Showing posts with label Boobs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boobs. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Emily Ratajkowski: My Boobs Are Too Big! No One Will Hire Me!

If you’ve ever used Instagram, watched a Robin Thicke video, or seen the movie Gone Girl, then you’re probably aware that Emily Ratajkowski has big boobs.

What you may not have realize is that those bog boobs have caused her problems.

We’re not talking about the usual lower back pain or difficulty with top buttons on form-fitting blouses.

No, Emily says she’s suffered full-blown anti-big-boob discrimination.

In a new interview with Bazaar Australia, Emily reveals that she believes her famous figure has kept her from moving forward in her career:

“There’s this thing that happens to me: ‘Oh, she’s too sexy’. It’s like an anti-woman thing, that people don’t want to work with me because my boobs are too big,” she tells the magazine.

“What’s wrong with boobs? They’re a beautiful feminine thing that needs to be celebrated. Like, who cares? They are great big, they are great small.”

She added:

“Why should that be an issue? I have no problem with the backlash, because I feel it illustrates my point over and over.”

What’s wrong with boobs, indeed!

Look, people, it’s harder than ever for large segments of the population to find common ground these days.

If we can’t all agree that Emily Ratajkowski’s boobs are awesome, then this country is truly sunk.

Now, if someone were to complain that all the attention they’re receiving is distracting from Emily Ratajkowski’s butt, which is also spectacular, then that’s an argument we could see ourselves endorsing.

But that’s the only legitimate complaint to be made about Emily Ratajkowski’s boobs!

Anything else is like complaining that the million dollars someone just handed isn’t in small enough bills.

You’re just looking for reasons to complain, Hypothetical Reader, and we won’t stand for it!

Elsewhere in the interview, Emily talks about her boyfriend, … , who as far as we can tell, makes his living as a toucher of magnificent boobs.

“My boyfriend is super confident and was raised by his mum, so he also genuinely loves and admires women. Not just ‘Oh yeah, women are cool,” she tells the magazine.

“He deeply loves and respects women, so he loves what I’m all about.”

Of course he’s super confident.

We assume Emily’s breasts have magical properties like that glowing orb that Trump touched in the Middle East.

Dude can probably bend spoons with his eyes.


Friday, June 23, 2017

Demi Lovato"s Boobs Look HUGE and Unstoppable!

Demi Lovato hasn’t historically been what we’d call shy about her body.

And yeah, that includes flaunting the curves of her boobs, because those are part of her body and she can show or not show them as she likes.

But even her most cleavage-tastic photos, she’s never looked as busty as you’ll see below.

The singer and actress has had a number of fantastic hits.

And she’s gorgeous as well.

She’s taken a ton of photos before.

Quite a few of Demi Lovato’s photos have been provocative or revealing or downright sexy.

But this photo of her really stands out, and she acknowledges as much in the captions with a tongue-in-cheek reference to the pic’s, um, standout features.

Honestly, with the outfit and location and pose, Demi looks like a (busty) princess:


Her caption?

“Objects in this picture may seem bigger than they actually are……”

A cute play on “objects in mirror may be closer than they appear.”

But seriously, her boobs look like they’re almost out of control.

Like, at any moment, they might bust out of her outfit and give this wretched world the queens it deserves, you know?

But obviously, even without her admission in the captions, we can tell that this isn’t business as usual.

(Bustiness as usual?)

There’s probably a lot going on underneath that dress that’s mashing her boobs up for maximum effect.

Bare minimum, we’re talking some kind of corset.

More likely? Some kind of body tape could be involved.

It sounds wildly uncomfortable.

But that photo might be worth it.

She snapped the cleavage pic in Cannes, France.

And managed to do so without getting entangled with Scott Disick, which seems to put her in a minority lately.

Maybe because he’s no longer there, since he’s been reportedly hooking up with Bella Thorne in LA.

Maybe because Demi knows how to dodge relationship bullets, at this point.

Of course, the 24-year-old might be “too old” for Scott at this point, because he seems to only go after teens these days.


But on a less icky note, let’s remember that Demi’s boobs look great even under normal circumstances.

Like, we don’t want to fall into that trap of growing accustomed to seeing her a certain type of way.

Only to be shocked when we see her switch back to her default self.

That can happen when stars like Demi Lovato go without makeup for the first time in a while.

But it’s a great photo. If it weren’t for the fact that Demi’s been sober for years, we’d expect to see a glass of wine in her hand just for the aesthetic of it all, you know?

