Showing posts with label Almost. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Almost. Show all posts

Friday, March 4, 2016

Farrah Abraham: "An Uber Driver Almost Raped Me!"

Farrah Abraham has made a shocking revelation: an Uber driver tried to rape her.

The allegations came during an episode of her new podcast “Farrah and Friends” during a conversation with YouTube personality Shane Dawson.

The announcement seemed unplanned, as she mentioned it only as Dawson started to bring up an unrelated story about the car service.

“An Uber driver almost raped me, so I don’t know about Uber,” interrupted Farrah. “I’m banned from Uber.”

Farrah’s on-again, off-again boyfriend Simon Saran apparently came to her rescue during the 2 a.m. altercation, which took place in Long Island in January 2015.

“My non-boyfriend threw him in the window and almost broke his car window,” she said, describing the incident.

“The cops were called and I threw the cell phone and I was like ‘I don’t have a cell phone, I don’t have a cell phone! And I was like ‘I’ve had enough of this.’

“The Persian dude ran after me. The cops were like, ‘You’re harassing her’ and I was like, ‘See I told you!’ and then I went to bed.”

The story sounds horrific and scary, albeit disjointed. It seems as though there are some missing pieces that were untold. 

Oddly, Dawson was laughing during the whole retelling of the account.

Page Six reports that Uber officials are telling a different story, saying “their investigation showed that Abraham and Saran were the assessors in the incident.”

The company said the driver complained to them and as a result, Farrah was banned from using the service.

Uber also said Farrah did not report the attack to them.

“We have no record of Ms. Abraham ever reporting any incident like this,” said an Uber spokesman. “Her rider account was banned because an Uber driver-partner reported that a friend traveling with Ms. Abraham dumped their alcoholic drink on the front seat of the partner’s car.”

Nassau County Police claim to have no record of a report on the incident.

Farrah’s accusations come on the heels of the Teen Mom OG reunion, during which she broke down while discussing her childhood abuse.

She had previously claimed her parents assaulted her when she was young.

We hope Farrah comes forward and elaborates on these new allegations. Sexual assault is a serious issue and should be addressed appropriately.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Scott Disick Makes Us Almost Feel Bad for Him

Poor Scott Disick.

We never thought we"d write those words, but the troubled reality star is a guest on Kocktails with Khloe this week and the following sneak peek makes it clear that his life isn"t exactly all it"s cracked up to be.

Yes, we see photos and videos of the Keeping Up with the Kardashians cast member partying and drinking and posing alongside expensive vehicle… and it certainly appears as if he"s happy.

As if not much in life matters to him except material items.

But after Malika Haqq asks Disick what is next for him, take a look at what Disick told the show’s fellow guest.

"A lot of people think that [I] only care about money and cars, and don"t realize it"s more just about insecurities, and how much I care about my friends and my family," Disick explains.

"I really would rather never be in a tabloid again, but if I"m gonna be, at least it [should] be about that Scott isn"t what everybody thinks he is."

Disick, of course, spent nine years as he boyfriend of Kourtney Kardashian. He is the father to her three kids.

But she kicked him to the curb last summer after cheating allegations became too much for her to handle.

"I have money," Disick says while seated next to Mr. Kylie Jenner himself, Tyga.

"The more money I have, the less happy I am. So the only thing I"m trying to focus on is just calming down, and just focusing on the kids, and just trying to be a good dad."

For the sake of those kids, let"s hope he succeeds.

Watch Disick open up now:

Scott disick money makes me sad

Monday, January 25, 2016

Khloe Kardashian to Lamar Odom: You Almost DIED!!!

Back in October, Lamar Odom overdosed on a cocktail of drugs while partying at a brothel in Nevada.

The incident nearly cost Odom his life, and he was comatose by the time he arrived at a nearby hospital.

Miraculously, Odom eventually emerged from his coma and began the slow process of recovering.

Khloe Kardashian has offered several encouraging updates, but she concedes there"s a good chance that Odom will never be quite the same again

Kourtney Kardashian stopped by Ellen DeGeneres" show recently, and she FaceTimed Khloe during her interview so that the two of them could fill fans in on the latest about Lamar.

Kourtney and Khloe both described Odom as "good," but Khloe elaborated that the former NBA star"s "short term memory is not so great."

