Showing posts with label Ariel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ariel. Show all posts

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Ariel Winter Gets Matching Tattoos with Boyfriend of Seven Months

Ariel Winter does what she wants. You know it, we know it, everyone knows it.

If she wants to wear a bikini, she’ll wear one. If she wants to move out of her mother’s house at the tender age of 14, boom, it’s done.

She’s not afraid to follow her heart or her speak her mind, and those are admirable traits to have.

Except Ariel’s latest move … well, it seems a little impulsive, even for her.

OK, so she’s been dating her boyfriend, Levi Meaden, since November, right? So she’s been with the guy for about seven months.

She’s gotten a lot of criticism for dating him — at 29, he’s ten years older than her. She’s also been judged quite a bit for moving him into her house already.

It’s pretty fair for people to be concerned about the situation, since she’s so young and so intent on moving at lightening speed.

And it’s pretty fair for people to side-eye the hell out of her latest move.

Yesterday evening, Ariel asked her Twitter followers for “tattoo ideas,” and shortly after, she and Levi headed out to get tattoos.

Matching tattoos. Two sets of them.

The first is a heart — Ariel has one half of it and Levi has the other, so when they put their hands together their tattoos make a full heart, get it?

“Me n bae,” she captioned the photo on Snapchat. Because she’s 19 years old.

For the second round of lovers’ tats, Ariel and Levi got a cheese wedge and a jar of peanut butter, for reasons unbeknownst to us.

“Peanut butter and cheese with my love,” she captioned that one.

It’s cute, we guess, for those obnoxious trendy little tattoos the kids are into these days.

For example, Kylie Jenner is the same age as Ariel, and she’s gotten tiny little tattoos for both Tyga and Travis Scott.

But remember the good old days when couples would wait years to get get tattoos together, if they even got them at all?

Remember when people thought it was unlucky to get tattoos like these?

Those were the days.

Ariel can do as she pleases, of course, and if she’s happy with Levi and with having two new tiny little tattoos on her hand, then we’re happy for her.

And we hope that the two of them have a lifetime of happiness together with their peanut butter and cheese tattoos.

It’s just … it’s not going to hurt anything to slow down a little, girl.


Friday, June 9, 2017

Ariel Winter Slams "Toxic" Mom: I"ll Wear What I Want!

Yesterday, we reported on a bizarre interview in which Ariel Winter’s mother criticized the clothing (or lack thereof) that her daughter sports in some of her most popular Instagram photos.

Ariel became legally emancipated from her mother back in 2012 after accusing her of verbal and physical abuse.

Needless to say, they’re not terribly close, and on the rare occasions when they have something to say to each other, they usually communicate through public channels.

“She needs to grow up. I would tell her to dress properly, be the beautiful person she is. I feel sad that she feels the need to expose herself when it’s not necessary,” Chrystal Workman told In Style when asked about Ariel’s racy selfies.

“Ariel is smart, beautiful and talented. She is a legitimate actress. She does not need to do this. She is beautiful with her clothes on.”

Clearly, one of those ironic statements in which the speaker exposes her lack of class while accusing another of lacking class.

Initially, it looked as though Ariel wouldn’t dignify her mother’s criticism with a response.

Last night, however, the 19-year-old fired back on Twitter, and not surprisingly, she’s no fan of Chrystal’s unsolicited critique.

“What’s sad is that you lie consistently,” Ariel tweeted.

“Also, why is it that you only choose to talk to me through the press? I’m doing just fine. Toxic.”

She didn’t call her mother out by name, but we think there’s little doubt as to who she’s referring to.

Ariel also defended her choice of attire on Instagram.

Seemingly provoked by her mother’s ignorant comments, she posted this meme yesterday:

Winter has long been a critic of body- and slut-shaming mentalities, and she’s publicly complained about being derided for the way she dresses.

So we suppose it’s not surprising that she would take particular offense when the derogatory remarks come not from some anonymous Instagram commenter, but from her own mother.

We’d like to say that after being on the receiving end of such a high-profile clap-back, Chrystal will likely keep her negative comments to herself going forward.

Sadly, Ariel’s mom has already demonstrated in the past that she has no qualms about making herself look like a jackass in public.


Thursday, June 8, 2017

Ariel Winter SLAMMED By Her Own Mother: Put Some Clothes On!

If you follow Ariel Winter on Instagram, you know the girl enjoys posting the occasional risque selfie.

And by that we mean she spends more time in swimwear than both the original cast of Baywatch and the stars of the Zac Efron remake no one saw.

Ariel’s bikini selfies are the stuff of Internet legend, and they’ve helped her amass an astonishing 3.4 million followers.

But it seems not everyone is a fan of the Boobs of Winter, which is also the name of our seven-part fantasy series inspired by both Ariel’s Instagram and the works of George R.R. Martin.

Ariel was emancipated from her mother back in 2012, and there relationship has been … tense, to put it mildly, ever since.

In fact, on several occasions, Ariel’s been harshly criticized by her mother, who, like roughly 95% of mothers who have lost custody of their teenage children, is named Chrystal.

Chrystal has some unsolicited thoughts on Ariel’s racy selfies, and she recently shard them with In Style:

“She needs to grow up. I would tell her to dress properly, be the beautiful person she is. I feel sad that she feels the need to expose herself when it’s not necessary,” she explains.

“Ariel is smart, beautiful and talented. She is a legitimate actress. She does not need to do this. She is beautiful with her clothes on.”

Obviously, Chrystal sounds like an unconscionable douche monster who should probably stick offering opinions on matters she knows well, like which scratch-offs offer the best chance of winning and why the smokes she buys at the reservation are just as good as Newports.

That said, there’s a lot to unpack here.

Obviously, Ariel is free to dress however she wants, and from what we know about her mother, she’s the last person who should be offering any sort of life advice.

That said, Ariel is at a crossroads, and it seems a little guidance from the right grownup would go a long way.

At 19, Winter finds herself in a position most young people would kill for.

She has an established acting career and she’s been accepted to UCLA.

(She deferred her enrollment last year, and may or may not begin classes this fall.)

So it’s not hard to see why some fans might be a bit confused by the fact that cosplaying Kylie Jenner seems to be Ariel’s primary focus these days.

That said, any concerned words should take the form of career advice, not the sort of slut-shaming that her mom is offering up.

Fortunately, Ariel works with Sofia Vergara, so she doesn’t have to go far for solid advice on how to spellbind with curves and comedic acting talent simultaneously.


Monday, June 5, 2017

Ariel Winter: Stimulating Teenage Boys, Interest in Animal Rights With Latest Pic

Ariel Winter is a talented actress, a well-spoken young woman, and she always looks good.

This time, she’s using her stunning looks for a great cause.

She captioned the photo: 

“Put on your bunny ears to show you are #ForeverAgainstAnimalTesting.”

Her hands are the bunny ears, you see.

And bunnies are so often the victims in animal testing.

It wasn’t just an empty hashtag, however, because she made her cause clear.

“Sign the petition to ban animal testing in cosmetics globally! Link in bio.”

Before you freak out, you should know that this doesn’t seem to be a PETA thing.

Because yeah, not all organizations that sound like they’re for good causes are necessarily on the level. Unfortunately.

This seems to be real, and that’s no surprise — Ariel Winter is a smart young woman.

Animal testing is an age-old and often cruel practice.

What’s a cheap and easy way to find out if your new cosmetics cause chemical burns or blindness? 

Easy — you just slap them on a bunny’s face and see what happens.

Now think about how many cosmetic products are on the shelves, and how many furry friends have suffered for so many of them.

We’re glad that Ariel Winter is using her platform to bring attention to this good cause.

Actually, you know what?

We’re glad that she’s using her boobs to do it. We said it.

