Showing posts with label Update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Update. Show all posts

Monday, December 11, 2017

Bill Clinton Gives a Nonverbal Status Update on Hillary Clinton

Bill Clinton was on the move in D.C. Monday morning — but for as fast as he was going … he didn’t hesitate to give a status update on Hillary. We got 42 leaving Reagan National Airport, and asked how the missus was doing on her national book…


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Chris Pratt Gives Status Update on His Facebook Impostor, Shuns Online Dating

Chris Pratt, who just filed for divorce, will not join the hordes on online dating services. We got Chris leaving Jimmy Kimmel’s studio in L.A. Monday night, and asked for a status update on his Facebook impostor sitch. Sounds like it’s still…


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Charlie Rose Suspended By CBS Amid Sexual Harassment Allegations (UPDATE)

2:56 PM PT — CBS News has suspended Rose and PBS will halt production and distribution of his show. Charlie Rose — one of the most famous journalists in the country — has just been accused of sexual harassment … and he’s apologizing for the…


Thursday, November 2, 2017

90 Day Fiance Update: Where is Mohamed Jbali?!

90 Day Fiance star Mohamed Jbali is dealing with a lot right now.

He recently confessed that he might get deported thanks to a paperwork issue. He"s in the middle of moving. And he recently found a new, post-Danielle romantic entanglement.

Well, in a new Instagram video that we have for you below, he delivers some updates and shares one, possibly paranoid, fear of his.

On Halloween, Mohamed Jbali shared a text update on his big move to Texas:

"I am officially homeless until I get to my new place in Texas."

That"s such a weird feeling, right? When your apartment is no longer yours but your stuff isn"t at your new place, yet?

It must be immeasurably more intimidating for people who aren"t from the US who, should something go wrong, can"t just drive to a friend"s place or their mom"s because Tunisia is not conveniently nearby.

And then, on Wednesday, Mohamed shared another update:

"I"ve been driving forever and I"m still in Tallahassee that"s because I have a heavy load."

He makes a goofy analogy trying to connect that as a metaphor for all of life, which shows you how absolutely, mind-blastingly boring driving a moving truck can be.

Well, now he"s shared a video update on everything that he"s been up to.

"I"m still in Alabama."

The US is, though we don"t often think about it, very large. Traveling between states can take days, easily.

Mohamed has probably had his fill of the logistics of driving a moving truck, so he decided to give his fans an update on something much more interesting:


"You remember when I told you that love is happening?"

He has recently hinted at a blossoming romance, but not shared a lot.

Many have suspected that his newfound love is in Texas. (He"ll address that, also, in a moment)

"I was talking to a girl from Canada."

He"s using the past tense, so … that"s not promising.

"And I thought we are good for each other, but, after some time, we found out that it"s not happening, it"s not … we are not a good match. So we broke up."

That sounds like the right course of action. Besides, was Mohamed going to move to Canada to be with her? How many countries can you hop to?

Then, strangely, he seems to backtrack and correct himself.

"We didn"t even start a relationship. We decided that we don"t want this; that"s it."

It"s hard to tell if they really didn"t get past the talking phase, or if he"s just trying to minimize what they had for his fans.

Sometimes Mohamed can be a little hard to read.

Like we said, he talks about his move to Texas.

His plans are no longer vague — he knows exactly where he"s going to be living.

"Now, I am moving to Texas. To be living with a family. They are friends and they are going to rent a room for me in their house and I"m going to be paying my rent every month."

You might think that this goes without saying, but we think that there"s more to Mohamed belaboring this point than just his desire to be clear.

See, Mohamed got on 90 Day Fiance and into the US by, well, hopping into bed with Danielle Mullins. Just once, to consummate their marriage, but still.

That, very famously, didn"t work out. But Mohamed got to the US, like he wanted.

Some people see him as, if not a gold digger, a man who will do whatever it takes in order to get to where he wants to be.

Fair or not, that reputation follows him.

So he felt the need to address it.

"No love involved. No relationship involved. Just a roommate with a family. They have kids and everything, so I am not going for love."

Clearly, Mohamed feels more than a little grudging about having to clarify that he"s not paying rent with his body.

In fact, he seems paranoid that people will make up stories about him anyway.

"Don"t believe the media; they are sick."

From some people, that would sound like the lady protesting too much. In Mohamed Jbali"s case, he"s just a very outspoken guy who gets a little heated sometimes … and who"s been doing a lot of driving.

Honestly, videos for his fans are probably a healthy way for him to blow off steam.

Here"s the video:

90 day fiance update where is mohamed jbali

Friday, October 27, 2017

NFL Owner on Protests: "Can"t Have the Inmates Running the Prison" (UPDATE)

7:57 AM PT — McNair just issued a statement saying, “I regret that I used that expression. I never meant to offend anyone and I was not referring to our players.” “I used a figure of speech that was never intended to be taken literally.” “I would…


Monday, October 23, 2017

Danielle Mullins Update: What is She Up to Now?

Some 90 Day Fiance stars either get their happily ever afters or don’t, and then fade from memory. And then there’s Danielle Mullins, whose infamous relationship with Mohamed Jbali is still haunting them both.

Even out of the context of Mohamed Jbali, Danielle is just … quite the character. But what, you might wonder, is she up to now? Is she in a relationship? What’s next for her?

Let’s take a look.

The whole point of being a reality star is to become famous and accumulate fans (while cashing a check).

When you know that your fame and fortune depend upon your fans, you want to give them shout-outs on social media and promote yourself.

Danielle Mullins goes a little above and beyond what you’d normally expect. Sure, she promotes herself well on social media, but did you know that she happily sends fans autographed photos of herself?

If that’s something that you want in your life, don’t be shy about it — let her know. (She says on her Instagram to message or email her for details)

You know, Danielle’s social media was one of the divisive issues that cost Danielle Mullins her makeover show.

While the media company that dropped her like a bad habit claimed that it was over her “unstable behavior,” Danielle disagreed.

Apparently the media company had completely taken over Danielle’s social media accounts and begun posting clickbait ads — without Danielle getting to participate in that monetization.

She likes to post family photos and links to articles about herself.

Our guess? They’re both probably telling the truth as they see it.

Danielle isn’t getting her makeover show, but she’s still determined to lose weight — even if no agency or network is willing to broadcast it.

If she does it herself, we’re not really sure how effectively she’ll be able to monetize it … but maybe she’ll come up with something.

Reality television stardom isn’t Danielle’s only life plan, however.

She really wants to be a nurse, and has been taking courses in the hopes of getting her nursing license.

Of course, she might hit a bit of an obstacle — because, as fans have pointed out to her, you can’t get a nursing license with certain criminal histories.

And Danielle Mullins has a criminal past that, quite frankly, 90 Day Fiance barely even touched on.

Danielle has responded by saying:

“My criminal charges don’t count because they are misdemeanors, not felonies.”

That’s interesting, because it was our understanding that her 2005 arrest came with felony charges of theft and forgery.

But what matters, in this context, is that she was never found guilty of any felonies — the charges were dropped to misdemeanor theft.

Again, that was all a very long time ago — but some fans say that Danielle hasn’t exactly turned over a new leaf.

Remember, Mohamed Jbali accused her of misusing his identity and stealing his money shortly into their ill-fated marriage.

Honestly, those allegations were the least of the couple’s problems.

In fact, Danielle Mullins is suing Mohamed Jbali in the hopes of making up for the money that she says she spent on him.

We have no idea how successful this venture will be.

Remember, she first tried to get their marriage annulled — in order to not only end their marriage but get him deported back to Tunisia.

Some fans accused her of being overly spiteful. She had accused Mohamed of cheating multiple times during their brief marriage.

In the end, Danielle and Mohamed got divorced … though Mohamed Jbali might get deported anyway, based upon the late paperwork that he’s revealed on Instagram.

Let’s hope not, though.

Something that we should address is the “theory” espoused by some 90 Day Fiance viewers that Danielle is in some way “mentally challenged.”

They point out things like her poor eyesight (her glasses look pretty heavy-duty), her behavior, and the alleged foul body odor that Mohamed Jbali accused her of having.

First of all, some sort of “remote diagnosis” would be irresponsible for an actual psychologist without examining Danielle. So that whole discussion isn’t just rude — it’s a fool’s errand.

But poor eyesight is just poor eyesight, and it runs in some families. It has no bearing on intelligence.

Her behavior — the alleged stealing and general shadiness about money — might speak to impulsiveness and a lack of forethought about the consequences of her actions. Some might say that bringing Mohamed Jbali across the world because she wanted sex was using the same sort of judgment.

But you don’t need any kind of cognitive impairment to do that, folks. People make terrible decisions every single day.

And as for the alleged body odor? That could be just about anything.

Maybe she just needs a new deodorant, or maybe she has some sort of infection, or maybe it’s her clothes or her house or Mohamed’s imagination.

Wisely, Danielle has never commented on any of these rumors.

Finally, Danielle Mullins says that she is in a relationship.

But don’t expect to see her current gentleman caller any time soon.

Danielle says that it is a long-distance relationship (uh oh, isn’t that how things with Mohamed Jbali started?) with a man who is averse to fame and would not want to appear on 90 Day Fiance or any other reality series.

We … well, we sure do look forward to learning more about this mystery man. We’ll say that much.


Sunday, October 15, 2017

SNL Weekend Update, Weinstein Belongs in Prison

Harvey Weinstein was torn apart on SNL Saturday night … and everything was fair game. Colin Jost and Michael Che skewered the fallen mogul, from his appearance to his conduct.  The crowd applauded when Jost scoffed at the notion Weinstein…


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Texas Tech University on Lockdown After Active Shooter Said to be at Large (UPDATE)

6:54 PM PT — A campus police officer has reportedly been shot and killed, according to a local NBC affiliate. A SWAT team is currently looking for the shooter, who is described as 6 feet tall, 140 lbs with red hair and blue eyes wearing a white T…


Monday, October 2, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar Shares Pregnancy Update, Anti-Abortion Views on Instagram

If you’re a fan of her family’s, then by now, you’ve likely heard the news that Joy-Anna Duggar is pregnant with her first child.

The news came as a shock to many, as Joy-Anna is just 19 years old, and it appears as though she may have gotten pregnant before her wedding to Austin Forsyth, despite her family’s strict ban on premarital sex.

But despite the controversy surrounding her pregnancy, Joy-Anna is clearly ecstatic, and she’s been sharing her joy with fans on social media:

Joy-Anna posted the above photo earlier today, along with the following caption:

“Can’t wait to meet our baby!! I got to feel it kick for the first time a few days ago!!! Soooooo amazing!!! It’s already about the size of a bell pepper and weighs around half a pound!!! #childrenareagiftfromGod #westandforlife”

Yes, as you might have guessed from those hashtags, Joy-Anna is about to get political on you.

Given that procreation and strict fundamentalist religious beliefs are the things they’re best known for, it should come as no surprise that the Duggars are staunchly anti-abortion.

In case her hashtags failed to make that clear, Joy-Anna also shared this photo of her husband holding a sign by the side of the road for some reason.

Following the Josh Duggar sex scandals, there was a brief period of time when the Duggars mostly steered clear of politics.

Perhaps it was the fear that their constant moralizing would make them seem hypocritical in the wake of the revelation that they’d knowingly harbored a sexual predator.

(And of course, they were right on that score.)

But now it looks as though the Duggars are laboring under the delusion that Josh’s crimes have faded from the public’s memory to the point that they can once again begin flaunting their supposed moral superiority.

Sources close to the family believe Joy-Anna is planning a career in politics, but she’s not the only one who’s speaking out on controversial political issues.

Just kast month, Jill Duggar’s husband, Derick Dillard, attacked Jazz Jennings on Twitter, berating the transgender teen, who, like the Duggars, stars in a reality series on TLC.

Clearly, the family has been emboldened by the forgiveness of many of their more cultishly devoted fans, and it’s even been rumored that Josh Duggar will soon return to television, despite frequent promises to the contrary.

Whatever the case, it seems the Duggars are on the verge of reclaiming what they feel is lost territory. 

