Thursday, August 4, 2016

Jenelle Evans Dodges Pregnancy Rumors, Loves Not Having to Work

Earlier this week, Jenelle Evans complained about her financial situation on Twitter.

Yes, a single mom who’s never had to work a day in her life because she had the good fortune to get knocked up as a teen during the brief period of human history when that could be a lucrative venture is actually complaining about her finances.

As if that’s not bad enough, the primary gist of her gripe was that she’s too wealthy to qualify for government assistance.

Sadly, we kid you not:

We pay hundreds of thousands in taxes every year, we cannot get government assistance, if we go to school we pay in full and cannot get financial aid, can’t get WIC, food stamps, section 8 (which makes us pay rent in full on top of water and electric), if your credit is bad like mine was then you cannot finance even a car for your family and take more money to buy a car in full.”

We’ll give you a moment to get your head to stop spinning.

Obviously, that easily qualifies as one of the dumbest Insta-rants of all time, as if you’re making enough money that you pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes (which we highly doubt is true in Jenelle’s case) then you really, really, really shouldn’t be complaining about paying your own rent.

Jenelle deleted that tone-deaf foolishness, and you’d think she’d have the restraint to avoid talking about her job or financial situations for a few days. 

But this is Jenelle Evans we’re talking about:

“I’m so grateful to be able to spend so much time with my son. Being a stay-at-home mom is the best job ever,” she tweeted last night.

Of course, many Jenelle’s fans are young moms who can’t afford to stay at home.

On top of that Jenelle went to school to be a medical assistant and once snobbishly bragged about how she’ll one day be saving lives while her own mother, Barbara Evans, is “just a f–king Wal-Mart worker.”

So yeah, it’s not hard to see why Jenelle’s tweet didn’t go over too well:

“Not everyone is lucky enough to stay at home and have the lifestyle you have, worked all my life bringing up my 2 kids alone,” tweeted one of her followers.

In response to questions about why Jenelle went to the trouble to earn a professional degree that she clearly has no intention of using, one fan helpfully tweeted:

“You need to pass an exam administered by the state you work in. She failed. And hasn’t retaken it.”

Jenelle replied to some tweets with her usual heaping helping of attitude.

Unfortunately, questions about reports that Jenelle is pregnant with her third child went unanswered.

Should be fun to watch her try and keep that under wraps for the next few months.