Showing posts with label Chelsea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chelsea. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Chelsea Houska: Throwing Shade at Adam Lind on Instagram?!

Earlier today, we reported that Adam Lind recently tested potitive for methamphetamines, a development that could cost him future custody and visitation rights.

While we doubt that either of his baby mamas are very pleased by the idea that their child had been spending time with a hard drug user, Chelsea Houska might be inclined to see a silver lining in the dark cloud of Lind’s substance abuse.

Despite some stiff competition, Lind reigns supreme as the worst baby daddy in the Teen Mom franchise.

He’s been a thorn in the side of both Houska and Taylor Halbur ever since they made their respective decisions to get romantically involved with him despite the douche vibes he gives off at all times.

Now, the fact that he’s been caught using could offer both moms the chance to remove Lind from their lives entirely, or at least ensure their daughters’ safety by securing supervised visitations.

Whatever winds up happening, Houska is beyond the point of pretending she has any respect or lingering affection for Lind.

And now she’s taken to broadcasting her distaste for her baby daddy on social media.

Houska married Cole DeBoer back in October, and though he’s not Aubree’s biological dad, the entire family has made it quite clear that they consider Cole to be Aubree’s “real” father.

Chelsea and Cole both reinforced that message with separate Instagram posts on Father’s Day.

In the photo above, Cole posed with both Aubree and his son, Watson Cole De Boer.

The timing of the post is shady enough, but it’s Chelsea’s caption that really drives the message home:

“I hope Aubree finds a man like you…and I hope our son turns out to be JUST like you.”

Cole posted a Father’s Day photo of his own, and a caption that we’re guessing Lind wasn’t thrilled with.

Cole DeBoer Father

Along with the above photo of his homemade presents, DeBoer wrote:

“I am a spoiled daddy. What an amazing Father’s Day surprise with these beautifully crafted gifts from my outstanding wife @chelseahouska and my beautiful kiddos #Aubree/Watson I am very blessed and very happy.”

It can be a dangerous thing to refer to a meth user’s child as your own.

But clearly DeBoer is unconcerned.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of just how big a D-bag Lind truly is.


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Chelsea Houska Shows Off Post-Baby Bod, Actual Baby

At 25, Teen Mom star Chelsea Houska may no longer be a teen, but she’s still a mom, and she has another unspeakably adorable addition to the family in the form of baby Watson.

She shows him off on Instagram, but fans took notice of Chelsea’s appearance, too.

The joy in this photo is so good and pure.

We’ve seen Chelsea Houska’s baby before, but babies change so quickly that each picture holds something new.

And look at him! Watson DeBoer’s growing up, but he’s definitely still a baby.

His cheeks are so much!

It’s amazing that she was able to muster the will to smile at the camera instead of just kissing those cheeks.

She’s actually making a habit of sharing photos of her kids, which means that we know that Watson has a wide range of facial expressions for us to treasure.

Just look at his soulful gaze.

Followers were quick to comment on not only Watson’s overwhelming cuteness, but on how Chelsea isn’t looking so bad herself.

Her post-baby body is extraordinary.

A lot of women take much longer to regain their old shape after giving birth.

Remember Chelsea Houska’s pregnancy photos? We do.

Actually, a lot of women’s bodies are never the same again.

That’s nothing shameful — pregnancy literally rearranges your hips and can be hell on your entire system.

Meanwhile, Chelsea’s body looks like she could be posing with a friend’s baby. Dang.

And, obviously, Watson isn’t even her first kid.

No one could forget Aubree, who is going to turn eight years old this September.

Like we said — kids grow up fast.

And make us feel so old in comparison.

Commenters on this photo of Aubree suggested that she’s going to inherit her mother’s good looks.

We certainly hope so — she’s precious!

Another commenter said that they always felt like Aubree was the sweetest of the Teen Mom kids.

We don’t wanna rank children, because they’re children, but that must be great for a mom to read.

Especially given how vile comments can often be.

Chelsea Houska’s lamented her parenting fails before, but from what we’ve seen, it looks like she’s doing alright.

As a parent and just for herself.

That’s always nice to see, especially for someone whose career and fame began with a teenage pregnancy.

There are a lot of worse ways for that kind of story to end.