And it’ll be interesting to see if the public allows it.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Kylie Jenner Wedding Update: Is It Really Happening?!

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Kylie Jenner is pregnant with her first child.

Kylie got knocked up by presumably soon-to-be retired rapper Travis Scott.

(Fact: You don’t have to work after you get a Kardashian pregnant. Time to hang up the Nikes, Tristan!)

Come to think of it, that’s not necessarily true.

It’s not enough just to get a member of the Kard clan pregnant, as Scott Disick learned the hard way.

You have to lock that relationship down in order to live off that sweet Kim sex tape money for the rest of your days.

That means marriage, and though a wedding is probably next on Travis Scott’s agenda, it may be a long way off.

Rumors about Kylie and Travis being engaged start circulating long before we knew she was pregnant.

In fact, there are some who have claimed that Kylie and Travis are secretly married.

But it seems the reports of Kylie getting hitched have been greatly exaggerated.

In fact, it sounds like she’s not even certain that she and Travis will continue dating.

And when you look at the facts of her pregnancy, that’s not terribly surprising.

So far, we know that Kylie is expecting a girl, and she’s about five months along.

Since she and Travis started dating in April, that means they were only together a few weeks before she found out she was expecting.

So it’s safe to assume that the pregnancy wasn’t planned.

And it’s equally safe to assume that Travis and Kylie won’t be sprinting down the aisle anytime soon.

“They’re still trying to figure out their relationship,” a source close to the couple tells TMZ.

The insider adds that Kylie has no qualms about being a single mom.

Her oldest sister is an unwed mother of three; Kim Kardashian had her first child before she married Kanye West; and now Khloe Kardashian is pregnant with Tristan Thompson’s baby, and there are no wedding plans there either.

So it sounds like Travis may have to continue working after all.

On the bright side, we’re guessing his music has enjoyed quite a sales bump over the past week.


Friday, September 22, 2017

Aaron Carter Raises Drug and Suicide Fears, Cops Rushing to His Home (UPDATE)

3:37 PM PT — Cops are on the scene, and according to a neighbor it appears Aaron is fine. He was seen answering the door for the responding officers. No word on whether he was under the influence, as the concerned caller claimed.Cops are rushing…


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Aleksandra and Josh: An Update on the 90 Day Fiance Couple!

90 Day Fiance is masterful at getting viewers hooked on certain couples. You feel for the journey that they’re making together, and, in most cases, you root for them to succeed.

One of the show’s many spin-offs is checking in on couples that the cameras haven’t shown for a while. Sometimes, they have great news. other times, you find that love has faded and they’re no longer together.

On this week’s episode of 90 Day Fiance: What Now?, viewers caught up with Aleksandra and Josh. And … a lot has changed since their wedding day.

Last March, we heard that announcement that 90 Day Fiance was launching yet another spinoff.

90 Day Fiance: What Now? has a vague title (we get it; titles are hard), but it’s all about catching up with couples who have appeared on 90 Day Fiance.

Not every couple is ridiculous … ahem, we mean “entertaining” … enough to warrant being on 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? with cameras following them around even after they get married.

But that doesn’t mean that they don’t warrant an episode or two.

You check in on them and see how they’re doing.

A lot of fans and viewers become attached to couples and want to follow up and see how they’re doing.

You want to see how they’re doing as a married couple. You want to see if they have any kids!

And you want to see how the person who isn’t from the US is adapting to life in America.

Catching up with Aleksandra and Josh is extra important because, after an alarming and shameful incident over the summer, Aleksandra decided to step back from social media.

Possibly forever.

Why did Aleksandra Iarovikova quit social media? Because a bunch of trolls saw her child’s olive skin tone and decided that the child that she had with Josh, her husband, must really belong to someone else.

She mentions that their baby has her mother’s exact face, while she herself resembles one of her grandparents.

This isn’t uncommon — recessive traits and RNA often mean that traits can skip generations. Traits like the shape of your nostrils or traits like your entire face and skin tone.

There are also a number of European ethnicities in which people naturally have olive skin tones. Look at Nina Dobrev, who is Bulgarian, for just one example.

Anyway, Aleksandra didn’t want to put up with the hate and accusations, so she and Josh have resolved to give their daughter her privacy by not showing her face over social meda.

Or, even, on camera for 90 Day Fiance: What Now?

So, as for Aleksandra and Josh and how they’re doing now:

If you’ll recall, Aleksandra was a Russian party girl.

Josh was a Mormon missionary on a mission trip.

They met and fell in love.

Josh had to wait until he was no longer working for the Church of LDS before he could actually asked her out.

But he did, an entire year later.

They dated, fell in love, got engaged, and got married.

Which, yes, means that the Russian party girl and club dancer (Josh was scandalized by the sorts of things that had been around her in her life — remember that Mormons arne’t allowed to drink alcohol … or caffeine, even) converted to Mormonism so that they could get married.

Whether you’re a person of faith or hold any other sincerely held beliefs, you know what a huge deal converting for someone else is.

But a new faith and new church wasn’t the only change in Aleksandra’s life.

She went from living the club life in cities to living in Omaha .. and then living in a small town, waiting for Josh to be accepted to medical school.

And Josh has reportedly still not started medical school, meaning that they are still living in the same small town.

It can’t be easy to give up your whole life and put your social life on hold while your husband pursues his dream.

(To be fair, though, Aleksandra is also taking classes … but that’s not a social life)

The main focus for both of them is their beautiful daughter, of course.

From what the 90 Day Fiance: What Now? cameras showed, the two of them are happy but there seems to be some underlying tension.

Josh wants to get into medical school but, so far, he’s been waitlisted.

Aleksandra is impatient for his acceptance so that they can move to a place that isn’t a dead quiet small town.

At the moment, their lives are in limbo. Tension is to be expected.

But you know what? They’re doing way, way better than a lot of 90 Day Fiance couples.


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

TMZ Live: Kim & Kanye: Baby #3 Update!

ON TODAY’S SHOW Seahawks Star Threatened By Police On Video Jesse Williams: Custody War With Ex! Usher Sex Tape? Jamie Foxx & Katie Holmes’ Relationship


Thursday, August 31, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar Offers Pregnancy Update Following First Sonogram

As we reported yesterday, Joy-Anna Duggar is pregnant with her first child, and needless to say, the 19-year-old is very excited about becoming a mom.

Naturally, fans are already speculating about Joy-Anna’s due date, but thus far, she’s given no solid information with regard to how far along she is.

However, while she’s remaining tight-lipped about certain details, Joy-Anna seems more than happy to share her excitement with fans.

The expectant mother posted the above photo to Instagram yesterday, along with a lengthy caption offering an update on news she received from her first sonogram.

“Austin and I are SO thankful to announce that we are parents!! Even before we were married we prayed that God would give us children and we are so blessed that he has given us this baby!” she wrote.

“Jesus is the giver of Life! The baby has arms, legs, fingers, and toes. It has a beating heart and brain waves. The baby responds to touch and is already right- or left-handed,” Joy-Anna continued.

Clearly, some of this is meant to offer an update on the health of the fetus, while other portions are intended to reiterate the Duggars’ stance on abortion, which is that life begins at conception, and abortion even in cases of rape and incest should be criminalized.

Her willingness to get topical in a pregnancy update post is enough to make us think there’s some truth to those rumors about Joy-Anna planning a career in politics.

“The baby has its own unique fingerprints, which are different from anyone else’s. All organ systems are in place!” she goes on.

Joy-Anna then quoted Psalm 139:13-16, which includes the passage:

“For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well

“This passage indicates that God Himself formed our physical features and that He did so with a wonderful plan for our lives. God knew us in the womb,” she explained, adding:

“#babyforsyth #alreadyinlovewithmybaby #blessedbeyondmeasure #Jesusanswersprayers”

It seems that just as we learned about the personalities of Jill and Jessa Duggar while they were pregnant, we’ll find out more about what makes Joy-Anna tick in the months to come.

We think it’s safe to say she’s a young woman who is passionate about her beliefs, and it seems her stances have been affirmed by the first months of her pregnancy.

We’ll keep you updated on Joy-Anna’s forthcoming bundle of joy as more information becomes available.

