Monday, October 19, 2015

Ben Affleck: Falling Apart, Moving in With Mother in Wake of Divorce?

It’s been almost four months since Ben Affleck announced his divorce from Jennifer Garner, and the couple has gone to great lengths to maintain the illusion that they’re doing just fine and putting their kids’ needs first.

However, sources close to Affleck say the actor/director has been in rough shape since his marriage ended, and he’s reportedly been self-destructing worse than ever in recent weeks.

Last we heard from Ben, he was picking up chicks with Jon Hamm and ostensibly enjoying the single life.

But now, insiders claim the partying was all part of an attempt on Ben’s part to convince himself that all was well, when in reality, he’s missing family life in a big way. 

“Ben’s in a pretty bad way,” a source tells Grazia magazine. “He’s not really taking care of himself, he’s not shaving, hardly washing and eating a lot of junk food and his mum can’t bear to see him like this.

“She convinced him to stay in their family home so she could nurse him back to health. Now she’s really pushing for him to move in full-time once he starts filming.”

Well, Ben eating his feelings would help explain the somewhat un-superheroic shape he seems to be in these days.

But hey, maybe he’s just preparing to play a depressed Bruce Wayne in the upcoming Batman Binges. It’s just like Batman Begins, except instead of going toe-to-toe with Scarecrow, the Dark Knight faces off with a tub of Cool Whip.