Anyway, congratulations to Demi for looking majorly hot for the summer.

And let’s not forget that she’s always gorgeous.


Friday, June 16, 2017

Kylie Jenner on Snapchat: My Boobs Can"t Be Restrained!

Kylie Jenner really wants you to look at her boobs, you guys.

The reality star and makeup mogul took to Snapchat to share that she was just feeling the music in the car … and an eyeful of her barely-contained bust.

We can’t imagine that when Volvo’s engineers developed the modern seatbelt, they imagined that it would one day be used to add an extra layer of curvy emphasis to a teenage celebrity’s already prominent boobs.

Kylie might not be at the point of being the George Washington Carver of seatbelts, but she’s being sort of creative about it, at least.

So, Kylie shared this over Snapchat, tilting her head along with music in typical Kylie fashion.

She’s clearly wearing a bra, so she isn’t as relaxed as she sometimes gets on Snapchat. She’s in a car, so that makes sense.

As recently as 2015, Kylie admitted to wearing a type of bra that added a few cup sizes — which, even back then, she didn’t need.

These days, she absolutely doesn’t need the help. 

Ever selfie seems to add to the pile of evidence for those rumors that Kylie got a boob job.

Honestly, we know that bras are all kinds of uncomfortable — even more than most clothing, and that’s saying a lot.

So she doesn’t always wear them when on Snapchat, and we don’t blame her.

Admittedly, cropping out your face to take a photo of your braless chest might be a little much to broadcast so widely over Snapchat.

But who’s to say that we all wouldn’t do the same if, through some Quantum Leap scenario, we had to walk a mile in her boobs shoes?

Though, as we’ve said before, Kylie might want to find a thing for her brand other than her youthful body if she wants to be successful for the long haul.

Kylie often uses Snapchat to directly promote her brand, even if it’s just a video of her in a yellow bikini with a little imposed caption talking about how she can’t wait for her new lip kits to drop.

Photos of Kylie in a sheer lace bra can do wonders for advertising, you see.

There’s a seeming authenticity to that — like watching an actor livetweeting their own show along with fans.

It almost makes you believe that Kylie’s just excited and not wielding Snapchat and her body as powerful marketing tools.

But hey, that’s part of why Kylie’s net worth is so high.

That and, you know, being born rich and being on a reality show.

Admittedly, what’s really haunting us about the photo isn’t Kylie’s bust or the seatbelt, but those glasses.

We just don’t know what to make of them.

If we ever had to describe anything as “retro-future,” we’d describe those glasses that way.

Sometimes there are fashion trends that we can’t understand and also don’t want to understand.

In this case, it might just be Kylie being weird.

But if it turns out that everyone’s wearing those this summer, we’ll know whom to blame.

Finally, like … what is up with Kylie’s tatters of a sweatshirt?

She’s before lamented being “freezing cold” when the temperature is in the 60s, which is tragically typical for lizard people … ahem, we mean, Southern Californians.

So we guess that this “top” of sleeves and a collar is to keep her from freezing but to still let her show off her boobs?

We don’t have to worry about her chest getting cold, we guess, since she has two giant heating pads right there, insulated with a bra.

But still, it is such a weird outfit, and its purpose is fairly transparent.

… We almost want to give her kudos for that, actually.


Monday, June 5, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Look at My Boobs, Not My New Lips!

It looks like Kylie Jenner’s back at it again.

Not just with social media pics — well, that too — but it looks like she may have gotten a little work done.

A little more work done, anyway.

We know that we’re supposed to be looking at her boobs here, emphasized as much by that white top as by her seatbelt.

But our eyes keep darting to those lips.

They don’t just look plump, they look painfully full.

Kylie’s admitted to overfilling her lips in the past, but we guess that she hasn’t learned from past mistakes.

Though … really, if she learned from past mistakes, we all would have forgotten who Tyga was in, like, 2015.

If only.

These lips don’t just look big, they look painful.

Anyone who’s ever microwaved some chicken apple sausage — because who has time to cook with an oven? — can easily imagine those lips bursting open under pressure.

We keep touching our lips and wincing at that pic, you know?

It’s one thing to inflate your lips too much for taste.

But it’s another thing to make them look so big that it’s hard to close your mouth..

Regular, non-painful big lips look good.

You don’t have to follow fashion magazines or even put that much thought into the faces that you find attractive to do that.