Ariel Winter’s breasts received so much unwanted attention, even when she was a minor, that she had breast-reduction surgery.

It would have been more than understandable if she’d just covered herself in a sheet and hidden behind closed doors.

Instead, it looks like she’s comfortable with her body, and she’s flaunting her body in stellar photos.

Now she’s taking that a step further, and using her sex appeal — the thing that was used against her — to make the world a better place.

Ariel Winter has always been well-spoken, and it looks like she’s living her best life.

We’re just glad that she’s working for more than just her own happiness, you know?

She’s such a gift.


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Ariel Winter: Focus on My Hot Body, Not My Old Boyfriend!

Ariel Winter is a gift to this world, that much is undeniable.

It barely even makes sense how hot she is.

But as much as we go on and on (and on and on and …) about her cleavage and her love of bikinis and all that, we can’t forget that she’s got a neat brain on top of all that hotness.

And that brain of hers is currently working overtime to correct some misconceptions made from a recent interview.

The interview was with Refinery 29, and it was done for their “Take Back the Beach” series — stories about body positivity and confidence and all those wonderful, important things.

But while Ariel made a lot of great quotes about the topic, she also mentioned her boyfriend, Levi Meaden, as well as Donald Trump.

And guess what people are focusing on?

For the part about Levi, Ariel was asked about criticism she’s received for moving in with him already, and for the age difference between them — she’s 19, he’s 29.

“I’m happy, and whatever people want to say, they can say,” she answered. “I don’t understand why someone would even comment on our situation at all.”

“There are tons of people of all ages that live with their boyfriend. There are tons of people that live with their girlfriends, tons of people that don’t live together and are super happy.”

“But I’m super happy in the arrangement that we have,” she said. “We love living together. It’s just great.”

Then, about Trump, she said that, thanks to him, women are “being objectified and made to feel bad about ourselves, so I think it’s really important for women to stick together and do the opposite of that.”

“To let their bodies be seen and be heard, and to empower each other; to remind each other that what they look like is not the only thing that’s important when it comes to who they are.”

Unfortunately, those insightful quotes led to other stories about how Ariel is “defending” her boyfriend and how she’s “firing back” at Trump.

And Ariel’s not down with it.

In a lengthy Instagram post, she wrote “Y’all I love you but PLEASE pay attention and post my REAL point from my @refinery29 interview!!!”

“Not that I’m ‘defending living with my 29 year old boyfriend’ or that I’m ‘firing back at Trump’ because first of all I don’t need to defend anything.”

“I’m super happy and in love,” she continued, “and I’m not firing at anyone just sharing an opinion after being ASKED!”

She said that the point of the interview was “to take back the beach and help people understand that the beach should be a safe space to go as you place and feel good about yourself no matter what!”

“Makeup on, makeup off, heels, sandals, covered up, exposed, do you and feel HAPPY about who you are and YOUR choices, not the ones society wants us to choose.”

Ariel admitted that it’s “HARD to be 100% confident — I’m still not — but I’m on a journey and I want other people to know they’re not alone.”

“We all struggle but through our struggle we get stronger and closer to our goals.”

“Body positivity is important,” she wrote, “not that I live with my boyfriend.”

She finished her post with “Love yourselves, love others, be yourselves, and be happy.”

We really, really don’t deserve this girl.


Thursday, May 25, 2017

Ariel Winter, Thong Bikini Cozy Up to Levi Meaden

Actress and social media standout Ariel Winter took to her Instagram yesterday to share one of her famous PDA pics with Levi Meaden.

She is not wearing a lot of clothing in it.

Yes, the 19-year-old Modern Family cast member can be seen above, kissing her boyfriend on their recent trip to Vancouver, Canada.

Who took this pic for the star, we cannot say.

What we can say is that they had quite a view, as we do now, of Ariel Winter rocking the tiniest, blue thong bikini and her new red hair.

Oh, to be behind the camera at that moment.

