Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Kody Brown: Accused of FAKING Sister Wives Drama For Ratings!

Krysten Decker, the aunt of Sister Wives star Christine Brown, has been speaking to the press all week, and it seems Kody Brown and company are not happy about it.

Yesterday, Decker claimed that Christine is “miserable” in her polygamous lifestyle and is in no way in love with Kody.

Now, in an interview that could be even more damaging to the family and its reputation, Decker has claimed that the drama fans of the show have enjoyed for the past six seasons is almost entirely fake.

The series’ central storylines often focus on the dubious legality of their lifestyle and their efforts to stay one step ahead of the authorities.

Speaking with Radar Online, Decker says that’s all nonsense, and the Browns have never been forced to move in order to escape the law.

“They talked about moving to Vegas [to escape Utah’s anti-polygamy laws] long before they did,” she claims. “That was their plan and they used the State coming after them for ratings. That’s my strong opinion.”

Decker says she’s been ostracized by Christine and the rest of her Church of Latter-Day Saints community due to her decision to leave her husband and abandon the fundamentalist lifestyle, which she says subjugates and oppresses women.

“My leaving definitely had to do with [my husband’s behavior], but it was all the harms I saw around me,” she says. “I left polygamy before I left my husband.”

Decker says her appearance on the show was edited to turn her into a sort of antagonist, and she wishes she had vever become involved with Kody and his reality series:

“I really regret being on the show…[After] I was devastated, I cried. Christine tried to make me out to be a mean person who didn’t believe in choice, either traditional or religious.

“You can’t actually have a choice if you live under polygamy. If you chose not to do it, there is a penalty.”

Decker says Christine has cut off all her contact with her, and she often wonders if she’ll ever again have a chance to speak with her niece.