Showing posts with label Breakup. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Breakup. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Jen Harley Breaks Silence on Ugly Ronnie Magro Break-Up

Jen Harley is tired of having her name dragged through the Internet mud.

Granted, you probably had never even heard the name Jen Harley until a few days ago.

But still.

By now, any regular reader of The Hollywood Gossip is likely familiar with what transpired this week between Harley and Jersey Shore Ronnie Ortiz-Magro.

The latter absolutely WENT OFF on his estranged girlfriend and baby mama over the weekend after learning she still had in her possession a sex tape with an ex-boyfriend.

Ronnie took exception to this.

He called Harley a “hoe” and asked his Instagram followers how they’d react to her actions and then apologized…

… except he quickly took that apology back and went after Harley even harder.

In a stream of text messages, Ronnie shared on social media (below), he accused Harley of cheating on him with a friend (who referred to her as a “cum dumpster“) last summer by banging him on a taco float in a pool.

(For real. This is the allegation.)

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro accuses

It’s not as though Harley remained silent in the face of these damning accusations.

(She didn’t deny the cheating claim, either, it’s probably worth noting.)

She fired back at Ronnie, initially referring to him as a “coke head” and then saying the following, referencing a recent episode of Jersey Shore, in which Ortiz-Magro brought home a woman from the bar.

He wants to act fake on the show and like I’m some random he knocked up lol he was trying to get me pregnant.

And then cheats on me while I’m preg on TV and then leaves me with a newborn baby lol baby daddy of the year award goes to @realronniemagro.


This message, of course, did not put an end to the drama.

It actually got a lot worse.

Shortly after the above post went live, Harley and Ortiz-Magro appeared to engage in a physical fight during an Instagram Live session on Monday.

“Put your f–king hands on me again,” the reality star yelled. “I dare you!”

Take a look for yourself at the ugly exchange below:

So that all brings us to Harley’s latest.

After making her Instagram account private for a day or two, Harley returned to the social media scene this afternoon and wrote the following:

“My heart hurts.”

She included a sad face emoji with these three words.

harley message

Harley and Ronnie actually welcomed a baby girl into the world just a month ago.

Her name is Ariana and we feel terrible for her.

Let’s hope she never learns how to use Google and let’s also hope her parents find some way to make peace. For her sake, at the very least.

“This is a private matter that should have never been made public,” Ronnie said yesterday. “I remain focused on my daughter and she is my No. 1 priority.”


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson Hits the Slopes to Escape Breakup Speculation

In recent days, rumors have been flying that Kendra Wilkinson’s marriage to Hank Baskett is hanging over a precipice … if it isn’t already over.

Then, Kendra seemed to confirm the split rumors with some tearful, heartfelt confessions on social media.

It looks like she’s trying to cheer herself up with some fun in the snow with her son.

Kendra Wilksinson says that she will always love Hank, but if this split between them is the real deal, they both might change their tune. Sometimes, exes become enemies.

But one thing is for certain: they will both always love their children.

Kendra is seeking comfort with some family time, as she and her eight-year-old son, Hank Baskett IV, hit the slopes in snowboarding gear.

And the Playboy Bunny turned reality star decided to share her blissful experience on social media.

Instagram stories are fleeting by their nature, but gifs are forever.

Take a look.

Hank Baskett IV is one hell of a snowboarder for an eight-year-old, don’t you think?

(At least, he’s certainly better and more confident at it than I would have been at his age. Or at any age)

Kendra also tweeted her happiness about their chilly adventures while hitting the slopes, writing:

“And now it’s a happy day. My boy went off a jump for the first time.”

That’s so cool!

We’re glad that she’s letting him go at his own pace, but you can feel the pride in that tweet.

Vacations are designed to help people get away from it all, and Kendra has a lot of sadness to escape.

Recently, she shared her heartbreak on social media:

“10 years. I did everything I could, it wasn’t good enough.”

There’s no one secret to make a marriage last forever.

“I will always love him and my heart will always remain open for him.”

That does sound like a farewell, doesn’t it?

“I believed in forever. I really did.”

Kendra says that she’s focusing on what’s important:

“Guess it’s just not meant to be. I’m so scared but I have to get strong for my kids. I will.”

Kendra also gave her thanks to people who care about her.

“Thank you to all my friends and family for supporting me at the moment. Every little ounce of love helps. Thank you.”

But she says that she never anticipated that things with Hank would be over.

“I never thought I’d see the day, really.”

She didn’t limit her emotional, revealing posts to Instagram.

“Today will be the saddest, scariest day of my life. Today I will have to be the strongest I’ve ever been. Today, my rebirth begins.”

So it sounds like a snow day with her son was exactly what she needed.

And it might be what he needed, too.

Kendra and Hank’s kids may be blaming themselves or fearing for their future as they see their parents part ways, but Kendra and Hank will always put their children first.

And this vacation demonstrates pretty clearly that life after heartbreak can still be full of fun and of family time.


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Amy Roloff Laughs Off Break-Up Rumors. Literally!

About a month ago, Amy Roloff shared a cute photo of herself and some loved ones on Instagram.

This photo did not include long-time boyfriend Chris Marek, which prompted speculation over the Internet that Amy and Chris had gone their separate ways.

What does Amy have to say about such chatter?

In an acronym? LOL!

The Little People, Big World star just shared the photo above on both Instagram and Facebook, writing as a caption to the sweet image:

“What a great time we had celebrating a good friend’s 50th birthday. The Laugh In theme was fabulous and such a blast!”

The snapshot, of course, features both her and Marek and makes it clear that the relationship is growing strong.

We never doubted them, of course, but it’s been apparent that at least a handful of social media followers were wondering about the status of Amy and Chris’s romance.

What’s ironic is that many of these same followers don’t even approve of the romance in the first place.

Time and time again, Roloff has posted a picture of her and the real estate agent… only to be bombarded with hate.

Heck, she was even dragged somewhat recently for allegedly living in sin with Marek, simply because some folks out there were under the impression that Amy and Chris were living together.

As far as we know, they are not.

More importantly, though, why would it matter if they were?!?

This is a grown man and a grown woman and they can pretty much do whatever they want.

Amy and Matt Roloff got divorced way, way back in May of 2016 and both have moved way on from each other.

They continue to work together and clearly get along very well, with Amy now dating Chris and Matt now dating Caryn Chandler.

For some reason, however, fans can’t stop talking about the reality stars in sort of bitter terms.

Just consider the final comment below, which was left in response to the original picture on which this article is based:

amy comments

Must we keep associating Amy’s love life with Matt, and vice versa?

Can’t we let these two live their mostly separate lives in peace?

Apparently not, considering a simple throwback photo shared a few weeks ago led to another round of negative comments. Sigh.

Perhaps fans of Little People, Big World are simply bored.

Perhaps they need new episodes to air so they can stop making up rumors and trolling the Internet and conjuring up controversy where there is none.

If this is indeed the case, we only have one thing to say to TLC:

What the heck are you doing over there?!?

Can we get a new season started or what?!?



Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The Bachelor Recap: After the Final Breakup ...

In the aftermath of Arie Luyendyk’s stunning reversal, The Bachelor: After the Final Rose special was guaranteed to be literally unprecedented.

With the dust still settling from the most painful 40-minute scene in the history of reality TV, what could the ABC hit do for an encore?!

Having dispatched his first fiancee, Arie wasted no time trying to lock down a second on night two of this five-hour finale event.

Would Lauren Burnham, spurned on The Bachelor finale for Becca, go along with his grand switcheroo and grant him another chance? 

Would The Bachelor spoilers, which accurately predicted Arie ending his engagement with Becca Kufrin, be proven right once again?

Indeed, and indeed.

By 8:30, we’d seen Arie travel to Virginia Beach, hurriedly explain his dubious actions to Lauren, and have her take him back enthusiastically.

Oh, okay. Cool!

In need of some filler, Chris Harrison brought out Tia Booth, Caroline Lunny, Bekah Martinez and Kendall Long to gauge their reactions.

Bekah thinks Arie is a tool and Lauren should run for the hills. Seinne thinks that Arie playing up the big “risk” he’s taking was nonsense.

All five of the guests seem to genuinely like Lauren, LOVE Becca, and loathe Arie for being a disingenuous, indecisive waffler. 

Yup. Pretty much.

Then s–t got real. For the second consecutive night, Becca was kind (brave, strong) enough to face the music … and her former fiance.

Drum roll please …

Becca wasted no time putting the screws to her ex over the timetable of his now-infamous “reaching out” to Lauren during their engagement.

Arie’s explanation of “wanting to get his thoughts in order” before doing what he needed to do came across as marginal at best.

She also took him to task for so quickly closing the door on their relationship – their engagement – rather than trying to open it.

Luyendyk did own the fact that he proposed when his heart wasn’t in it, chalking it up to the enormous pressure of the moment.

An explanation is not an excuse, as she pointed out and he openly admitted, saying he’ll always regret what he put her through.

All is forgiven?

Jason Mesnick and Molly Malaney, a duo that certainly knows what Arie and Lauren are about to go through, sat down for more filler.

The highlight of which was Jason recommend that Arie get out of dodge for a few weeks, and Chris Harrison adding, “or a few years.”

Finally, after an hour and 15 minutes, Arie and Lauren took the stage together to tell us her side of the story – and where they stand.

Long story short: Totes in love.

Lauren professed her love, praising Arie’s bravery, honesty and respectfulness, and saying she trusts him with her heart completely.

CRICKETS from the audience.

Haters gonna hate, as they say, but Arie says he’s gonna shake it off. So to speak. His paraphrasing of that was “it doesn’t matter.”

Not only are Arie and Lauren together, they seem remarkably content with that fact and the unconventional route they took to get there.


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

The Bachelor Alums Blast Arie, ABC for Cruel Becca Break-Up

By now, you must have heard:

On the season finale of The Bachelor, Arie Luyendyk Jr. got down on one knee and proposed to Becca Kurfin.

He then realized that he still had feelings for runner-up Lauren Burnham… so he invited Becca over to his house and shattered her heart into a million tiny pieces – in front of ABC cameras, no less!

And while Kurfin claims she"s forgiven Arie for his actions, past mainstays from this beloved franchise can"t believe Arie would do her like that on national television.

Scroll down for a look at the reactions of some very familiar names. Do you agree with their assessment?

1. Oh, Arie

Arie on the finale

The 22nd Bachelor in show history admits he made a huge “mistake” in the way he handled the Becca break-up, but that doesn’t change the fact that it happened. He ended their engagement in front of millions of viewers!

2. She Can Relate

Ry tweet

Melissa Rycroft was watching the finale when it happened. If you recall, she was dumped on the After the Rose special by Jason Mesnick, who then asked out runner-up Molly Malaney.

3. And Speaking of Molly…


Yup, she was watching as well. And she wasn’t a fan of how this was handled.

4. And Then Speaking of Jason…


Wait, what? Maybe he didn’t want it filmed deep down inside, but he obviously agreed to it and, you know, did actually break up with Becca on camera.

5. They Also Did It for Ratings


But we agree. No way Becca isn’t announced as The Bachelorette, right?!?

6. Spoken from Experience


Lowe is the only Bachelor in history to actually marry the woman he proposed to on the show. This is a man who knows the love business.

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Friday, February 16, 2018

Kylie Jenner & Travis Scott Address Breakup Rumors on Snapchat

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Kylie Jenner welcomed her first child earlier this month.

And not surprisingly, rumors that baby daddy Travis Scott has dumped Kylie began to circulate almost immediately.

Throughout her pregnancy, Kylie kept the details of her personal life to herself, but now that she’s a mom, she’s once again a regular presence on social media.

And as you can see from the photo above, she’s not putting up with inaccurate tabloid reports about the state of her love life.

The selfie appeared on Snapchat earlie this week, and it seems to be Kylie and Travis’ way of confirming that they’re very much still together.

“Her relationship with Travis has made huge strides since having baby Stormi, and they are back in a good place,” the insider shared.

“Travis has been staying overnight at Kylie’s several times a week when he is not working or out of town and has also been giving Kylie her time to bond with the baby alone.”

“Kylie is like a new person now; every move and every decision she makes, she takes Stormi into consideration. She is obsessed with her baby and the focus is all on Stormi,” the insider claims.

The source says Kylie is also receiving plenty of assistance from her mom and sisters:

“All of her sisters are constantly checking in with her and coming over to the house to visit Stormi,” the informant adds.

“Kylie asks for advice all the time. She did prepare for the baby with several specialists and took private classes so she was well-prepared beforehand.”

So it sounds like despite a tidal wave of rumors to the contrary, Kylie’s got things pretty under control.

As for rumors that Kylie and Travis are engaged … well, the media may have jumped the gun on that one.

While Kylie has been sporting a ring in recent months, and it is a gift from Travis, 

“He gave [the ring] to her when she was first pregnant and it has several emerald-cut diamonds,” the source described.

“They are in no rush to get married or even engaged, and Stormi is their only priority right now.”

The woman did just welcome her first child at 20.

