Sunday, August 28, 2016

Javi Marroquin to Kailyn Lowry: You Know What You Did!!

Javi Marroquin and Kailyn Lowry continue to slug it out … with passive-aggressive digs delivered via social and traditional media platforms.

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, or follow either of them off the show, you know that the war of words between them is ongoing and ugly.

Rumors that Kailyn cheated on Javi have surfaced frequently of late, as has speculation that Marroquin cheated with Lowry’s best friend.

As we said … ugly. That may not even do it justice.

The once-happy couple recently filed for divorce after a tumultuous period in which Javi was stationed overseas with the U.S. Air Force.

While the cryptic tweets are a frequent occurrence from both sides, Javi says he and his soon-to-be ex-wife rarely communicate directly.

This is neither surprising, nor a positive thing.

During a Celebrity Gifting Lounge event at Buffalo Wild Wings in Times Square, New York, on Friday, Javi spoke to Us about the drama:

“Our first priority is Lincoln’s happiness and Isaac’s happiness,” said Javi, referring to their son and her son from her previous relationship.

“Our second is for them to see both their parents happy, and together we’re [not]. I think we both decided that this is the best move.”

“She’ll be happy and I’ll be happy.”

As for their interactions since he got back to the U.S. of A. (after which Javi moved out on Kailyn within a matter of days, if not hours)?

“We coparent, that’s it,” he says.

“So unless it has to do with the boys, we don’t talk,” Marroquin said, making it clear there’s zero love lost. “I have nothing to say to her.”

As for rumors that Lowry cheated?

“I don’t wanna put too much out there, but she knows what she did. It’ll come out,” Marroquin said, in vintage passive-aggressive fashion.

“What’s done in the night will show in the light. It’ll all unravel. I just gotta keep my mouth shut and watch everything unfold.”

Ooooh, the plot thickens.

For a guy who doesn’t “wanna put too much out there,” he seems to relish the idea of teasing his former partner’s alleged, shady actions.

Javi implied that none other than Kailyn’s friends told him what Lowry was up to while he was gone, because it was just not right!

“People want to be around good people, so when they don’t agree with what you’re doing, it’s gonna be brought to my attention,” he said.

“Just because you thought they were your best friends, clearly they were looking out for me. They let me know what’s going on.”

He also conceded that she said she was sorry, but that her apology wasn’t really good enough because she isn’t really sorry.

Come again? Let him explain:

“[Kailyn] apologized for hurting me,” Marroquin said, but “she didn’t apologize for what she did. Those are two different things.”

Despite throwing generally vague shade, he did address one specific rumor – Kailyn getting her freak on with Becky Hayter.

“[Becky is] a mutual friend of ours for years,” he said. “So I wasn’t really mad about that. … To be honest with you, [Kailyn]’s changed a lot.”

“I left … a lot has changed, so sometimes I don’t even know if I know who she is. She’s living a different life than I thought we were going to.”

Kail denied cheating on Javi with their female friend, but both she and Hayter clearly enjoyed the attention their “relationship” resulted in.

At the end of the day, who’s to blame?

Probably both of them, for choosing to conduct themselves in such fashion online instead of privately working through complex issues.

It’s not like being separated for the better part of a year wasn’t a huge factor outside their control, but still, the trust issues were immense.

Javi seems to strongly believe Kailyn cheated or acted inappropriately while the two were still married, regardless of what “comes out.”

Either way, this is all tremendously sad, and we hope they soon find their way to a secure, mature place for the sake of the children.