Showing posts with label Women's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Women's. Show all posts

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Women"s March Pussyhats Inspire New Fragrance

The scent of a woman will be pussy if a budding entrepreneur can nail down a trademark for her new line of fragrances inspired by the enduring symbol of the Women’s March … the pussyhat. Fran Moss filed docs with the U.S. Patent and…


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Teen Vogue SLAMMED by Women"s Rights Org for Publishing Anal Sex Guide?!

Teen Vogue has been coming out with a lot of really great material lately, acting as a top-notch resource for its teenage readers. And, quite frankly, their sharp political posts over the past year have been enjoyable for all ages.

They post about all sorts of things, including celebrities and fashion. But they also post about health, relationships, sex, and life — and their recent anal sex guide is earning the magazine a lot of praise … and a lot of controversy.

Some critics are claiming that “women’s rights organizations” are slamming the guide … but a closer look reveals that things aren’t quite what they seem.

This article, a simple beginner’s guide to anal sex, seeks to help their readers — teens.

(But frankly, some adults could use this, too)

The author had noticed that most internet resources on anal sex were for sexually experienced couples looking to improve what they were already doing.

That doesn’t help a young couple so much.

Pornography, which is of course not realistic, makes for an even worse guide.

All in all, in a world where so many “sex ed” programs are still forbidden to so much as mention condoms, let alone discuss how sex acts might actually be safely carried out.

So the Teen Vogue anal sex guide, by Gigi Engel, covers a lot of important topics.

The key points of the article are:

-start slow

-lube is extremely important (we’ve seen anal without lube referred to as like going down a dry waterslide)

-tips for avoiding fecal matter (though some traces may still be present)

-ways that the act can be enjoyable for both partners

But there were complaints.

Of course there were.

Brace yourselves — we’ve got a lot of stupid to break down for you.

One of the first complaints comes from transphobes.

Okay, maybe we’re being unfair.

Maybe a few people are genuinely confused by inclusive language.

So, the article refers to “prostate-owners” and “vagina-owners.”


Well, a trans guy without a prostate is still a guy.

A trans woman with a prostate is still a woman.

Not to mention the countless people who don’t fit into the gender binary.

It’s just a way of using inclusive language and not being rude.

(After all, that “dreaded” PC culture that certain pundits like to complain about is literally just … not being rude)

Kind of like saying “with your dominant hand” in, like, knitting instructions or whatever instead of “your right hand.”

Because not everybody’s right-handed.

Speaking of how this article is LGBT-related, though.

This guide is of course extra relevant to many (though certainly not all) gay and bi couples.

But let’s not pretend for one moment that anal sex isn’t a popular choice with heterosexual, cisgender couples.

Internet access, a marginal increase in sexual liberation, and the ease of ordering supplies discretely over the internet has made sexual activities like anal intercourse much, much more common.

Generally speaking, most couples like to try new things together, especially sexual activities that they might both enjoy.

So, remember how we mentioned that people were claiming that “women’s rights organizations” were blasting the article?

It turns out that there’s no, like, Grand Council of Women that meets in a space station that orbits Venus and hands out certificates of authority to groups that advocate for women’s rights.

Any group can claim to be “women’s rights advocates.”

The Taliban could make that claim.

One socially conservative article by The Christian Post, for example, cites an organization called the “National Center of Sexual Exploitation.”

Now, you see that name and you think that maybe they work to break down sex trafficking or rescue underage girls or end child marriages or something, right?

We looked them up.

They are in fact an organization that mostly concentrates on hating porn and anything that might have to do with sexuality in mainstream culture.

They want to “combat obscenity” and enforce Judeo-Christian values upon society.

So … they don’t behead anybody, but in terms of their goals … that Taliban analogy maybe wasn’t so far off.

As for critical articles like that Christian Post one … you get eyestrain reading them.

(Because they use words like “sodomize” … and we just rolled our eyes super hard at that)

Then there’s the complaint that this post is male-centric.

(Which is, as we mentioned, super rude to trans people, though at least not as awful as James Woods’ transphobic tweet)

But let’s say that the faux women’s rights groups and the pearl-clutching social conservatives were being inclusive and meant penis-centric.

