Friday, August 12, 2016

Yuliya Efimova Instagram Pics: The Dopest in Rio!

Say what you will about her alleged love of performance-enhancing drugs – Russian swimmer Yuliya Efimova"s Instagram is dope!

If you"ve been following the drama in Rio, you probably know that Efimova – like much of the Russian delegation – has been accused of using banned substances to gain an edge on the competition.

American Lilly King threw major shade at Efimova after defeating her in the women"s 100m breaststroke, but we"re not gonna get into the implications of all that.

(Some say it was unfair of King to vilify her fellow swimmer, as Efimova"s case is considerably more complex than it"s been made out to be.)

Instead, we"ll congratulate her on taking home two silver medals, and indulge in one of our favorite activities: talking about how hot Olympic athletes are!

So check out the best pics from Ms. Efimova"s Instagram page below, and if you feel a twinge in the patriotic chamber of your heart, fear not:

It turns out she lives in Los Angeles. Like we said, complex! And hot!

1. Yuliya Efimova Bikini Pic

Yulia efimova bikini pic

Yulia Efimova’s time at the Olympics has been fraught with controversy. But instead of mulling over the complexity of her situation, why not just check out her awesome bikini pics?

2. Yuliya Efimova Swimsuit Selfie

Yuliya efimova swimsuit selfie

Yuliya takes a LOT of photos in swimwear. When regular folk do that, we say they’re thirsty. But Yulia’s a swimmer, so she gets a pass.

3. Yuliya Efimova in a Bikini

Yuliya efimova in a bikini

Like we said, the girl loves her swimwear. We’re definitely not complaining.

4. Yuliya Efimova in Miami

Yuliya efimova in miami

She hails from the land of Putin, but judging from her Instagram page, the girl loves America. And we’re growing pretty fond of her, too.

5. Yuliya Efimova in the Ocean

Yuliya efimova in the ocean

Yuliya is Russian, but she certainly seems to enjoy warmer climates. And, of course, the attire that goes with them.

6. Yuliya Efimova is Hot

Yuliya efimova is hot

What’s a little doping when you’re rocking a body like that? We forgive you, Yuliya!

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