Maybe everyone just needs to chill on pushing her into making another major life change.


Thursday, February 1, 2018

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Together Despite Breakup Rumors

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez hadn’t been seen together for almost a month … until Wednesday night. Justin and Selena were leaving a Hillsong Church service in L.A. when he spotted photogs, gave an audible grunt, and then got downright sarcastic…


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Kailyn Lowry FINALLY Responds to Javi Marroquin-Briana DeJesus Breakup!

Earlier this week, the world learned that Javi Marroquin and Briana DeJesus had broken up after less than four months of dating.

Rumored reasons for the split vary (Briana says Javi dumped her due to her desire for more plastic surgery; he insists that wasn"t the case.), but at this point the breakup has been confirmed by both parties.

The news wasn"t terribly surprising as, frankly, no one expected these two to last this long.

In fact, in the hours afrer word of the separation went public, many fans were less concerned with the "he said, she said" details, and more interested in what Javi"s ex-wife, Kailyn Lowry, thought about the situation.

Now, we finally have her long-awaited response…

1. Javiana

Javi marroquin and briana dejesus picture

At first, Javi and Briana’s relationship was viewed by fans as a revenge fling. But as the months went on, it began to look as though these two might be in it for the long haul.

2. Intensity in Two Cities


From the start, Javi and Briana’s relationship faced a number of significant hurdles, not the least of which was the fact that he lives in Delaware, while she’s based out of Orlando.

3. The Kail Factor

Kailyn lowry via instagram

In the eyes of many TM2 fans, the biggest obstacle facing Bri and Javi was Marroquin’s ex-wife, Kailyn Lowry. But interestingly, Kail doesn’t seem to have stood in the couple’s way. In fact, she might be what brought them together.

4. Revenge Fantasy

Javi marroquin and briana dejesus

It’s widely believed that Bri began dating Javi in order to get under Kailyn’s skin. If that’s the case, it worked … at first. Kail seemed to lose interest in the situation after a few weeks and stopped publicly responding to news about the couple. Until now…

5. Kail’s Comments

Kailyn lowry on the couch

When news of Briana and Javi’s breakup went public fans were dying to know what Kailyn had to say. But there was a time when it looked like she would choose not to comment at all.

6. The Lowry Verdict

Kailyn lowry twitpic

Today, however, Kail has opened up in an interview published by Radar Online. And her followers might not like what she has to say…

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Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Robert Valletta Blames Vanderpump Rules Cast For Scheana Marie Breakup: They"re Savages!

Long before Vanderpump Rules Season 6 debuted at the beginning of December, word got out that Scheana Marie and Robert Valletta had broken up after just a few weeks of dating.

It’s a strange situation for viewers, who are just now getting their first real insights into Rob’s character and personality, despite the fact that he has no real ties to the cast any longer.

Of course, it sounds like if Scheana gets her way, he’ll soon be welcomed back into the fold.

Yes, as you may have noticed if you caught Monday night’s episode, Scheana–to borrow a phrase coined by Tom Sandoval–is a bit “Rob-sessed.”

At one point, she openly discussed her desire to marry Valletta, even though they’d only been formally dating for a few months and she was still married to Mike Shay at the time.

But the clearest indication that Scheana would lay down in traffic if Rob asked her to may have been her willingness to ignore the many obvious signs that Valletta was cheating.

In the past, Scheana has harshly criticized friends of hers for being naive about their boyfriends’ infidelity, but she was hearing none of it when several members of her inner circle tried to convince her that Rob had been unfaithful.

Even now that their relationship is over, both parties claim they called it off for reasons that have nothing to do with infidelity.

Scheana appeared on Watch What Happens Live Monday night, and Rob called in, seemingly for no other reason than to blame her friends for their breakup:

“The truth is, it’s really hard in her circle of friends,” Rob said. 

“Individually, when they’re by themselves, they’re really great people, but you put that group of people together and they’re savages. They come after you, and it’s really hard to have a successful relationship with those people coming and attacking you from all sides.”

“Friends say Rob is using her,” an insider claimed.

Here’s the thing:

Despite the fact that he’s the sort of unrepentant d-bag who toasts to “falling in love with something new every day,” we’re actually with Rob on this one.

Scheana’s friends are a pack of sociopaths, and we can’t imagine any healthy relationship existing in that environment.

But that doesn’t mean Rob isn’t shady as hell.