They’re still wrong.

Not only does the guide address how a recipient of anal sex who has a prostate will experience pleasure …


… The article also talks about how very close the wall of the rectum is with the vaginal wall, which is why many people with vaginas find anal sex very pleasant.

So, the post addresses different genitals and how they might be impacted.

Anyone who thinks that anal sex is solely for the penetrator’s pleasure is either grossly misinformed or doing it wrong.

And let’s see … what other nonsense did people spew …

Then there’s the complaint that Teen Vogue is somehow hypnotizing young people into having anal sex by … making sure that they can do it safely.

It’s always interesting to see the people who think that knowledge of how to do things that are perfectly fine is somehow “dangerous.”

(It reminds us of how Dolores Umbridge in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix doesn’t want any students actually practicing spells)

(Actually, that bit has always seemed analogous to conservative views on sex ed)

Teenagers have sex. Not all of them, and not all of them before college.

But a large enough proportion that they absolutely need to be informed.

Besides, having knowledge doesn’t coerce people into doing anything that they didn’t already want to do.

Having knowledge will help them do things more safely, however.

But we all know that, in the end, most of these critics are just upset that we don’t live in The Handmaid’s Tale and that people can make their own sexual choices.

Maybe they should loosen up?

We hear that Teen Vogue has some suggestions on how to do that.


Friday, June 23, 2017

Dennis Rodman Uses Women"s Restroom at Airport While Blasting Staind

He’s worn dresses … maybe that’s why Dennis Rodman felt so comfortable using the women’s restroom at Long Beach airport Wednesday night. A female witness tells us she noticed Dennis in the airport around 9 PM — but couldn’t believe it when she…


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Dennis Rodman Hanging with North Korean Women"s Basketball Team and School Kids

Dennis Rodman stuck to what he knows, at least to start to his North Korea trip … visiting with a hoops squad — but he also connected with Kim Jong-un’s roots. The NBA hall of famer checked in with the Pothonggang women’s basketball team…


Monday, March 13, 2017

Ezekiel Elliott Blasted By Women"s Group ... "That Was Sexual Assault" (Video)

The head of a national women’s rights group is calling for the NFL to suspend Ezekiel Elliott — claiming his shirt-pulling stunt at a St. Patty’s parade in Dallas was “a clear act of sexual assault.” We spoke with Shaunna Thomas — co-founder of…


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

International Women"s Day: Stars Celebrate on Twitter!

If you"ve spent any time on social media in the past 12 hours, you"re probably aware that it"s International Women"s Day – but you might not be aware of what that means.

As its name suggests IWD is a day to acknowledge and celebrate the contributions of the global female community.

This year, the International Women"s Day is of added importance, as tens of thousands of women are participating in the Day Without a Woman – a general strike prompted by the dangerously misogynistic remarks and policies of Donald Trump and his administration.

So whether you"re striking or taking to social media to express solidarity, take a moment to see what some of the most outspoken celebs have to say about this momentous day:

1. Chelsea Handler Issues Savage Trump Burn

Chelsea handler issues savage trump burn

Can someone send a burn unit to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?

2. LeBron Remains Woke


No Trump-style “locker room” talk on the Cavs.

3. Ronda Rousey Won’t Back Down

Ronda rousey wont back down

The UFC icon tweeted this photo, along with a caption reading, “#Resist.”

4. Adele Explains It All

Adele explains it all

Adele tweeted this quote from Canadian feminist Charlotte Whitton.

5. Emma’s Bookfairies Are on the Loose

Emmas bookfairies are on the loose

Emma Watson spearheads an international literacy foundations that gives away books in a creative fashion. Today, her bookfairies have a special goal.

