Monday, August 29, 2016

MTV Video Music Awards: Beyonce and Blue Ivy Own The Red Carpet

It was only four years ago that Beyonce stepped in front of cameras at the MTV Video Music Awards, rubbing her belly to indicate that she was pregnant with Blue Ivy Carter.

Tonight’s Beyonce’s date to the VMAs put on a ball gown, grabbed her nicest tiara and joined mom, who is not only nominated for 11 Moon Man awards, but will be performing at tonight’s show.

Both ladies were decked out in Lorraine Schwartz jewelry, per Schwartz’s Instagram (she provides jewelry for Kim Kardashian and Blake Lively, to name a few A-Listers).

“My girls! #beyonce #blueivy #vmas #lovethem #likemotherlikedaughter #lorraineschwartzjewelry,” Schwartz posted to Instagram.

A few months before the big reveal, Beyonce told Piers Morgan that she was ready to start a family with Jay-Z, whom she married back in 2008.

“Jay and I have kind of made a decision that we want to be known for our music and not our relationships or scandals. But he is amazing,” she said.

“I definitely had a very natural friendship and connection with him. We’ve been together for a very long time and I’m very happy. Love is the foundation of everything, everything I do. My music is inspired by love — from my family, my husband, my sister.”

Beyonce and Blue posed with other guests who are part of Mothers of the Movement, which provides resources and information for mothers and other women who “think about social change.”

Never has this movement been more significant than in 2016, with the deaths of several young black men at the hands of police officers.

Beyonce herself brought the moms of Trayvon Martin, Oscar Grant, Mike Brown and Eric Garner to tonight’s show.  Three of the women were featured in the singer’s Lemonade album holding photos of their late sons.

The 2016 MTV Video Music Awards airs tonight at 9 p.m.