Odom was released from the hospital earlier this month, and he"s apparently visited Khloe and the rest of the Kardashian clan several times since.

While the news was mostly encouraging, Khloe was honest about Lamar"s mental state, admitting that he still doesn"t fully understand what happened to him:

“And every day he’ll ask me, "So what happened to me?"" Khloe explains.

"Like today specifically, he was like, "How many tubes did I have in me again?" And I’m like, ‘I don’t know what’s too serious to tell you,’ but I’m honest."

“I’m like, ‘Well just a lot, I didn’t count, I don’t know.’ But it’s good that he wants to know these answers. Before he didn’t want to know he wasn’t ready to know. So it’s great that he’s at the point that he’s ready to know everything that happened.”

Khloe has long had a reputation as the "realest" Kardashian, and it seems she"s maintaining her remarkably honest relationship with fans throughout the difficult process of helping Lamar recuperate.

Here"s wishing the best of luck for both of them.

Khloe kardashian to lamar odom you almost died

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Caitlyn Jenner: Almost Time Person of the Year!

Time Magazine has named its Person of the Year.

And while a couple THG favorites (for very different reasons) nearly came out on top, the publication has instead chosen to honor Angela Merkel.

The German Chancellor is the “most powerful woman in the world” and the first female to take home this honor in 29 years.

We’re not about to say she’s done a bad job leading the German economy to greatness and/or positioning her country well in the sticky world of international affairs…

… we’re just gonna say that she didn’t earn her own E! reality show or prove that one can be say bat $ hit crazy stuff and still be considered a viable candidate for President of the United States.

Indeed, the magazine reports that Donald Trump finished third in voting, while Caitlyn Jenner came in seventh.

“Merkel had already emerged as the indispensable player in managing Europe’s serial debt crises; she also led the West’s response to Vladimir Putin’s creeping theft of Ukraine. But now the prospect of Greek bankruptcy threatened the very existence of the euro zone,” Time’s managing editor, Nancy Gibbs, wrote.

“The migrant and refugee crisis challenged the principle of open borders. And finally, the carnage in Paris revived the reflex to slam doors, build walls and trust no one.”

Well, yeah.

Added Gibbs:

“At a moment when much of the world is once more engaged in a furious debate about the balance between safety and freedom, the Chancellor is asking a great deal of the German people, and by their example, the rest of us as well.”

“To be welcoming. To be unafraid. To believe that great civilizations build bridges, not walls, and that wars are won both on and off the battlefield.”

Okay, fine. We’re convinced of Merkel’s worth.

But the issue did at least give Jenner a chance to talk about her incredible year as well.

“Over the last couple of months, I got to the point where I’m very comfortable with myself and where I’m at, but what does all this mean?” the 66-year old said.

“It’s more than makeup and clothes and all that other stuff. And what is that? I’m working on that. There’s still a lot to learn about being a woman.”

Thursday, November 5, 2015

9 Celebrities Who Were Almost Nuns or Priests

Some follow that Higher Calling to don the robes of clergymen and women, but it"s strange to think that before they found fame, these celebrities were planning on joining the Church.

1. Tom Cruise

Tom cruise winning

Did you know that Tom Cruise studied at seminary school before making it big?

2. Angelica Houston

Angelica houston

“I longed to be indoctrinated,” Houston once told the ‘Independent.’ “I’d put my mother’s old tutus on my head and pretend I was at my First Communion. When I was six, I told my father I wanted to be a nun and he said: ‘That’s wonderful, honey. When are you going to start?"”

3. Anne Hathaway

Anne hathaway vogue

“When I was younger I thought about becoming a nun for a while,” Hathaway told ‘OK!.’ “You know how it is when you’re growing up and you’re going to be a lot of different things, but I actually wanted to be an actress before I wanted to be a nun. The nun was more of a side-bar thing.”

4. Martin Scorsese

Martin scorsese

Before finding success as a director, Scorsese grew up in the Jesuit school system, intent on becoming a priest.

5. Michael Moore

Michael moore image

The director attended seminary school in order to become a priest.

6. Jack White

Jack white pic

“I was thinking at 14 that possibly I might have had the calling to be a priest. Blues singers and people who are singing on stage have the same feelings and emotions that someone who is called to be a priest might have,” White once told the BBC.

View Slideshow

Monday, November 2, 2015

Kylie Jenner (Almost) Bares It All For Halloween

If there’s one thing Kylie Jenner enjoys, it’s a bit (read: a lot) of shock value.  And nothing embodies the spirit of shock value like a Kardashian/Jenner Halloween costume. 

While the rest of us were buying half-off Halloween candy and wiping away the remnants of Party City makeup (that stuff will not come off), Jenner no doubt basked in the afterglow of All Hallow’s Eve, gleefully checking each and every site for coverage of her sexed up warrior princess costume.

Us Magazine was one of the first outlets to circulate Jenner’s Instagram, which showed her posing in a bra and skirt with thigh slights UPTOTHERE.  

Hers was a choice reminiscent of Kim Kardashian, who used to dress us in costumes that were kind of inappropriate, like this Princess Jasmine number from 2009.

Jenner was flanked by her ninja squad, with one sidekick sporting the most awkwardly-cut leotard (think Miley Cyrus).  

Earlier in the day, the 18-year-old dressed up as a “snow princess.”  

To the untrained eye, Jenner looked exactly like Khloe Kardashian (blond hair, big lips, looking at the ground whilst parting her glorious locks).

The photo, taken in a garage, shows an expensive white car on each side, just like in Narnia.

Ah, youth.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Daylight Saving Time 2015: It"s Over (Almost)!

Daylight Saving Time. It’s finally over, people. Almost. In just a few short hours from now, it will be time to turn the clocks back FOR GOOD.

Or at least until March 2016 comes around.

Tomorrow morning, it’s time to turn the clocks back, and for all you Americans looking forward to a long, dark winter, it’s a thing of beauty.

Okay, that’s virtually no one. Whatever.

Hey, at least you get an extra hour of sleep! Well, unless you have kids or pets who have no idea what’s up, in which chase, no you don’t.

Anyway, Daylight Saving Time remains inherently confusing for some people, which is why is THG is here to break it down for all y’all:

See helpful graphic above. BAM!!

If that’s not sufficient, here’s a more detailed rundown of Daylight Saving Time 2015, and what to expect with Daylight Saving Time 2016:

  1. Daylight Saving Time began on Sunday, March 8 at 2 a.m.

  2. Time “springs” forward and “falls” back an hour (above).

  3. So your clocks ahead an hour before you go to bed.

  4. OR stay up until 2 a.m., turn the clocks to 1 a.m., then hit the sack.

  5. Your iPhone should do this automatically. Your oven? Nada.

  6. It will start getting dark at 4:30 on the East Coast now. Yay?

  7. The concept of Daylight Saving Time dates back to 1895.

  8. It was recently extended across the U.S. to save energy use.

  9. In 2016, Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, March 13.

  10. If you can’t figure out how to change the effing clock in your car, don’t worry. Make a mental (or Post-It) note that it’s fast until 3/3/16.

  11. Arizona, Hawaii and Puerto Rico residents: Disregard.

There you go. You are officially prepared. Up top.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

O.J. Simpson Allegedly Almost Committed Suicide In Kim Kardashian"s Childhood Room — Wait, What?!

This is crazy!

New information has come out about O.J. Simpson‘s 1995 trial regarding the murders of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman.

According to Lawrence Schiller, the author of American Tragedy: The Uncensored Story of the O.J. Simpson Defense, Simpson actually thought about committing suicide in Kim Kardashian West‘s childhood bedroom!

Related: Kim Kardashian Believed O.J. Simpson Did NOT Kill Nicole Brown!

The author said in an interview with ABC News’ 20/20 that before the famous Branco chase, the NFL star looked to hide out, at least for a short period of time, at his friend and attorney, Robert Kardashian Sr.‘s house!

Kim was only 14-years-old at the time but Schiller says Robert found Simpson sitting in “Kimmy’s” room and recording “a suicide tape” while looking at photos of Nicole and their kids Justin and Sydney.


Lawrence goes on to tell that O.J. said:

“I’m going to kill myself in this room.”

At which point the Robert told him:

“You can’t. This is my daughter’s bedroom. My little girl Kim sleeps here. I can’t have my little girl in this bedroom, and every time I come in here, I’m going to see your body lying in this. You can’t do that.”

Schiller recalls this story from prerecorded interviews that he did with Mr. Kardashian.

