Monday, August 15, 2016

Derick Dillard: I May Be Unemployed, But I HATE Lazy People!

Are the Duggars a bunch of sluggards?

That’s what many fans think as the famous “Duggar compound” seems to be stacked to the rafters with grown-ass men and women whose ideas about employment are similar to those of the notoriously indolent Kardashian clan.

Don’t get us wrong; there have been short bursts of legitimate employment here and there. 

Before the world found out he was a sex offender, Josh Duggar was a lobbyist in D.C., and most of his siblings have spent some time helping out with the families various business interests.

But at the end of the day, the Duggar family’s bread and butter is reality TV, which means that, as with the Kards, real jobs take a backseat to the task of convincing television audiences that your life is interesting enough to warrant a never-ending documentary.

But hey, that’s their gig, and they do it well, right?

Perhaps that’s why it’s the men who marry into the Duggar family who take the most flak for pretending that they’re living the simple life, when they’re actually cashing in on their names just as shamelessly as Kim and company.

As far as we can tell, Ben Seewald hasn’t had a job in years.

This fact is often pointed out by fans on the Duggars’ social media pages – who later complain that their comments were deleted.

Derick Dillard has spent the past year performing “missionary work” with his wife and child, but as he and Jill were never qualified to be missionaries, many have wondered how much work actually took place.

These days, the Dillards are back in the US, but Derick has announced no future employment plans.

So it’s a bit strange that he’s taken to tweeting about his contempt for laziness:

“‘The hand of the diligent will rule, while the slothful will be put to forced labor.’ -Proverbs 12:24,” Derick tweeted last night.

We’re no biblical scholars, Der, but we’re pretty sure “professional reality TV star” doesn’t meet anyone’s definition of a career field that requires a whole lot of diligence.