Showing posts with label You're. Show all posts
Showing posts with label You're. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Shaunie O"Neal Thwarts Home Intruders, "You"re On Camera, Smile Bitch!"

Shaq ain’t the only crime fighter in the O’Neal family — his ex-wife, Shaunie O’Neal, spotted some dudes allegedly trying to break into her L.A. home … and used her security system to scare ‘em off! Shaunie spotted two dudes skulking around…


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Richie Incognito to Vikings Coach Mike Zimmer, "You"re a F***ing Liar"

Richie Incognito says Minnesota Vikings coach Mike Zimmer is straight-up lying about the NFL lineman’s claim that he was talking with the team about a job this offseason … and it’s getting nasty.  It all started when Richie appeared on “TMZ…


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Samantha Markle to Half-Sister: You"re Basically Killing Our Dad!

Samantha Markle has once again gone on the attack against her famous half-sister.

This statement is not exactly newsworthy, we know.

At this point, considering all Samantha has said about Meghan Markle, it would be more surprising if she did NOT attack the new Royal Family member.

Ever since Markle got engaged to Prince Harry, Samantha has dragged her half-sibling left and right, slamming Meghan for being ungrateful and unloving toward her own family.

(It’s here that we must note how Samantha is 17 years older than and that she didn’t grow up in the same household as Meghan and that she barely knows her.)

But even Samantha may have plummeted to a new low with her latest round of Tweets.

On Tuesday, Samantha blasted her half-sibling on Twitter, calling her out for spending the day paying tribute to Nelson Mandela and his family… yet not taking the time to talk to her very own relatives.

“How about you pay tribute to your own father?!” Samantha wrote in one tweet, actually adding:

“Enough is enough. Act like a humanitarian, act like a woman. If our father dies, it’s on you Meg!”

Well… okay then!

Tell us how you really feel, Samantha.

She made this scathing remark on the heels of Thomas Markle once again babbling to the press about his non-relationship with his famous child.

In the video below, Thomas says he’s being shunned by Meghan and that she clearly terrified of all those around her these days:

Elsewhere, Samantha dissed Meghan for “ignoring” their dad and asked her how she could even look at herself in the mirror.

These Tweets came just after Thomas Markle told TMZ that he wasn’t going to stop to the media and was “unfazed” by reports that Prince Harry and his daughter were “frustrated” with his recent interviews with both The Sun and the British morning show “Good Morning Britain.”

Heck, Thomas even bragged about he’s making the Royal Family speechless.

“Maybe I can get a laugh out of the duchess,” Thomas even told TMZ, clearly misreading the situation as much as anyone possibly can.

Thomas, of course, did not attend Meghan and Harry’s wedding.

He was recovering at the time from a heart attack and from the embarrassment of a scandal in which he admitted to paying the paparazzi for to take flattering photos of himself.

Prior to making headlines for these incidents, Thomas was living a very quiet life in Mexico, far away from the spotlight.

“My father is not an embarassmnt for loving his daughter! The Royals are an embarrassment for being so cold,” Samantha added today.

“You should be ashamed of yourselves @Kensington Royal.”

Markle took the high road and just gave a generic statement after her dad backed out of her wedding, mostly just wishing him the best.

We doubt she’ll respond here to her half-sister’s quotes or her dad’s pleading, either, despite how both have gone viral in recent days.

“I want to be a part of their life. I’d like to put our differences behind us and get together. I miss [her] very much,” Thomas told The Sun when asked over this past weekend if he had any messages for Meghan.

Again, we can’t imagine she’ll have any public message for him in response.

He concluded as follows:

“I don’t care whether she’s pissed off at me – I want to see her.

“I just want to have a father-daughter relationship. I took care of my mother the last five years of her life. My daughter said to me she would take care of me in my declining years.

“I’m not talking about money – I’m talking about taking care of me. That’s important to me.”

Thomas at least comes across as semi-sympathetic in these interviews.

Samantha Markle, conversely, comes across as semi-psychotic.


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Miranda Lambert to Evan Felker: Stop Talking to Your Wife or You"re Fired!

It’s been three months since the world learned that Miranda Lambert and Evan Felker are dating, and the situation continues to get more bizarre by the day.

The source of all the weirdness, of course, is the fact that Felker is still married to his estranged wife, Staci Nelson.

Currently, it seems Evan is caught between two worlds, simultaneously enjoying life as the boyfriend of one of the country world’s brightest stars and feeling guilty about the faithful partner he abandoned.

Not surprisingly, Miranda is not entirely cool with this arrangement and would very much prefer that her boyfriend pick a relationship and stick with it.

Of course, Evan’s situation is somewhat complicated by the fact that Miranda is not only his girlfriend —  but also his boss.

Currently, Evan and his band, the Turnpike Troubadours, are opening for Miranda on her summer tour.

And according to a source close to the situation, Miranda has made it quite clear that the gig is dependent on Evan’s ability to keep his distance from his wife.

“Evan cannot be with Staci or Miranda will kick him off the tour,” the insider tells Radar Online.

The informant claims that Evan very much wants to give his marriage another chance, but he also doesn’t want to anger his bandmates by bringing an end to the most important gig of their careers.

For now, Staci is reportedly willing to wait him out, but not surprisingly, she’s growing impatient. 

“The ball is in Evan’s court,” the source explains.

“Staci believes there is nothing more she can do to move the process.”

The insider adds:

“Evan is hoping that his wife will still be here when the tour is over.” 

In the meantime, it seems Staci is enjoying sticking it to Miranda by boasting about how desperate Evan is to win her back.

“Is 22 missed calls in 2 days to an estranged wife really the behavior of a happy person?” she wrote on Instagram this week.

Yes, much to Miranda’s chagrin, Staci has become something of a social media celebrity in recent months, with new followers loving her not-so-subtle jabs at Evan and Miranda.

While Lambert and Felker’s relationship only went public in April, Miranda has been hinting about an affair with a fellow singer-songwriter since back in February.

Despite the rumors, Staci was reportedly “blindsided” when Evan told her he’d like to take a break from their marriage.

And not surprisingly, the source says she’s very much enjoying the position of power she now finds herself in.


Friday, July 13, 2018

Nick Diaz Blasts "Dick Chest" Brock Lesnar, You"re a Cheater!

Nick Diaz just went scorched Earth on the UFC and some its biggest stars — including Brock Lesnar who Nick rips as a cheater with a “dick chest” tattoo. Diaz began his rant in the middle of the night — going off on people crowning Daniel Cormier…


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Matt Barnes Warns Tekashi69, You"re Going to Get Killed

Matt Barnes says the death of rapper XXXTentacion should serve as a warning to Tekashi69 … that he could be next unless he stops getting mixed up with real-life gang members.  The ex-NBA star comes from a tough background and knows how bad…


Monday, June 18, 2018

Derick Dillard Slammed on Father"s Day: You"re the Worst Kind of Dad!

It’s only Monday, but Jill Duggar is already having quite a week on social media.

First, Jill wore a swimsuit in a photo that was posted on her Instagram page.

In order to appreciate why that’s a big deal, you have to understand that Duggar swimwear usually looks like something a silent film star named Myrtle would rock circa 1923.

And here’s Jill wearing a normal 21st-century one-piece like it’s not big deal. Bold, we say!

So that was a rare win for Jill, whose social media posts are usually just an embarrassment for everyone involved.

Unfortunately, the goodwill Jill earned by passive-aggressively standing up to her domineering dad was squandered when she celebrated Father’s Day by heaping praise on her controversial husband, Derick Dillard

As you may know, Derick holds views that are so controversial that they’ve brought him into conflict with even the most conservative (read: bigoted) Duggar fans.

Derick is one of those Trump supporters who stands by the president even when his policies fly in the face of the Christian values Dillard claims to hold so dear.