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Chelsea Houska: Here"s How I"m Failing as a Parent!

There are some Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2 stars who can’t help but rub you the wrong way.

But you know what? Chelsea Houska can be kind of charming.

Even when she’s talking about her screw-ups as a parent.

You can blog basically any part of your life.

A lot of people liveblog political events, TV shows, or conversations they overhear in restaurants.

A lot of parents blog about being parents, though some, like that Daddy Blogger who leashes his daughter, probably shouldn’t.

But we don’t mind it so much when their “parenting fails” are more run-of-the-mill, you know?

Reality personality and noted baby fever experiencer Chelsea Houska has been taking to Twitter to share some of her mistakes.

Her most recent “parenting fail” that she’s shared on Twitter is mostly just about a … let’s call it a “chemical interaction.”

No, not the dangerous kind.

Just messy.

“Fresh spray tan + drooling baby = disaster”

Babies are so adorable, but they sure do produce a lot of what we’ll tastefully refer to as “substances.”

Honestly, drool is the least offensive of those.

Honestly, that’s a tip to young moms. You might know to not go out in the rain with fresh spray tan, but you might not think fo the effect that your baby could have.

Just a few weeks earlier, she’d shared another of her “parenting fails,” though this time she wasn’t the one most impacted.

“Starting this morning off with a mom fail. Totally slept through my alarm and Aubree is late for school. Is it summer vacation yet?!”

First of all, sleeping through your alarm is the most normal thing in the world.

It sucks when you’re a student, it’s worse when it makes you late for work, but it’s extra bad when you’re a parent letting down your kid.

Anybody can sleep through an alarm, and if it’s the parent’s fault that the kid’s late, your kid really doesn’t have anything to worry about unless it’s happening all of the time.

It’s worth noting that they make all sorts of creative alarms now that make oversleeping next to impossible. Like, mats that let out wailing noises until you stand on them with both feet.

It’s a little extra, as the youths say, but it could be worth it if it’s a recurring problem.

There’s a popular Tumblr post in which the blogger muses about why there’s no show call “Teen Dad” or “16 & Got A Girl Pregnant.”

The blogger then concludes that a show about a teenage boy sitting around playing video games and hanging out with his friends wouldn’t really hook viewers.

It’s the sad reality that childcare is too often left to women, even when they themselves aren’t yet adults.

It’s even sadder when you realize that so many teenage mothers are impregnated by not-so-teen fathers.


So it’s probably nice for pregnant teens to see that someone who was once in their situation is now leading a “normal” life.


Thursday, May 18, 2017

Chelsea Manning"s First Head Shot Photo Since Prison Release (PHOTO)

Chelsea Manning got herself some fresh photos taken after getting out of prison, and she’s showing off the first one of her face. Manning, who’s transgender, posted the pic Thursday … showing herself wearing lipstick and a very low cut top.…


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Chelsea Manning Released from Prison with Strings Attached

Chelsea Manning just walked out of prison 28 years early thanks to Barack Obama … but she’ll have to be on her best behavior since she’s still technically a solider. Manning — who had her prison sentence commuted by Obama before he left office…


Friday, April 14, 2017

Chelsea Clinton Gets Lost in Bae"s Eyes (PHOTO)

Chelsea Clinton’s smile says it all — get yourself someone who looks at you the way her hubby does. The former First Daughter couldn’t hide her Colgate smile while getting lost in her husband Marc Mezvinsky’s eyes as they took a stroll to the…


Friday, March 17, 2017

Chelsea Houska: Teen Mom 2 Producers Are Liars!

At this point, Teen Mom 2 stars criticizing the show’s editors is a regular occurrence.

Just about every star of the show – including the lesser-known cast members – has complained about the way they’re portrayed and insisted that footage was cut and repurposed in a way that misleads the audience and creates a false narrative.

Hell, Jeremy Calvert threatened to expose producers in a weekly Instagram series.

It never happened, likely because someone pointed out to him that it would be the most epic case of biting the hand that feeds you in recent history, but it still serves as an example of just how much these folks hate being misrepresented.

Earlier this week, Kailyn Lowry and Chelsea Houska both slammed MTV for what they claimed were deceptive editing practices.

Now, Chelsea is taking things a step further by claiming that producers convinced her to stage a scene for last week’s episode.

