Friday, August 5, 2016

Leah Messer Posts Vacation Photos, Continues to Get Slammed By Fans

Leah Messer is currently on vacation with her daughters in Southern California.

No word on why she chose that particular destination (SoCal in August isn’t known for its hospitable climate.), but based on the photos she’s been posting on Instagram, it seems she and her three girls are thoroughly enjoying themselves.

Unfortunately, Leah is currently learning the hard way that there is no vacation from social media drama.

Yesterday, Teen Mom 2 fans criticized Leah for her negligent parenting and bad grammar.

(They’re really reaching these days.)

Today, her seemingly innocent photos prompted comments on everything from Leah’s past drug abuse to her skills as a mother.

One incident that Leah’s IG followers seem unable to let go of was featured on the most recent season of TM2.

The show’s camera crew captured Leah rushing her daughters off to school before they’d eaten breakfast.

Apparently, the image was forever seared into the minds of some viewers, because they are not letting this one go.

Thankfully, this time Leah had more defenders than detractors, and they quickly buried the troll remarks with praise for the admirable way in which Ms. Messer appears to be turning her life around.

We’ll focus on the positive today and offer up these choice comments:

How dare some of you write such terrible things. I was at great wolf lodge on Sunday and Monday and I saw Leah there multiple times and she was is an amazing mama. Her girls were having a blast and she was right there with them. Leah, you are doing a fabulous job!

Why are you like stalking Leah and posting something negative on everything she posts? If you don’t like her, use some common sense and get off her Insta!

Wow how embarrassing! I’m cringing at the negative comments from the moron above! Truly ugly person in every sense of the word.”

It’s nice to see Leah being defended for once, and we’re of the opinion that she deserves it.

Against all odds Leah seems to be doing alright in the parenting department.

So let’s just let this one go and focus on something more interesting…

Like Leah’s messed-up love life, for example: