Thursday, October 8, 2015

Arrow Season 4 Episode 1 Recap: Here Lies...

Folks, THAT is how you do a cliffhanger!

We jumped ahead many months on Arrow Season 4 Episode 1, as Oliver and Felicity were out of the crime-fighting game.. but very much in love.

So, is that it? Should the show now change its name to Diggle or something as our favorite couple enjoys a calm life out of the spotlight?


In present day, Oliver and Felicity were lured back to Star City (not a typo; that’s the new name) due to villain Damien Darhk causing some major problems there (and aligning with Captain Lance? Safe to say we’ll be learning plenty more about that in the weeks ahead).

Elsewhere, Flashback Oliver was apprehended by Amanda Waller in Coast City, as she sent him back to a familiar terrain to assess a threat:

That would be none other than … Lian Yu!

Back to present day:

Oliver was all set to propose to Felicity (EEEEK!!!!), but he was interrupted by Thea and Laurel. So Oliver packed up the ring and has it in hiding and every viewer on the planet cannot wait to see if he does pop the proverbial question on Arrow Season 4 Episode 2

But that is not the biggest question we have heading into next Wednesday night, far from it.

We closed the premiere with Oliver receiving a visit from The Flash‘s Barry Allen, as the former vigilante stood over a grave and we learned it was six months later.

Oliver vowed to “kill him” and we were left to wonder: WHO IS IN THE GRAVE? WHO IS DEAD?!? AHHHH! IS IT NEXT WEDNESDAY YET?!?!?

Sorry, we got a little carried away there.

Still, go watch Arrow online to see that closing scene and you’ll fully understand why.