Monday, October 12, 2015

Michelle Obama Smashes Champagne Bottle Like a Boss

If at first you don"t succeed… and then at second you don"t succeed… firm up your muscles, turn your face deadly serious… and smash the HECK out of that champagne bottle dammit!

That"s what Michelle Obama does here at least.

The First Lady christened a new Navy submarine Saturday at a shipyard in Connecticut, serving as the ship’s sponsor and breaking a bottle of champagne against its side, as called for by tradition.

But, despite arms that are the envy of every woman on the planet, Obama could not properly break the bottle her first two times swinging it against the submarine.

She broke it to bits the third time, however, mugging hilariously for the camera upon doing so.

Seriously, you HAVE to see Michelle"s expression once that glass shatters. This is a woman never to be messed with.

Michelle obama toughens up smashes champagne bottle like a boss