These days, Valletta and Scheana are friends with benefits, and those who know the couple best say he’s only maintaining ties with the SUR girl in order to help his career.

“Every single time Rob is in town, she invites him to an event with her,” one insider tells Radar Online.

“They know that they are much more in-demand together than apart.”

Sadly, it seems Scheana doesn’t see the situation for what it is, and in fact still looks at Rob as husband material.

“Scheana would marry him in a heartbeat if he wanted to marry her,” the source claims.

“But he’s told her that he does not want to be tied down, and she keeps telling him that he will regret it.”

Scheana, you’re helping this guy’s career and having no strings attached sex with him, all the while assuring him that you’ll happily settle down and get married if he ever decides he wants to.

Believe us when we say you’re not giving him a ton of incentive to hurry up and settle down.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online for more bad decisions and horribly unhealthy relationships.


Friday, January 5, 2018

Ex-Patriots TE Jermaine Wiggins: There"s No Breakup, It"s All Lies!

He personally knows all 3 guys … and now former Patriots tight end Jermaine Wiggins says reports of trouble between Brady, Belichick and Kraft should be met with “both middle fingers up.” Wiggins not only won Super Bowl XXXVI with the Pats…


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Jenelle Evans & David Eason: Secret Breakup EXPOSED?!

For weeks now, Teen Mom 2 fans have been abuzz with rumors that Jenelle Evans and David Eason have broken up.

There"s been no confirmation from either party, and Jenelle and David are doing their best to assure fans there"s no cause for concern.

But as the days go by, the evidence continues to pile up, and these days, it"s looking very much like the Easons have decided to call it quits.


1. Life on the Land

Jenelle evans kissy face with david eason

In the past year, Jenelle and David have bought a house, welcomed a child, and gotten married. But now, it looks as though they may regret having moved so quickly.

2. A Secret Split?

Jenelle evans and david eason pic

Rumors of Jenelle and David parting ways have been circulating pretty much from the moment they said “I do.” Last week, the reports seemed to be confirmed by some suspicious social media activity.

3. It’s Complicated

Jenelle eason david eason

Late at night, David changed his relationship status on Facebook from “Married” to “It’s complicated.” He later deleted his account entirely. Jenelle changed her profile pic so that it no longer featured David, and removed all relationship info from her page.

4. What Happened?

Jenelle evans david eason and ensley jolie

Even if the Easons aren’t officially over, it’s clear that they’ve gone through some tough times recently. So naturally, there’s been a good deal of curiosity surrounding the cause of Jenelle and David’s latest rough patch.

5. The Ex Files

David eason holds jenelle evans bump vmas 2016

The leading theory is that David became angry after seeing the recent Teen Mom 2 special that focused on Jenelle’s many exes. It seems he was less than thrilled by Evans’ kind words and fond memories toward some of her former flames.

6. Crazy … Even By Jenelle & David Standards

David eason picture

“Jenelle and David had a crazy jealous fight after the show aired,” a source close to the couple tells Radar Online. And it seems that David’s anger had to do with two of Jenelle’s exes specifically…

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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Shakira and Gerard Pique Shut Down Breakup Rumors

Shakira and Gerard Piqué are effectively shutting down rumors they’ve split by taking a very toothy joyride together. The FC Barcelona fútbol star was behind the wheel with Shakira riding shotgun Tuesday on his home team’s…


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Meghan Markle & Prince Harry: Headed For a Breakup! (Psychic Claims)

Well, it looks like we have some bad news for the star of the USA network’s third best-loved series behind Mr. Robot and, um … is Burn Notice still a thing?

Clearly, we didn’t really think that joke through, but the show we’re talking about is Suits, and the star we’re referring to is reigning Ms. Much Too Hot For Basic Cable, Meghan Markle.

As a human who exists on planet Earth, or perhaps a super-smart ape with an abiding interest in celebrity gossip (we don’t judge), you’ve no doubt heard by now that Meghan is dating Prince Harry.

In fact, you’ve probably caught wind of one of the many rumors that Meghan and Harry are engaged!

Obviously, there’s been no official word on that front, but the consensus amongst insiders is that a royal announcement should be happening any day now.

However, according to one clairvoyant, Meg shouldn’t waste any time picking out a wedding dress:

“My spirit guide is showing me that Prince Harry will propose to his girlfriend Meghan Markle November/December time, I am told that the engagement is already planned and she’ll say yes but they’ll break up before any wedding can take place,” psychid Lyndsay Edwards reported on her website today.