(Or to be Levi Meaden for that matter.)

“Had the best time in Vancouver with my babe, but also with amazing new friends. Super lucky,” Winter captioned the above image.

“Also… those wreck beach stairs though!!!!!!!”

As we reported earlier this month, Ariel Winter and Levi moved in together, and she told Jimmy Kimmel that there are many perks to this.

“My boyfriend and I live together, and he cooks. I can’t cook at all. He takes care of all that handy stuff, he’s great, he does all that.”

“I can bake a pie occasionally. Pumpkin and apple,” she said.

“I baked those two the other day … they were edible.”

Hey, girl has to post smoking hot selfies and respond to haters’ Photoshop claims all day. She doesn’t have time to spend in the kitchen.

We kid, but not really. Gotta stick to what you love (acting, yourself) and what you’re good at (acting, singing, posting pictures of yourself).

Of course, while most of Winter’s ardent fans are happy for her because she’s happy, there remains a segment that’s critical of Levi.

This is still the Internet, after all. Ariel’s own followers have a field day picking apart photos like the one above because of blurry legs.

Legs, people. Are we really that bored and eager to knock celebs down a peg that we focus on that and not what a goddess she is?

In any case, the fact that Ariel and Levi have only been dating for seven months, and that she’s 19 and he’s 30, have some fans worried.

Ten years isn’t that big of an age gap … if the younger half of the couple is, say, 29. But at 19, it’s enough to raise red flags for some.

Life in the spotlight forces young people to grow up more quickly, though, and for better or worse, Winter says she’s up to the challenge.

Winter told Kimme in that same interview that her ABC cast mates have been treating her a contemporary, not a kid, for a while now:

“They definitely treat me like I’m an adult now,” she said, or at least like someone who’s most of the way there at this point.

“We started on the show when we were 10 or 11 years old and running around with Nerf Guns and now we’re all semi-adults.”

As for how Meaden feels about the fact that his next birthday is the big 3-0 and his girlfriend is calling herself a “semi” adult?

Maybe it gives him pause, but by all accounts, Ariel is a mature young woman, and based on these pics, we doubt he’s giving her back.

Kylie Jenner and Tyga, these two aren’t.


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Ariel Winter Slams Haters, Photoship Claims: This is the Real Me (and I"m HOT)!

Ariel Winter recently came under fire for allegedly Photoshopping one of her (many, smoldering, pretty much perfect) Instagram pics. 

Well, the actress – long an outspoken champion of body positivity – is not about to let it slide. To the 19-year-old, this is just too personal.

If there’s one thing Internet trolls love with passion, it’s ogling female bodies. But if there’s a second thing, it’s shaming female bodies.

Sometimes the very same women, even.

Ariel Winter is forced to deal with this behavior entirely too often, but the star’s traditional response has been to double down on flaunting it.

“It” being her hotness. All day, errrrday.

Case in point? The photo below, featuring her in a low-cut top, the shortest of shorts and sexy nerd glasses. Many a teen boy’s fantasy.

Yet somehow, everyone’s a critic, and more than a few fans (term used loosely) pointed out some alleged fishiness going on …

With her leg. Yes her, leg!

Ariel’s left leg (on the right, above), seems to some observers to be unnaturally blurry on the outside, on her calf and up on her knee.

“Photoshopped thighs,” one said. “Come on now.”

Another hater said Ariel was “doing a Beyonce with the photoshop fail,” ‘cause at the end of the day, “no thighs are that wonky.”

Yet another went even further than that, writing:

“Don’t remember you being so skinny, was this photo shopped? Either way, the real you is what I find amazingly pretty.”

Well, according to Ariel, the real her is right here.

Winter, who has been a positive role model for body image issues since her decision to have breast reduction surgery, is clapping back.


To Ariel, saying she looks “so skinny” that she must have edited her photos is a backhanded compliment at best, and she wasn’t happy.

That’s body-shaming on multiple levels, really, and luckily, Winter stepped up to set the record straight and (temporarily) quiet the trolls.

“This is the real me,” she wrote in response, noting, “I don’t Photoshop my photos. People look different at different angles.”

Winter’s point is simple but profound there: Ariel, like anyone else, looks different in photos depending on the light, angle, and clothing.

If people analyzed their own photos with the obsessive precision they apply to Ariel’s, they would realize this applies to literally everyone.

As such, whether you’re idolizing a celebrity on social media or going out of your way to hate on her, your opinion is probably skewed.

The truth is, even if Winter did Photoshop her pics:

1. Almost everyone does it to some degree;

2. That’s her business and chil the eff out.

Now, as for whether the Modern Family star is getting a little … shall we say, thirsty these days with her barrage of jaw-dropping photos?

“You might as well just walk around in a bra & thong or bikini at this point cause nobody is paying attention to your acting,” a fan said.

“When you do this,” this Winter follower lamented on Instagram, “it’s kind of sad almost, like don’t you get enough attention?”

We don’t agree. Ariel is a national treasure and if it bothers you, no one is forcing you to follow her on social media, so save the speech.

Still, if you’re going to criticize the beauty for something, at least that’s somewhat grounded in reality. She does seem to love the attention.

Just saying.


Sunday, May 21, 2017

Ariel Winter Slammed for Racy New Photo: Is Photoshop to Blame?!

Ariel Winter is a beautiful person. Really, just absolutely gorgeous.

She’s hotter than lava, friends, that’s the point we’re getting at here.

One of the nice things about Ariel is that she seems to be an “if you got it, flaunt it” type of lady — she has a killer body, and she’s not afraid to show it off.

We’ve seen in her more bikinis than we can count, and we’ve appreciated each and every one.

But for some reason, when Ariel shared her latest racy photo, she got a whole lot of hate for it.

Once you get over the beauty, see if you see any issue with what’s going on in this new pic:

It’s her leg! She’s got a wonky leg. Her left leg — the one on the right in the photo, if you get confused — is oddly blurry on the outside.

You can see it best on her calf and up towards her knee. It looks a little funny, right?

And Ariel’s followers were quick to point out the issue.

“Photoshopped thighs,” one person pointed out. “Come on now.”

Another person said Ariel was “doing a Beyonce with the photoshop fail,” because “no thighs are that wonky.”

Yet another perplexed follower wrote “But don’t remember you being so skinny, was this photo shopped? Either way, the real you is what I find amazingly pretty.”

And to that comment, Ariel herself responded with “This is the real me. I don’t photoshop my photos. People look different at different angles.”

Which is true, obviously, but it still doesn’t totally explain those weird blurry lines on her leg, does it?

Those lines weren’t all this girl got hate for, either — she also received comments about her clothes and her weight.

“Do you ever wear clothes that are your size and not the size of a 5 year old? I’m just saying,” one bitter soul wrote.

“What happened to your thickness??” another asked. “Don’t like skinny.”

“You might as well just walk around in a bra & thong or bikini at this point cause nobody is paying attention to your acting when you do this… it’s kind of sad almost, like don’t you get enough attention?”

“It’s a lucky angle. In all paparazzi pics of her out and about she always looks short, wide and stumpy with no neck.”


Ariel Winter is a gift to this world, OK? A gift.

Maybe she tweaks some of her photos a little, maybe she doesn’t. Maybe she’s lost a little weight, maybe she’s got a less conservative fashion sense than most.

But she is still a person. A super, super hot person.

And she deserves more respect than this.


Friday, May 12, 2017

Ariel Winter House Hunting with Boyfriend Levi Meaden (PHOTO + GALLERY)

Ariel Winter and her boyfriend pulled up their house-hunting pants — at least he did — and hit up several pads around L.A. this week. Ariel and 29-year-old actor Levi Meaden checked out a place in Sherman Oaks together. The 5 bed, 6…


Ariel Winter, Giant Boobs Move In With Boyfriend Levi Meaden

It’s a sad day for the Internet’s most delusional pervs.

