Thursday, August 4, 2016

Big Brother Recap: Are Showmances Ruining the Show?

Is it just me or are there too many showmances on this season of Big Brother?

It’s getting to a point that I just don’t care about the gameplay. It’s so damn predictable. 

The men are starting to pick off the women and it’s getting tedious. 

Why are the women not realizing what’s going on? It’s getting so obvious that I’m predicting who the replacement nominee will be every week. 

Paul went straight to Bridgette and informed her that she’s safe. Paul really wants Bridgette gone, but his alliance members are gunning for Da’vonne. 

Yes, the same Da’vonne who has never won a competition. 

Granted, she is pretty unpredictable. She threw everyone else under the bus to try and evade going on the block. She has no loyalty. 

Da’vonne knew something was up when Nicole wasn’t put up. That’s when the cookie started to crumble for her. 

I wouldn’t have blamed her for blowing up alliances because deep down, there’s no way she’s a pawn. 

If that was the case, Paulie would have stayed up on the block, sitting pretty. 

One showmance that seems to be coming to an end, is the one that includes Paulie and Zakiyah. 

Zakiyah clearly isn’t fussed about playing the game and only cares about floating on through. 

In most seasons, you get one or two contestants like that, but there’s a lot this time round. 

At the veto, Paulie emerged victorious.

The target on Paulie should be growing. He’s acing all the competitions and if he gets to the end, he’s going to win. 

Even after a last minute argument, Paul and Paulie decided that Da’vonne would be the replacement nominee. 

It sucks for Da’vonne because she put her trust in the wrong people. 

She was so sure that Nicole would be the one to go up. 

Paulie used the veto on himself and Da’vonne was the replacement nominee. 

What do you think about the latest developments?

Should the women target the men?

Hit the comments below!