“My spirit guide tells me that Meghan is not the right partner for Prince Harry and that there is someone better suited who will come into his life not long after he splits up from Meghan Markle.”

Daaaay-um! Sorry, Meg. 

Hope you didn’t go pledging those Suits residuals to Unicef or anything nutty like that.

First rule of dating a prince: 

Don’t start acting spoiled until he makes you a royal.

You young folks might want to write that one down.

Anyway, in keeping with the proud tradition of psychics throwing shade at Meghan by suggesting that Princess Di would totally hate her, Edwards hints that Harry’s next girlfriend will be chosen for him by a solicitous ghost:

“I get the strongest sense that this next relationship for Prince Harry is somewhat planned on spirit’s part and I would question if she’s been chosen for Harry by a loved one in the spirit world who is going to ensure that Prince Harry and this girl cross paths,” she writes.

“I am shown when the two of them meet and it appears that Prince Harry isn’t looking for anyone in that way but is taken by surprise and caught off guard by his immediate attraction to this girl who I am told is really sweet and polite.”

Having apparently mistaken her own psychic prediction for a roast battle, Lindsay adds:

“She looks quite petite and very natural in her appearance – totally different from Meghan and more similar in appearance to girls he’s dated previously.”

Clearly, Lindsay’s predictions are ridiculous, but to be fair, she’s using her reputation as a psychic in the most effective way possible–by telling other people that they’re fat and they’re soon to be dumped by their significant others.

After all, anyone claiming to have psychic abilities is 100 percent full of it, but anyone bashing their social betters in truly petty fashion is just giving you their version of the truth.

Damn, we’re just full of lessons for the kids today.


Saturday, September 16, 2017

Chrissy Teigen Scoffs at John Legend Breakup Rumors, Here"s Why We"re Staying Together

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend aren’t going the way of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, Ben Affleck and Jen Garner, Fergie and Josh Duhamel … they’re in it for the long haul, according to Chrissy. We got Chrissy coming out of LAX Friday with baby…


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Dean Unglert: SHADED by Rachel Lindsay Over Bachelor in Paradise Breakup!

Dean Unglert went from everyone’s blue eyed dream to making a lot of people upset on Bachelor in Paradise. Why? Well … love triangle shenanigans, basically.

Those shenanigans came to an end on Monday night’s episode with a breakup that didn’t really make anybody happy.

Among the people who responded were Rachel Lindsay, Dean’s own ex, who tweeted some serious shade in his direction.

Remember when Dean Unglert said that he made an ass of himself in Paradise?

Well … he’s as good as his word.

Until this week’s episode, Dean had been juggling both Danielle Lombard and Kristina Schulman

And yeah, we get it — Bachelor in Paradise is all about figuring out who, if anyone, is right for you.

Dating the first person you see might not be the best plan.

There’s also an argument to be made that people aren’t necessarily well-suited for monogamy, but we’ll get to that in a moment.

Because, though Kristina came across as sympathetic and she and Dean seemed to have a real connection (while Dean also hooked up with Danielle and Danielle didn’t restrict herself exclusively to Dean, either), Dean ended up choosing Danielle.

A lot of fans were crushed.

Some of them were rooting for Dean and Kristina.

A lot of them were rooting for Kristina to find happiness.

Others were just rooting for Dean to stay the endearing, precious boy they’d seen on The Bachelorette.

So there was a lot of disappointment. All around.

As we mentioned, Rachel Lindsay — who competed alongside Kristina Schulman for Nick Viall’s hand on The Bachelor before becoming the Bachelorette and finding love … or whatever … with Bryan Abasolo, threw some shade at Dean over the whole affair.

She tweeted this:

“Never settle @kristinaschulma ….love you girl.”

She followed that up with a kissing emoji.

You may notice that she doesn’t mention Dean by name.

But her “never settle” message is a reminder that they now have two exes in common, and a diss against Dean.

Rachel is implying that Dean isn’t worthy of Kristina, and that Kristina — like Rachel — could do better.

Maybe so.

It may have also occurred to you that Rachel Lindsay has a whole lot of nerve tweeting anything at anybody about breaking up with the wrong person.

She’s kind of an expert on the subject, but that’s not the same as being an authority on which breakups are smart or not.

Sorry if we’re not going to take romantic advice from the woman who chose a guy who says whatever she wants to hear and left Peter Kraus a sobbing mess.