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you might be among the many who noticed something odd about the scene:

We see Chelsea calling her father to request information about Adam Lind’s child support payments, information that her father happily provides.

Chelsea is 25 years old, and it seems curious that her father would have access to her bank accounts.

Several fans pointed this out on Twitter, prompting Chelsea to defend herself by claiming that the scene was staged for purposes of clarifying her storyline:

“MTV needed me to call someone to get the info to make it into a scene,” Houska tweeted.

“Hence why I called him.”

When another fan pointed out that it would be strange for her father to have access to her financial information, Chelsea replied.

“Well, yes it would be odd. That’s why he doesn’t have access to my bank account.”

While faking a scene sounds like a serious allegation, this is the sort of thing that goes on on the set of most reality shows.

And it’s not like Chelsea is claiming that editors manipulated footage in order to give viewers a false impression of what took place.

Although she did make such a claim earlier this week…

Criticized by fans for what seemed to see an unprovoked verbal attack against her mother, Chelsea explained that editors had cut out footage that would have shown what prompted her anger:

“obv crabby in the scene w my mom BUT they left out the convo b4 this where she kept talking about aubs dad in front of her,” Chelsea tweeted.

We imagine it’s difficult to feel that you’re being inaccurately portrayed in front of an audience of millions …

… but the ladies of TM2 make millions are internationally adored, so it balances pretty well.

We’re sure if they grow tired of the deal, millions of other young moms will be happy to replace them.


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Kailyn Lowry & Chelsea Houska SLAM Teen Mom 2 Editors!

Like pretty much every other reality show on television, Teen Mom 2 often relies on clever editing to craft storylines and create a coherent narrative.

Unfortunately, for the show’s producers, they’re working with stars who have been famous since they were in high school, have never worked real jobs, and thus, have nothing to compare their current lives to.

As a result, the moms of TM2 aren’t into compromise.

They want the wealth and fame that come with reality TV stardom, but none of the occasional negativity that even the Kardashians (who executive produce their own shows) understand is a natural consequence of turning your everyday life into an entertainment commodity.

Without drama, there’s no product to sell.

And if the show is cut in such a way as to make the ladies all look like top-notch moms and laid-back people, there’s no drama.

And yet, Teen Mom stars complaining about editing is pretty much a weekly occurrence at this point. 

And it’s not just the ladies.

Jeremy Calvert has slammed Teen Mom 2 editors and even threatened to make pointing out the show’s errors and inconsistencies a weekly feature on his Instagram page, which is the equivalent of not only biting the hand that feeds but chewing it to the bone.

Chelsea Houska and Kailyn Lowry have become the latest to criticize the show’s editing department, but at least both women offered specific feedback with regard to how they feel they were misrepresented.

“obv crabby in the scene w my mom BUT they left out the convo b4 this where she kept talking about aubs dad in front of her,” Chelsea tweeted Monday night, referring to a scene from this week’s episode of Teen Mom 2 in which she argued with her mother.

“Then I just felt like she was pushing the “new dad” stuff and aubs was uncomfortable #ohhhmoms,” she added.

Chelsea maintains that there’s no bad blood between her and her mother, but says the talk of Adam Lind was upsetting Aubree (which is understandable) and she simply felt the need to shut it down.

Similarly, Kailyn Lowry says her latest spat with Javi Marroquin has been blown out of proportion and that all is currently well between the exes:

“Neither me or javi are bad people… however there is A LOT left out,” she tweeted in response to Chelsea’s gripe about editing.

“Glad that’s behind us,” she added.

It sounds like both ladies simply want fans to understand that their lives really aren’t all the dramatic.

Unfortunately for them, stable lives don’t make for good television.


Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Jenelle Evans: Dissing Chelsea Houska on Twitter?!

As Teen Mom 2 fans known, the Jenelle Evans-Chelsea Houska feud is nothing new.

The co-stars have exchanged barbs on social media and made their distaste for one another apparent in multiple interviews.

The feud heated up earlier this month when Jenelle and Chelsea both gave birth within two days of one another.

That may seem like a nonsensical thing to get upset about (Was Chelsea supposed to hold her baby in?), but this is Jenelle we’re talking about.

The girl gets angry first and figures out a reason for it later.

