Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Rob Kardashian to Donate Kidney to Lamar Odom?!

We never though we’d say this.  But the Kardashians aren’t a**holes all of the time. (Just most of the time).

Rob Kardashian is reportedly willing to donate one of this kidneys in an attempt to save Lamar Odom’s life.  Many fans have offered to donate a kidney to Lamar, but Rob wants to keep it in the family.

For NBA Star Odom needs a kidney transplant.  And for most people on the transplant list, the wait could be years.

However, if Rob is a compatible donor, Lamar might not have to endure the grueling wait-list for a new kidney.

A source told The Daily Mail, “Rob is willing to do whatever it takes to help Lamar recover. If that means donating a kidney then so be it, Rob has a big heart and he’s willing to step up to help his friend.”

Though it isn’t certain if Rob and Lamar are a compatible match for an organ donation, the source claims, “Rob is willing to undergo medical tests to find out.”

Three days after he was found unresponsive, he woke from a coma. But he has suffered a number of strokes and damage to his lungs and kidneys.

In the weeks after Lamar’s near-fatal drug overdose at a Nevada brothel, the basketball star has been undergoing kidney dialysis.

To donate a kidney, Rob will have to submit to a number of extensive tests.  Despite Rob’s rapid weight gain, he is healthy enough to donate a kidney.

Rob has been exercising and losing the weight that he has gained over the last few years.  Maybe his weight loss journey will save two lives: his own and Lamar’s.

Still, Lamar has more than health issues to deal with right now.  Odom test positive for cocaine, which could lead to prosecution according to Nevada’s Nye County sheriff Sharon Wehrly.