6. Ellen is Grateful

Ellen is grateful

Ellen’s message was simple, but profound

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Tom Brady Celebrates Women"s Day ... Check Out My Fem-Squad! (PHOTO)

Tom Brady loves his ladies … and decided to honor the females in his life on International Women’s Day with a special photo tribute! The QB posted a pic of his wife, mom, sisters, nieces and daughter and wrote a pretty touching message to his…


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

U.S. Women"s Soccer Team Grants Make-A-Wish ... 9-Year-Old Leads Team Cheer! (VIDEO + PHOTO)

There was a new sheriff in town at the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team practice — a 9-year-old girl named Ashlyn who kicked off practice this week by breaking the team huddle!  Ashlyn is the team’s V.I.P. guest for their big game at the SheBelieves…


Monday, February 13, 2017

Ivanka Trump Joins Justin Trudeau in Women"s Fight (PHOTO GALLERY)

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau joined forces with First Daughter Ivanka Trump to do battle on behalf of women in business. The 2 met at the White House to promote women in business. They both spoke to President Trump and female business…


Ivanka Trump Joins Justin Trudeau in Women"s Fight (PHOTO GALLERY)

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau joined forces with First Daughter Ivanka Trump to do battle on behalf of women in business. The 2 met at the White House to promote women in business. They both spoke to President Trump and female business…


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Elizabeth Warren Says It"s Not a "Women"s Thing" That I Was Shut Down (VIDEO)

Senator Elizabeth Warren isn’t fazed by the fact that 4 male senators were allowed to read a letter Coretta Scott King wrote about Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions and she was shut down … she’s just happy it was read out loud. We got the…


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Jesse James: Women"s March Protesters Are Selfish! Sandra Bullock Cheated on Me!

Millions of women marched around the world last weekend in support of civil rights and in opposition to U.S. President Donald J. Trump.

Millions more were impressed that their sisters, and brothers, of all ethnicities took to the streets to stand up for what they feel is right.

Jesse James was not one of those people, and here’s why.

While many were marching or celebrating women’s marches across the nation and planet, James shared an alternate take on the protests.

“Just Imagine if ALL these women cared as much about the homeless and Vets in this country as they do about Themselves,” he wrote.

So basically, marching for equality is purely self-aggrandizing?

That was his implication, at least in the eyes of many people online, who took issue with the idea that this is somehow a selfish action.

If James meant that marching in the name progress and helping real, suffering people in need are not the same thing, he is correct.

On the flip side, the protests are designed to raise awareness and enact change on behalf of such people, and hardly self-serving.

Either way, Twitter lit James up after the fact, and HARD.

The tweet gained more than 4,000 retweets and 8,000 likes in less than 24 hours, but Sandra Bullock’s ex also received a lot of backlash

Some of which involved Bullock herself, oddly enough, after more than a few angry commenters brought up up his past with the actress.

“@FreeJesseJames just imagine if people like you cared enough for your spouse not to cheat on her” one follower tweeted at him.

Surprisingly, James responded to that person as such:

“Ahhh cheating goes both ways sweetie. Just because you got all teary eyed at some actress. Doesn’t mean she won’t cheat on her husband.”

Whoa. Did he just accuse Bullock of infidelity too!?

Jesse James and Bullock divorced in 2010, after he was exposed – and eventually confessed to – cheating on her with a number of women.

Among the most notable was Michelle McGee.

“There is only one person to blame for this whole situation, and that is me,” he said at the time, seemingly owning all of those actions.

“It’s because of my poor judgment” alone, the former Monster Garage star said, “that I deserve everything bad that is coming my way.”

“This has caused my wife and kids pain and embarrassment beyond comprehension and I am extremely saddened to have brought this on them.”

“I am truly very sorry for the grief I have caused them,” he concluded, adding, “I hope one day they can find it in their hearts to forgive me.”

James’ implication this week tells another story.

Did Bullock really cheat on him as well? Or was this more of a general dig at his ex-wife, and fans who love her because of her career?

It’s unclear, but fans were taken aback by Sandra being invoked at all, considering the then-unrelated nature of the discussion at hand.

After another Twitter user responded by dredging up another part of James’ past that came to light around the same time as the scandal:

“Also aren’t you like a neo nazi lmao.”

James fired back at that commenter as well, saying, “Yea totally… Except that African American baby I adopted in 2009… but yea total Nazi.”

Jesse and Sandra had started the lengthy adoption process for Bullock’s son Louis Bardot together before their unexpected breakup.

Bullock ended up finalizing the adoption solo.

What do you think of James’ comments?

Totally out of line, or less outrageous than they seem at first glance if you consider his true intentions and thoughts about vets and the homeless?

