Monday, August 22, 2016

Patti Stanger Loses Even More Weight, Shows Off Bikini Body

Patti Stanger has worked hard to lose weight these past three years, and her most recent bikini photo shows that the reality star is constantly changing things up to keep the weight off.

“#nosugar is working,” she posted on August 21st.

“I’ve been off the bad stuff for over 2 months and the weight flies off. Cut out all processed food, no fruit no artificial sweetener went full on with @sweetleafstevia #stevia Feeling #sundayfunday great! #nofilter #nomakeup.”

Stanger told Shape in 2013 what pushed her to change her life.

“What finally clicked is that I’m single,” Stanger said.

“It’s not easy to date when you’re hefty. Besides I like feeling thin because it makes me feel amorous.

“The first thing I did was I decided to take a personal inventory of my refrigerator and I threw out all the crap.  Even the frozen section because we forget about that all the time.”

To this day, Stanger believes in a cheat day to keep those binges away.

“If you have those moments when you’re jonesing for mac ‘n cheese you’re going to hit it.  My number one tip is to only cheat once a week and it can only be one meal. I don’t cheat all day. 

She made adjustments here and there, based on how she was feeling.

“Then I went gluten-free because it was helping me with my headaches. The third thing I did was reboot my Precor [elliptical]. It was gathering dust with clothes on top of it,” she said.

“I also made a rule, any TV show that I really like, like religion, could not be seen unless I was on the Precor at least once a day.

Last September, Stanger updated People on the strides she’s made while maintaining her trim figure.

“I’m all about low-fat, high protein, gluten-free foods,” Stanger said.

“I would rather eat a steak and sliced tomatoes more than anything, but I love chocolate, too. Or if I feel like eating bread one day, then I’m going to eat bread.”