Anyway, thus far, the it’s been mostly a cold war between these two, with the ladies allowing fans to throw shade on their behalf.

Yesterday, however, Jenelle busted out the big guns with this glorious bit of trash-talk:

“Super hilarious when people think their sh-t don’t stink,” Evans tweeted.

“All sh-t stinks. You are no different than the rest of us sweetheart.”

She followed that up with the obligatory laughing-to-the-point-of-crying and poop emojis.

Obviously, Jenelle didn’t mention Chelsea by name, but it doesn’t take much digging to reveal that the tweet was very clearly directed at Chelsea.

This latest criticism is the result of Jenelle’s involvement with the live Teen Mom 2 after show

The original plan was that Jenelle and Chelsea would be exempt from participating so that they wouldn’t be forced to travel with newborn babies at home.

Now, however, Jenelle has 86’ed that plan in favor of sharing her two cents on the weekly show.

Jenelle won’t be traveling with her infant daughter Ensley, who will be staying home in accordance with her doctor’s wishes:

“I asked her doctor and her doctor said the air pressure was not good for her head. I tried to tell MTV I couldn’t go but still have to go,” Jenelle wrote on Instagram.

TM2 fans have been giving Evans flak on social media for what they see as negligent parenting.

Many say that Jenelle’s claims that MTV is forcing her to take part in the show are bogus:

“They can’t force her 2 go, especially since she has a newborn. She just doesn’t want Babs telling truth,” wrote one Twitter user.

Chelsea confirmed that theory, responding to the fan:

“They were very understanding of me not leaving Watson or flying before he has shots.”

Chelsea later added:

“Watson isn’t leaving mama’s side for a long time yet! We barely have left the house lol.”

It was then that Jenelle replied with the tweet about Chelsea’s delusions about her own fecal matter.

Chelsea has yet to reply, but we hope she’s preparing some return shade.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online at TV Fanatic for more of Jenelle’s delusional insanity.


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Chelsea Houska Updates Fans on Boobs, New Baby

It’s not hard to see why Chelsea Houska is so beloved by Teen Mom 2 fans.

While the rest of the girls’ lives often serve as cautionary tales, Chelsea offers a sort of fairytale-caliber wish fulfillment.

After years of grappling with Adam Lind, arguably the douchiest of the show’s many douchey baby daddies, Chelsea has reached a level of happiness that would have seemed impossible just a few short years ago.

Back in October, Chelsea married Cole DeBoer.

Earlier this month, Chelsea and Cole welcomed their first child together, and now she’s updating fans on her blissfully happy new life.

Chelsea posted several pics of little Watson Cole DeBoer.

Naturally, the photos drew an enthusiastic response from fans.

And it’s not hard to see why …

Look at that little guy!

Not only is he adorable, he’s living proof that happy endings are possible for the ladies of the 16 and Pregnant/Teen Mom/Teen Mom: OG universe.

Of course, it’s not just Chelsea’s ability to produce photogenic offspring that endears her to viewers.

The Housk’s sense of humor is one of the things fans love about her, and she definitely hasn’t lost a step since welcoming Watson into the world.

In addition to sharing pics on Instagram, Chelsea has been offering humorous insights into the #MomLife on Twitter:

“Watson fell asleep while I was feeding him & wakes up if I try to move or get up. So I’ve been stuck on the couch with 1 boob out for an hour,” she tweeted earlier this week.

Someone get this woman a sitcom deal!

Seriously though, ever since giving birth to her second child, Chelsea has been demonstrating daily why she’s the anti-Jenelle Evans.

Where Jenelle rants, raves, and brings the drama, Chelsea proves that likable, relatable, stable reality stars can also deliver ratings and rack up the online followers.

It’s a refreshing reminder at a time when it seems more and more like unhinged people are running the world.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Chelsea’s idyllic life.

The girl is definitely doing something right.


Thursday, February 16, 2017

Chelsea Houska: Accused of Having Phone Sex with Adam Lind While Pregnant?!

Hey, do you want to hear a rumor about Chelsea Houska?

A really disgusting, completely shocking, just seriously gross rumor?

Sure you do. Why else are you here?

OK, so you know how Chelsea is the greatest Teen Mom of all the Teen Moms? How she found herself in such a predicament when she became pregnant at the tender age of 16?