Just, like, go to the character creation screen of any video game — the better looking faces are gonna have the lip size sliders pretty far to the right.

As far as fashion is concerned, yeah, you have to grudgingly admit that Kylie’s been a part of people worrying so much about having big lips.

Just like the Kardashians as a whole have been influential in the conversation about butt sizes.

But isn’t to say that they deserve credit.

See, the Kardashians seem to be all about cultural appropriation.

From putting their hair in dreads or cornrows to trying to claim ownership over bodily features associated with black women, the Kardashians are what you’d call problematic.

And while Kendall Jenner, when she’s not starring in tone-deaf Pepsi controversies, usually just does her modeling thing instead of raiding African-American culture and claiming the spoils as her own, Kylie is a major offender.

We might not be saying this if we thought that her curves were 100% grass-fed free-range organic, because your body shape is your body shape.

But … come on, guys.

Kylie’s figure is such an hourglass that you expect a movie villain to dramatically turn her upside down to begin a countdown.

The lips are such a big thing, because when the good folks at Black Twitter blow off some steam, it’s not uncommon to hear them look at white celebrities who are being praised for their looks and wonder where that star’s lips are.

Which is, you know, a harmless critique, and Kylie “fixing” her own lips might not be a big deal if she didn’t then use them to market her own lip products.

As if big lips are a Kylie thing. It’s kind of like how the white cheerleaders in the movie Bring It On always stole the routines of the black cheerleaders.

And the thing is that, despite the probably millions of words written on the subject of Kylie’s very specific antics, she’s probably not even aware of it.

Celebrities exist in a bubble, folks.

To Kylie, any well-conceived criticism on social media probably gets drowned out by random vitriol until it all just looks like “haters.”


Friday, May 12, 2017

Ariel Winter, Giant Boobs Move In With Boyfriend Levi Meaden

It’s a sad day for the Internet’s most delusional pervs.

We’ve known for quite some time that Ariel Winter is dating Levi Meaden, but no doubt many of the Modern Family actress’ 3.2 million Instagram followers were hoping it wouldn’t work out.

Well, we have bad news for basement dwellers were hoping for a chance to get up close and personal with social media’s most famous boobs.

It seems Ariel and Levi have taken their relationship to the next level and are now living together.

Ariel revealed the arrangement during an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live last night:

“I bought my own house last year, which is really exciting for me,” the actress told Kimmel.

“My boyfriend and I live together, and he cooks. I can’t cook at all. He takes care of all that handy stuff and he’s great. I can bake a pie occasionally.”

We doubt the revelation that Ariel doesn’t know her way around the kitchen did much to dampen the enthusiasm of her most ardent fans.

While the response online has been mostly congratulatory, some fans (particularly those who are creepily protective of the actress) seem concerned by the fact that Ariel and Levi have only been dating for seven months.

Adding to the complexity of the situation is the fact that Ariel is only 19, while Levi will turn 30 this year.

Ten years isn’t a massive age gap, but it’s a lot for someone as young as Ariel.

But sometimes the spotlight forces young people to grow up more quickly.

Winter told Kimmel last night that her Modern Family cast mates have been treating her as a “semi-adult” for a while now:

“They definitely treat me like an adult now,” Winter said.

“We started on the show when we were 10 or 11 years old and running around with Nerf Guns and now we’re all semi-adults.”

We imagine you must cringe a little when you’re creeping up on the big 3-0 and your girlfriend cops to not being a full-fledged adult.

But hey, by all accounts, Ariel has a good head on her shoulders.

For every Kylie and Tyga situation, there must be a situation where this sort of thing works out, right?


Monday, April 17, 2017

Ariel Winter Displays Boobs at Coachella

The first weekend of Coachella 2017 ended yesterday, which means a lot of Hollywood’s young stars are feeling about as fresh as Friday night’s crumpled flower crown this morning.

But while the party may be over, the memories will last a lifetime.

And much more importantly, the Indian hippie cosplay pics are still racking up likes on the ‘Gram.

If you follow Ariel Winter on social media, then you’re probably already aware that 1. Ariel’s giant boobs are her pride and joy, and 2. the actress’ style could best be described as “homeless anime character from the future.”

As you can see, Ariel took the opportunity presented by Coachella to crank her look up to 11 over the weekend.

In the pic above, she seems to be saying, “Come for the barely-concealed double-D’s, stay for the weird pink crotch bunny.”

In the photo below, Ariel is seen answering the question “What would it look like if a pixie from the year 3000 went to a John Steinbeck theme party?”

It seems that for the most part, Ariel’s followers are not fans of her new look:

“You thought you were Kylie,” wrote one fan.

“Celebrity 101 – post lots of pics proving u went to Coachella. Poser. Do any of you actually go to see any of the bands?” commented another.

While the jabs are obviously directed at Ariel specifically, it feels like they’re part of a larger backlash against Coachella in general.

The once-ultra-hip festival is more corporate and less popular with A-listers than ever these days.

And through no fault of her own, it seems the 19-year-old Ms. Winter is just a little late to the Coachella party.

What was once the domain of the top tier of cool young celebs is increasingly a place where thirsty reality and social media stars can go a make a quick buck from an endorsement deal.

Case in point:

Yes, Ariel has a sitcom, but it’s her Instagram page that’s made her an almost-household name.

And she’s clearly intent on squeezing some cash out of her massive following, but there’s a danger in doing too much too soon.

As one of Ariel’s followers helpfully pointed out, she’s not Kylie Jenner, and she’s nowhere near Kylie’s level of fame.

At this point in her career, Ariel should be trying to expand her following, not prematurely cashing in on the followers she already has.

Of course, as long as she keeps wearing see-through clothing in public, she’ll probably have no trouble attracting attention.


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Chrissy Teigen"s Boobs Have Good Days, And They Have Bad Days (VIDEO)

Chrissy Teigen’s knockers have a mind of their own when it comes to squeezing into jumpsuits … according to their owner. We got Chrissy and asked her about the extremely busty video she posted of herself trying — unsuccessfully though very…


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

33 Celebrities with HUGE Boobs ... How Big Are We Talking?

From Christina Hendricks to Kim Kardashian, and from Jessica Simpson to Katy Perry, these celebrities all have amazing boobs.

Amazingly large. Who knew 36H was even a real size?

There"s no denying it, so we might as well appreciate it! Here"s a look at the respective sizes of 33 famous women"s prized assets.

Some of which are almost hard to believe …

1. Sofia Vergara

Sofia vergara at the emmys

We can actually see Sofia Vergara’s boobs in this photo. Settle down, guys. But know that she has admitted they are 32F, which is rather insane.

2. Charlotte McKinney

Charlotte mckinney cleavage image

Charlotte McKinney has been recently challenging Kate Upton’s reign as Queen of the Internet. Here you can see why … they’re 32F as well.

3. Jennifer Love Hewitt

Jennifer love hewitt shape cover

Jennifer Love Hewitt’s SHAPE has been the object of admiration for years. Mainly among men 28-36. Her bra size is reportedly 30GG (Or 30H), which is fairly remarkable.

4. Katy Perry

Hot hot katy

Katy Perry owes a large part of her success to her breasts. Not all of it, as she has some catchy songs and is a fun performer. But a large part. They’re 32D, and she rates herself a 10 out of 10 in bed too guys.

5. Christina Hendricks

Christina hendricks at the 2012 emmys

Mad Men? No one we can think of would be mad about Christina Hendricks’ 32F breasts. Yes, F.

6. Emily Ratajkowski

Emily ratajkowski bikini body

Emily Ratajkowski’s chest measures a 32C. She is gorgeous BTW.

View Slideshow

Amber Rose: Check Out My HUGE 36H Boobs!

Amber Rose is famous for many things:

Her modeling career, her outspoken persona, her relationships with famous rappers, her willingness to put her fingers in Kanye West"s butt

But the reason that Amber has stuck around while so many other media figures have come and gone is that the woman has innate sense of what makes social media tick.

We"re talking, of course, about boobs.

In case you somehow unaware, Amber Rose has massive boobs.

As you can see, she"s never been shy about showing her girls off, but she took her boob game to a new level with her latest piece of sponsored content.

In the video below, Amber shills for a new kind of push-up bra, and we"re all better off for it:

"Redefining cleavage over here with the @sneakyvaunt pushup! Cannot believe I get all this and it"s backless and strapless… If you’ve got it … VAUNT IT!"

Now THAT is advertising.

This woman understands what makes consumers buy in a way that would make Don Draper weep.

The formula is simple:

1. Show the people a massive pair of breasts.

2. Tell them how to throw their money at you.

3. Watch the profits pile up.

Usually #ad posts are the most boring on ones on any celebrity"s page, but Amber nows how to keep it exciting.

