Showing posts with label Divorcing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Divorcing. Show all posts

Friday, August 4, 2017

Amir Khan: I"m Divorcing My Wife, She"s Banging Anthony Joshua

Amir Khan just went nuclear on his wife, accusing her of banging Heavyweight champ Anthony Joshua … after telling the world he’s divorcing her.  Khan has been married to model Faryal Makhdoom since 2013, but took to Twitter minutes ago…


Thursday, August 3, 2017

Luann de Lesseps and Tom D"Agostino: Divorcing!

No longer a countess, and soon, no longer even married.

Luann de Lesseps has finally taken the advice of many of her friends and fellow Real Housewives and is ending her marriage to Tom D’Agostino.

This isn’t a rumor — it’s official.

Hey, so remember when Luann de Lesseps and Tom D’Agostino definitely probably weren’t splitting up?

We can’t say that we’re surprised that they couldn’t cling to their denials.

Their relationship sounded toxic on a number of levels.

Page Six reports that Luann de Lesseps and Tom D’Agostino have filed jointly for divorce after eight years of marriage.

They filed for divorce today, folks.

The filing took place in Sag Harbor, Long Island. 

Luann confirmed the divorce on Twitter just a few hours ago:

“It’s with great sadness that Tom & I agreed to divorce. We care for each other very much, hope you respect our privacy during this sad time!”

We’re instantly reminded of Luann getting earnest advice and basically refusing to listen.

Remember when Bethenny Frankel talked about how Jason Hoppy was still tormenting her?

She described her situation as being in hell.

(Considering how recently Jason Hoppy was arraigned on new stalking charges against her, that barely sounds like an exaggeration)

If you’ll recall, Bethenny was bringing up her situation to try to convey to Luann that just following her heart or her bliss is fine and well for Disney princesses but doesn’t work out so well in real life.

Tom D’Agostino was accused again and again of cheating on Luann, pretty much throughout their relationship.

Married life hasn’t settled things down, and the two have apparently been constantly having trouble getting along.

Again, the two of them have only been married for eight months.


Cheating during a relationship happens more than most people would care to believe.

But Bethenny Frankel showed Luann photos of Tom kissing an ex of his right before his and Luann’s engagement party.

That’s a bit rarer.

(Luann, at the time, dismissed it as a “mistake” rather than a premeditated affair … oh honey)

Cheating allegations against Tom D’Agostino formed half of the recent storylines on The Real Housewives of New York, it’s seemed.

As is so often the case, what’s good for reality television drama is not good at all for a marriage.

Curiously, though, it sounds like Tom D’Agostino had his own reasons for agreeing to this divorce.

Tom is 50.

While he’s apparently not too old to be running around the city like a horndog who can’t keep his pants on (allegedly), he apparently wasn’t down for what life with Luann meant.

That is — fame.

Specifically, the “lifestyle” of being a reality television personality.

“He used to live this really nice life in the city,” Page Six was told by a source.

“He’s a private person and all of a sudden he was living this crazy celebrity life.”

Tom’s alleged reasoning even refers to Luann’s former career as a nurse.

“He loved the nurse from Connecticut, not the reality TV star.”

That’s kind of interesting, considering that Tom D’Agonstino had reportedly dated two other women from The Real Housewives of New York City prior to dating and marrying Luann.

(Ramona Singer and Sonja Morgan)

It sounds like either there are only a couple dozen rich women in New York, which we somehow doubt, or Tom D’Agostino was courting fame.

And bit off more than he could chew.

It’s also possible that Tom is just using this as an excuse, as if the divorce were his idea, rather than a result of his alleged impulsive and hurtful cheating.


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Casey Affleck and Summer Phoenix: Divorcing!

Casey Affleck has been dogged by sexual harassment allegations for ages, and there’s no telling how much of a toll that’s taken on his marriage.

When Casey Affleck and his wife, Summer Phoenix, separated in the spring of 2016, they did so fairly quietly and without the sort of scandal that you expect to see when Afflecks are having marital problems. 

Well, this situation is officially past “marital problems” … because Summer Phoenix has filed for divorce.

Casey Affleck, who is 41 years old, and Summer Phoenix, who is 38, have two sons together.

Children and concerns about their emotional well being and adjustments are a complication in a divorce, even after more than a year of separation.

Indiana Affleck is 13 years old.

Atticus Affleck is 9 years old.

