Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Kate Beckinsale Dresses as Penis for Some Awesome Reason

Kate Beckinsale is a classic beauty.

According to Esquire Magazine, she was once THE classic beauty.

But that doesn’t mean Kate Beckinsale is above dressing up in an inflatable penis costume and having a bit of fun.

Yes, Kate Beckinsale just dressed up in an inflatable penis costume.

The gorgeous actress made this phallic fashion statement on Monday, sharing the unexpected photo of herself on Instagram.

She included with it a hilarious caption that reads as follows:

“Just a girl trying to make it in a man’s world.”

As you can see above only the face of the 42-year old is visible in this get-up, as she seems a bit confused while standing alongside her bed, donning the genitalia-mimicking ensemble.

Is she making an actual statement here?

Just a few weeks ago, remember, Beckinsale accused director Michael Bay of body-shaming her.

Bay later scoffed at the story and said he and his former Pearl Harbor colleague are on great terms.

Still, it’s possible Beckinsale wasn’t aiming for humor with her caption or with this costume.

It’s possible she was covering up her body with a pretend penis as a commentary on sexism in Hollywood.

But we doubt it. In general, it’s not a great idea to attempt to make a serious statement while dressed as a penis.

“Hilarious! My wife is dying to know where she can get an inflatable penis suit,” one follower wrote in response to the image, while another joked:

“What a magnificent erection.”

Way back in September of 2012, during an appearance on Conan, Beckinsale – who split from husband Len Wiseman last fall – did say that she has an X-rated sense of humor.

“I do like a penis joke. Right? Doesn’t everybody? Especially when you’re on a holiday,” she said at the time.

“Whenever I visit my mother’s house, I always have to leave a banana and two apples or whatever fruit she has.

“It’s nice we have a family tradition… and ours is penis-based.”

So there you awesomely have it, folks.