brad replied by slamming that as “media manipulation.”

Now, Angelina is firing back … and spilling a whole lot of details about his failings as a father.

Angelina’s attorney, Samantha Bley DeJean, tells People that Angelina’s grievances against Brad Pitt are legit.

She says that Angelina’s court filing “was both legally appropriate and factually accurate in all respects.”

“What has been filed by Brad’s side today is a blatant attempt to obfuscate the truth,” DeJean states.

“And,” DeJean continues, Brad wishes to “distract from the fact that he has not fully met his legal obligations to support the children.”

In other words, she’s saying that Brad doesn’t want the world to know that he’s a deadbeat dad.

So … what’s this business about a loan? As you may recall, Brad countered that he had loaned her $ 8 million to purchase a home.

“Following the incident of September 2016,” DeJean explains. “Angelina and the children needed to move from the family home, which Brad chose to keep, including all of its contents.”

The incident being the one that took place on a plane and led to Brad Pitt being investigated for child-abuse.

If Brad wasn’t going to leave, then Angelina had not real choice but to move out.

This was when, DeJean says, Brad was “asked to assist in the expense of a new home for Angelina.”

Brad offered assistance … after a fashion.

“Instead,” DeJean says. “He loaned Angelina money, for which he is charging her interest on a payment plan.”

Yikes. While interest on $ 8 million is definitely something that Angelina can afford, she might as well have gone to a bank for the loan instead of to the man who claimed the family home for himself.

DeJean affirms that Angelina fully intends to “honor that loa.n”

However, DeJean makes clear: “A loan is not, however, child support and to represent it as such is misleading and inaccurate.”

So it’s not like Angelina is trying to weasel out of paying interest on the loan.

Instead, DeJean says, she “is asking Brad to pay 50% of the children’s expenses.” You know, his job as a parent.

Unfortunately, DeJean says, Brad “has not” been contributing his fair share.

“Angelina has had to shoulder the majority of those without his contribution for the past two years,” DeJean says.

DeJean reminds everyone: “Child support is not optional in California.”

“Typically,” DeJean says. “A father of means would pay these expenses voluntarily”

A good father would, anyway. But we suppose that a good father wouldn’t do whatever Brad did on that plane to end his marriage and get himself investigated by the FBI, either.

DeJean says that a normal father with the cash would already be paying “without the need for a request or court order.”

This might be a good time to mention that, according to the internet, Brad Pitt’s net worth is nearly a quarter of a billion dollars.

DeJean concludes: “We are hopeful that this can be resolved without further delay or posturing.”

Divorces can be messy — especially ones that are triggered by an incident of alleged child-abuse rather than by a marriage slowly succumbing to entropy.

Angelina and Brad have tried to keep the details of their divorce quiet for a host of reasons.

We suppose that it’s no surprise that what’s making them lash out at each other publicly is money.

Just because Angelina is a wealthy woman who can afford to single-handedly provide for all of her children does not mean that she should have to.

We hope that both parties are doing their part for their children, as required by the law and also by basic decency.


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Stormy Daniels Ordered to Pay Child Support in Divorce Case

Stormy Daniels is quickly finding out divorce will prove costly … she’s been ordered to pay a bunch of bills because she’s clearly the money earner. According to new legal docs obtained by TMZ … Stormy must pay her estranged hubby, Glendon…


Angelina Jolie to Brad Pitt: Pay Child Support, You Cheapskate!

It was only a matter of time, we suppose.

Nevertheless, it still make us sad to write the following sentence:

Things between Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are starting to get very ugly.

According to new legal documents filed by the famous actress on Tuesday, her handsome and estranged husband hasn’t paid any “meaningful” child support for a year and a half during their ongoing, and at times contentious, divorce proceedings.

As a result, Jolie says she is planning to seek a court order to force Pitt’s gorgeous hand.

“[Pitt] has a duty to pay child support. As of present, he has paid no meaningful child support since separation,” wrote Jolie’s lawyer, Samantha Bley DeJean, in a two-page brief filed in Los Angeles Superior Court.

The brief was obtained by NBC News and other reliable media outlets.

As has been custom in this divorce case, neither Pitt nor Jolie are on public record with quotes about how the other side is acting.

But various reports over the past several months have indicated that Jolie is growing increasingly frustrated over the direction of the negotiations. 

Adds Angelina’s attorney in regard to this child support issue:

“Given the informal arrangements around the payment of the children’s expenses have not been regularly sustained by [Pitt] for over a year and a half, [Jolie] intends to file an RFO for the establishment of a retroactive child support order.”

(Note: An RFO is a request for a court order.)

(Second Note: The court filing did not define what is “meaningful” support. We do not know the amounts being discussed here.)

Speaking as always these days through spokespersons, Jolie explains that the purpose of her latest court filing “is to provide closure to the marriage in a way that clears a path toward the next stage of their lives and allows her and Brad to recommit as devoted co-parents to their children.”

Pitt counters that he has “fulfilled his commitments.”

The stars got married in 2014 (over a decade since they got together) and broke up in September of 2016.