For his part, Dean Unglert posted this to Instagram:

His heartbreaking caption?

“You were out of my league.”

A friend of mine DMed this post to me as soon as she saw it to make sure that I had seen it, because there are a lot of feels to be had.

Honestly, we think that Kristina and Dean just got swept up in it all.

Dean, in particular, was basically on the rebound after making it almost to the very end of The Bachelorette.

Like, Rachel Lindsay met his dad. He wasn’t just on for a few episodes to get his name out there.

As we mentioned, monogamy isn’t right for everyone.

For some people, it’s the only way for them to have a relationship.

For others, it’s unnatural and monogamy culture — and especially the idea that there’s exactly one person out there who’s right for you — is horrifying.

There are a lot of successful polyamorous relationships, and with social acceptance, that is growing.

We’d love to see a Bachelor series with an emphasis on polyamory, but we’re sure that it will take years before enough viewers are open-minded enough to tune in.

On such a show, maybe this love triangle wouldn’t have been so devastating. Maybe it would have just been, you know, a normal triad.

If that would work for all three of them, anyway.

Not everybody’s cut out to be polyamorous.

We think that, within the Bachelor Nation, Dean can get past this.

Dean is, after all, a young guy who’s openly admitted that he has more maturing to do.

And that was before he went on Bachelor in Paradise.

Dean is not going to be the next Bachelor, but we’d love to see him on the next season of Bachelor in Paradise.

And maybe, in a couple of years, after he’s had his “redemption arc” on camera, he could make an amazing — and still quite young — leading man.

And, for what it’s worth, we wish Kristina Schulman the best.


Thursday, August 31, 2017

Aaron Rodgers FINALLY Talks About His Olivia Munn Breakup!

Aaron Rodgers and Olivia Munn broke up earlier this year, and just when rumors were circulating that the two might become engaged after dating for three years.

The two have been reluctant, at best, to talk about the reason behind the split.

But Aaron Rodgers gave an interview and he talked about relationship struggles. And yes, he even talked about why he and Olivia Munn split.

Aaron Rodgers is a sportsball player — a football quarterback, specifically.

He became part of the Green Bay Packers about a decade ago and led his team to victory at the 2011 Superbowl.

Normally, we’d refer to the Superbowl as “that big football game before and after [whichever celebrity]’s concert,” but the Black Eyed Peas played at Halftime that year.

So it wasn’t a Left Shark situation where the Superbowl was super memorable. No wardrobe malfunctions and no Beyonce.

Anyway, Olivia Munn actually drew criticism during her relationship with Aaron for “distracting” him and this impeding his performance on the field.

That’s absurd, obviously.

Those rumors died down when Aaron Rodgers’ performance improved on the field and people could no longer blame Olivia Munn for, like, leeching his strength through sorcery or whatever it is that they thought was happening.

Olivia Munn is an actress, perhaps best known for portraying fan-favorite mutant Psylocke in X-Men: Apocalypse last summer (the film was entertaining and beautiful but not … not good, but we’d say that Olivia Munn did a more than decent job in the role).

She was also a correspondent on The Daily Show for a while, back during the Jon Stewart days.

The two broke up in April and basically said nothing except that the split was amicable.

With no solid answers or official statements to explain what happened to the couple that had seemed on the cusp of marrying, what were people to do but speculate?

Some wondered if Aaron Rodgers may have cheated on Olivia Munn.

Honestly, a lot of relationships end because of cheating.

Aaron Rodgers’ estrangement from his family became well-publicized after his brother, Jordan Rodgers, appeared on and then won JoJo Fletcher’s season of The Bachelorette.

Though fans of that couple worried that they’d split after JoJo and Jordan briefly unfollowed each other on social media, they are still together.

Just this week, JoJo surprised Jordan for his birthday.

Some of Aaron Rodgers’ family believed that Aaron was distant from them because of Olivia Munn — because, again, people want to see her as some sort of sorceress responsible for everything about Aaron that they don’t like.

The truth is more complicated and involves “family issues,” according to Aaron, who has always seemed reluctant to go into detail. That could mean all sorts of things, but … a lot of families are screwed up.

So one point of speculation about his split was that perhaps Aaron Rodgers dropped Olivia Munn to reunite with his family. That doesn’t appear to have been the case.

Now, at least, Aaron is willing to talk about it.

In an interview with ESPN The MagazineAaron Rodgers discussed the problems with dating while famous.

And yes, Olivia Munn came up.