Unlike some other Teen Moms before her, she really stepped up and became a great mother, right from the beginning.

And now, all these years later, she’s married to a great guy, and they have a brand new baby.

It’s a beautiful little story, isn’t it? But someone is trying to tarnish that story by …

Well, you’ll see.

There’s a Teen Mom blind item going around that’s pretty scandalous, even for blind items.

“This loser of a former boyfriend to a Teen Mom says he has recordings of himself and the Teen Mom having phone sex while she was pregnant with another man’s baby,” that’s how the story goes.

One of Chelsea’s followers saw this and showed it to Chelsea on Twitter, writing “Wait.. I figured it out. It’s DEFINITELY @ChelseaHouska and adumb lol jk, Chelsea. I’d never think that. No one would.”

But while this person did throw in a “lol jk,” they still put the idea into the world that Chelsea had phone sex with Adam Lind while pregnant with Cole DeBoer’s baby.

And nothing will ever, ever make that OK.

But Chelsea helped — she saw the tweet, and addressed it with only the most appropriate of emojis:

Get it? Because she’d want a surgical mask to even have phone sex with Adam Lind? Because he’s so terribly gross?

Now, of course we don’t believe that Chelsea would ever do something like that, not in a billion years. Not even in a trillion.

But just for fun, let’s put on our detective hats and see if we can solve this mystery.

OK, so Teen Moms who have had children with different men: that would be Chelsea, Kailyn Lowry, Leah Messer, Jenelle Evans, and Maci Bookout.

For Kailyn and Leah, we wouldn’t call their former boyfriends losers. Jo Rivera is pretty cool these days, and Corey Simms was Leah’s former husband, not just her boyfriend.

But unfortunately, Chelsea, Maci, and Jenelle do have loser exes in Adam, Ryan Edwards, and … well, in Jenelle’s case, all of her exes qualify.

However, we can’t see Chelsea or Maci sneaking around on their husbands like that. Jenelle on the other hand …

Anyway, we’re glad Chelsea has a sense of humor about things like this!


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Chelsea Houska Hides Sex Toy from Daughter: Watch the Hilarious Clip!

Chelsea Houska is absolutely adorable.

She"s adorable, her parents are adorable, her husband is adorable, her kids are adorable … you get the picture.

It"s all so cute and so good, all of it.

And so while the shenanigans she gets up to in this new sneak peek from next week"s episode of Teen Mom 2 might not look all that great, we can look at it with humor.

Because hey, hasn"t everyone had to hide a blow-up doll with a penis from their child?

It"s not explicitly stated, but it looks like in this clip, Chelsea and her friends are preparing for a little bachelorette party ahead of her wedding to Cole DeBoer.

The friends come over and give her a gift bag, and she promptly pulls out the blow-up doll.

She is very, very excited about it. A little too excited, perhaps.

But while the ladies are super psyched to get into all that bachelorette tomfoolery, they forget one small problem:

Aubree is still home, waiting to leave for her grandma"s house.

And listen, you simply haven"t lived until you"ve heard a group of women try to explain an anatomically correct-ish blow-up doll to a seven-year-old.

Check out the hilarious clip below:

Chelsea houska hides sex toy from daughter watch the hilarious c

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Chelsea Houska on Adam Lind: He"s a Sociopath!

The weird thing about Chelsea Houska is that while she"s easily the best Teen Mom in the entire Teen Mom franchise, she had a child with Adam Lind, who is definitely in the running for worst Teen Dad.

It"s hard to imagine what she ever saw in him — it certainly wasn"t intelligence or kindness or a good sense of humor or … you get the picture.

But whatever poor, misguided Chelsea found attractive in Adam, it"s safe to say that it"s dead and gone. For the past several years now, she"s been aware of his true terribleness.

And in this deleted scene from this week"s episode of Teen Mom 2, she"s really not hiding her feelings about it.

While driving around town with an MTV producer, Chelsea reveals that while Adam did visit their daughter Aubree recently, before that he hadn"t seen her or even talked to her for "a month, at least."

All of his social media bragging about his kids is "all for show," she says.

When she"s asked why she doesn"t try to talk to Adam about his issues, she says "He"s a sociopath, he doesn"t think he does anything wrong, so you can"t argue with him."