(You remember — the children Casey Affleck famously forgot in his Oscars speech)

Summer Phoenix is Joaquin Phoenix’s sister, by the way — Joaquin originally set the two of them up.

Casey Affleck is, of course, Ben Affleck’s (worse) brother.

Whatever sense of commonality the two felt as less-famous siblings in famous families clearly wasn’t enough to keep them together forever, though.

E! reports that, in her divorce filing, Summer Phoenix cites “irreconcilable differences.”

Honestly, it’s technically nobody’s business why people are getting divorced — to the point that it’s weird that couples even have to cite reasons that they’re ending their marriage unless it’s a contentious divorce.

That said … “irreconcilable differences’ is vague as hell and could mean just about anything.

Like it just means that they couldn’t get along, basically.

That’s why people divorce in the first place, folks.

But clearly they’re not entirely at odds.

Summer Phoenix is seeking joint legal custody and joint physical custody of the boys with Casey Affleck.

She is also seeking spousal support.

Casey Affleck and Summer Phoenix met in 1995 after their more famous siblings had worked together.

They were engaged by 2003.

It wasn’t until a couple of years after Summer gave birth to Indiana in 2004 that the couple married in May of 2006.

They separated just under eight years after marrying.

For Hollywood, that’s basically a 20-year marriage.

Considering that their relationship began in 1995, they had a lengthy relationship by any standards.

But even long-lasting relationships where both parties come from similar worlds, share similar values, and take years to get to know one another before getting engaged or married don’t guarantee happily-ever-afters.

We can’t help thinking that a factor behind this separation and divorce may have been Casey Affleck’s alleged sexual harassment.

The accusations that Casey Affleck used his position as director to sexually harass multiple women working for him got him slammed on Twitter, but 

Some of the accusations just sound like poor judgment — allegedly, Casey instructed one man working for him to show his penis to a woman who was working for him.

Definitely inappropriate and definitely poor judgment, but when we’re talking about directors and sex crime accusations, that’s a far cry from Woody Allen.

Some of the accusations were more serious, including allegations of him grabbing one in an effort to intimidate her into having sex with him in a hotel room.

If someone feels that “no” isn’t a safe answer, then they cannot consent. Obviously.

Even if Summer Phoenix heard these stories and thought to herself that all of these women were conspiring together to lie just for the fun of it, that Casey had just been innocently flirting with them … well, it wouldn’t seem innocent to Summer, his wife.

And if Summer heard these allegations and thought “oh no, what sort of man have I married?!” Well, divorce sounds like exactly the right response to that.

But, for all that we know, their divorce has been a long time coming.

Sometimes couples just grow apart.


Thursday, June 22, 2017

"Mistresses" Star Jes Macallan Divorcing "Monk" Actor Jason Gray-Stanford

Jes Macallan from ABC’s “Mistresses” is no longer willing to co-star with Jason Gray-Stanford … she’s filed to divorce her husband. Jes filed divorce docs Tuesday, citing irreconcilable differences. They’ve been married since March 2012, but…


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Tiny: PREGNANT with T.I."s Baby Six Months After Divorcing?

Tiny and T.I. are so full of drama, even after divorcing. 

But now that Tameka “Tiny” Harris is reportedly pregnant — with T.I.’s baby, no less — we have to wonder what’s going to change between these two.

If anything changes at all, that is.

Because honestly, this couple is straight out of a soap opera. Just with fewer comas and evil twins.

Some couples just get caught in a cycle of conflict.

And let’s just say that reality stars are extra motivated to have drama.

If viewers want dramatic nonsense, it sounds like they’re about to have more than they can handle.

MediaTakeOut reports that Tiny is pregnant with T.I.’s child and sporting the beginnings of a baby bump. 

First of all, as with any pregnancy rumor, we need to acknowledge that this is evidence and not proof.

Tiny might have a baby bump, or she might have just been slouching in an unflattering outfit.

As with the Rihanna pregnancy rumors, sometimes what looks like an early pregnancy is actually just what happens when a human poses a certain way with fabric draped over it.

But, since T.I. has apparently been crazy about Tiny even after the divorce, this sounds a little more believable to us.

They already have, what, three kids together? One more isn’t so far-fetched.

Even if we don’t know for sure, we have to think about what this could mean for the couple of exes.

A pregnancy might not necessarily force them back together, since they got divorced despite having kids.

