Thursday, August 4, 2016

Jennifer Garner on Ben Affleck: We"re Great Friends!

For over a year now, fans and tabloids have been profoundly confused as to what the hell is going on in Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner"s relationship.

In the summer of Affleck and Garner announced that they had separated.

Rumors abounded about what caused the split, with everything from Ben"s drinking to his alleged relationship with nanny Christine Ouzounian being held up as a possible cause.

By now we"ve all witnessed enough Hollywood breakups to figure the truth would come out eventually – either in the form of a confessional tell-all from one of the involved parties, or from a financially-motivated interview with someone who bore witness to it all.

Then something truly unexpected happened:

After months of speculation about what caused them to end a ten-year marriage that resulted in three kids, it slowly began to look like Ben and Jen were on the verge of getting back together.

The couple was spotted going on frequent outings together with their kids in tow, and here"s the real kicker:

At one point Affleck and Garner attended marriage counseling sessions!

This was months after they separated, so surely it must have meant a reconciliation was in the cards, right?

Well, not so much.

In fac, at this point, it seems Ben and Jen are as confused about their relationship as the rest of us.

Fortunately, they both have new movies out, so they"re forced to talk to the press! Muahaha!

Of course, Ben is playing Batman in his, so he can get away with just slurring a drunken tirade about Deflategate.

Garner, by contrast, is promoting a flick in which Kevin Spacey turns into a freakin" cat, so she"s forced to open up about her personal life to drum up media interest.

“We are definitely a modern family. We’re doing very well," Garner said in an interview on Today this morning.

As for her and Ben"s recent trip to Europe that was rumored to be a second honeymoon:

“Ben was working in London on Justice League and I felt like the kids should have that experience. He and I are great friends and we just all went en masse.” 

Watch the full interview below, and check out Nine Lives in theaters everywhere this weekend!

Just kidding, you"re not gonna do that.

Jennifer garner on ben affleck were great friends