Friday, August 19, 2016

Jim Bob Duggar: SLAMMED For Latest Instagram Photo!

For obvious reasons, the Duggar family isn’t exactly the beloved, squeaky-clean tribe they once were – and we’re not just talking about the Josh Duggar sex scandals.

As they so often claim to be unconcerned with worldly possessions, in the wake of news that their eldest son molested five young girls, the Duggars should have quietly retreated to their compound to tease their hair and figure out new and interesting ways to make denim look horrendous.

Instead, they continued trying to cash in via reality television.

What this means for the Duggars is that their 19 kids and the men who marry into the family don’t have to get real jobs.

What it means for those who are understandably critical of the family is that they have to continue to endure the ubiquity of TV’s most infamous family.

Sadly, tuning out the Duggars isn’t as simple as just not watching their latest TLC series.

The family is huge on social media, so even if you don’t follow them, there’s a good chance that someone you know does, which means there’s a good chance that you’re forced to come face-to-face with Duggar-related content on a regular basis.

All of this is a long way of explaining why so many random Duggar mini-scandals pop up on Instagram and Facebook on a daily basis.

Many of them are related to child-rearing, with followers often accusing the Duggars of endangering their kids.

Sometimes the concerns are legitimate.

Other times, they’re more than a bit of a stretch:

That’s a throwback pic of Jim Bob holding his sons Jed and Jeremiah, both of whom are now 17.

Social media users got pissed over everything from the implication that JB planned to jump on the trampoline to the fact that the babies are only wearing diapers:

“Trampolines with babies isn’t safe, if he had half a brain he would know that. Don’t care who it is,” wrote one commenter.

“Oh wait I guess it’s ok for them to be naked bc it’s boys…. If that was two of the girls it would never see the light of day,” wrote another.

People, people, relax.

There are so many legitimate things to criticize the Duggars about that it seems ridiculous to look so hard.

Slamming the family over this photo is like ragging on Bill Cosby because you didn’t like the last season of his sitcom.