But getting pregnant after a divorce can mean anything from a one-time mistake to a sign that the passion’s still there.

Pregnancy rumors aside, they still divorced.

It was messy, with Tiny and T.I. accused each other of cheating.

T.I. didn’t exactly bend over backwards to deny it, while Tiny swore up and down that she’d never do such a thing.

That can be super toxic for a relationship, but it’s worth noting that people who cheat can 100% still love each other.

And plenty of cheaters get back together.

We have to remember that all of their divorce drama actually saved their show.

Yes, really.

Audiences don’t go to reality TV to see normal people getting along — otherwise series that highlight the everyday lives of minorities would be popular instead of huge snooze-fests.

Audiences watch reality television to see people who are absolutely bonkers interact with each other and inevitably get into conflicts and overreact.

Well, a couple that divorced following cheating allegations and still has to film a show together is always going to make for some drama.

The promise of fights was what kept the network from cancelling them.

Is this pregnancy going to save their marriage?

Probably not. Again, they already have kids, so they’ll always be connected.

And nobody should marry just because of a pregnancy. Unless, we suppose, they just really need insurance.

But if Tiny and T.I. are still going at it after their divorce, then maybe the feelings that draw them together are stronger than the ones that drive them apart.

Maybe they both just needed some breathing room and some time to think.

Here’s something to consider, though — if they save their marriage, will they be putting T.I. & Tiny: The Family Hustle back on the network’s chopping block?


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Jesse Williams Divorcing Wife and Hangin" with Minka Kelly

Jesse Williams has been separated from the wife he is now divorcing for more than a year, and he’s been hanging out recently — a lot — with Minka Kelly. TMZ broke the story … Jesse filed to end his 5-year marriage to Aryn Drake-Lee ……


Monday, April 10, 2017

Janet Jackson: Divorcing Husband Wissam Al Mana 3 Months After Giving Birth?!

It’s that time of year, friends — spring is in the air.

Well, spring and breakups.

In such short succession, we’ve seen the splits of Aaron Rodgers and Olivia Munn, Mel B and Stephen Belafonte, Kylie Jenner and Tyga, Javi Marroquin and that girl from Real World that he dated for like a week.

It’s tough out there, and it looks like Janet Jackson’s relationship may be the next to fall apart.

“But hold up,” you may be thinking, “didn’t she just have a baby? And she’s already getting divorced?”

And that’s a solid point: Janet and her husband, Wissam Al Mana, welcomed a son, Eissa, in early January.

Unfortunately, just because they share a tiny little baby doesn’t mean their marriage is solid — in fact, the whole point of this story is that their marriage is reportedly over.

According to a new report from Page Six, the reason for the split is that Janet simply wasn’t happy with how Wissam believed she should behave.

“She thought he had become too controlling during the pregnancy,” a source explained, “and she had already allowed him to dictate her appearance and even the way she performed at concerts.”

Apparently Janet’s husband didn’t feel comfortable with her wearing the revealing outfits she’s known for.

He also took issue with her suggestive dance moves, to the point that “It drove her crazy and she felt she was losing her fan base.”

Another issue was that Wissam was something of a recluse, preferring to stay at home rather than doing basically anything else.

Judging by the fact that Janet basically seemed to go into hiding around the same time she got with him, that’s pretty believable, right?

It seems like her husband wanted her to live by all of his rules without compromising at all for her — they had a small, simple wedding when she wanted a big affair, she moved to London for him, etc.

The source claims that they thought a baby would fix everything — because goodness knows that always works — but the last straw came with Janet’s mother, Katherine Jackson, claimed that her nephew was abusing her.

“She was worried about her mother — and Wissam showed little to no concern,” and “that’s when Janet made her decision that there was no turning back.”

Another report insists that despite any issues they have with each other, “they’re determined to be good parents, even if they’re apart.”

“It’s amicable and Eissa will stay with his mother.”

They will reportedly stay in London. There’s no word yet about whether or not they have a prenup (Wissam is a billionaire, so probably there is) or if there will be a fight over spousal support or custody.

Best of luck to Janet and that precious little baby of hers.


Monday, March 20, 2017

Mel B Divorcing Stephen Belafonte

Mel B is divorcing her husband of almost 10 years … Stephen Belafonte, and it’s been months in the making. Mel reportedly filed her divorce petition, citing irreconcilable differences — and according to the docs they’ve been separated since…


Friday, December 2, 2016

Apollo Nida -- Phaedra Parks Can"t Divorce Me, I"m Divorcing HER!