So fans took issue when Jill posted the awkward screenshot above, along with a link to a lengthy paean to Derick’s compassionate and godliness:

“Thank you for not always taking the easy path, but following God’s leading in our lives,” Jill wrote on the Dillards’ personal website.

“Thank you for being our protector, both physically and spiritually, as you seek God’s will during your daily devotion time,” she added.

“I see you investing in our children, just like your dad did with you and [Derick’s brother] Dan and it melts my heart!

“He taught you what it means to be a Godly man, and I see you reading the Bible and teaching our children how to pray,” Jill concluded.

Fans were quick to take issue with those sentiments, with many pointing out that Derick has expressed support for the policy of separating children from their families at the US border.

“Just curious why this has to be made public. Can’t you express your gratitude personally?” wrote one follower, adding:

“Think of ALL the children being held in a detention center, separated from their parents. Is that loving? Is it Godly? NOPE!”

Another stated simply, “Any man can be a father but not every man is a dad.”

To her credit, Jill has distanced herself from some of Derick’s most deplorable views, but many fans (and former fans) believe that’s not nearly enough.

“To disagree doesn’t = hate, or judgement … Love doesn’t always = approval,” she once wrote on Instagram, seemingly in reference to Derick.

“Just because I disagree with my child on something doesn’t mean I hate him, and just because I love and forgive him doesn’t mean I approve of everything he does. You can be friends with, love and care for people you don’t agree with 100%.”

In a society that’s as patriarchal as the Duggars’, it took guts for Jill to even imply that she doesn’t always agree with her husband.

But it’s not hard to see why so many feel that she needs to be doing much, much more.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Sunday, June 17, 2018

Matt Barnes Rips Tristan Thompson: You"re FAKE Tough!

Matt Barnes says the REAL reason people in the NBA don’t like Tristan Thompson is because he’s a fake-ass tough guy who’s all talk … no action.  Since Barnes is tight with Draymond Green — who also hates Tristan — we asked him where…


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Ben Seewald to Derick Dillard: You"re Not a Real Christian, Bruh!

Talk of feuds between various factions of the extended Duggar family is not uncommon.

The rumors often have to do with discord between Jill and Jessa Duggar, who allegedly went from besties to rivals at some point in the past few years.

Now, fans are under the impression that a new tweet from Jessa’s husband, Ben Seewald, has shone a light on the cause of that dispute.

It now looks as though the conflict started with a spat between Ben and Jill’s husband, Derick Dillard, that’s only gotten worse in recent months.

As you may recall, Derick was fired by TLC last year after he launched a transphobic tirade against fellow network star Jazz Jennings.

Jill quit the show in a gesture of solidarity, and the couple has not shot a scene for Counting On in the months since.

Unfortunately, rather than learning a lesson from the incident, Derick has doubled down in his bigotry.

Last week, Derick attacked Nate Berkus, a designer who stars in a TLC show alongside his husband and daughter.

Dillard derided Berkus and his family as “a travesty” in another bizarre Twitter rant.

Just two days later, Ben — who is rarely active on Twitter — posted a retweet that many are interpreting as a shot at Ben:

“If you say you ‘love your neighbor’ while really just loving the people that look like you, live like you & think like you, it is not your neighbor that you are loving…it is yourself,” the tweet reads.

It ends with the hashtag “#reallylovethyneighbor”

This is not the first time that Seewald has proven himself to be more liberal than his in-laws, but never before has he so publicly attacked a family member’s bigoted beliefs.

It’s also not the first indication that members of the Duggars’ inner circle are fed up with Derick.

Earlier this month, Ben unfollowed Derick on Instagram, as did members of the Bates family, another massive fundamentalist clan that’s often regarded as some of the Duggars’ closest friends.

The situation has many wondering if Jill and Derick have cut off contact with her family entirely.

That seems unlikely, but it’s clear that there’s some tension between the Dillards and the Seewalds.