And for that, we thank her.

Amber rose check out my huge 36h boobs

Kylie Jenner: GIANT Boobs and Butt Spark Implant Rumors

The Kardashian women are famous for their Jessica Rabbit-like curves that seem to defy the laws of physics, biology, and pretty much every other scientific discipline.

But Kylie Jenner isn’t a Kardashian.

She has one parent in common with Kourtney, Kim, and Kris, but she doesn’t share the Armenian heritage to which they attribute their iconic T&A.

So when Kylie takes to social media to flaunt Kim-like assets, the world does a double-take – and begins to question what’s really going on here.

Kylie’s latest photo shoot is garnering a LOT of attention, and not just because she’s wearing a shade pf green that’s never before been seen outside fifth grade gym class, circa 1993.

As you can see, Kylie is showing off her curves, but there’s nothing new about that.

What’s new is just how curvy those curves have become.

We’ve seen enough of Kylie’s racy selfies to know when a change has taken place, and we feel confident in saying that this young woman has undergone serious reconstruction in recent months.

For years now, Kylie has been slowly transforming into Kim, but she seems to have ramped up her progress recently.

We imagine it as being like that scene in every mad scientist movie where the guy gets sick of the villagers calling him crazy so he turns every dial up to 11 and waits for the lightning to strike.

The smoke clears and Kylie stumbles out looking like someone who’s new to photoshop tried to graft Kim’s body onto a pic of Kris and Caitlyn’s youngest daughter.

Obviously, the photos have re-ignited the debate over whether or not Kylie has had plastic surgery.

Perhaps we should rephrase that:

At this point, there is not debate about whether or not Kylie has had plastic surgery.

The only question is:

Just how many procedures has she undergone?

Believe it or not, the only cosmetic enhancements Kylie will admit to are “temporary lip fillers.”

Of course, she made that confession nearly two years ago, and it looks like she’s received “fillers” just about everywhere else in the meantime.

Will she ever cop to going under the knife.

Probably, but only in a tearful memoir years after her social media fame has died down.

And if she keeps posting pics like these ones, it may be a very long time before that happens.


Sunday, March 5, 2017

Emma Watson: I Can Be a Feminist AND Have Boobs!

Emma Watson is a gift to this world that we don"t deserve. Not even a little bit.

She came to us so many years ago as the intelligent, courageous, nerdy but lovably Hermione Granger, and she hasn"t disappointed us once in all this time.

One of the most admirable things about Emma is that for the past couple of years, she"s been a loud and proud feminist — so much so that she"s spoken at the United Nations about feminist issues.

Her fight for women"s rights is actually one of the most notable things about her these days. So when she posed topless for Vanity Fair, some people felt the need to talk trash about her.

One journalist tweeted "Emma Watson: "Feminism, feminism… gender wage gap… why oh why am I not taken seriously… feminism… oh, and here are my tits!""

Because to some, Emma can"t be a feminist and have visible breasts at the same time.

Luckily, Emma has heard about the controversy surrounding the photo shoot, and she"s taking the time to speak out about it.

And what she has to say is simply delightful.

"Feminism is about giving women choice," she explained. "Feminism is not a stick with which to beat other women with. It"s about freedom, it"s about liberation, it"s about equality."

"I really don"t know what my tits have to do with it."

See Emma be her usual amazing self in the interview below:

Emma watson i can be a feminist and have boobs

Emma Watson"s Boobs Have Nothing To Do With Feminism, She Says (VIDEO)

Emma Watson isn’t sure why folks are calling her a bad feminist for teasing some boobage … ‘cause she says one has nothing to do with the other. Emma addressed the backlash she’s been getting for a Vanity Fair shoot in which she bares her…


Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Ariel Winter Flaunts Boobs in See-Through Top, Instagram Rejoices

If you follow Ariel Winter on Instagram, then you’re probably not baffled by the fact that a teenage sitcom actress has an astonishing 3 million followers.

There are a few simple reasons for this.

Chief among them is the fact that Ariel has giant boobs and and seems to enjoy putting them on display.

Boobs, as you may know, are the one thing (two things?) the Internet loves more than cats and the Cash Me Ousside Girl, so Ariel really hit the SEO lottery at birth.

Fortunately for her fans, she’s well aware of this and takes full advantage of her good fortune on a regular basis.

