Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Kesha Withdraws Sexual Assault Lawsuit Against Dr. Luke In California

Kesha has dropped her sexual assault lawsuit against Dr. Luke… in California!

That much was confirmed on Monday, August 1 when the singer’s legal team formally dropped the lawsuit in California (there’s still one in New York).

The Tik Tok singer has been battling with her former producer for the last 2-years and it’s put a strain on her music career. 

She can’t release any new music without doing it through her record label, so she’s been stuck between a rock and a hard place.

The star tried her best to get out of her contract in order to release music without having to work without Dr. Luke. 

That’s not a huge thing to ask, considering the allegations. Right?!

It just didn’t seem to work out in Kesha’s favor, so she’s decided to see out the rest of her contractual obligations in order to do her own thing. 

That included her submitting 28 songs to her record label. 

She even recorded them at her own expense. 

She’s desperate to move on from her ordeal. 

“Kesha is focused on getting back to work and has delivered 28 new songs to the record label,” Daniel Petrocelli, partner at O’Melveny & Myers, said in a statement to BuzzFeed News.

“We have conveyed to Sony Music and the label Kesha’s strong desire to release the single and an album as soon as possible.”

Kesha has made it her mission to stay singing. She’s been doing live shows to keep herself busy. 

When a huge star like Kesha doesn’t release any music for a while, there’s always that chance that their career will be over when they try and bring new music out. 

Dropping the lawsuit in California does not mean that it’s all over. 

There’s a similar lawsuit in New York that’s going full steam ahead. 

What do you think about the latest developments?

Hit the comments below!