Friday, August 26, 2016

John Travolta: Caught Kissing Another Man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do we have another John Travolta gay scandal on our hands?

Simply put: No.

But it’s worth explaining why some people are under this impression.

Travolta was recently in Butler County, Ohio to shoot scenes from the movie The Life and Death of John Gotti.

At some point, he decided to drop the office of Sheriff Richard K. Jones, posing with the law enforcement official for a photo that went semi-viral on Twitter.

Because Travolta is shaking hands with Jones? Not exactly.

It’s because Jones captioned the image as follows:

“Unexpected visit, unexpected kiss.. Awesome meeting Mr. John Travolta!!”

Here. See the caption for yourself:

travolta tweet

Sort of a weird thing to say, right?

Jones is very likely just referring to the fact that Travolta is known for being rather friendly; he often kisses people on the cheek to say hello.

But that’s not what we see in this picture, causing many Internet users to speculate wildly over what the heck happened when Travolta met Jones.

It doesn’t help, of course, that rumors about Travolta’s sexuality have been following him around for years.

He’s probably considered the actor most likely to be in the closet.

Back in March, rumors spread that Travolta only wanted to be massaged by men.

Last September, meanwhile, an even more scathing report claimed that Travolta pays his gay lovers to remain quiet about his affairs and that his wife, Kelly Preston, is in on the secret.

According to those allegedly in the know, Travolta and Preston have a sham marriage.

It was orchestrated by Scientology to keep the actor’s gay lifestyle on the down low.

Along these lines, someone named Doug Gotterba once wrote a tell-all book that claimed to expose all of Travolta’s lie.

Why have you probably not heard of it? Why was it not published?

Because Travolta allegedly coughed up $ 1.3 million to Gotterba, after which the memoir mysteriously disappeared, never seeing the light of day.

Elsewhere: Travolta supposedly has a unique insurance policy to protect him from lawsuits filed by men who are the victims of Travolta’s unwanted sexual advances.

According to a 2012 Gawker story, Travolta’s insurance company paid out two of the six sexual assault complaints made against him in recent years.

That would be pretty insane if true.

Two of these suits were filed by male masseurs who claimed Travolta took advantage of them during private sessions; another was filed by a cruise ship employee.

Other accusers have included a stunt double, a driver and a physical therapist.

There’s also Robert Randolph. He has written about Travolta’s gay preferences and even claims he has seen videotaped footage of John Travolta engaged in gay sex.

Travolta has always been considered somewhat of a weird guy.

Remember his awkward kissing of Scarlett Johansson at the Oscars?

Could that have been due to the fact that he doesn’t really know how to kiss a woman?

We’re not judging Travolta for his sexual preferences, that’s for sure.

Although it’s not cool at all if he really did make advances against me who showed no interest in him. That’s pure harassment.

Was the Sheriff in this odd Twitter case making a reference to these rumors about Travolta?

Again, we have no idea. But we do understand why the Internet has run wild with questions following the aforementioned caption.

Any time the word “kiss” is used in conjunction with Travolta and a man, these questions are going to arise going forward.

It’s just the way it is. And there’s been enough fuel poured on to this fire over the years for us to understand why.