Friday, August 19, 2016

Rosie O"Donnell Reunites With Daughter Chelsea: "What A Difference A Year Makes"

Rosie O’Donnell experienced a falling-out with her adopted daughter, Chelsea last August.  Things were so bad between mother and daughter that Chelsea decided to leave home.

She was reported missing, but was finally found at her 25-year-old boyfriend’s home.  The boyfriend is believed to be addicted to heroin.

Chelsea gave an exclusive interview to the Daily Mail in in October, painting her mother as a monster who kicked her out of the house.

“She told me to leave and take my dog,” Chelsea told the British paper.

“Rosie knew I was planning to leave, that’s why I think she kicked me out. She asked me to talk about what was going on and I didn’t want to. So she asked for my phone and my computer. This was hours before she told me to leave. I gave them to her.

A few hours later, she told me to leave. I wasn’t planning to go until I turned 18 on the 24th.

“I find her not genuine a lot of the time,” Chelsea said.

“When we’d go out, she was a completely different person in public than at home and I had a hard time with that. It’s like two different people.”

In November, Chelsea felt it necessary to clarify the quotes she gave to the Daily Mail.

“A part of my heart will always care for Rosie, but many things she has done to me over the past few months are unforgivable at the present,” Chelsea told Entertainment Tonight.

“Just like many 18-year-olds, I am simply just trying to find my OWN identity through life and that hasn’t been easy a lot of times always being in the public eye as a child, and not by choice.”

Back in February, O’Donnell – who has five children – joked about her family issues during a stand-up routine in New York City.

“My teenagers are a nightmare, they’re horrible,” O’Donnell told the audience.

“I had four teenagers when I decided to adopt a newborn baby. You might ask why. Because I had four teenagers and I needed to remind myself that I actually do love children,” O’Donnell admitted.

“Because I would trade each teen for autistic triplets, I am just saying I would.” 

Now, things appear to be fine between the two.