We’ve known for quite some time that Ariel Winter is dating Levi Meaden, but no doubt many of the Modern Family actress’ 3.2 million Instagram followers were hoping it wouldn’t work out.

Well, we have bad news for basement dwellers were hoping for a chance to get up close and personal with social media’s most famous boobs.

It seems Ariel and Levi have taken their relationship to the next level and are now living together.

Ariel revealed the arrangement during an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live last night:

“I bought my own house last year, which is really exciting for me,” the actress told Kimmel.

“My boyfriend and I live together, and he cooks. I can’t cook at all. He takes care of all that handy stuff and he’s great. I can bake a pie occasionally.”

We doubt the revelation that Ariel doesn’t know her way around the kitchen did much to dampen the enthusiasm of her most ardent fans.

While the response online has been mostly congratulatory, some fans (particularly those who are creepily protective of the actress) seem concerned by the fact that Ariel and Levi have only been dating for seven months.

Adding to the complexity of the situation is the fact that Ariel is only 19, while Levi will turn 30 this year.

Ten years isn’t a massive age gap, but it’s a lot for someone as young as Ariel.

But sometimes the spotlight forces young people to grow up more quickly.

Winter told Kimmel last night that her Modern Family cast mates have been treating her as a “semi-adult” for a while now:

“They definitely treat me like an adult now,” Winter said.

“We started on the show when we were 10 or 11 years old and running around with Nerf Guns and now we’re all semi-adults.”

We imagine you must cringe a little when you’re creeping up on the big 3-0 and your girlfriend cops to not being a full-fledged adult.

But hey, by all accounts, Ariel has a good head on her shoulders.

For every Kylie and Tyga situation, there must be a situation where this sort of thing works out, right?


Friday, May 5, 2017

Ariel Winter to Haters: I"ll Wear Whatever the F--k I Want!

If you follow her on Instagram, you know that Ariel Winter has a unique sense of style.

Winter’s racy Coachella look attracted more attention on social media than just about anything else at the festival, and the 19-year-old actress seemed to welcome the ensuing barrage of comments.

When it comes to the confusion and criticism of her latest red carpet look, however, Ariel is having none of it:

Ariel attended a screening of the Modern Family Season 8 finale earlier this week, and as you can see, she took a far less casual approach to the event than her co-stars.

When Twitter cracked some jokes – mostly pointing out that Ariel seemed dressed for a very different red carpet – Ms. Winter got pissed:

“Why TF does anyone care that I didn’t dress casual like everyone else for the panel? Why do I have to be like everyone else?” she wrote on Instagram.

She added:

“WEAR WHATEVER YOU WANT PEOPLE! Don’t let anyone stifle who you are and how you express yourself!”

While she certainly has a point that she’s a grown woman who’s entitled to wear whatever she chooses, eccentric fashion statements by celebrities pretty much always receive mixed reactions.

Now, this isn’t like the time Ariel wore a see-through dress to a premiere for a kids’ movie.

There’s certainly nothing inappropriate about her attire.

But making a bold statement and then complaining that some of the responses have been negative smacks of missing the point.

The very reason it’s bold to wear fancy evening attire to a casual daytime event is that some people are bound take the opportunity to crack an easy joke.

When Mariah Carey goes grocery shopping in a formal gown, she just doesn’t take to Twitter the next day to complain that some people thought it was ridiculous.

She’s knows it was ridiculous, and that’s part of the point. And part of the fun.

Of course, much of this can simply be chalked up to the fact that Ariel is 19, an age at which many of us were vomiting Goldschlager out the window of our best friend’s Honda Civic and vowing to never again drink anything with tiny gold flakes in it.

We can only imagine what sort of dumb things we would’ve done if we had millions of people watching our every move and inviting us to red carpet events.

