Showing posts with label Browns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Browns. Show all posts

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Alaskan Bush People Fans: Don"t Close Browntown! Honor Ami Brown"s Dream!

Alaskan Bush People‘s seventh and final season promised to include the biggest challenge and darkest moments yet in the series about a family roughing it in the wilderness.

Rumor proved true when Ami Brown’s lung cancer diagnosis was revealed.

Now fans of the family and the series have another concern about the family’s fate, and this time the worries are about the entire Brown clan.

You’d think that a television series that began right after their old home had been burned to the ground (for being on public land illegally) would end on a happier note than it began.

But that’s not how things always work out in life.

Especially not when we’re talking about people who are dedicated to living in the wilderness.

Ami Brown is receiving treatment in the “lower 48,” meaning in the US but not in Alaska (or Hawaii).

Obviously, with such heavy news and the final season of the series, there’s been talk of the Brown family closing down Browntown and rejoining civilization.

Billy Brown said as much.

And that is the new source of concern among some of the fans.

You might think that fans of the series, knowing that the series is ending anyway and wanting the best for the Brown family, would rejoice at that news that the Brown family would rejoin civilization.

(While, of course, still grieving for Ami Brown’s diagnosis)

But their reaction has actually been the opposite.

Fans use Facebook groups to discuss the series.

It’s understandable that they’ve become intensely attached to these people after watching them for so many years.

What’s a little more perplexing is the fan reactions to learning that the Brown family is all reportedly living in the lower 48.

Fans of Alaskan Bush People are asking the Brown family children to return to Browntown, because fans believe that it will honor the dedication and dreams of their parents.

They even hope that Noah’s fiancee, Rhain, will join the Brown family in the wilderness.

This speaks volumes about these particular fans.

In part, it says that they’ve become attached to Ami and Billy and their dream and lifestyle, rather than just to the younger characters.

There’s arguably a romantic quality to the idea of living in the woods and making it on your own.

People love The Hunger Games, after all. But those books and films are pretend.

The problem in Alaskan Bush People is that they had kids and raised their children in that way of life.

Kind of hard to get a fair start in life when you spend a lot of your childhood in temporary shelters, you know?

Regardless, they’re now (mostly) adults and reality stars and they’re all starting new chapters in their lives.

It’s more than a little unsettling to see so many fans wanting them to not do that.

What the Brown family members deserve is to live their own lives.

We’re sure that they’ll all have more opportunities in the future based on their existing fame.

Everybody could get a book deal, for starters.

Noah and Rhain can do their alternative/goth thing wherever their lives take them.

If this were happening a few years ago, we’d suggest that Bear Brown might get some modeling gigs.

Sometimes fans grow too attached the idea of the show and not the people.

If the folks on Naked and Afraid stayed on the show for more than half a decade, fans would probably be upset when it came time for them to put on clothes.

Fandom’s a weird thing, and endings are always bittersweet.


Monday, June 26, 2017

Karrueche Tran"s Restraining Order in Effect During Chris Brown"s BET Awards Appearance

The BET Awards made special plans to accommodate Karrueche Tran’s restraining order against Chris Brown … even though he was scheduled to perform and she was a presenter.  Production sources tell TMZ … Karrueche was given a…


Bobbi Kristina Brown"s Family: We Want a New Autopsy to Prove Nick Gordon"s Guilt!

With Nick Gordon’s arrest for domestic violence and investigators building the case for Bobbi Kristina Brown’s death considering that arrest to be evidence, it looks like he’s going to have some prison time in his future.

But the question of how much will depend on prosecution and on evidence, and a new report suggests that Bobbi Kristina’s family is willing to pull out all of the stops to make sure that he goes away.

Even if that means exhuming Bobbi Kristina’s body for a new autopsy.

According to RadarOnline, Bobbi Kristina’s family wants an exhumation and a second autopsy to make sure that any and all evidence needed for Nick Gordon’s arrest and conviction is found.

“I think they should exhume Bobbi Kristina’s body, and make a determination as to the fact that Nick Gordon murdered her. He was responsible for her death!”

That comes from a family source, RadarOnline reports.

Unfortunately, even though Bobbi Kristina’s still-grieving family may not want to accept it, autopsies don’t always yield conclusive answers.

Even when autopsies definitely show that someone was murdered, that doesn’t mean that they contain evidence that points to the killer.

This isn’t some decades-old cold case dating back to before DNA could be sampled from a few epithelial cells.

Bobbi Kristina died on July 26th, 2015 … after spending 6 months in a coma.

And that was after being found unresponsive in her bathtub, which was massively suspicious.

An extended hospital stay and the bathwater itself would have made an autopsy much less helpful.

We have to remember that, at the time, the priority was the attempt to save her life.

If someone were buried immediately after death, there’s sometimes some bruising that wouldn’t show up right away that might be found with an exhumation and autopsy.