In the meantime, watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Courtney Stodden: Here"s an Update on My Divorce!

Courtney Stodden — depending on who you ask, she’s either a modern day Marilyn Monroe or a real-life Jessica Rabbit, and possibly both.

After six years of marriage, Courtney Stodden and Doug Hutchison have split and are in the process of divorcing. But they’re not exactly in a rush.

Courtney’s offering an update, on that divorce but also on her life, in a new interview.

A lot of television personalities are an acquired taste — at best — but it’s hard to imagine someone actually disliking Courtney Stodden.

Like … we’re pretty sure that she has done nothing wrong, ever, in her life.

She has a beautiful singing voice, even though some of her songs can be super raunchy.

(Surely you remember Courtney Stodden’s filthy Christmas music video for “Mistletoe Bikini”)

Her song, “Asphalt,” is actually super catchy (I’ve caught myself singing it plenty of times … and almost nonstop when the city repaved my street).

She’s also just a total sweetheart.

She got married to Doug when she was 16 and he was 51.

Courtney is now 22 — she’ll actually turn 23 next week! She’s had a lot of personal growth, and we’ve been hoping that her process of moving on is going smoothly.

Well, Courtney Stodden did an interview with RadarOnline, so we don’t have to keep wondering.

Courtney addresses a few topics:


“I’m very single right now… I just started [dating].”

Though her circumstances are rarer than most, Courtney’s not the only 22-year-old who’s only just starting her dating life.

Most weren’t married, though.

“I was just in a six-year long marriage so I’m not necessarily interested in completely jumping into something serious.”

Good. She needs to live her life, you know?

We don’t know if “stay in a bunch of hotels before you rent an apartment; rent several apartments before you buy a house” is a popular saying or something that we just made up, but we’d stand by it as good advice (for most people, not all).

And the last thing that you need after a six-year marriage is another long-term relationship.


Courtney shares that she is still in touch with Doug Hutchison because the two of them are business partners.

In fact, they have a mutual project that would keep them in touch regardless.

“We’re working on a new movie that we are both going to star in together.”

That could be interesting. If they’re looking to reconcile, that might be the place to start that.

“Our relationship is really interesting to say the least because there are so many emotions. We are both heartbroken I guess and it’s hard to be in each other’s orbit because of that heartbreak.”

That heartbreak may have less to do with their divorce and more to do with their tragic miscarriage.

“We’ve come so far together and for us to just choose to split and to still be collaborating on business, it makes for a kind of interesting dynamic.”

She clearly still has a lot of affection for Doug.

“It’s still really fresh, really new, emotions are really very sensitive. He’s been there for me when nobody else was for six years. He’s been my rock and ultimately my family.”

The divorce, it turns out, is still pending — Courtney hasn’t actually filed yet. Legally, they’re just separated.

(Some people spend years just being separated, folks)

Courtney also talks about her career — more music, a lingerie line, and she’s looking into television roles.

All of that is pretty exciting.

On Having Children:

“I love kids so much, but I think first thing first I need to discover who I am before inviting children into that situation.”

That shows more wisdom than, honestly, most parents seem to possess.

Not just reality TV parents but, like, all parents.

She’s had so much personal growth recently. We can’t wait to see what she gets up to next.


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Bill Cosby Appears in Court with New Lawyer Tom Mesereau (UPDATE)

7:50 AM PT — The judge has granted their request and agreed to push the start date of the new trial. It is now loosely scheduled for mid-March or early April, but no firm date has been decided. Bill Cosby’s rejiggered legal team appeared in court…


Monday, August 21, 2017

Anna Duggar Pregnancy Update: See Why Fans Are Outraged!

Last week, several media outlets speculated that Josh Duggar’s long-suffering wife Anna Duggar may have secretly given birth.

As fans know, Anna is pregnant with her fifth child, and she hadn’t been seen in public or on social media for several weeks.

That led many fans to the conclusion that she may have something to hide … or at least be trying to keep things under wraps.

If nothing else, many fans assumed that the Duggars had an interest in keeping the birth of Josh and Anna’s fifth child a secret.

The presumed motives varied, with some suggesting Josh’s parents were hoping to score a ratings boost by surprising fans.

