Showing posts with label Dumped. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dumped. Show all posts

Friday, August 18, 2017

Stassi Schroeder on Getting Dumped: I"m Living On Wine & Xanax!

Earlier this week, we reported that Vanderpump Rules star Stassi Schroeder was dumped by boyfriend Patrick Meagher, seemingly out of the blue.

That’s bad enough on its own, but Stassi’s situation gets so much worse from there.

Not only did Patrick kick her to the curb on what would’ve been their fourth anniversary, he did so after Stassi had already booked a celebratory trip to Mexico.

Yesterday, Stassi detailed the breakup and the aftermath in admirably candid detail on her podcast, revealing that she;s currntly getting by with a little help from her friends … and a lot of help from booze and pills.

Stassi says it all started when with a classic couple argument straight out of a corny sitcom.

Meagher forgot their anniversary, and she lost it:

“We get into an argument on our anniversary that he did not remember. Our four-year anniversary. Granted, OK, we broke up for a really long time, but we met four years ago on that day,” Stassi began her tale of woe.

“I didn’t even get a f–king daisy. Not even a weed. What did I get? I got told I was broken up with a day before our Mexican vacation that I already paid for.”

She says that even after Patrick announced he wanted to call things off, she gave him a period of several days in which to change his mind and join her in Mexico.

When Patrick didn’t take her up on her offer, Stassi began to panic.

“I start going crazy, like mindlessly sobbing, taking mad amounts of Xanax to calm down,” she said on the podcast.

She recruited friend Rachael O’Brien to join her on the trip, but her troubles were far from over.

First, Stassi and Rachael were escorted from the airport after using the wrong checkout line, then a flight attendant broached the topic of Stassi’s breakup, saying she’d heard about it from a friend.

“This should be my romantic flight with Patrick. We should be cuddling and making out,” Stassi said.

“I was like, ‘Where can I get a toothpick so I can gauge my eyes out.’ I was like, ‘Oh my God. I’m just going to be constantly reminded that I’m heartbroken over and over and over again."”

Stassi says that she suffered another emotional gut punch when she and Rachael arrived at their resort, realized the pool was for couples only, and there were “no single people there whatsoever.”

“I’m still on a lot of Xanax. It’s the only way I can [get through],” she said. 

“My breakfast consists of milk and red wine and two eggs that I didn’t eat and bacon and a Xanax. And that’s pretty much how I feel.”

She went on to say that instead of enjoying a vacation in Mexico with her best friend, she’s been battling her way out of a deep depression.

“I miss him every f–king minute. I’m going to cry,” she said, audibly tearing up.

“I don’t know how to bounce back from this. It’s the biggest deal. He couldn’t get on the plane. I made the effort.”

She went on to reveal her plan for coping in the weeks to come:

“Drinking a lot, not eating a lot, taking a lot of Xanax and laying in the sun and the water and just doing my best,” Stassi said of her future plans.

Hopefully, she won’t be sticking with thst strategy for too long.

And hey, at least she won’t be alone at the singles table.

This off-season has been rife with Vanderpump breakup news.

First we learned that Tom Schwartz and Katie Maloney are headed for divorce.

Shortly thereafter, insiders reported that Jax Taylor and Brittany Cartwright had broken up.

Neither couple has confirmed the news, but it’s customary for reality stars to keep that sort of drama under wraps as a means of boosting ratings.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to get caught up in time for what’s sure to be a drama-packed season.


Monday, August 14, 2017

Stassi Schroeder: Patrick Meagher Dumped Me On Our Anniversary!

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you know that Stassi Schroeder spent much of the most recent season coping with the emotional fallout from her breakup with Patrick Meagher.

The split seemed to take a serious toll on Stassi, who only began to move on and re-enter the dating pool in the season’s final episodes.

So it came as a huge surprise to many fans when Stassi announced that she and Patrick had reconciled, and he would be joining the cast of Vanderpump for the show’s sixth season.

Sadly, it was somewhat less shocking when Stassi tweeted over the weekend that she and Meagher had called it quits yet again.

Specifically, Stassi revealed that Meagher broke up with her on their anniversary, just days after she booked a celebratory vacation.

“Broken up with on our anniversary after I planned a trip for us to Mexico,” Schroeder tweeted.

“Call me Carrie Bradshaw. @rachaelnobrien you’re coming w me now,” she added.

It’s encouraging that Stassi hasn’t lost her sense of humor (and that she’s planning on taking the trip with her BFF now), but her pain is evident in her latest social media posts.