Will they work it out, or Derick eventually be exiled, a la Josh Duggar.

Unfortunately, the situation won’t play out on television, but you can still watch Counting On online to relive the days before Derck got kicked to the curb.


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Isaiah Thomas Trolls Cavs on "Jimmy Kimmel Live," You"re Gonna Get Swept!

LeBron ain’t gonna like this … Isaiah Thomas is throwing ALL the shade at his former Cavs teammates … trolling Cleveland for getting whooped in the NBA Finals. IT was getting smoked by NBA legend Isiah Thomas (the other one) in a game…


Friday, May 25, 2018

Angelina Pivarnick to JWoww: You"re Just a Jersey Whore!

As we reported earlier, last night’s episode of Jersey Shore Family Vacation would’ve been a total snoozefest were it not for the surprise return of the Rob Kardashian of Staten Island herself, Angelina Pivarnick.

“Jolie” isn’t exactly a fan favorite, but she certainly livened up last night’s proceedings, which otherwise would’ve been highlighted by Snooki helping her kids with a school project.

At first, the kinder, gentler, slightly soberer Jersey Shore was a nice change of pace, but if we’re being honest, the last couple episodes have dragged a bit.

The show could use a bit of the petty conflict that helped to make its first iteration so memorable, and fans are hoping that’s where Angelina comes in.

Based on Pivarnick’s recent Instagram activity, we’re guessing viewers won’t have to wait long for her to deliver the goods.

On Thursday, Pivarnick touted her return with a photo of a rather combative coffee mug.

“TOMORROW IS MY RETURN ON @jerseyshore!!!!! Can’t wait for you all to see. I will be sipping my TEA out of my amazing cup I dedicate to @jwoww,” she captioned the pic below.

Amidst a jumble of hashtags and emojis, Pivarnick added, “Keep hating.”

Needless to say, Jenni “JWoww” Farley was less than thrilled when she laid eyes on the post.

“Who’s following who?! Jealous of what? Your third engagement or third chance in the house?” Farley commented.

“You want me to show u the door … again #statenislanddump.”


“Rather be sleeping than regret looking like you on national TV.” Jenni shot back.

It wasn’t long before Deena Nicole-Cortese jumped into the fray, writing:

“Omg you left the house wanting to make amends with everyone.”

She added:

“I’m confused with this post.. why start silly drama over insta?”

What we have here is Mayweather-McGregor caliber trash talk, but will it translate to the sort of on-air drama fans are hoping for?

Yes, says Pivarnick:

“I didn’t really wanna have that altercation with her,” says Angelina, adding that she and Jenni very nearly came to blows,” she recently told Us Weekly.

“If it comes down to it, I’m gonna have to do it, but I literally wanted to be classy. I wanted to just make my amends without having to throw fists this season.”

Watch Jersey Shore online to get caught up in time for what will hopefully be a drama-packed remainder of the season.


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Wendy Williams to Britney Spears: You"re an Awful Mother!

Has Wendy Williams finally done it, folks?

Has she finally sunk to the lowest point to which a human being can sink?

This is a bold statement, we know.

It seems hard to fathom how Williams could sink any lower than the time she slammed the #MeToo movement.

Or the time she called Kylie Jenner’s baby ugly.

Or the time she called Oprah Winfrey fat.

But Williams sat down on her dumb purple chair on Thursday morning and hurled the most personal shade possible at Britney Spears in response to ex-husband Kevin Federline asking for more child support.

As detailed yesterday, Federline is already receiving $ 20,000 a month from Britney because he often cares for the former couple’s two sons.

But he doesn’t think this is enough.

Federline now wants $ 60,000 per month (yes, PER MONTH!) in child support because he says he’s less famous now than he was when the stars split and, therefore, in less demand as a DJ.

Britney is fighting this request because… what the heck, K. Fed? You can’t reasonably support two children on $ 244,000 per year? Which is designated solely for their well-being?!?)

(Yes, Federline has six kids total. But Spears, obviously, is only legally responsible for the two that came out of her womb.)