It probably would’ve involved a burrito-stained “ironic” tuxedo t-shirt.

In conclusion, everyone should stop taking Ariel Winter’s fashion choices so seriously – including Ariel Winter.


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Ariel Winter: Posting Racy Photos Is NOT Slutty!

Ariel Winter knows a thing or two about posting racy pictures on social media.

The 19-year-old Modern Family actress makes headlines on weekly due to her latest snaps, but that’s not to say she likes the attention. 

We know: Everyone likes attention, but Ariel wants the world to know that she’s not that kind of girl. 

She takes issue with the fact that males take risky pictures and have little fanfare. The star opened up in a revealing chat with Yahoo Style. 

I feel like people put so much emphasis on it. Guys, all the time, go on their Instagrams and take pictures nude with guitars in front of their stuff. No one says anything. Nobody cares,” said Winter.

“When we try to be free and post what we want, it’s like, look at that slut on social media. That’s not what it is. We’re proud of our bodies. We’re proud of who we are. We’re made the way we are. Why do we care? If I take a picture and I think it looks good — if it’s a little revealing, whatever.”

On top of that, she had some harsh words for her haters, saying: “If people don’t like it, unfollow me. If you’re so offended, why do you look at it? Don’t take the time to hate on me. Just unfollow me and follow someone who covers every part of their body to their toes. I don’t care.”

Um, okay then. There is no denying that you can get upset at what people are saying about you, but it does appear that Ariel has a thick skin and does not allow the naysayers to drag her down. 

Winter also took a jab at celebrities who take self-imposed exiles from social media, noting that the key to it all is finding the right balance. 

“Just don’t open it for a few days. Just leave it be. Sometimes I’ll go days or weeks without posting. I try to update my followers on what I’m doing. It makes me feel closer to them. I’ve never felt the need to take a break from it like that. Just put your phone down and enjoy the things in life,” she says.

Is it just us or does Ariel sound wise beyond her years? Celebrities who grow up in the spotlight have a knack for going off the rails at some point, but it seems that Ariel has her priorities in check. 

She dealt with fame “just by going through it. I’ve had a lot of time now to just go through the highs and lows of it. The people around me keep me grounded in what’s going on. I’m aware of it, but I’m not invested in it. It’s not taking over my life.” 

“I focus less on the celebrity aspect of my job. I’d love to continue being an actress, but I didn’t get into the industry so I could be on magazines.”

What do you think about all of this? 

Sound off below!


Monday, April 17, 2017

Ariel Winter Displays Boobs at Coachella

The first weekend of Coachella 2017 ended yesterday, which means a lot of Hollywood’s young stars are feeling about as fresh as Friday night’s crumpled flower crown this morning.

But while the party may be over, the memories will last a lifetime.

And much more importantly, the Indian hippie cosplay pics are still racking up likes on the ‘Gram.

If you follow Ariel Winter on social media, then you’re probably already aware that 1. Ariel’s giant boobs are her pride and joy, and 2. the actress’ style could best be described as “homeless anime character from the future.”

As you can see, Ariel took the opportunity presented by Coachella to crank her look up to 11 over the weekend.

In the pic above, she seems to be saying, “Come for the barely-concealed double-D’s, stay for the weird pink crotch bunny.”

In the photo below, Ariel is seen answering the question “What would it look like if a pixie from the year 3000 went to a John Steinbeck theme party?”

It seems that for the most part, Ariel’s followers are not fans of her new look:

“You thought you were Kylie,” wrote one fan.

“Celebrity 101 – post lots of pics proving u went to Coachella. Poser. Do any of you actually go to see any of the bands?” commented another.

While the jabs are obviously directed at Ariel specifically, it feels like they’re part of a larger backlash against Coachella in general.

The once-ultra-hip festival is more corporate and less popular with A-listers than ever these days.

And through no fault of her own, it seems the 19-year-old Ms. Winter is just a little late to the Coachella party.