Let’s face it, withholding information about their family’s new addition until the season premiere of Counting On? Not a big stretch.

Others hypothesized that the family was hoping to capitalize on the birth as the first step in an effort to rebuild Josh’s public image.

Even if there isn’t a wide-ranging conspiracy, they could be carefully coordinating the release of all related information as a result.

These theories would sound ridiculous, but this is family known for exploiting the events of their personal lives for professional gain.

The Duggars have demonstrated in the past that they’ll go to ridiculous lengths to keep audiences tuning into their reality series.

While they’ve never gone so far as to conceal a birth, they basically did so with a wedding, so we certainly wouldn’t put it past them.

Fortunately, we now know that no such steps were taken, as video evidence has emerged showing that Anna is very much still pregnant.

Of course, that’s not the end of the controversy.

To the chagrin of some fans, the 29-year-old has been taking to the skies in her third trimester, as seen in the raw video above.

Published by the Rockford Scanner website over the weekend, it shows a very pregnant Anna deplaning on a runway in Rockford, Illinois.

Some members of Duggar Nation are upset over the footage, as flying so late in a pregnancy is generally frowned upon.

Of course, the reason is primarily that going into labor would force an emergency landing, which is much less of an ordeal on a private jet.

“If you have a normal, healthy pregnancy, it can be safe to fly during most of it,” says an expert from the Baby Center website.

The site adds:

“But don’t fly after 36 weeks,” so either Anna is throwing caution to the wind, or she’s not as far along as we originally thought.

As for why the Anna and Josh made the trip to Illinois, there are several theories, most centering around his past “issues.”

Rockford, fans may recall, is where Josh was treated for sex addiction after he was caught seeking cheating partners online.

Some have speculated that Josh is seeking further rehabilitation, but it seems unlikely that he’d bring his pregnant wife along for that.

The Rockford Scanner reports on another explanation that seems to make more sense than him seeking ongoing treatment out of state.

Writes the website:

“Other rumors have said the Duggars choose Rockford as the place to have their child because of their family ties to the local churches and religion.”

Others have claimed that the Duggars made the trip to Illinois in order to view today’s solar eclipse, which will cover a wide swatch of the U.S.

Rockford is no closer to the path of totality than their home in Arkansas, however, so there may be a giant black hole in that theory (sorry).

We’ll have updates on this developing story as more information becomes available, which could be any day or minute now.

In the meantime, watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family as we await news of Anna’s birth.


Friday, August 18, 2017

Tina Fey Slams Donald Trump on Weekend Update, Eats Cake

Tina Fey made a triumphant, hilarious, emotional and delicious return to Weekend Update on Thursday night.

The former co-anchor of this Saturday Night Live segment appeared opposite Colin Jost and Michael Che to discuss Donald Trump, the events in Charlottesville last weekend and the President"s subsequent reaction.

It should be noted that Fey graduated from the University of Virigina, where a rally organized by White Supremacists took place a week ago.

"It broke my heart to see these evil forces descend upon Charlottesville," Fey said to open her speech, prior to calling out President Trump for his refusal to condemn the violence committed by neo-Nazis at the demonstration.

"[Trump] comes out and he says that he condemns violence on many sides, and I’m feeling sick because I’ve seen Raiders of the Lost Ark and I wasn’t confused by it.

"Nazis are always bad. I don’t care what you say."

Somehow, even in 2017, this is a statement that many people have had to say in response to the President NOT saying anything like it.

Fey then offered advice to those trying to make a difference… and/or simply trying to keep safe.

"I know a lot of us are feeling anxious and asking ourselves, "What can I do?"

"So I would urge people this Saturday, instead of participating in these screaming matches and potential violence, find a local business that you support – maybe a Jewish-run bakery, or an African-American-run bakery.

"Order a cake with the American flag on it like this one and just eat it."

And with that, yes: you better believe Fey tore into a giant sheet cake.

"The next time you see a bunch of white guys in polo shirts screaming about taking our country back – and you wanna scream, "It"s not our country. We stole it from the Native Americans," she explained, adding:

"And when they have a peaceful protest at Standing Rock we shoot at them with rubber bullets, but we let you chinless turds march through the streets with semi-automatic weapons."