As far as his dig at Sandra, do you think she is less than perfect as well? Or was he simply stating that people don’t know the full story?

Hit the comments below to discuss!


Women"s March Pussyhats Going Down in History (VIDEO)

The pussyhats behind that sea of pink at the Women’s March on Washington D.C. — and others around the world — will be enshrined in a museum commemorating the day. Pussyhat Project co-founder Krista Suh says there were more than 20,000 of the…


Monday, January 23, 2017

Jill Duggar Protests Outside Planned Parenthood One Day After Women"s March

If you watch Counting On online, you probably already know that the Duggars have some extremely conservative religious and political views.

Hell, even if you’ve never seen an episode, you’re probably vaguely aware of the Duggars far-right views on just about everything, particularly all matters related to sex and reproduction.

We suppose it’s not surprising that a family that views all sex that’s not for the express purpose of procreation as sinful would take a hard-line stance on abortion.

What is surprising is just how far the Duggars will go in service of their strict anti-choice views.

In the past, they’ve compared abortion to the holocaust and gone to alienated viewers with their controversial belief that the termination of a pregnancy should be illegal even in cases of rape and incest, or where the life of the mother is at risk.

One would think that the Josh Duggar sex scandals might have at least temporarily knocked the Duggars off their moral high horse, but if anything, it seems to have had the opposite effect.

As though attempting to prove a point through overcompensation, the Duggars seem more resolute in their fundamentalist belief system than ever before.

And it’s not just Jim Bob and Michelle who seem galvanized by both their family’s public humbling and by the election of Donald Trump.

The latest to take up the fight against women’s rights is Jill Duggar, who is currently expecting her second child by husband Derick Dillard.

The day after hundreds of thousands participated in the Women’s March on Washington and millions more showed their support around the world, Jill participated in a demonstration of her own.

Jill posted the above text to her Instagram page yesterday.

She captioned the image:

“Join us today at 2:30 for the March for Life and/or at 3:30 at the support for life rally! #crosschurch #prolife #everylifematters”

We didn’t look into the 40 Days NWA website, but we assume it’s a six-week program devoted to studying the lyrics of Eazy-E.

Anyway, Jill seems to have met with more condemnation than support for her plans to prevent women from receiving necessary health services:

“Just went and donated (more) money to Planned Parenthood! Judge not, lest ye be judged, Duggars,” wrote one commenter.

“Marching against abortions is not pro-life, it’s pro-birth. If your family actually wanted to reduce the number of abortions (and not just control women’s bodies), you would support sex-education programs and contraceptive access. That’s how you reduce abortions,” wrote another.

We imagine Jill was shocked to learn there are people who see this issue differently than she does.

Then she went and marched with other people who think that folks who live near coasts exist in a bubble, and all her fears were laid to rest.


25 Memorable Protest Signs From the Women"s March

Millions of people gathered in support of women"s rights on January 21, 2017.  

However, this gathering was not limited to just one location. 

In fact, it was pretty much a worldwide affair. 

Scroll down for some of the best protest signs from around the world…

1. This Little Cutie

This little cutie

@YayorNaye uploaded “Omg. ❤ #WomensMarchCLT

2. Are Ikea Cabinets Strong?

Are ikea cabinets strong

@akahaney uploaded this delight, but are Ikea cabinets really not sturdy?

3. Geez


@TomManatos captioned the above photo, “My kind of protestor.”

4. Winter Is Coming!

Winter is coming

@GynoStar tweeted, “I love this sign @SarahLerner made for the #WomensMarch.”

5. It’s Getting Cold

Its getting cold

@SweetGeekling tweeted, “Proud to have marched today. Overwhelmed with thoughts. #WomensMarchdenver”

6. Science FTW

Science ftw

@LDMay tweeted, “This guy has it straight! #WomensMarchOnWashington”

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Sunday, January 22, 2017

Taylor Swift Under Fire for Women"s March Remarks!

Taylor Swift, more than any other popular celebrity, was extremely quiet during the 2016 presidential election.

Aside from one social media post on Election Day expressing the importance of voting, she didn’t say a word — and a lot of people have been upset with her for it.