And then, when she"s asked why Cole doesn"t talk about Adam on camera, Chelsea says that she feels like talking about on the show with him would be "so disrespectful" because "that"s a private conversation."

Isn"t Chelsea the greatest?

Watch our girl in action in the video below:

Chelsea houska on adam lind hes a sociopath

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Chelsea Houska: See All The Adorable Photos of Her New Baby!

Chelsea Houska, the undisputed winner of The Best Teen Mom of All The Teen Moms award, just gave birth to her second child, a little boy she named Watson Cole DeBoer.

Watson has just been in this world for a handful of days, but he"s clearly already so very loved — and so very cute, too!

Chelsea, her amazing husband, Cole, and her also amazing parents, Randy and Mary, have been sharing some photos of that tiny little baby.

And you know you"re going to want to see every last one of them …

1. The Introduction!

The introduction

This unbearably adorable photo right here was the first one Chelsea and Cole shared of their darling little boy. Too cute!


Baby hands

Well, technically this was the first picture Chelsea and Cole shared … can you even stand those little wrinkly fingers?!

3. Proud Big Sister!

Proud big sister

Chelsea’s older child, Aubree, holds baby Watson so tenderly. Are your ovaries acting up, too?

4. Cozy Baby!

Cozy baby

Chelsea shared this photo on Snapchat after she brought Watson home … look how handsome!

5. Baby in a Swing!

Baby in a swing

Chelsea’s really been doing an incredible service for all of us by sharing these pictures, hasn’t she?

6. Aubree Loves Watson!

Aubree loves watson

It’s very clear that Aubree is excited about her little brother. And we can’t blame her … we’d be excited over such a sweet little baby too!

View Slideshow

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Kailyn Lowry Congratulates Chelsea Houska, Snubs Jenelle Evans

It’s been a busy week for the ladies of Teen Mom 2.

On Tuesday, Jenelle Evans gave birth to her third child, a daughter named Ensley Jolie.

The very next day, Chelsea Houska gave birth to her second kid, a boy named Watson Cole.

There was talk of Chelsea stealing Jenelle’s thunder, which is insane, when you consider that we’re talking about the creation of human lives here …

… but not that surprising when you consider that this is Jenelle Evans we’re talking about, a woman has spent the last decade testing the limits of how much insanity society will tolerate.

Anyway, Teen Mom 2 fans appear to be much more enthusiastic about congratulating Chelsea than Jenelle, and it seems that enthusiasm extends to the ladies’ castmates as well.

“So so happy for Chelsea Houska and her family! Cannot wait to hold baby boy!” Kailyn Lowry tweeted just minutes after news of little Watson’s birth went public.

Kailyn offered no such kind words to Jenelle the day before, and fans were quick to take note of the possible passive-aggressive diss.

Many pointed out that Leah Messer re-tweeted a photo of Chelsea’s bundle of joy, but made no mention of Jenelle, meaning that none of the TM2 girls acknowledged that Evans also welcomed a new addition to her family this week.

“Weird how none of the girls congratulated Jenelle….” tweeted one fan.

“Y should any of them congratulate Jenelle when they’re not friends w/her?? That’d be so fake & stupid,” commented another.

One fan completely missed the point and assumed that the snub was a result of some sort of misguided slut-shaming:

“I don’t see y hate on Jenelle bc if Kail has another kid she’ll b in same boat 3 baby daddies,” she wrote.

This person has apparently never seen an episode of Teen Mom 2.

The other moms don’t distance themselves from Jenelle because she’s has three baby daddies.

No, they distance themselves from Jenelle because she’s a bitter, hateful, violent human being.

Interestingly, Jenelle probably believes that she’s reviled because of her promiscuity and her past addictions, but the fact is there are many legitimate reasons to dislike her and she provides us with more every day.

We offer our congrats and we hope that Jenelle is able to provide her kids with the stable family life they deserve.

But you need only to watch Teen Mom 2 online to be reminded of why her co-stars might not be rushing to congratulate the Carolina Hurricane. 


Jenelle Evans: Is She Jealous of Chelsea Houska"s Baby?!

So this is a pitiful little story.

