Thursday, August 11, 2016

Kylie Jenner to Tyga: I"ll Pay Your Debt!

Kylie Jenner got a lot of great gifts for 19th birthday. So much so, that she was in a giving mood herself on the occasion. 

If you recall, her boyfriend, Tyga recently found himself in trouble with the law because he wasn’t paying his rent. 

It is a bit odd someone as big as Tyga would be ditching rent. Might this mean his monetary troubles are much worse than first thought?

Apparently, his rent amounts to a mammoth $ 16,000 per calendar month. That really is a huge amount to pay for a home, but why doesn’t he just move somewhere more affordable?

Because he’s in a relationship with a Kardashian and the Kardashian is happy to pay off the debts. 

It was recently revealed that Tyga was wanted for the unpaid rent, but we just didn’t expect the deficit to be six figures. 

Wasn’t it just a few days ago that Tyga gifted Jenner with a car that cost no less than $ 189,000? 

Might he have been bailing on rent in order to pay for the car? That’s a strong possibility. 

If you thought Kylie had a great time on her 19th birthday, she didn’t.

There are multiple reports that she actually spent most of the celebrations bailing out Tyga

We’re hearing she gave him $ 200,000!

That’s a crazy amount to give anyone and the Kardashians are not impressed with this latest drama. 

They even think all the bad press the dude gets could be damaging their brand. 

That’s a bit rich considering Keeping Up with the Kardashians has been bleeding viewers long before Tyga appeared on the scene. 

It’s more likely to be the fake drama that’s ruining the brand. 

It sure sounds like the Kardashians are looking to blame anyone aside from themselves for their show losing the appeal it once had. 

What would the family do without their reality show?

What do you think about this latest drama?

Hit the comments!