Six months after the events that caused someone’s death, though … if that’s your best autopsy, then no later autopsies are going to yield much, unless we wait a few decades for forensic tech that’s currently science fiction.

We know that they’re hurting over this, but this would put them through more suffering and wouldn’t bring them any of the closure that they seek.

And we can’t see it helping the case against Nick Gordon.

The claims from this family source get a little more intense from there.

“The new case demonstrates Nick’s pattern of abuse against women. His father was abusive. His grandfather was abusive. It’s in his DNA! That’s why he can’t stop!”

Okay, to be clear, there’s no evidence that genetics work that way.

Addiction struggles or anger issues could certainly have powerful genetic factors.

But if there’s a domestic violence gene, science has yet to prove it.

(We’re oversimplifying genetics, we know, since genes themselves can simply be active or inactive at different times to different effects, but still)

We’re not arguing that Nick Gordon doesn’t have a horrifying pattern of behavior.

We’re just suggesting that genes probably aren’t the primary factor here.

If somebody comes from a line of abusers and is abusive himself, it’s probably a learned behavior.

A lot of abusive parents are that way because they were raised in abusive households.

(Though they wouldn’t use that label for their parents any more than for themselves)

Similarly, a lot of partner-abusers learned that behavior from a parent.

There are things that can help put Nick Gordon behind bars.

Obviously, his current arrest is a major part of that.

Nick Gordon’s latest alleged victim sees clear parallels to Bobbi Kristina and says that she could have died the same way.

It’s worth noting that her case — she talks about being held down and beaten until she thought she might die, only escaping because she managed to hit him with a candlestick and run, bleeding, to his mother for sanctuary — is its own thing.

Like, that kind of monstrous assault that she describes deserves the most severe penalties that the justice system can offer, and then some.

We shouldn’t look at her case exclusively as evidence for Nick Gordon’s eventual murder trial (which we don’t know will even happen).

That said, authorities are building their case and carefully reviewing evidence related to Bobbi Kristina’s death.

Nobody wants a repeat of OJ Simpson or Casey Anthony or George Zimmerman or … well, the list goes on.

Nobody wants a deadlocked jury like with Bill Cosby, either.

That means building a solid case with great care.

It also means not rushing things — it’s not unusual for a case to take years to build.

We totally understand that Bobbi Kristina’s family is eager for justice.

Just as millions of fans and admirers are, but infinitely more personally.

But we all need to keep in mind that rushing through things won’t bring her justice.

Patience, folks.


Monday, June 19, 2017

Bobbi Kristina Brown"s Headstone Revealed in Family Plot

Bobbi Kristina Brown’s grave now has her headstone in place … between her mother and grandfather. The headstone is inscribed, “Resting Peacefully” and also has a musical note along the border. Bobbi Kristina was laid to rest in a family plot,…


Friday, May 26, 2017

Antonio Brown"s Ex-GF Forgives NFL Star After Crazy Baby Mama Drama

She was caught in the middle of one of the craziest  NFL love triangles ever — but model Jena Frumes says she cool with Antonio Brown after he left her to get back with his pregnant girlfiend.  The story made all sorts of headlines when…


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Browns WR Josh Gordon Reportedly "Desperate" for Cash

Cleveland Browns WR Josh Gordon is reportedly in dire financial straights and desperately hunting for a new agent who will float him some cash until he gets reinstated … if that ever happens. The insanely talented wideout hasn’t played a snap in…


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Lorraine Gilles: See! I Was Melanie Brown’s Consensual Lover!

Lorraine Gilles is sticking to her word after claiming that she and Melanie Brown engaged in a seven-year sexual relationship

Her latest effort comes in the form of some pictures that apparently implicate Melanie Brown as being Lorraine’s lover. 

Gilles uploaded the pictures to Pinterest, because, apparently that is the best source for information for a lawsuit.

We are not kidding; she apparently used the below pictures in the defamation suit. 

The above picture looks like a friendly enough picture to friends would take together. Right? I mean, it looks like one of those pictures you would see women sharing on social media at the weekend. 

Nothing from it screams that they were in a relationship, so there’s that. 

The below picture does nothing to help Lorraine’s case, either. 

Yet again, it’s a picture that could have been taken under the most sincere of circumstances. All of this seems like it won’t stand up in court. 

I mean, there is every possibility that Lorraine has other evidence she’s keeping out of the public eye, but so far, we’re not quite buying the story. 

Ever since it was announced that Mel B was divorcing from Stephen Belafonte, the couple has been embroiled in a very public feud. Mel B even speculated that her former nanny had joined forces with her Belafonte to drag her name through the mud and extort her. 

In the midst of the divorce, it has been alleged that Belafonte has a sex tape of himself, Mel B and Gilles. Mel B even claimed in court that Gilles was under Belafonte’s payroll and was basically hired as a sex worker. 