Phaedra Parks and Apollo Nida are getting divorced — for REAL this time, according to Apollo, who filed docs from prison. Apollo filed his divorce petition in Georgia on Thursday … requesting joint legal custody of their 2 children and an…


Apollo Nida -- Phaedra Parks Can"t Divorce Me, I"m Divorcing HER!

Phaedra Parks and Apollo Nida are getting divorced — for REAL this time, according to Apollo, who filed docs from prison. Apollo filed his divorce petition in Georgia on Thursday … requesting joint legal custody of their 2 children and an…


Friday, November 11, 2016

Patrick & Jill Dempsey -- It"s Official ... We"re NOT Divorcing!

Patrick and Jill Dempsey are officially out of splitsville and chilling in backtogethertown.  Jill filed legal docs to have her divorce petition dismissed from court. A judge obliged and tossed it less than a week later … according to…


Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar: Divorcing Due to Financial Issues?!

It’s been almost 18 months since news of the Josh Duggar sex scandals first went public, and the family of the disgraced former lobbyist is still feeling the fallout.

All this week, rumors that Anna Duggar is planning to divorce Josh have been circulating on social media.

Now, it seems another Duggar couple may be headed for Splitsville, and sources say the trouble in their marriage is also the result of Josh’s misdeeds:

We’ve heard reports of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar getting divorced before, but this time, there’s a new wrinkle to the rumors.

According to In Touch, the Duggars took a major financial hit as a result of Josh’s scandals and sex crimes.

The tabloid claims that the family’s deal for their second reality series – Counting On, now in its second season – has them getting paid a fraction of what they were receiving for 19 Kids and Counting.

Worse, their other businesses have struggled as a result of the family’s badly damaged reputation, and there have been frequent rumors of Counting On being canceled due to declining ratings and advertisers cutting ties with the network.

It seems major corporations don’t like being tied to families that admitted to sheltering a child molester.

Who would have thought?!

Sources say the main issue is that Michelle is aware that the family is close to losing everything, including their beloved “Duggar Compound.”

Jim Bob, on the other hand, reportedly refuses to acknowledge his money troubles or do what it takes to pull his family back from the brink of poverty.

Jim Bob is said to still be putting all his eggs in the Counting On basket, but if ratings don’t improve dramatically in the very near future, it seems those hopes will soon be shattered.

Insiders claim he was hoping from a major boost from the Jinger Duggar-Jeremy Vuolo courtship, but the viewership spike never quite materialized.

Jinger and Jeremy got married over the weekend, and the wedding was filmed for TLC, but it remains unclear if the family’s show will be picked up for a full third season.

Currently, it seems TLC is planning a wedding-centric miniseries that will conclude with the nuptials.

It would bring a decent-sized paycheck for the Duggars.

But it would also bring an end to their dreams of reality stardom – and possibly to Jim Bob and Michelle’s marriage.


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Sarah Jessica Parker -- Attention Divorcing Women ... Don"t Listen to Me! (VIDEO)

Sarah Jessica Parker plays a wife in the throes of an ugly divorce on HBO … so she should know a thing or two about prenups, right?    Matthew Broderick’s longtime wife fielded questions from our photog about protecting yourself…


Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Jennifer Garner: FINALLY Divorcing Ben Affleck?!

It’s been over a year since Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner separated, and at the time they announced their split, few would’ve guessed that the estranged couple would go this long without either party filing for divorce.

After all, rumors about Affleck and Garner divorcing circulated for several months before the actors made it official, and most insiders maintained that Jen had ample reason for wanting out.

And yet 14 months later, no papers have been filed.

Even more strange is the fact that Ben and Jen have been photographed together on numerous occasions since calling it quits on their marriage.

So what gives?

Well, accounts vary, but several sources maintain that shortly after agreeing to separate, both parties decided they wanted to give their marriage another shot.

Or at least they did.

According to Life & Style, Garner is planning to (finally) legally end her marriage after finally getting fed up with Affleck’s behavior.

It seems the final straw came earlier this month:

The tabloid claims that Garner and her kids went to “all out” for Affleck’s recent 44th birthday, decorating their backyard for a party and preparing his favorite dinner.

Affleck reportedly never showed and blamed his absence on a work commitment.

