Showing posts with label Support. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Support. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Blake Griffin Strikes Child Support Deal with Brynn Cameron in Custody Battle

Blake Griffin has reached a truce with baby mama Brynn Cameron in their nasty custody fight — striking a deal on child support payment and custody right before they were set to go to trial.  Blake and Brynn had 2 children together during their…


Monday, July 30, 2018

Chris Pratt, "Guardians of the Galaxy" Stars Support James Gunn

‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ director James Gunn was done dirty by America’s politically charged court of public opinion … according to Chris Pratt, Vin Diesel, Zoe Saldana and the rest of the ‘GotG’ stars. The cast posted an open letter in support…


Sunday, July 29, 2018

Jerry Lawler"s Son Brian Christopher on Life Support After Attempted Hanging

The son of famed wrestler Jerry Lawler tried to hang himself Saturday night and he is now on life support … TMZ Sports has learned. Brian Christopher Lawler, once a wrestler himself, attempted to commit suicide in his jail cell outside…


Friday, July 6, 2018

Jesse Williams Wants New Trial for Child Support

Jesse Williams is going to request a new trial in his child support case … less than a month after he was ordered to start paying $ 50k per month. The “Grey’s Anatomy” star filed docs Friday telling the court he intends to seek a modification of…


Monday, July 2, 2018

Trump Attorney Michael Cohen Gets "Rat" Warning and Support on NYC Streets

Michael Cohen’s getting it from both sides as New Yorkers give him an earful over potentially flipping on President Trump. We got Trump’s former personal attorney in NYC Monday, and asked him if he was preparing to cooperate with federal…


Monday, June 25, 2018

Maci Bookout Struggles on Naked and Afraid, Receives Major Support From Fans

Teen Mom OG fans spent several months anticipating Maci Bookout"s appearance on Naked and Afraid.

And we think it"s safe to say they didn"t quite get what they were hoping for.

Maci"s wilderness adventure was a short one, as the mother of three struggled mightily during her time in Nicaragua.

Some viewers stated that they had hoped to see more of Ms. Bookout, but most applauded her courage in taking on such a challenge.

And as a bonus, her happy-go-lucky partner definitely earned some new fans!

1. Maci Bookout: Both Naked and Afraid

Maci bookout naked and afraid

Maci spent the past week hyping her appearance on the show, and she was clearly excited to share the experience with fans.

2. TV’s Toughest Show

Maci bookout appears on naked and afraid

No show on television tests the limits of human endurance quite like Naked and Afraid, and very few contestants last the full 21 days. So Maci certainly isn’t alone in not completing the challenge.

3. Badass Attitude

Maci bookout naked and afraid intro

In her intro video, Maci referred to herself as a badass, a word that’s often used by TMOG fans when describing the tough-as-nails mother of three.

4. Firestarter


She described her preparations for the show, revealing that she spent a lot of time working on starting fires without the aid of matches or a lighter. At first, it seemed that all that hard work paid off.

5. Early Success

Maci bookout on naked and afraid

Maci and her partner — an ICU nurse named Justin — managed to build a fire on their first day in the wilderness — a rare accomplishment on Naked and Afraid.

6. No Match For Nicaragua

No match for nicaragua

Unfortunately, that would prove to be Maci’s final triumph in the jungles of Nicaragua.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Jesse Williams Ordered to Pay $100,000 a Month in Spousal and Child Support

Jesse Williams’ divorce just got WAY more expensive, because a judge has just doubled his monthly nut. Jesse has been ordered to pay $ 50,000 a month in child support to estranged wife Aryn Drake-Lee.  He had previously been ordered to pay…


Jesse Williams Ordered to Pay $100,000 a Month in Spousal and Child Support

Jesse Williams’ divorce just got WAY more expensive, because a judge has just doubled his monthly nut. Jesse has been ordered to pay $ 50,000 a month in child support to estranged wife Aryn Drake-Lee.  He had previously been ordered to pay…


Sunday, June 17, 2018

Todd Chrisley Rips Jeff Sessions for "Twisting" Bible to Support Immigration Policy

If there’s one thing Todd Chrisley knows best … it’s that Attorney General Jeff Sessions does NOT know best when it comes to Bible scriptures about separating kids from their parents. The “Chrisley Knows Best” star was at LAX on Saturday, and we…


Todd Chrisley Rips Jeff Sessions for "Twisting" Bible to Support Immigration Policy

If there’s one thing Todd Chrisley knows best … it’s that Attorney General Jeff Sessions does NOT know best when it comes to Bible scriptures about separating kids from their parents. The “Chrisley Knows Best” star was at LAX on Saturday, and we…


Friday, June 15, 2018

Conor McGregor Giddy In NYC, Thanks Fans For Their Support!