Gilles seemed to think she had little choice in the matter, and the suit alleges that Mel “seduced a naive and a curious 18-year-old foreign exchange student … with alcohol, fame, and casual sex.”

Gilles claims, her “sexual and employment relationship with Brown continued for approximately seven years.”

Um, okay then. 

This is one feud we’re likely going to be hearing about for quite some time, but what will be the next big revelation? 

We have no idea, but we’re intrigued. 


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Chris Brown"s Lawyer Says Karrueche Out for Self-Promotion and Domestic Violence Claims are Bogus

Chris Brown is the victim of a bunch of thirsty people who make fake allegations to make themselves more famous, and Karrueche Tran is on that train … so claims Brown’s lawyer. Karrueche’s restraining order hearing was put off again Wednesday…


Monday, April 17, 2017

Chris Brown"s Alleged Punch Victim Says Lawsuit Coming, I"m Missing Work Because of Him (VIDEO)

The photographer Chris Brown allegedly punched in the face says the beatdown was so brutal he’s missing work, prepping for a lawsuit and pressing charges with cops. Bennie Vines tells us his busted lip is just one of several injuries he got when…


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Tre Mason"s Hardcore Training For NFL Comeback With Browns" Ricardo Louis (VIDEO)

Tre Mason is laser-focused on leaving his troubled past behind and returning to the NFL … teaming up with old Auburn teammate Ricardo Louis for major off-season workouts, TMZ Sports has learned. Mason missed the 2016 season after several…


Tre Mason"s Hardcore Training For NFL Comeback With Browns" Ricardo Louis (VIDEO)

Tre Mason is laser-focused on leaving his troubled past behind and returning to the NFL … teaming up with old Auburn teammate Ricardo Louis for major off-season workouts, TMZ Sports has learned. Mason missed the 2016 season after several…


Monday, March 20, 2017

Jim Brown"s Son BEASTING OUT ... As Lacrosse Prodigy! (VIDEO)

Jim Brown’s 15-year-old son is following in his father’s footsteps … as a killer lacrosse player — and TMZ Sports has the video! FYI, Jim has been hailed as one of the GREATEST lacrosse players of all time (in addition to that whole NFL Hall of…


Jim Brown"s Son BEASTING OUT ... As Lacrosse Prodigy! (VIDEO)

Jim Brown’s 15-year-old son is following in his father’s footsteps … as a killer lacrosse player — and TMZ Sports has the video! FYI, Jim has been hailed as one of the GREATEST lacrosse players of all time (in addition to that whole NFL Hall of…


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Chris Brown"s Gotta Stay Away from Karrueche"s BFF in New Restraining Order

Chris Brown now has to stay away from his ex-GF Karrueche Tran’s BFF too … after the singer allegedly threatened to gun him down and sent gangsters after him.  Joseph Ryan La Cour says he’s been on the receiving end of Chris’ rage…


Thursday, February 16, 2017

Browns Star Andrew Hawkins Believes In Vince Young NFL Comeback (VIDEO)

Think Vince Young is too old for an NFL comeback? THINK AGAIN … ‘cause Browns star Andrew Hawkins says “anything is possible,” and he’s the proof. 33-year-old Young — who signed with an agent and announced his plans to return to football…


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Jim Brown Is Convinced Browns Will Be GOOD Next Year (VIDEO)

Call him the eternal optimist … but Jim Brown says he sincerely believes the Cleveland Browns can turn things around next year.  The NFL legend was leaving Craig’s in West Hollywood when he spelled out why the Browns won’t be a smoldering…


Friday, February 3, 2017

Judge Joe Brown"s Divorce is Final, Gets to Keep 4 Cars

Judge Joe Brown’s long divorce battle’s finally seen its last day in court … he’s officially single. Joe’s patience might have paid off … because he’s making off nicely. He’ll keep a Tennessee home, a Porsche 911, Range Rover, Land Rover and…


Judge Joe Brown"s Divorce is Final, Gets to Keep 4 Cars

Judge Joe Brown’s long divorce battle’s finally seen its last day in court … he’s officially single. Joe’s patience might have paid off … because he’s making off nicely. He’ll keep a Tennessee home, a Porsche 911, Range Rover, Land Rover and…


Thursday, January 26, 2017

Chris Brown"s Old Lambo Totaled in Bev Hills (PHOTOS + VIDEO)

Chris Brown’s Lamborghini Aventador is chilling on a scrap heap after a mysterious crash completely destroyed the exotic sports car … TMZ has learned. The whip — which retails for $ 400k-$ 500k — wrecked in Bev Hills early Tuesday morning, but…


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Chris Brown"s Lambo Goes SUPER SAIYAN!!! (PHOTO)

Chris Brown went straight “Dragon Ball Z” on his Lamborghini … hitting the streets of L.A. with Goku on the hood … and it’s dope. Brown is a huge fan of Japanese anime (he’s got a ‘Dragon Ball’ tat on his leg) and with a potential fight with…
