Monday, August 15, 2016

Jenelle Evans: Latest Instagram Pic Fuels Pregnancy Debate

For months now, there’s been one question on the minds of Teen Mom 2 fans:

Is Jenelle Evans pregnant with her third child, or is she actually being honest (for once) when she says there’s no truth to the rumor?

Yes, despite a wealth of evidence to the contrary, Jenelle is still denying she’s pregnant.

Normally, we would believe any woman who repeatedly insisted that they’re not knocked up.

After all, why start lying about something when you know you won’t be able to conceal the truth for very long.

But there’s one very important thing that you have to bear in mind in any discussion about Jenelle:

She is a bonafide crazy person.

Jenelle lies like most people inhale and exhale, and there’s a good chance she would have no qualms about telling the world she’s not pregnant while simultaneously tweeting photos of her sonogram.

So naturally, TM2 obsessives have decided to do some digging to see if they could come up with any hard evidence that Jace and Kaiser are soon to have a sure-to-be-oddly-named sibling.

Here’s what they came up with:

It may look like a photo of Jenelle hanging out at a salon (which it is), but the Jenellites of Instagram are convinced that it’s also evidence that Evans has a baby on the way.

Why, you ask?

Well, it seems they feel that her ankles look slightly swollen.

As others have pointed out, this phenomenon usually doesn’t occur until toward the end of a pregnancy, but the Jenelle pregnancy truthers will not be dissuaded.

We’re beginning to think they might be every bit as bonkers as she is.

Mind you, we’re not saying for sure that Jenelle is not expecting, but we are saying this photo proves nothing.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to revisit Ms. Evans shaky history with the truth.