Thursday, August 25, 2016

13 Stars Who Should Never Host the VMAs Ever Again

For the record, we could never host the MTV Video Music Awards.

It"s a tough job, having to be cool and hip and pretty and funny and not look like you"re trying too hard or anything.

Then again, we"re not celebrities. And it"s sort of the job of celebrities to pull all of these things off well.

The following celebrities have it a shot as hosts of the MTV Video Music Awards over the years. And, simply put, we hope they never get asked back.

They were terrible…

1. Dan Akyord and Bette Midler (1984)

Dan akyord and bette midler 1984

No, really, these two hosted the first-ever VMAs. No one really remembers because Madonna’s “Like a Virgin” performance stole the show. But no one really remembers because they weren’t very good, either.

2. Dana Carvey (1992)

Dana carvey 1992

He was big on SNL. He was coming off Wayne’s World. But aside from dressing up as Garth, an obvious move at the time, Carvey was a flop.

3. Christian Slater (1993)

Christian slater 1993

Christian Slater was (is?) a heartthrob at the time. But this isn’t an actor who has ever been known for his comedic chops.

4. Chelsea Handler (2011)

Chelsea handler 2011

She sat in a hot tub with cast members of the Jersey Shore. That was funny. But Handler couldn’t be AS lewd as she likes to be, which may have been why she failed.

5. Diddy (2005)

Diddy 2005

We used to think Diddy could do it all: rap, produce, act, etc. But then we saw him try to be funny in 2005… and our thoughts changed.

6. Ben Stiller (2002)

Ben stiller 2002

Not a total trainwreck. But Stiller excepts at sketches, not at improve or at managing a show.

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