But it’s a story about Jenelle Evans … was there really any chance that it wouldn’t be a pitiful story?

To recap, Jenelle had a baby, little Ensley Jolie Eason, on Tuesday. Sweet, right? Good for her.

But then Chelsea Houska, the best, most likable, most stable Teen Mom of them all, gave birth to her son, Watson Cole DeBoer, on Wednesday.

Do you see where this is going yet?

Poor Jenelle didn’t even get one full day where all the attention was on her, which must have really hurt.

It must have hurt worse once you consider that having a baby is one of the only things that would inspire people to say anything nice about this girl — not many would rip her apart right at that moment.

And fans were quick to point out this unfortunate turn of events.

One of her followers pointed out to Jenelle that “She stole your thunder” — and it’s true. Chelsea stole that thunder, and she stole it hard.

Another stated that “Chelsea is family goals & Jenelle is the family you want to forever avoid being.”

Cold. But accurate.

One person told Jenelle early yesterday that “Hahaha both pictures you posted don’t have as many likes as ONE of Chelsea’s pics. You’re probably so pissed.”

So is it true? Is Jenelle actually upset that Chelsea had her baby so soon after she had hers?

Would she really be so petty as to be upset over some dumb social media nonsense during such a special time in her life?

According to Jenelle, she’s totally cool with Chelsea.

“I really don’t understand why everyone would think we would be so mad at each other for having our babies born so close,” she tweeted last night.

She added an “lmao,” so you know she’s real chill about it.

She also said “I’m actually happy for her and glad she got the little boy she always wanted.”

How nice! And how unexpected, too, considering that Jenelle has never really gotten along with Chelsea precisely because of jealousy.

The two Teen Mom stars announced their pregnancy around the same time, and while everyone was so happy for Chelsea, people were concerned that Jenelle was having a third baby with a third man.

Ol’ Bitter Bessie here tweeted “Funny someone else comes out with news they are pregnant and the world is overjoyed,” then deleted her Twitter account altogether.

And then, a few months before that, Jenelle got upset because Chelsea dared to start her own website. Jenelle had created hers months before, see, and it was a very original idea that Chelsea obviously stole.

“Monkey see monkey do…unreal,” she tweeted at the time. “So over this show.”

It’s all pretty embarrassing, but we’re glad to see that this new baby may have knocked some delusions out of Jenelle’s head.


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Chelsea Houska: Feuding With Adam Lind After Giving Birth?!

Earlier today, we reported that Chelsea Houska has welcomed her second child.

Houska hinted at a unique name throughout her pregnancy, and she certainly didn’t disappoint.

Shortly after news of the birth went public, Chelsea posted the photo of her bundle of joy, and she didn’t keep fans in suspense about his quirky moniker:

Yes, that’s little Watson Cole DeBoer.

Cool name, and he was born into a cool family.

Unfortunately, that cool family has douchey hanger-on who wants to ruin everything, like that gremlin on the wing of the plane in that Twilight Zone episode.

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you know that gremlin is none other than Douchey McGoo himself, Adam Lind.

Lind is the father of Houska’s first daughter, Aubree, who seems to be a pretty well-adjusted 7-year-old, despite having a father who broke out of a lab where the government was doing X-Men-like experiments with extreme douchiness.

According to Radar Online, Chelsea and Adam are due to square off in court next month, at which time Lind will reportedly seek additional custodial rights.

The court date was probably scheduled well before Chelsea gave birth but it still seems like kind of a dickish time to try and make changes to her relationship with her first kid.

On the bright side, his request will almost certainly be denied by the court.

Lind was been arrested for back child support last year, and he’s had countless brushes with the law. 

If he thinks a judge will alter a previous custody agreement simply because Chelsea has another kid now, he’s likely to be sorely disappointed.

Currently, Lind is eligible only for supervised visits with Aubree, and his behavior in recent seasons of TM2 is unlikely to endear him to the judge.

Chelsea has stated in the past that she worries about Aubree being alone with Lind, but she’s foced herself to accept the present arrangement.

“His visits are still supervised by his parents so that gives me peace of mind,” she recently told Radar online.

“But it’s scary. I don’t know if he makes the best choices. It definitely is scary as a mom.”

Chelsea and Adam’s court date is scheduled for February 28.