Conor McGregor’s quest to prove he’s nothing close to a violent beast continued outside of a swanky New York City restaurant Friday — when he smiled big for cameras and signed a TON of autographs for fans. The Irish superstar rocked a pink shirt,…


Thursday, June 14, 2018

Shannon Beador: David"s Trying to Weasel Out of Spousal Support!!

The Real Housewives of Orange County star Shannon Beador has seen some business success … but will that end up costing her in the long run?

It sounds like her bitter ex, David, plans to use her entrepreneurial gains to weasel out of paying her spousal support during their ongoing divorce.

This could get ugly. …

Shannon Beador isn’t just a reality star and mother; she is also an entrepreneur.

She launched QVC Real for Real Cuisine, whose tagline is “Real Food for Real People.” Fake b–ches, it would seem, get nothing.

No, but it’s a food service featuring pre-prepared meals with balanced nutrients, and this has apparently enriched her. Reportedly by several million dollars.

RadarOnline reports that David Beador is seizing upon this opportunity to try to lower his spousal support payments.

“He thinks that Shannon is just being greedy,” a source explains. “And it isn’t fair.”

It’s not a huge surprise to hear that David feels this way.

But Shannon, it seems, is not budging about the payments.

“She doesn’t care what he thinks anymore,” the source explains.

That reflects a lot of personal growth on Shannon’s part. Divorce can do that.

It may also have to do with reports that Shannon Beador is in love with her new boyfriend, Alex.

That kind of new love can really insulate you against your ex’s whining.

Obviously, the next step for David would be to try to get a judge to modify the spousal support agreement that is already established.

However, the report says that this is not likely.

“Shannon already dropped the amount of what the judge thought was fair,” the source says. “When he had a fit in the courtroom.”

Yeah, when the ruling on David Beador’s spousal support payments came down, reports say that David said foul and hateful things to Shannon in a shocking tone of voice while still in the courthouse.

It is also reported that, out of spite, he had shut off the water to her house — where his own children live and bathe.

But Shannon is apparently not worried that the court will slash the payments.

The source explains: “She knows that the courts will side in her favor, especially after he caused such a disturbance the last time they were there.”

Bad behavior doesn’t leave a good impression, David.

We’re not sure that David’s rudeness in the courthouse — a sadly common sight in divorce cases — will actually impact spousal support rulings.

But if she really did rake in millions from her new food business, that could make a lot of difference.

That will depend upon how the prior rulings were phrased.

If Shannon mentioned that this venture and the judge factored it in, that would not change spousal support.

The fact that she voluntarily lowered her ask from him could be the real nail in the coffin on David’s argument, though.

It is very difficult to make someone look greedy when they’ve already bent over backwards to ask for less from you.

Shannon is having a good time with her boyfriend Alex, but she has no plans to bring him onto The Real Housewives of Orange County.

But don’t worry that her storyline this season will be lackluster.

We can probably expect to see a lot of her divorce on screen.

Sure, we may know plenty of details right now, but that’s a far cry from watching the drama play out on camera.

We wonder if this particular argument — the demand that David owes her less — will make its way to viewers.


Monday, June 11, 2018

John Schneider Sentenced to Jail Over Delinquent Spousal Support

John Schneider’s gonna be behind bars for the next few days — a judge just gave him jail time for not paying spousal support to his estranged wife, Elvira … TMZ has learned. The ‘Dukes of Hazzard’ star was sentenced Monday to 3 days in L.A.…


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Khloe Kardashian: Look! I Still Support Tristan Thompson for Some Reason!

Tristan Thompson scored eight points and pulled down seven rebounds in Game 3 of the NBA Finals on Wednesday night.

But that modest statline barely told the story of this scandal-plagued power forward, who also likely scored after the game by pulling down someone else’s pants.

This should come as no surprise, of course, based on Thompson’s history.

But it should come as a surprise when you consider the woman with whom we’re assuming Tristan scored:


Indeed, the long-time reality star and the mother of Thompson’s second child was in attendance at Quicken Loans Arena yesterday to watch Tristan and the Cleveland Cavaliers lose by a score of 110-102 to the Golden State Warriors.

The Warriors are now just one victory away from their third championship in four seasons, which is a very impressive feat.

Still, it’s not nearly as impressive as what Thompson appears to have accomplished here:

The shady southpaw has apparently gotten away with his many months of cheating on Kardashian and is now back in her good graces.

How else to interpret Khloe cheering on the Cavs at the game, while wearing a a team t-shirt and smiling as she made her way around the arena, according to TMZ and many onlookers?

Khloe gave birth to a baby girl she actually named True back on April 11.

This blessed event took place mere days after word spread across the Internet that Thompson had been sleeping with a multitude of women behind her (PREGNANT!) back.

Nevertheless, Khloe has remained in Cleveland since her child’s arrival, reportedly not residing with her dishonest boyfriend, yet clearly interacting with him very often.