“She got in touch with her attorneys,” a source tells the mag.

“She’s absolutely done with giving him any more chances. She’s getting revenge on Ben by going through with the divorce and moving on with her life.”

The supposed insider added that Garner “wants Ben out of the house” and has informed that she’s “decided to finally file divorce papers.”

Hmmm. We don’t want to say for certain that this story isn’t true, but there are some major holes in it.

Not the least of which is that it’s already been widely reported that Affleck spent his birthday in Montana, camping with Garner and the couple’s three children.

So, the whole … well, pretty much everything about Life & Style‘s version rings false.

Our apologies if you’re just now learning that you can’t always trust tabloids.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Kate Middleton Skips St. Patrick"s Day, Divorcing Prince William?

Let’s make up rumors and destroy relationships!

Last week, the palace announced that the Duke of Cambridge would hand out shamrocks to 1st Battalion Irish Guards for the St. Patrick’s Day parade.  

As Colonel of the Irish Guards (he was appointed by the Queen in 2011, shortly before his wedding to the now Duchess of Cambridge), it made sense for William to be present at the annual event.

Royal watchers, however, wanted to know why the Duchess of Cambridge wouldn’t be joining him, since she has been handing out shamrocks since 2012.

Most assumed that Catherine wanted to stay in Norfolk (about a two-hour ride from London) with her children at the family’s Anmer Hall home, because she had a local engagement the next day.  

Royal watchers were a little miffed that she couldn’t uphold a tradition that started in 1901 by Queen Alexandra, but no one speculated about the state of her marriage to William.

Until now.  

The rumor that Catherine skipped St. Patrick’s Day with William because there are cracks in the marriage was thought up by Celebrity Dirty Laundry, which loves to think up soap opera storylines and somehow turn them into hearsay.

“Kate Middleton’s absence from the St. Patrick’s Day Parade has caused speculation about a Royal divorce. Prince William attended the annual event alone leaving Royal watchers to wonder if William and Kate’s marriage is in trouble,” the site wrote.

“It is odd that Kate did not take part in the tradition of presenting the St. Patrick’s Day shamrocks. “

Catherine’s engagement took her to nearby Holt, where she opened a shop supporting East Anglia Children’s hospice, of which Her Royal Highness is patron.

“Kensington Palace can try to spin this by saying Kate needed to be home at Anmer Hall to take care of Prince George and Princess Charlotte. Is this really an excuse to ditch a 115-year tradition? Was Kate on duty to drive George back and forth from preschool on St. Paddy’s Day?”

Maybe? I don’t know.  I would imagine she enjoys taking him to school?

“Traveling 220 roundtrip from Norfolk to London is a bit much to ask of Kate, don’t you think? Why wasn’t Kate Middleton at Prince William’s side for the presentation? Is William so disgusted with the recent public outcry over the Duchess of Cambridge’s extravagant lifestyle that Prince William left Kate home?”

Huh?  You make it sound as though she’s behaving like the Duchess of York. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Jon Gosselin: TLC Tried to Stop Me From Divorcing Kate!

The last time we checked in on Jon Gosselin, he was complaining that he hadn"t seen all of his kids together in several years

Jon"s done a lot of wining in the years since his divorce from Kate Gosselin, but some of his gripes about the way he"s been treated by his ex-wife and the network that made him famous are totally legitimate.

Jon"s revelation that he"s often prevented from seeing his children came during an interview with Steve Harvey that was filmed last week.

The entire segment finally aired today, and it seems Jon has no shortage of shade to throw at both Kate and TLC.

Jon"s most shocking claim may be that the network attempted to use legal muscle to force him to stay married to Kate:

“We knew we were going to get divorced and then the network tried to keep us together for the benefit of the show. So I quit,” Jon says.

“I said, ‘I’m not having my divorce filmed. I’m not having it aired out for the public’s consumption. And I’m not having reruns so my children can keep on watching the demise of their parents.’”

“I just took a moral stance versus a business stance. I lost everything,” he added. “I lost all my money. I lost everything. The network sided with my ex-wife.”

Gosselin adds that the network "sided" with Kate and even went so far as to pay for her divorce attorneys.

A spokesperson for TLC denies that last allegation.

Watch Kate Plus 8 online at TV Fanatic to see how the family is getting along without Jon.

Jon gosselin tlc tried to stop me from divorcing kate