Photos: Get Your First Look At David Schwimmer & His Four Kardashian Kids For American Crime Story!

If this is true, talk about CREEPY!

Kris Jenner never made an appearance in the 20/20 special but she did recently reflect on the incident saying she’ll always “feel guilty” for Nicole’s death.

We’re definitely innerested to see what other details come out in the years to come, but until then, we’ll settle for Ryan Murphy‘s upcoming made for TV series, American Crime Story: The People V. O.J. Simpson starring Cuba Gooding Jr.!

What do you think? Could there be any truth to this or is this too wild to believe?

[Image via WENN.]

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Tom Cruise Really Held His Breath For SIX MINUTES In Mission Impossible Stunt! Here Are 20 Other Actors Who Almost Died On Movie Sets!

OK, holding onto a plane as it takes off is dangerous — but this is just impossible!

In Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation, Tom Cruise has to dive into an underwater computer database to break into- you know what? It’s complicated.

The point is he has to hold his breath for a LONG time — so the star learned to hold his breath for SIX MINUTES! For real! He revealed in new behind-the-scenes footage:

“Normally in underwater sequences, people hold their breath for 10 seconds, 15 seconds max. So I had to prove to everyone that it was actually safe, and spend time with the safety guys and the safety officers to show them, look, not only is it safe, it’s better that I know how to hold my breath because I’m going to be very relaxed. No one’s going to have to rush in, no one’s going to have to panic.”

That man sure cares about making movies — he’s willing to risk his life!

Of course, he’s not the only movie star who’s gotten into dangerous territory…

CLICK HERE to view “20 Actors Who Almost Died On Movie Sets!”

CLICK HERE to view “20 Actors Who Almost Died On Movie Sets!”

CLICK HERE to view “20 Actors Who Almost Died On Movie Sets!”

CLICK HERE to view “20 Actors Who Almost Died On Movie Sets!”

CLICK HERE to view “20 Actors Who Almost Died On Movie Sets!”

[Image via Paramount Pictures.]

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

It"s Almost Halloween & Time For A Treat — Here Are All The Movies & TV Coming To Netflix In October!

It’s that time again!

Fall has just begun, Halloween is right around the corner, but more importantly — it’s almost October which means new shows and movies are being added to Netflix!

Sure we had to say goodbye to some of our favorites, but think of all the new possibilities!

Photos: TV Shows That Found New Life After They Went Off The Air!

Not only are we getting great flicks like Batman Begins and Boogie Nights, but a whole bunch of TV shows too!

If you missed the last seasons of American Horror Story: Freak Show, The Vampire Diaries, or The Flash — or you’ve just been waiting for the third and final season of Netflix original Hemlock Grove, then October is your month!

Ch-ch-check out all the new additions to Netflix (below) and let us know what you’re most excited for!

Available Oct. 1 2015

A Christmas Carol (1938)

About Alex (2014)

Alexander: Theatrical Cut (2004)

American Pie (1999)

Barefoot Contessa: Back to Basics Collection: Collection 1

Batman Begins (2005)

Boogie Nights (1997)

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)

Curse of Chucky (2013)

Dark Was the Night (2014)

Design on a Dime Collection: Collection 1

El Tiempo Entre Costuras (2013)

Extreme Homes Collection: Collection 1

Fixer Upper: Season 1

Genevieve’s Renovation: Season 1

Glass Chin (2014)

House Hunters Renovation Collection: Collection 1

Million Dollar Baby (2004)

Million Dollar Rooms Collection: Collection 1

Monkey Thieves: Seasons 1-3

On the Town (1949)

Pal Joey (1957)

Pepe (1960)

Pressure (2015)

Property Virgins Collection: Collection 1

Reasonable Doubt (2014)

Richard Pryor: Icon (2014)

Robin Williams Remembered – A Pioneers of Television Special (2014)

Some Came Running (1958)

Take Me Out to the Ball Game (1949)

The Bourne Supremacy (2004)

The Devil at 4 O’Clock (1961)

The Great Food Truck Race Collection: Collection 1

The Navy SEALs: Their Untold Story (2014)

The Nightmare (2015)

Throwdown with Bobby Flay Collection: Collection 1

Uncle Grandpa: Season 1 (more episodes)

Vanilla Ice Project: Seasons 1-4

Wakfu: Season 1

White Rabbit (2013)

Wild Horses (2015)

Worst Cooks in America Collection: Collection 1

Available Oct. 2 2015

Anjelah Johnson: Not Fancy (2015)

La Leyenda de la Nahuala (2007)

Reign: Season 2

The Vampire Diaries: Season 6

Available Oct. 3 2015

Alpha and Omega 5: Family Vacation (2015)

Available Oct. 5 2015

Team Hot Wheels: Build the Epic Race (2015)

Available Oct. 6 2015

American Horror Story: Freak Show (Season 4)

iZombie: Season 1

Last Man Standing: Season 4

The Flash: Season 1

The Originals: Season 2

Tremors 5: Bloodline (2015)

Available Oct. 7 2015

Arrow: Season 3

Flor Salvaje: Season 1

Legends: Season 1

Supernatural: Season 10

Available Oct. 8 2015

American Heist (2014)

Strangerland (2015)

Available Oct. 9 2015

Mighty Med: Season 2

The Mr. Peabody and Sherman Show: Season 1

Winter on Fire (2015)

Available Oct. 10 2015

Lalaloopsy: Band Together (2015)

Available Oct. 11 2015

Glen Campbell: I’ll Be Me (2014)

Jake and the Never Land Pirates: Season 3

Available Oct. 12 2015

Jane the Virgin: Season 1

Available Oct. 14 2015

Lazarus (2015)

Available Oct. 15 2015

Finding Jesus: Faith. Fact. Forgery: Season 1

Isabella Rossellini’s Green Porno Live! (2015)

The Five People You Meet in Heaven: Part 1 / Part 2 (2004)

Available Oct. 16 2015

All Hail King Julien: Season 2

Anthony Jeselnik: Thoughts and Prayers (2015)

Beasts of No Nation (2015)

Circle (2015)

Some Assembly Required: Season 2

The Principal: Season 1

Available Oct. 18 2015

Ain’t Them Bodies Saints (2013)

Available Oct. 20 2015

Lego DC Comics: Batman Be-Leaguered (2014)

Marvel’s Avengers Assemble: Season 2

Available Oct. 22 2015

Results (2015)

Available Oct. 23 2015

Hemlock Grove: Season 3

Available Oct. 24 2015

Jack Strong (2014)

Available Oct. 25 2015

Walt Disney Animation Studios Short Films Collection (2015)

Available Oct. 27 2015

August: Osage County (2013)

Manson Family Vacation (2015)

Available Oct. 28 2015

Chasing Life: Season 2

The Gunman (2015)

Available Oct. 29 2015

Return to Sender (2015)

Available Oct. 30 2015

Popples: Season 1

That’s all of them! Only a couple more days until you can start binging your favorites!

[Image via FX/CW/Warner Bros..]

Friday, September 18, 2015

She Almost Lost One of Her Twins. Until This Happened.

How do you save a child’s life?

It"s a deep, profound question, but in this story, the answer will amaze, inspire and humble you like nothing you"ve read in a long time.

Somehow, this mother found something within herself and saved her child’s life, and in a way that would bond her entire family forever.

The odds were long, and the outlook bleak. But they never wavered. And as a result, their baby is alive and thriving to this day.

How did we get to that point?

1. Meet Kate

Meet kate

2. Very Early Labor

Very early labor

3. Jamie Arrives, Tragically

Jamie arrives tragically

4. What Happened Next

What happened next

5. Skin to Skin, Heart to Heart

Skin to skin heart to heart

6. Then, A Miracle

Then a miracle

View Slideshow

Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting Almost Cries She"s So Happy Playing With Puppies On The Tonight Show!

We want ALL the puppies!

Last night, Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting stopped by The Tonight Show to chat it up with Jimmy Fallon!

But let’s be honest, who cares about that when you get to play games with the late night host — especially when they’re puppy games!

Related: Justin Bieber Bailed On Tonight Show Sketch Last Minute

That’s right, the Big Bang Theory star got the chance to play Pup Quiz, the trivia game where if you get an answer right, you win a golden retriever puppy!

Kaley was basically in heaven and looked on the verge of tears a couple times — but we would be too with that many puppies!

Ch-ch-check out the adorably AH-Mazing puppy quiz game (above) and let us know — are you a dog or a cat person?