They have six kids – Maddox, 16, Pax, 14, Zahara, 13, Shiloh, 12, and 10-year-old twins Vivienne and Knox – and, until now, the main source of tension in their split has been custody of these kids.

Not payment for the kids’ expenses.

Insider tells TMZ, meanwhile, that this new filing is yet another attempt by Jolie to trash Pitt in the press.

These insiders allege that Pitt and Jolie have an informal child support agreement and that Pitt has gone above and beyond what it entails; he has supposedly handed his ex-wife millions of dollars for this purpose.

In June, after the actor and actrss failed to reach a private agreement on custody, a judge established a detailed schedule for Pitt to spend time with the children (except Maddox, who according to the court, is old enough to decide for himself how much time he wants to spend with his dad).

This arrangement remains temporary, however.

And questions remain over whether Jolie is trying to punish Pitt by limiting his visits with the kids…

… or if she actually believe he’s a bad influence on them.

How did we ever get here, right, Brangelina fans?

Last year, lawyers sought to seal records pertaining to the couple’s six minor children in the ongoing divorce and child custody case.

Still, though, information continues to leak out.

The children are residing in London with Jolie right now as she filming Maleficent 2, yet normally live in Los Angeles, where Pitt also lives.

Pitt’s legal team has alleged in court documents that Jolie and her legal team have compromised the children’s privacy through court filings in a bid to undercut Pitt in the couple’s custody battle.

As we said: it’s all turned very ugly.

Let’s just hope it reaches an amicable conclusion soon.


Monday, August 6, 2018

Britney Spears Explores Berlin with Sons During Kevin Federline Child Support Battle

Britney Spears doesn’t subscribe to the “More Money, More Problems” theory … or so it seems ‘cause she’s having a helluva time with her 2 sons in the midst of a child support battle with Kevin Federline. The singer and her 2 sons — Sean and…


Friday, August 3, 2018

Britney Spears and Kevin Federline Square Off in Court Over Child Support

Britney Spears’ legal team is about to square off with Kevin Federline’s in an L.A. court, and the central issue is going to be whether Kevin needs additional child support for the 2 kids he had with Britney or whether it’s because he’s trying to…


Blake Griffin"s Only Paying $32k Per Month In Child Support

No, Blake Griffin is NOT paying $ 258k per month in child support — he’s only paying a fraction of that … TMZ Sports has learned.  As we previously reported, the $ 258k figure that’s being reported is wrong — but sources tell us the NBA star…


Blake Griffin"s Only Paying $32k Per Month In Child Support

No, Blake Griffin is NOT paying $ 258k per month in child support — he’s only paying a fraction of that … TMZ Sports has learned.  As we previously reported, the $ 258k figure that’s being reported is wrong — but sources tell us the NBA star…


Brynn Cameron Scores HUGE Child Support Victory Over Blake Griffin!

Surprising news out of the sports world today, as Detroit Pistons forward Blake Griffin has reportedly been ordered to pay $ 258,000 in child support to ex-fiancee Brynn Cameron.

The report of this incredible sum was first published by Radar Online.

Blake Griffin-Brynn Cameron

The outlet claims to have obtained court documents from a civil suit between Griffin and Cameron.

The agreement would require Griffin to pay over $ 3 million a year for he and Cameron’s two children, Ford, 5, and Finn, 2.

Of course, as Sports Illustrated points out, the payments equate to just 9 percent of the $ 35 million contract that Griffin declared as his annual income.

So you won’t be seeing the guy at your local soup kitchen anytime soon.

Context aside, however, $ 3 million annually remains an astonishing amount of money for a child support settlement.

Perhaps that’s why reps for Griffin and Cameron are currently running damage control and denying reports of this wildly unorthodox agreement.

“The recent reports of the financial details of the child support agreement between Blake Griffin and Brynn Cameron are inaccurate,” a rep tells People magazine.

“Both sides have settled amicably and are moving forward with co-parenting their two children,” the statement continues.

“Due to the confidential nature of the agreement, no further details will be released.”

Griffin and Cameron, who is the sister of former NFL tight end Jordan Cameron dated on and off for eight years before calling it quits for good in 2017.

Shortly thereafter, it was reported that Griffin was dating Kendall Jenner.

Kendall Jenner, Blake Griffin, Brynn Cameron Split

That relationship didn’t last long, but Brynn was reportedly outraged to learn Blake had decided to dump her for Kendall.

Earlier this year, Cameron sued Griffin for palimony, accusing him in court documents of abandoning his family for Jenner:

“After all, Griffin had no problem trading Brynn Cameron, his former fiancee, and the mother of his 2 children, for reality television star Kendall Jenner,” Cameron’s lawyers wrote at the time.

The suit further alleged that Griffin was an instrumental source of support in the early days of Griffin’s career, serving as his “personal assistant, meal planner, scheduler, stylist, publicist, party planner, nurse, nutritionist, branding expert, therapist, cheerleader, basketball and fitness consultant, and more.”

Obviously, she’s not playing any of those roles anymore … but she’s certainly received quite a severance package.
