Thursday, October 8, 2015

Jessica Simpson: Eric Johnson Has a Giant Dong!

Yesterday, naked photos of Justin Bieber cleared up rumors that the singer had been manipulating photos in order to make his junk look bigger.

Now, Jessica Simpson apparently wants the world to know that the Biebs has nothing on her aptly-named husband, Eric Johnson, who she claims is rocking an elephant trunk between his legs.

“She is always a satisfied woman!” a source close to Jessica tells Radar Online. 

“Jessica and Eric have an incredibly hot sex life and, according to her, it just keeps getting better. She tells us that their ‘through the roof’ sex alone will keep them together. She loves to brag about him.”

The insider adds that when Jessica is drunk (which we’re guessing is often), she’ll show her friends nude photos of Eric in order to confirm that her man is packin’. 

“Jessica is very proud of her accomplishments in the fashion world,” says the source. “But she is equally as proud of her, as she says, husband’s HUGE heart.”

And you thought Jessica’s “Fifty Shades of Johnson” photos were racy! Apparently, the girl is out there showing her husband’s massive dong to anyone willing to look.

That’s like Instagramming pictures of your dinner, Jessica. There are some things you can just enjoy without showing the whole world.