Stassi posted a video on Snapchat in which she implored fans to “be nice” and keep any negative reactions to her breakup to themselves.

“If I see one more comment saying you were rooting for us guys, I’m going to lose my s–t. Please be supportive or don’t say anything,” she told her followers.

On Instagram, Stassi kept up the references to the scene in the first Sex and the City movie in which Carrie heads south of the border and lapses into a “Mexicoma” after being left at the altar.

Stassi posted a photo of Carrie going off on Mr. Big, along with a caption reading:

“Currently…. @rachaelnobrien, will you accompany me to Mexico, close the shades & feed me oatmeal on the trip I planned? If I see any [love]  s–t, I may die.”

It appears Schroeder was completely blindsided by the news, as less than a week ago, she was posting loved-up photos of herself and Meagher.

The above image was tweeted by Stassi on August 7, along with a caption reading:

“I let him have his 15 minutes ;)”

She certainly did.

No word yet on whether or not Stassi’s relationship drama will make it into Vanderpump Season 6, which recently wrapped filming.

Whatever the case, she certainly won’t be alone amongst her castmates on Tinder.

Sources close to the show say Jax Taylor and Brittany Cartwright have broken up, and it’s been widely reported that Tom Schwartz and Katie Maloney are headed for divorce.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to get caught on all the gloriously messy drama.


Friday, July 14, 2017

Leah Messer: Is She the REAL Reason Brooke Wehr Dumped Jeremy Calvert?!

Leah Messer seems like a nice girl, right?

She"s definitely likable, she has her funny moments, she"s cute.

And when she pulled her life back together after going to rehab and losing custody of her twins — well, everybody loves a good success story.

But the thing about Leah is that the girl just can"t seem to stay faithful in relationships.

She cheated on Corey Simms twice (that we know of), and the second time led to their divorce. She cheated on Jeremy Calvert, too.

Rumor has it that she also had an affair with Corey while he was married to his second wife, Miranda.

It"s a lot of infidelity for one person, right?

But it seems like we may have reason to add another affair to the list after seeing this new Teen Mom 2 sneak peek.

In the clip, Leah is on a FaceTime call with Jeremy, and he tells her that he and his fiancée, Brooke Wehr, broke up.

She"s shocked to hear the news — you can tell by the series of hilarious faces she makes throughout the rest of the clip.

When she asks him what happened, he explains that he "came home to all my sh-t just being everywhere" because Brooke "lost her sh-t."

But why would Brooke be so upset to do something like that?

According to Jeremy, the issue was that Brooke, for whatever reason, decided to go through their phone records. She saw that he"d had a long phone call with Leah and became suspicious.

But as he points out, it was a 35 minute call about their daughter"s upcoming enrollment in kindergarten.

To Brooke, however, that excuse didn"t cut it.

"Why does she feel that way about me?" Leah asks her former husband, but Jeremy told her he doesn"t know.

But the point is that Jeremy is saying Brooke dumped him because she thought he may be cheating on her with Leah, and that is a mighty interesting development.

Partly because Leah, as we said, has been known to cross some lines when it comes to fidelity, and also because Brooke has always said that she dumped Jeremy because of many, many affairs.

He even addresses this in the clip — he tells Leah that "Brooke just assumes I have sex with all these girls and she called out some of the media, and I don"t."

Except he"s since admitted that he did sleep with Brooke"s best friend, so …

Leah ends up giving him some good advice — just stay single for a while, focus on your daughter.

But it"s looking like the relationship between Leah and Jeremy will definitely be one to watch for this season.

Check out their conversation in full in the video below:

Leah messer is she the real reason brooke wehr dumped jeremy cal

Monday, July 10, 2017

Hot Mugshot Guy: Dumped, Dissed by Wife After Alleged Cheating Photos Surface

Jeremy Meeks rose to viral fame in 2014 because he was an attractive felon.

Three years later, however, “Hot Mugshot Guy” is no longer a wanted man, at least not by his hurt and irate wife, Melissa Meeks.

One week after Meeks was spotted getting VERY friendly with Topshop heiress Chloe Green on board a yacht in Turkey, Melissa has told The Daily Mail that she plans on divorcing her cheating husband.

We can’t exactly fault her.

While we don’t know for certain what transpired between Meeks and Green – who is the 26-year-old daughter of Sir Philip Green, the British billionaire behind the aforementioned international clothing store – paparazzi photos from last week depict the two cuddling and kissing while on vacation.