The photo above is a still from a GIF that Ariel posted over the weekend, and we’re pretty sure it holds the power holds the power to make you forget about everything from your Trump-induced malaise to that dumb Oscar envelope mix-up that everyone can’t stop talking about.

At least for about 2.5 seconds, anyway:

Not surprisingly, the post generated a good deal of praise and more than a few marriage proposals.

“Damn you are fine!” commented one user.

“She is America’s prettiest lady,” wrote a fan, who we’re assuming conducted exhaustive research on the subject.

There was the occasional hater in the mix, but that’s pretty much the case with all things on the Internet, always.

Ariel’s only 19, but she’s been in the business for nearly a decade.

We’re sure she’s learned how to brush the dirt off her shoulders with panache.

To our minf exciting news here is that Ariel is harnessing the power of the animated .GIF, which is a platform that’s brought cleavage selfies to new heights of creative expression.

With .GIFs, boobs come to life like framed photos in Hogwarts.

But despite our unfortunate choice of simile, we’d like to take this opportunity to discourage Ariel from posting more sexy Harry Potter cosplay pics.

We’re usually in favor of cleavage in all its forms, but it’s weird enough that a woman who rose to fame playing a geeky middle-schooler on Modern Family is now rivaling Kate Upton for the title of Internet’s Favorite Boobs.

Throw Harry Potter in the mix on top of it, and it’s all just too confusing.

We might have start sending Ariel our therapy bills.


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Chelsea Houska Updates Fans on Boobs, New Baby

It’s not hard to see why Chelsea Houska is so beloved by Teen Mom 2 fans.

While the rest of the girls’ lives often serve as cautionary tales, Chelsea offers a sort of fairytale-caliber wish fulfillment.

After years of grappling with Adam Lind, arguably the douchiest of the show’s many douchey baby daddies, Chelsea has reached a level of happiness that would have seemed impossible just a few short years ago.

Back in October, Chelsea married Cole DeBoer.

Earlier this month, Chelsea and Cole welcomed their first child together, and now she’s updating fans on her blissfully happy new life.

Chelsea posted several pics of little Watson Cole DeBoer.

Naturally, the photos drew an enthusiastic response from fans.

And it’s not hard to see why …

Look at that little guy!

Not only is he adorable, he’s living proof that happy endings are possible for the ladies of the 16 and Pregnant/Teen Mom/Teen Mom: OG universe.

Of course, it’s not just Chelsea’s ability to produce photogenic offspring that endears her to viewers.

The Housk’s sense of humor is one of the things fans love about her, and she definitely hasn’t lost a step since welcoming Watson into the world.

In addition to sharing pics on Instagram, Chelsea has been offering humorous insights into the #MomLife on Twitter:

“Watson fell asleep while I was feeding him & wakes up if I try to move or get up. So I’ve been stuck on the couch with 1 boob out for an hour,” she tweeted earlier this week.

Someone get this woman a sitcom deal!

Seriously though, ever since giving birth to her second child, Chelsea has been demonstrating daily why she’s the anti-Jenelle Evans.

Where Jenelle rants, raves, and brings the drama, Chelsea proves that likable, relatable, stable reality stars can also deliver ratings and rack up the online followers.

It’s a refreshing reminder at a time when it seems more and more like unhinged people are running the world.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Chelsea’s idyllic life.

The girl is definitely doing something right.


Saturday, February 18, 2017

Kim Kardashian Pictures: Boobs! Butt! Blonde Hair!

Kim Kardashian is back to being platinum blonde.

And also back to showing off various body parts, from her ample bosom to her impressive rear end.

We think it’s safe to say that Kim Kardashian is back in general, folks.

First, the reality star reached into her past by showing some birthday love to her old friend and boss, Paris Hilton.

On the occasion of Hilton turning 36 years old on Friday, Kim posted the photo above and included with it a very simple caption:

“Happy Birthday Paris Hilton.

She also hopped on Twitter and wrote:

“Today’s vibes channeling Paris! Happy Birthday @ParisHilton Can’t wait to celebrate with you soon.”

As likely noticed in the above picture, Kardashian is also platinum blonde once again, a look she debuted to much ridicule a couple years back.

Who can forget these Kim Kardashian memes, right?

Kardashian, who first went platinum blonde back in March 2015 ahead of the Balmain show at Paris Fashion Week, also showed off the dyed locks in a couple silly Snapchat images.

We went ahead and shared those for you as well.

But we know why you’re really here.

We know the kinds of Kim Kardashian pictures you wake up each morning hoping to ogle.