First, though, they eased him onto the topic by asking about the challenges that come with dating while famous.

“Decreased privacy. And increased strain or pressure or stress associated with relationships. Friendships and dating relationships.”

That sounds about right.

It’s good that he mentions that it’s a burden on friendships as well as romantic relationships.

“When you are living out a relationship in the public eye, it’s definitely … it’s difficult.”


Then they asked Aaron, point-blank, if all of that was in play with his breakup with Olivia Munn.

And he answered.

“It has some extra constraints, because you have other opinions about your relationship, how it affects your work and, you know, just some inappropriate connections.”

It sounds like part of that, at least, is a jab at his fans — who seemed to blame Olivia for all that ails the world.

Part of that might also be a jab at his family, because whatever the extent of Aaron’s issues with the Rodgers family, Olivia Munn was a sore point for some of them involved.

We’ll probably never know the whole story. Aaron kept that vague and very general on purpose.

Maybe one day, when they’re both feeling less raw about it, they’ll tell their story.

For now, it sounds like a factor behind their split was just the constant chatter about them.


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Vanessa Grimaldi, Nick Viall Break Silence on Breakup of the Century

Vanessa Grimaldi has spoke out for the first time since her split from The Bachelor star Nick Viall, and he’s responded in kind … literally.

As in he also spoke out, as she did. With kind words.

“It’s okay to feel broken. It’s okay to cry,” she captioned an Instagram photo of herself overlooking a pond, literally leaning on a friend.

“It’s okay to lean on a friend,” she continued.

“In the end, it will always be okay.”

Deep stuff for hard times there.

Viall, 36, and Grimaldi, 29, broke up Friday, five months after their proposal on ABC, and 3-4 months later than many felt a split would occur.

“It’s with a great amount of heartbreak for the both us as we have decided to end our engagement,” they said in a joint statement.

“We gave this relationship our all and we are saddened that we did not get the fairytale ending we hoped for,” the duo lamented.

“We will continue to be there for each other no matter what. This hasn’t been an easy decision, however, as we part ways,” they said.

“We do so with lots of love and admiration.”

That’s good at least, but it’s 0-4 for Viall, who appeared on two previous seasons of The Bachelorette and Season 3 of Bachelor in Paradise.

This winter was his turn as the man doling out the roses, picking Vanessa Grimaldi over Raven Gates and Rachel Lindsay on The Bachelor.

Even before getting engaged, Viall and Grimladi struggled with conflicting priorities and deciding where they would continue their relationship.

To put it mildly, Nick is more into the whole fame/celebrity aspect of the show than Vanessa, a special ed teacher from Montreal, Quebec.

Following the Nick Viall-Vanessa Grimaldi split, a source close to them said they were never on the same page and doomed from day one.

It wasn’t just that he loves life in L.A. and had no interest in moving to Canada, although that was a factor. The two just weren’t compatible.

“Their friends knew the relationship wouldn’t last,” said the source. “It was a mismatch from the start. She’s super fun, bubbly and outgoing.”

“He’s more of a serious personality.”

Nick, the insider said, “is more introverted. She would try to bring him out of his shell, but he’s just not as comfortable in big groups.”

As for Viall, he’s handling the split “okay,” the source added, noting that “it wasn’t an overnight decision, and they’re amicable.”

“In times that aren’t great, you have to kind of spend time with your loved ones,” Viall told celebrity news magazine Us Weekly.

“I’m lucky enough to have friends outside of L.A. I’m heading back to Chicago this weekend, which I think will be good for me.”

“I’m trying to stay positive, being around friends and family. And you know, what helps me is just kind of believing in yourself.”

“It helps me stay positive.”

“It’s obviously easy to get insecure and feel bad about yourself. You get in your head about things when things aren’t working out for you.”

“I still love her very much. I’m not afraid to say that,” he added on Monday night. “I like to try new things, get out of my comfort zone.”

I know I have a lot of work to do,” Viall conceded.

“It’s fun to try [new life experiences] though, and I always appreciate the opportunity to try new things and that’s been a lot of fun.” 

“I’m always trying to stay busy, especially right now with things,” Nick added, saying that he’s been leaning on “my friends, my family.”

“Vanessa and I are still very much each other’s support system. We’re trying to do that and it’s a challenge at times,” he added.

“We still realize that we’re there for each other.”

They gave it their best, at least. Here’s how Nick and Vanessa rank among Bachelor couples by longevity … the bar was set low:
