Thursday, September 1, 2016

Kanye West Music Video Sculpture Selling for HOW MUCH?

Kim Kardashian was a huge fan of husband, Kaney West’s “Famous” music video. 

In fact, Kim is a huge fan of whatever the heck Kanye decides to do. 

He could do something pretty despicable and she’d probably still be singing his praises to the masses. 

That’s sort of what happens when you’re happily married.

You make sure no one is talking smack about your significant other. 

Just ask Taylor Swift. She learned pretty quickly not to mess with Yeezy

The GIF below probably sums up Swift’s reaction to the Kardashians getting involved. 

Kim had to get involved and managed to get her whole family in on the fun. 

If you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online, you’ll know there was practically a whole episode about Taylor Swift allegedly lying. 

It was great, but it also felt like a desperate attempt for ratings. 

There is word that the reality show could be on the chopping block if the ratings continue to slide.

There’s nothing like calling your enemy out on television. Right?!

It made the world think Taylor’s days as Queen B were numbered. 

Swift endured a week of hell when Kim revealed she had evidence that Swift was lying. 

Granted, the backlash to “Famous” has been pretty crazy. 

Who would think of putting a group of celebrities in a music video together?

Add in the fact that they’re pretty fake and naked, then you’ve got a Kanye West spectacular. 

It’s unsurprising that Kim would want to be all over the sculpture that recreates the huge talking point from the controversial music video. 

The most ominous thing about the sculpture is that they can inhale and exhale, giving guests to the gallery the impression the real celebrities are lying in the abnormally large bed. 

If you’re going to do something, why not give it your all? That appears to have been the motto to the whole thing. 

Kim Kardashian revealed to W Magazine that she played a part in sculpting her body. 

Swift probably won’t be amused about the fact there’s a life-like naked version of herself as part of the sculpture. 

The likes of Amber Rose and Donald Trump will probably be ecstatic at the free publicity they’re getting for the whole thing. 

Talk about silver linings and all that jazz. 

“I shaved my own butt,” the 35-year-old reality star said at the event.

“It was a little too small, and then it was a little too big. I was there with the tools to get it right.”

We’re sure she was. You only need to look at her Instagram to know just how much she loves the whole thing. 

Even her sister, Kendall Jenner showed up to pose with the sculpture. 

There’s nothing like looking at a bunch of naked celebrities with your sister. Right?!

There’s word that the gallery is hoping to fetch $ 4 million for work of art. 

That’s a huge sum of money, but there are reports it cost between $ 500,000 to $ 1 million to make. 

It’s all pretty crazy!

What do you think about all this?

Hit the comments below!