And Kardashian recently delivered on this front as well, uploading some seriously sexy pics to her official app and website. To wit:

Hubba, hubba, right?!?

Aside from being thankful to Kardashian for starring in a one-woman wet t-shirt contest, it’s nice to see this sort of image online because it means Kim must be feeling pretty good these days.

She’s been shunning the spotlight for months, recovering mentally and physically from being the victim of an armed robbery in early October.

But the Kim Kardashian we all know and occasionally love has been creeping back into our lives since the calendar flipped to 2017, as this large-breasted mother of two has been posting seductive pictures again and even selling herself out for terrible products.

It’s like everything in the world is back to normal when this happens, you know?

(Except for the whole Donald Trump as President thing, that is.)

Along with the sultry snapshot directly above, Kim gave fans a look at her butt this week. And here it is!

Questions of whether Kim will divorce Kanye West continue to circulate online.

Both halves of this famous couple have been unusually quiet when it comes to addressing them, but Kardashian did show her husband support after his fashion show on Wednesday night in New York.

Once this relationship is smoothed out, we’re guessing Kim really will feel all the way back and we’ll be treated to plenty more nearly-naked poses from her.

We’re looking forward to it.


Sunday, February 5, 2017

Jennifer Tilly Bets On Tom Brady"s Balls and Gaga"s Boobs (VIDEO)

Jennifer Tilly’s got money on Tom Brady’s deflated balls coming through in the clutch again … plus a high wager for Lady Gaga’s cleavage. We got the actress out Sunday at LAX, where she told us who she thought would win Super Bowl LI … despite…


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Coco"s on the Beach, Baby"s on Her Boobs (PHOTO GALLERY)

Coco’s baby daughter doesn’t need any stinking floaties when she hits the beach … not when she’s got mommy! Coco took 1-year-old Chanel out for a day in the sun Tuesday. We’re not sure if the little girl was thinking safety, or just…


Saturday, December 10, 2016

Kristin Chenoweth "s Boobs Were Under Control During "Hairspray Live" (VIDEO)

NBC censors can chill … Kristin Chenoweth is reassuring them, the FCC and prudish viewers about how free her hooters did or didn’t get during “Hairspray Live” the other night. The day after the show aired there were a bunch of reports Kristin…


Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Bella Hadid -- Victoria Missed This Secret ... Butt, Boobs & My Piercing (PHOTO GALLERY)

If you thought Bella Hadid looked awesome at the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, you’re right — but it gets even better without all the fancy lingerie.  Hadid is featured on the cover of PAPER Mag’s Outspoken issue, and to…


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Farrah Abraham: People Watch Teen Mom Because of My Boobs!

By now, you’ve seen all of the costume selfies and heard all the declarations about which celebrity “won” Halloween.

This year, the trends were political humor, Stranger Things cosplay, and ephemeral crap that no one will remember by next year. 

(Fact: waking up hungover, still wearing a David S. Pumpkins or Ken Bone costume is the single saddest thing that can happen to you in life.)

Some stars took their need to for social media validation to new heights this year by rocking multiple costumes throughout the weekend and Monday.

For once, Farrah Abraham actually looked sane by comparison, as she simple recycled the Wonder Woman costume she wore at the VMAs.

Before you give her too much credit for humility or practicality, however, it’s important to remember…

…the girl dressed up as Wonder Woman for the VMAs.

Also, we’re not sure if she actually wore the costume again, or just posted an old video and with some Halloween hashtags:

That’s a clip that appears to show Farrag posing with Internet personality Joanne the Scammer at the VMAs.

Thanks to hashtags like “#HappyHalloween” and “TrickOrTreat” many fans thought Farrah attended some sort of star-studded Halloween party last night.

That doesn’t appear to have been the case.

One insider claims Farrah did rock the Wonder Woman get-up to take daughter Sophia trick or treating, but we don’t believe that for a number of reasons.

We don’t buy that for a couple reasons:

1. Farrah didn’t post any photos, and she doesn’t do anything in life without posting photos.

2. Since when do Farrah and Sophia participate in wholesome, age-appropriate activities like trick-or-treating?

No, Farrah is more into things like talking about her daughter’s future porn career.

Speaking of sex work, we know Jo-Scam is joking, when talking about Farrah’s boobs, but we could totally imagine that Farrah thinks they’re the main reason people watch the show.

You really can’t overstate the the severity of this girl’s self-delusion.
