Friday, August 26, 2016

Kanye West: Y"all Are Getting Free Yeezys!

Kanye West has never been best of friends with the paparazzi. 

The rapper has had a string of altercations with them over the years and it was getting a bit out of hand for a while. 

We know Kanye is pretty rich… even if he wants the world to believe he’s broke. 

Let’s face it, if the dude was seriously that broke, he wouldn’t be jet setting constantly with Kim Kardashian. 

As if Kris Jenner would let everything be done on Kim’s dime. 

That wouldn’t fly well with the momager, who would probably sell her left ear if there was the possibility of getting a reality show out of it. 

Heck, she was on board with kids spin-off of Keeping Up with the Kardashians

Need we say more?

Kanye clearly knows how to get his fans talking and the best way to do that is with free stuff. 

Some of the $ 200 shoes are going to some of his fans, in addition to the paps. 

Yes, the paparazzi aren’t as golden with Kanye as his fans. 

He gave them out to fans who correctly guessed the name of his upcoming album. 

Competitions like this are always a great way to get people talking. 

This could all have stemmed from recent reports that West was selling $ 2 T-shirts for $ 92. 

That was just ludicrous, but not all that surprising from Kanye. 

Might he extend an olive branch to Taylor Swift with a pair of the shoes and end their feud?

Don’t hold your breath. The chances of that happening are slim to zero. 

Kanye and Taylor’s feud will probably still be a thing when they both retire from the music industry. 

Granted, that’s not going to be for several years, so expect the two of them to exchange jabs on social media. 

There’s also a huge possibility that Keeping Up with the Kardashians will diss Taylor again in an effort to fix the flagging ratings for the once hot reality series. 

What do you think about Kanye’s big goodwill gesture?

Is it from the heart?

Hit the comments below!