(Let’s be serious, right? No one would leave in Cleveland voluntarily unless he or she had a practical reason to do so.)

Recent reports have alleged that Khloe’s famous family members have been urging her to move back to Los Angeles.

Yet she has shown no inclination to do so.

Does this mean Khloe has fully forgiven Thompson?

Or perhaps she just thinks it’s best for little True to have a father in her life.

We can’t say at the moment.

But Thompson has been showing signs of stress and tension throughout these playoffs, likely because he’s aware that once they’re over, he won’t have any excuse any longer to be away from Khloe.

(Nor, lacking any more road trips, will he have reliable avenue on which he can cheat on her.)

Last week, Thompson got into a screaming match with Draymond Green and then shoved a ball in his face, as you can see here:

Then, he got so fed up with a reporter that he cursed and walked away in a huff, as you can see here:

What will happen when the Cavs lose to the Warriors and Thompson is faced with a long offdeason and plenty of questions to answer at home?

The kind that have less to do with playing defense on Steph Curry and more to do with defending the duplicitous actions of his penis?

We don’t know.

But we’re sort of excited to find out.


Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Jermaine Jackson"s Estranged Wife Wants $35k in Spousal Support

Jermaine Jackson’s estranged wife says $ 35k per month is a fair amount for spousal support … because she claims he’s raking in way more than that every month. Halima Rashid filed new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, asking for $ 35,643 per month in…


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Kevin Federline Wants $60,000 Per Month in Child Support from Britney Spears (LOL!)

It’s 2018 and Kevin Federline is still in the news.

We just felt a need to state that incredible fact prior to delving into the reason why Kevin Federline is in the news at this current moment.

In this case, Britney Spears strongly wishes her Z-Lister of an ex-husband were NOT making headlines, considering Federline’s attorney had gone on record with a seemingly outragerous demand.

He thinks the singer ought to pay his client more in child support.

Like, A LOT more in child support.

“We gave them ample time and opportunity to settle Kevin’s child support modification increase, and they came back with conditions that are not reasonable,” Federline’s divorce attorney Mark Vincent Kaplan, explains to Us Weekly.

He goes on to say that K. Fed tried to handle this legal matter in private, but is now going public to force Britney’s hand.

“It’s their position that they don’t have to turn over Britney’s financial information, including tax returns, which is required under the California family code.

“It’s not California celebrity code edition, she has to comply.”

(Hey, look, the President of the United States has never turned over his tax returns and…sorry, nevermind. Let’s not go there.)

“This is the choice they have made, and they will now have to deal with it,” Kaplan adds. “We are still open to try and settling this without judicial intervention.”

Federline first asked for a child support increase in February.

Not surprisingly, Spears was not happy to learn about it.

According to court documents obtained by The Blast, though, Federline earns “approximately $ 3,000 per month” as a DJ, which is reportedly less than one percent Spears’ annual income.

So… he wants his ex-wife to fork over more cash because she works harder and is more successful than he is?

That’s quite the argument to make.

Federline and Spears were married from 2004 to 2007.

They share sons Sean Preston, 12, and Jayden James, 11.

(Kevin also has a 15-year-old named Kori and a 13-year-old named Kaleb with ex-fiancée Shar Jackson. Oh, and a six-year-old named Jordan and a three-year-old namedPeyton with wife Victoria Prince.

Yes, Kevin Federline has SIX kids.)

With a straight face, he claims in these new documents that he is “simply less of a ‘name’ and less in demand than he was in 2008,” when the child support was determined.

We suppose this is technically true.

Federline is definitely less famous now than he was right after he split from Britney.

But, ummm… was he ever in demand?

“A court hearing will be set, and the parties will engage in financial discovery, which will enable guideline support payment that Kevin should receive,” Kaplan continued to Us Weekly.

“This won’t be difficult for us, Kevin is asking for the reasonable needs of the children to be met, which is at least three times the amount Kevin is currently getting.

“This is based on her earnings which have been publicly reported. We are also asking for attorney’s fees because it didn’t have to come to this.”

Here’s the kicker, by the way:

Federline currently gets $ 20,000 per month in child support.

So he’s saying that $ 20,000 per month in child support is not a “reasonable” amount of money with which he can meet the needs of he and Britney’s two sons.

He needs $ 60,000 per month instead, apparently, which prompts the obvious question:



Monday, May 21, 2018

Johnny Manziel Gets Support From NFL Rookie Stars "That"s My Big bro"

Couple of high-profile NFL rookies throwing their support behind Johnny Manziel — with Derrius Guice and Bradley Chubb saying he’s a good dude who deserves another shot in the league. In fact, Guice — 2nd round pick for the Redskins — says he’s…


Friday, May 18, 2018

Stevie J Catches Huge Break, Gets No Prison Time in Child Support Case

Stevie J got a get out of jail free card from a judge Friday, even though prosecutors were gunning to lock him up … TMZ has learned. According to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of NY … the ‘Love & Hip Hop’ star will not…


Stevie J Catches Huge Break, Gets No Prison Time in Child Support Case

Stevie J got a get out of jail free card from a judge Friday, even though prosecutors were gunning to lock him up … TMZ has learned. According to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of NY … the ‘Love & Hip Hop’ star will not…


Blac Chyna"s Assistant Dies After Being Taken Off Life Support

A family is in mourning as Patty Hernandez, who was Blac Chyna’s assistant, has passed away after a lengthy health battle.