"And while you wanna yell that, don"t yell it at the Klan, Colin. Yell it into the cake."

Watch the full segment below:

Tina fey slams donald trump on weekend update eats a lot of cake

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Ami Brown Cancer Update: We Hate to Bring Bad News, But ...

We have another update on Alaskan Bush People star Ami Brown.

Specifically, regarding her cancer diagnosis that was confirmed on Alaskan Bush People.

Honestly, we wish that, for once, we could bring you some good news.

Alaskan Bush People follows the Brown Family, headed by Billy Brown and Ami Brown.

They have seven children. Seven!

Their youngest, Rain, is a teenager — she turns fifteen this November.

Their oldest, Matt, was born in 1982.

The series began with the lawful destruction of the Brown’s house, which had been erected on land that they did not own.

For the past seven seasons, viewers have followed the Browns as they make habitats for themselves in, well, the Alaskan bush.

In the woods, basically.

A major storyline on this seventh and final season has been Ami Roloff’s cancer diagnosis.

Cancer can of course strike at anyone.

But we wouldn’t recommend living in the wilderness, folks.

We know that carcinogens can be scary, but not all cancer comes from pesticides or cheap hotdogs or whatever you fear might cause it.

There are a lot of inborn biological factors, as a lot of cancers happen naturally thanks to some tragic genetic predispositions.

Consider that whatever a person may gain from avoiding car exhaust or what have you, they very likely lose from not having consistent and frequent access to healthcare.

And, of course, regular cancer screenings.

That can’t catch everything, and lung cancer can be tricky, but we think of how hard Ami Brown’s lifestyle has been on her body over these past decades and wonder if her current predicament could have been avoided.

In our last Alaskan Bush People update, we told you that Ami Brown has been confined to a wheelchair.

Naturally, like all reality shows, Alaskan Bush People films well ahead of when episodes air.

On the show, Ami Brown is undergoing treatment for her lung cancer.

Unfortunately, cancer progresses off-camera.

A Facebook group called “Alaskan Bush People Exposed” reports about goings-on with the Brown family that don’t make it on camera.

After the discovery that Ami Brown has been confined to a wheelchair, a flurry of comments expressed concern over how much worse her diagnosis has become.

Remember when we told you that her cancer was at least stage three but might be stage four?

An admin for that Facebook group confirmed it:

“Now it’s stage 4 in both lungs and inoperable.”

If what the admin says is accurate, that is dreadful news.

Stage 4 cancer is … well, that’s death’s door.

We don’t pretend to understand why Ami Brown or her husband took up this lifestyle.

There is not and cannot be a moral justification for raising your children outside of society without the benefits of millennia of civilization to aid and guide them.

But let’s be clear — Ami Brown does not deserve to have cancer.

She does not deserve to die.

Our reservations about the Brown family and the way that fans romanticize their lifestyle are one thing.

(Some even had the audacity to urge the Brown children to not close Browntown, which no one has the right to ask of them)

But it is absolutely a tragedy that Ami Brown seems to be at death’s door.

We’ll continue to watch this heartbreaking medical drama unfold both on and off camera.

At stage 4, though … well, if you’ve ever lost a loved one to cancer, you know how very abruptly things can change.

Reportedly, the entire Brown family moved down to “Lower 48” (as in, the Continental US, not in Alaska and not in Hawaii) after season seven stopped filming.

Part of that was probably that they’d made enough money and endured enough hardship and earned the right to retire from Browntown and all that being a bush person entails.

Part of that, though, had to be the knowledge that things could never be the same after Ami’s diagnosis.

We would love to see Ami Brown pull through and beat the odds, though.


Friday, August 11, 2017

Anthony Scaramucci Spoofed by Bill Hader on SNL"s "Weekend Update: Summer Edition"

Anthony Scaramucci belatedly got the ‘SNL’ treatment courtesy of ‘SNL’ alum, Bill Hader … and it was, well, a day too late. It kinda felt like calling Scaramucci “The Mooch” was a new thing, even though it was kinda played out a…