“The first I learned of it was when I woke up and checked my phone,” Melissa told the Daily Mail, elaborating as follows:

“Some random person I don’t know sent a direct message with the photograph of my husband kissing that woman. I went into shock. I felt nauseated.

“It was like a bomb had gone off and my whole world had been blown apart. I’d never heard of Chloe Green. I thought Jeremy was working.”

Not really. He was actually, it seems, working it.

Holding nothing back, Melissa describes the images and her husband’s duplicitous actions as being akin to a “dagger through the heart” that left her feeling “humiliated.”

“I know it takes two to tango but she knew he was married. To me, that’s unforgivable,” adds Mrs. Meeks.

“My whole world has been torn apart by this. What do I tell our children? My heart is broken. My marriage wasn’t perfect but I thought it could be saved, until this happened.”

Jeremy and Melissa share a seven-year old daughter, while the former has two kids from a previous relationship.

“What they did destroyed my entire world,” Melissa says, asking:

“Did either of them think about the children and how this will affect them? They’re the innocent victims in this. And so am I. They weren’t even trying to be discreet.

“I’ve been publicly humiliated, which makes the pain so much worse.”

Meeks was arrested on weapons charges in 2014 and the Internet immediately went wild over his mugshot.

He even landed a professional modeling contract as a result of this unexpected popularity.

Melissa tells the British newspaper that this fame “changed” Jeremy and that he “started hanging out with celebrities” over the past several months.

The two talked about separating, but had not arrived at that decision when the photos with Green were sent to her last week.

On Wednesday, husband and wife finally had it out.

“I told him how devastated and angry I am,” she says. “He kept apologizing – not for the affair, but for the way I learned about it. I feel humiliated, not just because my husband was caught with another woman but for the fact they were so brazen about it.

“He told me, ‘I didn’t mean it to happen like this.’

“Those pictures will haunt me forever. He kept saying, ‘I’m sorry, you didn’t deserve this.’ We talked about divorce. I told him I didn’t think the marriage could be saved.

“He agreed. The marriage is over.”


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Tupac Confesses in Prison Letter He Dumped Madonna Because She Was White

Tupac broke off his sexual relationship with Madonna because she was white. The rapper poured out his heart to the singer in an extremely revealing letter he wrote in jail.   Tupac writes, “For you to be seen with a black man…


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Amber Portwood: REAL Reason She Dumped Matt Baier Revealed!

Earlier this week, we learned that Amber Portwood dumped Matt Baier just months before the couple was scheduled to tie the knot.

The news didn’t exactly come as a shock, as Portwood and Baier had had difficulty hiding their relationship troubles from the public throughout much of the past year.

Still, there was some confusion about the incident that finally led Amber to see the light and kick Matt to the curb.

Some believed Portwood got fed up after Baier pressured her to marry him during their recent trip to Vegas.

Others believed that Amber decided to call it quits after Baier failed a lie detector test in which he was questioned about allegations of infidelity. 

Amber played it coy during a recent Instagram livestream, admitting that she and Baier had broken up, but refusing to go into detail as to why.

Fortunately, last night’s episode of Teen Mom: OG cleared things up considerably.

Both Portwood and Baier have struggled with substance abuse issues, an Amber’s fears about Matt falling off the wagon were confirmed during a week of promotional events in New York:

Amber became aware that Matt gave her co-star Catelynn Lowell a Xanax when she began to experience panic attack symptoms.

She was previously under the impression that he was completely sober and had not been in possession of any drugs in several years.

Understandably upset, Amber had little time for Matt’s excuses the following morning.

“You’re sorry every other f–king week,” she said, in response to his apology.

Asked if she still planned to marry him, Amber simply shook her head no.

“What about all these questions you’re going to get today?” Baier asked, in reference to the day’s press junket.

“I’ll lie right now if they ask,” she said. “You made more than one f–king mistake, I’m not doing it.”

Baier later revealed to producers that the situation was even more serious than it appeared on camera.

“She wakes me up this morning, [saying], ‘We’re not getting married. You’re a f–king junkie,’” said a visibly upset Baier.

“I go, ‘What the f–k is going on? I didn’t do a f–king thing wrong."”

After the episode aired, Catelynn took to Twitter to clarify that she did not take the pill offered to her by Baier.

“FYI I never took what Matt gave me like I know what it is?!?” she tweeted. “Hell no I saved that shit and told amber I wanted proof etc.”

Watch Teen Mom online to remind yourself of just how troubling Amber and Matt’s relationship has been from the start.