Most folks rolled their eyes upon reading Federline’s demand.

But Wendy Williams is not most people.

“Britney’s got deal after deal on the table and reportedly she’s making 33 million dollars a year and I’m not counting her money and I don’t want to count her money,” Williams said to open her critical statement today, addressing the singer and adding:

“Britney, not for nothing, but what kind of woman is not taking care of her own two kids as a full time mother, just asking?”

Ummm… many kinds of mothers who have gone through a divorce?

We can’t claim to know the details of Britney and Kevin’s custody agreement, and it’s no secret that Britney has battled a few personal demons in the past.

Her dad actually remains in charge of her money as her official conservator.

This arrangement has apparently been working well and, most importantly here, is no one’s business at all.


“Why is your father still in charge of all your money?” Williams asked in her segment. “Kevin’s in charge of your boys, your father is in charge of your money, what are you in charge of Britney, at 36 years old?”

Her mental health?

So she can be a strong mother to those boys, perhaps?

“I get it, she’s got her career and the whole bit, but you’re the one who laid down and had two kids, now take care of your kids,” Wendy actually added, in extreme and ridiculous judgment.

(Spears “laid down and had two kids?!?” What is there to even say about someone who talks about other people this way?)

“How about you fight for custody from Kevin?… Very disgusted,” continued Williams.

For the record, it’s not clear whether Federline really has full custody of Sean Preston, 12, and Jayden James, 11.

But even if he does…WHO CARES?!?

Plenty of dads have custody of their children and Federline is being very well compensated already in this deal.

Concluded Williams, sounding like a cruel moron as always:

“I like Britney Spears and I believe people can get better with the proper guidance and doctors and stuff, but that was Kevin Federline who stayed with you when you were attacking cars with umbrellas and shaving your head and going off the rails of life.

“I’m just telling Britney, you want to deny this man, just remember this is the same man who can write the book and tell the stories…

“He’s held your secrets, he’s the sole custody caretaker of your 11 and 12-year old.”

Yes. That’s it, Brit.

You should pay Federline in exchange for his silence, all these years later.

Wendy Williams continues to be the worst.


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Rampage Jackson Blasts 50 Cent, You"re Not a Real Fighter!

Rampage Jackson is putting an end to rumors he’s headed to an MMA fight with 50 Cent — telling TMZ Sports there’s no way in hell Fiddy ever REALLY gets in a cage with him.  50 started trash talking Rampage earlier this month — saying he’s…


Rampage Jackson Blasts 50 Cent, You"re Not a Real Fighter!

Rampage Jackson is putting an end to rumors he’s headed to an MMA fight with 50 Cent — telling TMZ Sports there’s no way in hell Fiddy ever REALLY gets in a cage with him.  50 started trash talking Rampage earlier this month — saying he’s…


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Pauley Perrette to Mark Harmon: You"re Dead to Me!

Pauley Perrette was not killed off NCIS.

The veteran actress, who confirmed she was leaving this long-running drama last fall, bid farewell to viewers and to her character of Abby Sciuto last Tuesday night.

Will she ever return to the program that made her famous? Perhaps for the series finale?

Based on the last couple days of Twitter messages and reporting, this seems extremely unlikely.

As previously detailed on The Hollywood Gossip, Perrette left a series of cryptic messages on social media this past weekend.

They implied very strongly that the actress was bullied and/or assaulted while an NCIS cast member, an allegation that has left the Internet full of speculative chatter.

“I’ve been supporting ant-bullying programs forever. But now I KNOW because it was ME! If it’s school or work, that you’re required to go to? It’s horrifying,” Perrette wrote online, adding:

“I left. Multiple Physical Assaults. I REALLY get it now. Stay safe. Nothing is worth your safety. Tell someone.”

This barely even qualifies as an implication, right?

This is basically a full-on accusation.

Perrette added in a separate Tweet that she refused to “go low” for years, choosing instead to remain silent and not talk “publicly [about] what happened.”

