Friday, August 19, 2016

Big Brother Recap: Who Went To Jury?

The latest episode of Big Brother was rather low key for an eviction episode. 

The powers that be thought it was necessary to throw a redemption arc in for Paulie Calafiore, but was it really needed?

He’s proved on multiple occasions that he is a snake. Just look at the way he tried to get all the women out of the house. 

He pales in comparison to his brother. At least when Cody was nasty to someone it was all part of the game, but Paulie just seems bitter because the tables are finally turned on him. 

We kicked off the episode with him trying to sway votes his way. He had the audacity to say he wasn’t going to campaign against Corey, but he kind of did just that. 

Not such a good friend, are you Paulie? The truth about Paulie is that he just doesn’t know when to stop lying, or bullying. 

He refused to make the pies he had to make and just set off doing his workout, while ignoring the other houseguests. 

Heck, even Nicole tried to sway him to make the damn pies. Remember she would never speak back to him when he was in power. 

How the might have fallen and all that jazz. 

The only person who managed to get through to Paulie was Corey. This was surprising because it meant Corey had to stay away from Nicole to actually have a conversation with someone else. 

Who knew Corey could make Paulie feel better. His speech to Paulie was heartfelt. It helped Paulie realize the error of his ways. 

It was nice of Corey to step outside the gameplay in order to get Paulie back to fighting to stay. That must have took a lot, considering Corey and Paulie are up against one another. 

He essentially just helped his competition. 

Paulie went to Paul first and pled for a pity vote. Paul agreed to give him it, with a hunt of shade. 

Paulie then went to Natalie and James to try and work on them, but they were playing along with him. It was clear there was no way they’d stray from the plan to evict him. 

At the eviction ceremony, Paulie gave some surprisingly well-thought out compliments to his houseguests. It was almost as if the producers came up with a damage control plan for him. 

Michelle even laughed at one of his comments. 

Paulie was evicted.

Julie quickly revealed that he didn’t have the round trip ticket, therefore the twist was over. That was a waste. Right?!

Not really. 

After all was said and done with the round trip twist, Julie revealed that one of the first five jurors would make their way back into the game next week. 

BB18 Julie

Julie was teasing the twist all the way through the episode, but it’s hardly a new one. This will mark the second evicted houseguest to return in one season. 

What’s the point of worrying about evictions if there’s always the chance of returning?

The next America’s Care Package twist will involve one of the remaining houseguests being named as co-hoh. That will be a neat twist, but only Corey, Paul, Michelle and Victor are eligible to compete. 

We’ll have the latest round of nominations, as well as the reveal of both HOHs later on today for you read. 

What did you think of the episode?

Are you over this season?

Hit the comments below!