This is heartbreaking news from those hoping that she would pull through. She is survived by her three children.

Her grieving family is reportedly planning to sue Chyna for wrongful death.

Lorena “Patty” Hernandez suffered a brain hemorrhage back in January at a salon that Blac Chyna owns in Encino.

She was placed on life support. Friends and loved ones have surrounded her, and donations have poured in to her GoFundMe to help with her medical care — and to assist her children.

Unfortunately, it was not enough, as this week’s grim update to her GoFundMe page reveals.

“Hello Everyone it is with a heavy heart that I would like to share that this morning May 14 Patty was pronounced Brain Dead after a 3rd bleed and will have to be disconnected.”

Absolutely heartbreaking. For everyone, but especially for her children.

“We ask you keep our family in prayer during this difficult time.”

Just months ago, there had appeared to be good news — that she was at least able to breathe on her own. But setbacks can happen. This is devastating.

The GoFundMe for Patty Hernandez has raised $ 33,000 out of the $ 50,000 goal.

The text of the page explains Patty’s condition.

“Patty is a loving and dedicated mother of three children (Nathan 13, Raul 12 and Madison 7) and just as loving and dedicated to the rest of her family.”

No health crisis or death is easy to read about, but … it’s always harder when they have children.

“On July of 2017 life changed for Patty, she suffered a stroke that left her partially blind, after several tests, the doctors diagnosed her with a brain AVM ‘Arteriovenous Malformation’ that was present since birth.”

That means that some of her blood vessels aren’t formed properly, and are more prone to bleeding. That’s a problem anywhere, but much worse in the brain.

“A brain AVM is a tangled of abnormal and poorly formed blood vessels (arteries and veins) that have a higher rate of bleeding than normal well-formed vessels.”

And it also made it very difficult to treat.

“Due the location of her AVM, a surgery was not possible and her only option for a treatment was radiation therapy, a therapy that takes 2 years to be effective.”

Meaning that she would have another two years for the damage to continue.

“Yet even radiation therapy does not guarantee her AVM to not rupture causing a head hemorrhage (a bleeding in the brain).”

Cerebral hemorrhages are scary and serious.

“What complicated her condition even more was that Patty was also pregnant.  Doctors advised a pregnancy termination, but due to the fact that doctors were not guaranteeing her health, she decided to proceed with the pregnancy.”

That must have been an agonizingly difficult decision. She had three children depending upon her, but that was her choice.

“Despite the complication her AVM produced which included: severe headaches, dizziness, a higher risk pregnancy, and stress rupturing a brain vein.”


Additionally, Patty could not take medical advice with respect to her job.

“The doctors advised her to not work, but that was not an option for Patty who had her 3 children depending on her for financial security.”

The GoFundMe medical description does not name-drop anyone, but Blac Chyna was her employer.

“On December 18, 2017 Patty suffered a severe head bleed that left her unconscious, and she was rushed to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center where she was in the ICU, in whee they preceded to treat her head hemorrhage by draining the blood flooding in her brain.”


“After a CAT scan and a couple of days, Patty was finally stable and doctors advised to terminate her pregnancy, therefore; lowering the chances of another head bleed which would leave her permanently disabled or dead.”

She wanted to be there for her children.

“Patty’s pregnancy was sadly terminated on December 28, 2017.”

Unfortunately, some things cannot be prevented — only delayed.

“On January 11, 2018 she had a seizure which caused her brain to bleed again, this time the bleed was of a stronger magnitude and left Patty in a state of coma.”

In our broken healthcare system, medical debt is the leading cause of personal bankruptcy. And she also has children for whom to care.

“We are asking for your help to cover Patty’s medical expenses and to help her children in this very unfortunate time of need.”


“Thank you for reading and thank you in advance for your donations. In a moment like this, any contribution makes a difference.”

Among the many donations were some large ones, left by celebrities.

Tyga was the first to donate, dropping $ 5,000. Robert Kardashian donated $ 10,000 in two separate installments.

Even Jeffree Star donated $ 10,000.

Patty’s family is reportedly planning to sue Blac Chyna for wrongful death.

There are allegations that Chyna abused her — the specifics of which are unknown — and failed to provide worker’s compensation.

Patty’s family is grieving, and will donate her organs.

Rest in power, Patty.