Monday, June 12, 2017

Amber Portwood: I FINALLY Dumped Matt Baier!

After weeks of speculation and several years of arguably the worst relationship in the history of the Teen Mom franchise, it’s finally official:

Amber Portwood has dumped Matt Baier, bringing to an end one of the most successful coattail-riding/golddigging campaigns this side of Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna.

We’d known for several weeks that Amber and Matt had called off the wedding.

Portwood confirmed that news at the recent taping of the Teen Mom: OG reunion show in New York.

(Fans aren’t supposed to publicly share anything that the ladies said during the taping … but they totally do.)

For a while, though, it looked like Matt and Amber would attempt to patch things up.

Sources said they were still living together, and while they’d scrapped plans to get hitched, fans believed Amber just wouldn’t be able to bring herself to kick Matt to the curb.

Portwood put that talk to rest with a revealing Instagram livestream over the weekend.

While she’s apparently unable to go into detail due to the terms of her contract with MTV, Portwood made it quite clear that she’s seen the light with regard to what a douche-nozzle Baier truly is.

“Do you see him in my bed?” Amber coyly replied when a fan asked if she’s still with Matt.

She went on to say that she “has no man” and stated that she’s single, but was unsure if she’s legally able to talk about it.

Exciting news if, like so many Teen Mom viewers, you’ve wanted Baier out of the picture from the moment he entered it.

Amber didn’t go into detail of course, but the couple’s latest rough patch appears to have started after Baier was essentially caught cheating on Amber, miserably failing a lie detector test on the subject.

But don’t go getting too excited about the possibility of Portwood moving on to an actual stable, healthy relationship.

Sources tell The Ashley’s Reality Roundup that Amber is still hoping to get back together with Matt.

While the insider says “even [Amber] admits that it is not looking good for Matt,” Portwood has not officially given up on the relationship just yet.

Matt seems to believe the reconciliation is a sure thing, but it’s possible that Amber is simply taking her time with the breakup for legal reasons.

While they’re not married, Portwood and Baier do own several properties and have invsted in multiple business ventures together.

“Matt is making it look like everything’s hunky-dory but it’s really not,” The Ashley’s source says.

“Take everything Matt says with a grain of salt. Amber realizes now that he’s a chronic liar and that’s been one of the biggest reasons why she’s considering leaving him for good.”

The insider adds:

“There are a lot of legal issues between the two of them that would have to be worked through first for Matt to be formally put out.

“There is some stuff that would need to be wrapped up before they can officially call it quits. More may come out by next month.”

We’ll updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.

In the meantime, watch Teen Mom online to remind yourself just how badly the Mamber relationship sucked.


Thursday, May 11, 2017

Javi Marroquin: Here"s the REAL Reason I Dumped Madison Walls!

Back in March, Teen Mom 2 fans were more than a little surprised to learn that Javi Marroquin was dating Madison Channing Walls.

It wasn’t that Javi had moved on so quickly from his marriage to Kailyn Lowry that caught them off guard, but rather the unique set of problems raised by Walls’ checkered past.

For starters, Walls is an MTV pseudo-star in her own right, having starred in a single season Real World spinoff titled Real World: Skeletons.

The show focused on its cast members’ secrets, bringing them to light on national TV, which sounds like the stuff of mattress-soaking nightmares.

TM2 obsessives were surprised not only that Javi would get involved with another reality star after having vocally complained about the negative effects the spotlight had on his marriage, but also that he seemed unconcerned about his new girlfriend’s particular “skeleton.”

You see, Walls is a recovering heroin addict and her long history of substance abuse and petty crime were explored in-depth on Skeletons.

Considering Marroquin is still gearing up for what might well be an ugly custody battle with Kailyn, many found it strange that he would involve himself with a woman who had recently endured such tremendous difficulties.

Now, we know that Javi wasn’t worried about Walls’ addiction issues for the simple reason that he didn’t know about them!

Yes, it’s hard to believe that in an age in which you can find out the name of your Tinder date’s first grade teacher before you even meet them, but Javi entered a relationship with a reality star without ever watching an episode of her show!

Marroquin made the mind-blowing reveal during a sit-down with Teen Mom 2 after-show host, Nessa:

“The biggest thing was I had a hard time reading motives and intentions, so when things started coming out in the tabloids, there were a lot of things I didn’t know about,” he explained.

“I didn’t watch her season, so I guess she had a past, she overcame that past, and she didn’t tell me about.”