She isn’t talking directly about it now.

But she certainly has fans of the show talking and wondering.

Who could possibly have been behind this bullying? How was it kept quiet for so long?

We don’t have the answers, but we do have access to a Radar Online source who claims Perrette and lead actor Mark Harmon did not get along at all.

To be clear, this report does NOT insinuate that Harmon was the abuser to whom Perrette is referring above.

It focuses alternatively on a different source of tension between actor and actress.

Back in October of 2016, Harmon apparently brought his rescue pitbull named Dave to the set. The dog proceeded to bite a crew member, leaving the victim with a wound that required 16 stitches to close.

“Mark was obviously horrified and made sure that Dave went through re-training and was frequently checked by his vet,” the source tells Radar.

Harmon didn’t being the canine back to the set again until a much later date because he couldn’t find a dog-sitter at the time and he would be filming for nearly 20 hours.

Radar writes that everyone on set was just fine with this decision… except for Perrette.

The Radar insider says Perrette was “furious” at Harmon for placing the crew in danger again and that she acted like a “diva” from this point forward.

“She refused to shoot scenes with Mark and she refused to sit on the same side of the table as him at table reads,” the insider alleges, adding:

“She even completely ignored him any time he tried to make amends.”

Despite this history, Harmon tried to get back on good terms with Perrette one final time before the cast filmed her final episode, which aired on May 8.

But he was rebuffed.

“Pauley was having none of it,” the source says. “She completely ignored him.”

This incident and this feud with Harmon may very well have nothing at all to do with the assault allegations made by Perrette in her disturbing Tweets.

But it’s all just very interesting to consider because NCIS is the highest-rated show on network television and no one has ever discussed any sort of on-set tension of this kind until now.

“It is true that I am leaving NCIS after this season,” Perrette Tweeted in October, explaining as follows:

“It was a decision I made last year. I hope everyone will love and enjoy everything Abby not only for the rest of the season but for everything she has given all of us for 16 years.

“All the love, all the laughter, all the inspiration… I love her as much as you do.”

Hmm… a decision she made last year? And she wrote this in the fall of 2017?

So she made the decision in 2016 then, right? Which is when this whole dog-related scandal broke out.

“I feel I have to protect my crew, jobs and so many people,” Perrette added over this past weekend. “But at what cost? I don’t know.”

To watch NCIS online and to see Abby’s goodbye, click on the video below:


Monday, May 7, 2018

Wendy Williams to Khloe Kardashian: God, You"re Pathetic!

You won’t believe this, but Wendy Williams has something negative to say about the Kardashians.

We know, right?

Who would have seen this coming from a talk show host who just slammed Kim Kardashin for standing by Kanye West and Kylie Jenner for having a baby at age 20?!?

In her latest example of being an awful person who just goes around insulting celebrities left and right, Williams set her sights on Khloe Kardashian.

She specifically responded to reports that Khloe was willing to give cheating boyfriend Tristan Thompson a second chance, a rumor evidenced by the fact that Khloe showed up at Thompson’s basketball game on Saturday.

Williams has some strong feelings about this decision.

“They were spotted having a miserable lunch Friday with friends,” Williams said on air Monday, referring to a date Thompson and Kardashian went on last week.

(We have no idea why she has labeled it as “miserable.”)

“If you’re really trying to repair – because they’re at a critical point with the new baby, the cheatations, him making out with girls and being disrespectful – they’re at a critical point if they’re trying to make this work,” she added.

Williams went on to then analyze the outing as only she can.

“Why’d you bring a friend? That’s number one,” she said of Kardashian and Thompson daring to dine alongside someone else, continuing:

“Your lunch should have been the two of you alone.

“So, what was this? To me, this is Khloe trying to save face and get out there… I think this is a Khloe thing, this is a Kardashian move right here and it’s really quite pathetic.”