Taylor is obviously one of the most influential celebrities today, and if she’d have been a little more outspoken about her political beliefs, some argue, it would have meant a lot to her fans.

Of course, that’s assuming she supported Hillary Clinton. If she supported Trump, speaking out about it would have essentially been career suicide.

But no matter who was Taylor’s pick for president, she obviously had no obligation to announce it.

And remember, it was years and years into Taylor’s career before she felt comfortable enough to call herself a feminist, and even then, she only did it when feminism became something of a trend.

All that is to say that Taylor’s never been one to loudly broadcast her political beliefs, especially if they’re even the slightest bit controversial.

And boy, is she paying for it now.

Yesterday, while hundreds of thousands of people all around the world were participating in the Women’s March — many of them celebrities — Taylor tweeted this:

“So much love, pride, and respect for those who marched. I’m proud to be a woman today, and every day.”

And immediately after she sent the tweet, people took issue with it.

“This is gross opportunism,” one person told her. “Be better.”

“As a fan of yours,” another person wrote, “this is some bullsh-t. You do not get to pick and choose when feminism benefits you.”

The same person added “If you were really for feminism you would have spoken up against Donald Trump instead of just saying to vote on Election Day.”

“You got a bad leg or something?” a follower hilariously pondered. “Why didn’t you March?”

One person pulled out all the stops and told Taylor to “Stop using feminism as a prop to fuel your fake girl power narrative/meticulously crafted PR persona.”

And that’s the issue: if Taylor truly was a feminist, these people believe that she should have been more vocal during the election, when it mattered the most.

It’s so easy to take ten seconds and send a tweet, but why wasn’t she spotted at any marches yesterday?

Rihanna and Katy Perry, two pop stars on Taylor’s level, managed to go out and support the cause they believe in, and there were no issues, no one caused a scene over seeing someone famous and stopped marching.

Did she tweet about the Women’s March because she sincerely had feelings about it, or for the likes?

It’s hard to say. But the point is that if Taylor really does feel so strongly about all this, there are a million things she could have done in the past several months to prove it.


Saturday, January 21, 2017

Women"s March: See How The Celebs Got Involved!

Donald Trump"s presidency is bad news for so very, very many people.

All the people, basically.

But one group — one entire gender, actually — banded together on Saturday, January 21st, in protest.

We"re speaking, of course, about the Women"s March.

Women came together in Washington D.C., in Los Angeles, in Chicago, and in so many other major cities, and in some not-so-major cities as well.

It was a beautiful sight to see, and so now let"s see what the celebrities did to honor the occasion!

1. Katy Perry

Katy perry

Katy Perry, one of Hillary Clinton’s biggest supporters, marched in Washington.

2. Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett johansson

Scarlett Johansson spoke in support of Planned Parenthood.

3. Melissa Benoist

Melissa benoist

Supergirl actress Melissa Benoist got in on the action with this amazing sign.

4. Nick Offerman

Nick offerman

Nick Offerman, best known for playing Ron Swanson on Parks and Recreation, got himself a popular “pussy hat.”

5. Helen Mirren

Helen mirren

Helen Mirren looked just as classy as ever at the protest in New York.

6. Cynthia Nixon

Cynthia nixon

Sex and the City star Cynthia Nixon went out to march in New York as well.

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Madonna At Women"s March ... "F*** You" To The Haters (VIDEO)

Madonna attended Saturday’s Women’s March in Washington D.C. and had one very strong message to those opposing the event … a big old “F*** You.” Madge was among the last of the star studded lineup — which included Amy Schumer, Alicia Keys,…


Women"s March On Washington Draws Huge Crowds (LIVE STREAM)

Donald Trump is praying in a Washington cathedral while  400,000 women in D.C., including Beyoncé, Amber Rose, Amy Schumer, Chrissy Teigen, Katy Perry are expressing their displeasure. The Women’s March on Washington is underway…


Friday, January 13, 2017

Jerry Rice"s Daughter Gets Mini-Camp Invite ... After Women"s Football Tryout (VIDEO)

Jerry Rice’s daughter, Jaqui Rice, is one step closer to playing pro football — she just got an invite to the L.A. Temptation mini-camp … after impressing coaches at last week’s tryout.  The 29-year-old has never played competitive…