He went on to offer some nonsense about incompatible “intentions”:

“I didn’t know if her intentions were the same, as they were in the beginning, if that makes sense.”

The confession is surprising for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that MTV stars aren’t usually in the habit of admitting they don’t watch other MTV shows.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for the full run-down of dumb things Javi has said publicly.

Do it now, before network execs can his ass.


Sunday, April 30, 2017

Chad Johnson Gets Lift from Cops, but Dumped at Gas Station!!! (VIDEO)

Chad Johnson was lucky to run into a highway patrol officer who was kind enough to give him a lift when his car blew a tire … but duty called, and Chad was unceremoniously kicked to the curb. Chad tells TMZ Sports he was driving home from a…


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Christina El Moussa: DUMPED By Nate Thompson?!

It’s only been three months since Tarek El Moussa filed for divorce from Christina El Moussa, but neither party has wasted much time in re-building their lives post-marriage.

Tarek and Christina are working together again, and they seem to be hoping they can convince fans that little has changed in their relationship aside from the tiny detail that they’re no longer married.

Unfortunately for the El Moussas, there’s been an intense level of tabloid interest in the dissolution of their marriage, which means fans are well aware that things haven’t been going smoothly.

For one thing, Christina has seemed very eager to dive straight into a new relationship.

It’s been widely rumored that Christina began dating Gary Anderson before she and Tarek were even divorced and that her husband understandably wasn’t thrilled about it.

But that remains unconfirmed.

What we know for certain, however, is that Christina was involved with Nate Thompson of the NHL’s Anaheim Ducks as recently as last month.

However, it doesn’t appear that things worked out between Christina and her rebound dude.

There are conflicting reports as to what exactly went down between El Moussa and Thompson, but accounts concur that the pair is officially dunzo:

“Nothing dramatic happened — it was super casual from the start, and they were never an official couple to begin with,” a source tells Entertainment Tonight.

“Bad timing on both their ends never really let it evolve into something serious. They remain friends and there are no bad feelings between them at all.”

A different source is offering a different version of events to Radar Online, claiming that Thompson unexpectedly dumped El Moussa in order to get back together wit his previous girlfriend, Sydney Kaplan.

The insider adds that Kaplan looks a lot like Christina – but is nearly a decade younger.

If that’s really the case, it’s gotta sting a little for Christina, who hasn’t had the greatest luck in the romance department these past few months.

Sounds like she should just cool it on the dating, focus on her kids and … the house-flipping show she hosts with her ex-husband.

Yeah, it’s a bit of a weird life Christina has carved out for herself.


Friday, April 7, 2017

Kylie Jenner: The REAL Reason She Dumped Tyga Revealed?

Earlier this week, we learned that Kylie Jenner and Tyga have broken up for approximately the 47,000th time.

Theories as to why the couple split vary widely, with some claiming Tyga cheated with Demi Rose Mawby (again), and others insisting that Kylie simply got tired of being tethered to a D-list coattail-rider.

Now, a new hypothesis has emerged, and it pretty much flips the script on the notion that Kylie was the one settling in the relationship.

Radar Online is reporting today that Kylie did dump Tyga, but not because his rap career is a dud.

Rather, Radar’s sources claim Kylie was hoping to take the next step, and she became angry when she realized that Tyga wasn’t planning to pop the question any time soon.

“Kylie has been begging Tyga to propose to her for years now and she pulled the plug on this relationship because she was tired of waiting,” says one insider.

The source adds that Kylie’s ego was bruised by Tyga’s refusal to propose, and she may have been bluffing when she kicked him to the curb.

“She has been trying to force him into marrying her and seems to think that Tyga cannot live without her,” the tipster claims.

“But she’s wrong because he clearly can and does!”

Now, it’s a standoff, as both sides are reportedly waiting for the other one to cave.

But that might be as futile as waiting for an apology from Donald Trump to apologize for something, as the same qualities that brought Tyga and Kylie together might permanently drive them apart.

Sources say they’re both remarkably strong-willed, and in this case, that could be their undoing.

Those closest to the couple say (to the surprise of absolutely no one) Kylizzle and T-Raww both have huge egos.

It created problems when they were together, and now that they’re apart, it might create a situation where neither side is willing to swallow their pride for the sake of the relationship.

“It seems like she annoys him more than anything lately because she is not the same girl that he fell for,” the insider claims.

“Lately it’s always just seemed like the Kylie Show guest starring Tyga and it looks like he couldn’t take that anymore!”