What was once the domain of the top tier of cool young celebs is increasingly a place where thirsty reality and social media stars can go a make a quick buck from an endorsement deal.

Case in point:

Yes, Ariel has a sitcom, but it’s her Instagram page that’s made her an almost-household name.

And she’s clearly intent on squeezing some cash out of her massive following, but there’s a danger in doing too much too soon.

As one of Ariel’s followers helpfully pointed out, she’s not Kylie Jenner, and she’s nowhere near Kylie’s level of fame.

At this point in her career, Ariel should be trying to expand her following, not prematurely cashing in on the followers she already has.

Of course, as long as she keeps wearing see-through clothing in public, she’ll probably have no trouble attracting attention.


Sunday, April 2, 2017

Ariel Winter Attends Movie Premiere in See-Through Dress: YES!!!

Ariel Winter … well, she"s not known for her subtlety, we"ll say that.

Ever since the girl turned 18 last year, she"s been quick to let us all know that she is a woman with curves, and that she"s not afraid to use them.

And hey, we"re not mad about it.

For her latest gift to the world, Ariel attended the premiere of her new movie, Smurfs: The Lost Village in a dress that to put it simply, is not the first choice we"d make for a children"s movie premiere.

And that"s because it"s see-through.

Check out these photos of Ariel in all of her kind-of nude glory!

1. Full Frontal

Full frontal

Boom, there she is.

2. The Beauty Herself

The beauty herself

She really is just so gorgeous, isn’t she?

3. From the Side

From the side

That booty, y’all.

4. Those PANELS

Those panels

How is she so hot? For real, how?

5. BAM


Those curves, right?

6. Hey Girl Hey!

Hey girl hey

She’s so attractive it’s actually kind of painful.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Ariel Winter Rocks See-Through Shirt, Smokes Cigar, Breaks Internet

Ariel Winter knows what makes the Internet work.

She realized that in order to build an engaged social media following, you need to understand the platform you’re working with, know your target audience, and make fans feel that they’re engaging with you on a personal level.

Oh, and it doesn’t hurt to have giant boobs …

Fortunately for all of us, not only does Ariel have huge boobs, she enjoys flaunting them for the viewing pleasure of her three million Instagram followers.

Recently Ariel has been traveling with her boyfriend, actor Levi Meaden.

It seems Levi is in China shooting Pacific Rim: Uprising, and Ariel has been by his side, providing a far more stunning visual spectacle than any CGI display.

She posted the photo above and wrote this caption that no one will ever read:

“When in Beijing at a cigar bar.”

Ah, a cigar bar.

We guess that explains the suggestive smoking accessory.

It doesn’t explain the bra-as-top look, but fortunately, no explanation is needed.

When Ariel goes on vacation, we all get racy pics, even when there’s no beach in sight.

And we can’t just shut up and be grateful for that, then we are lost as a society!

Lost, we say!

All melodrama aside, Ariel’s pics drew an overwhelmingly positive response, as usual.

In fact, you might describe it as creepily positive, as a large number of Ariel’s fans really, really want to be in close proximity to her.

Not surprisingly, news that she was in China prompted an avalanche of invitations to “hang out”:

“OMG. Never been this close to you. I’m in Beijing too. Wish to hang out with you,” wrote one fan.

“You’re in China!!! Will you come to Shanghai??!!! There are so many fans of you!!” commented another.

We get that Ariel has a huge following in China, but, like, she’s an actress.

What is she supposed to do in Shanghai?

Live-read your favorite Modern Family episode?

Wave from the back of a convertible like an old-school foreign dignitary?

Look, folks, racy Ariel Winter selfies, it’s very important that you not make it weird.

Like, if Tom Brady throws an impressive pass, or LeBron dunks on some dude, you don’t ask them to come chill in your basement, right?

Let’s take the same approach to impressive physical feats by young models and actors, mmm-kay?