Ah yes, the old Kardashian move of…

… my baby daddy cheated on me in public while I was pregnant and I’m gonna stay with him to prove that I’m very weak and afraid to be alone.

Classic Kardashian all the way, right?

For the record, we would kick Thompson’s ass to the curb if we were Khloe.

But if really does decide to stay with him?

Who the heck are we to judge?!? Maybe this is better for her daughter in the long run.

“The wedding special will be coming up,” Wendy then predicted, continuing to mock Khloeand her family:

“Will they really be getting married or will that be a fake wedding? You know what I mean? Just something to keep Khloe out there and Khloe likes the attention as well.

Concluded Williams in her overly cruel rant:

“Will they have a reality show where the two of them, these parents with crazy careers. I don’t care about Tristan and Khloe.”

Hmmm… you could fool us then, Wendy.

It sounds like you care a great deal about these two, enough to ramble and rant and be really mean for no reason aside from gaining your own attention.

We don’t love the Kardashians, either, but we REALLY don’t love Wendy Williams.

She sucks.


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Drake Blasts NBA Player, You"re a "F***ing P*ssy"

Drake’s beef with NBA player Kendrick Perkins went from 0 to 100 real quick … the two shouted at each other during the Raptors vs. Cavs game — with Drake reportedly calling him a “f***ing p*ssy.” The two started exchanging words at halftime ……


Thursday, April 26, 2018

NFL Draft"s Taven Bryan Lectured By Dad: You"re Not Paying My Bills!

This video is pretty great!!!! Meet Taven Bryan — a 6′ 5″, 290-pound defensive tackle from Florida, who’s predicted to be a 1st round draft pick! He’s also super nice.  He’s out in Dallas with his family and we asked how he plans to spend…


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Briana DeJesus to Kailyn Lowry: You"re Just Mad I Stole Your Man!

A new season of Teen Mom 2 is upon us, and while we"re sure there will be no shortage of drama for each of the moms, there"s one conflict in particular that fans are dying to see play out on their TV screens.

When Briana DeJesus joined the cast last season, it was widely assumed she would have no trouble shaking things up and keeping the long-running series from becoming stagnant.

But no one knew she would deliver the dramatic fireworks with such ease right off the bat.

Last year, Briana dated Javi Marroquin, and while the relationship didn"t last long, the ensuing rivalry between Bri and Javi"s ex-wife, Kailyn Lowry, is still raging on.

The whole thing has played out largely on social media, but now it looks like TM2 viewers will finally get to see two of the show"s strongest personalities lock horns on screen.

And MTV has finally given fans a glimpse of how it will all go down …

1. Javi Drama

Briana and javi

Despite rumors to the contrary, Briana and Kailyn were never exactly friends. Sources indicate that Kail wasn’t thrilled when Bri joined the cast, but the rivalry between them didn’t really intensify until Javi began showing a romantic interest in Bri.

2. A Low-Key Romance?

Javi marroquin and briana dejesus

Rumors that the ladies were clashing over Javi began well before he and Bri made their relationship official last fall. It’s unclear exactly when Marroquin and DeJesus began hooking up, but we now know that Lowry’s suspicions were correct.

3. A Potential Reunion?

Kail and javi

There have been rumors that Kail and Javi were on the verge of reconciliation when Briana entered the picture. That doesn’t appear to have been the case, but still, Kail was not thrilled with the news that her ex-husband was hooking up with her new co-star.

4. Making It Official

Javi marroquin and briana dejesus on instagram

It seems that by the time Briana and Javi confirmed that they were dating, Kailyn had already made up her mind about Bri. And just like that, one of the great rivalries in the history of the Teen Mom franchise was born.

5. The Throwdown

The throwdown

Now, we’re getting our best look yet at this ongoing feud. And it’s all thanks to a newly-released trailer for the new season of Teen Mom 2, as well as some exclusive comments from DeJesus regarding her feelings toward Lowry.

6. An Accusation of Saltiness

Briana dejesus photograph

“You’re salty that Javi is moving on,” Briana tells Kailyn in the trailer. “I don’t give a f-ck if he moves on,” Lowry replies. But does she? Thus far, Kail has been uncharacteristically quiet on the matter, but Briana spoke to The Hollywood Gossip recently, and she had this to say…

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Friday, April 13, 2018

Catelynn Lowell Claps Back at Rehab-Shamers: You"re Ignorant!!

In the wake of being slammed for going back to rehab, Teen Mom OG star Catelynn Lowell is clapping back at her haters.

She’s being mom-shamed, wife-shamed, and plain ol’ shamed for “abandoning” her family. And she’s clapping back.

Take a look at her strong words — and at the hate to which she was responding.

Following the episode in which she explained the reason she was returning to rehab, Catelynn Lowell took to Twitter to put the haters on blast.

“All you ignorant people are the reason why mental health still has this huge stigma around it!”

The stigma surrounding mental health is devastating, though things are getting better as more and more people use social media to share what was once a private struggle.

She shares some hashtags that encourage people to learn more about mental health.

#GetEducated #KeepTalkingMH”

She wishes that people wouldn’t condemn her for going to rehab when they clearly do not know what they’re talking about.

“You have NO clue unless you have been through it yourself.”

In many ways, Catelynn feels exhasperated.

“Some of you people disgust me.”

She continues to correct the people who think that she was abandoning her family by going to rehab.

“I wasn’t ‘running away’ from my problems I was FIXING them!”

Yep. Seeking medical help when you need it is the right thing to do.

“Working HARD & getting on the right medication.”

Sometimes, that requires inpatient treatment.

“I wouldn’t wish this crap on my worst enemy!”

Mental illness is a terrible burden. The only good thing about it is that more people are speaking openly about their struggles.

“But I guess I’ll have haters no matter what! Just glad I got myself better and if ppl r mad then be mad I guess #KeepTalkingMH”

Having haters — and ideally learning to accept them — goes with the territory of being a reality star, unfortunately.

Catelynn retweeted a few supportive tweets, including one that reads:

“I’ve done outpatient & inpatient treatment and sometimes outpatient just isn’t enough at that certain time! That’s nothing to be ashamed of. dont listen to the hate! I’ll never understand how you guys deal with so much bullshit from random people! You’re so strong!”

She also clapped back at a hater, who wrote:

“Us people? Smh”

Catelynn’s own tweet responded:

“Yes the ones that are uneducated on mental illness. That’s what ignorance is. People with uneducated opinions.”

She’s not wrong.

If you want to see what sorts of hate she’s fighting back again, take a look at this small sampling of social media vitriol that fills her mentions:

“Lots of wives and mothers have to do this while still raising a family. Not everyone has the luxury of dumping their family and hopping on a plane to a rehab center to ‘get their meds right’. They do that between raising a family and working a full time job.”


“If she got a job, joined a gym & ate the right food that be half the battle for her! She’s too much time to sit around eating smoking and thinking. Get a life and live it! Get healthy for one that’s a start.”


“You’re not the only parent struggling with mental health issues. I am a single parent with mental health issues BUT, I still have to provide for my family and be there when my children need me. You are putting Nova in the same position your parents put you in, think about that.”


“Wasn’t she instructed to stay away from social media? She’s a non-compliant patient which makes one wonder in what other areas of her life is she not following the process? Does she even *want* to get better?”


“You complain too much!!! Get over it. People have been through worst s–t then you and youre dragging s–t out thats 10+ yrs old. Woman up. Can’t even cook for your man”

These haters may be eager to slam Catelynn for making what was clearly a responsible choice for herself and for her loved ones.

But Tyler Baltierra is standing by his wife.

In response to her on-camera confession that she needed to return to rehab in order to truly recover, he said:

“I’m not ever leaving, I’m not going anywhere. Don’t think like that.”

He reiterated that message on social media, writing:

“I love you more Babe! True love is boundless, limitless, & unconditional!”