Unfortunately for Tyga, a guest-starring role on the Kylie Show might be his best career option these days.


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

29 Breakup Texts That Almost Made Getting Dumped Worth It

Oooh, OUCH! And also: HA!

These breakup text messages may have been terrible to receive for the person on the business end, but they are amazing to read.

Some of them had to have a feeling this was coming, and others just plain asked for it. Others still had to be blindsided. All are amazing.

Check out these classics …

1. That’s the Point

Thats the point

File this under comebacks that missed the mark.

2. #TransformationTuesday Breakup

Number transformationtuesday breakup

Ouch. This is not the way you want #TransformationTuesday to go. Not at all.

3. Take the Hint!

Take the hint

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try to break that heart again.

4. Well, That Was Blunt

Well that was blunt

No beating around the bush here.

5. Ex Games

Ex games

We really hope this guy got back together with this girl after this exchange.

6. At Least It Was Mutual

At least it was mutual

See, it really is possible to have a mutual breakup.

View Slideshow

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Paris Hilton -- Party Foul! Who Dumped Their Vodka on My DJ Gear?? (VIDEO)

Paris Hilton and vodka did NOT go well together for once when a spilled drink screwed up her DJ gig in Miami — but at least the crowd got to watch her play handywoman. P was doing a set at Wall for Art Basel, and just when she had the club jumping…


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Tidal Sued -- I Pumped, You Dumped Me Over Breast Milk

Execs at Tidal fired a new mother the day after she requested a private room to use her breast pump … according to a new lawsuit. Lisette Paulson says the music streaming company – specifically Jay Z’s trusted associate, Desiree…


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Mariah Carey: Dumped by James Packer?!?

According to a new report, Mariah Carey is singing a very sad tune at the moment.

And, according to this same report, no one will be singing “Here Comes the Bride” on Carey’s wedding day.

Because there won’t be a wedding day. Because Carey has been sent packing by James Packer.

A source tells The New York Post that the billionaire Australian, grew sick and tired of putting up with Carey’s “extravagant spending” and newfound love for reality television.

Which, if true, is both understandable and confusing.

Packer was sick of Carey spending a lot of money?!?

Had Packer ever met Carey prior to asking her to marry him?!?

This isn’t exactly a woman known to live modestly. She can’t even pose for a naked selfie with being draped in diamonds.

Packer, who earned most of his fortune as a casino mogul, officially called it quits with Carey this week after being engaged to the singer for under a year, according to Woman’s Day.

“It’s all over,” a family friend told the magazine, adding:

“James had huge reservations about Mariah’s new reality TV show and the fact that she was willing to expose their lives to the world.”

It’s true: in December, Mariah’s World will debut on E!.

Based on the trailer at the outset of this article and the one below, it looks exactly like you would expect a Mariah Carey reality show to look like.

Carey jokes at one point about her reputation for being high maintenance, only to later (not really) joke about wanting puppies in her dressing room.

“I don’t consider it reality,” Carey told reporters of the series, claiming the program will be closer to a “documentary.”

However she wants to refer to it, the show may now have to undergo some serious changes because it was set to partially chronicle her wedding planning.

But the wedding has been so adamantly called off that Page Six claims Packer doesn’t even care if Carey keep shed $ 10 million engagement ring. He just wants out.

“When she refused to come to Australia for [Packer’s sister’s] birthday party it created a lot of tension in the family,” a friend said of the final straw for Packer.

This insider says that Carey never bonded with Packer’s family members or anyone close to the wealthy businessman:

“His mom hated to even hear her name mentioned, and James’ tight circle of friends never really thought they would marry.”

This news probably doesn’t come as a shock to those who have taken note that neither Carey nor Packer talked much about their actual wedding.

It was almost as if both sides knew that day would never come.

But there’s an interesting note to end on: The Post writes that Carey has been “spending time” since this split with ex-husband Nick Cannon.

Might a reconciliation be in the cards?!?

Now that would make for a quality reality show storyline.


Monday, October 17, 2016

Perrie Edwards Confirms: Zayn Malik Dumped Me Over Text!

Zayn Malik is not very good at saying goodbye.

Remember when Malik left One Direction in March of 2015?

It wasn’t so much that the singer even decided to go off on his own… it was that Malik said he ditched the beloved boy band because he wanted to make real music.


But Malik made an even bigger farewell mistake in breaking up with Perrie Edwards, the Little Mix singer has seemingly revealed.

More than 12 months after the pop stars ended their two-year engagement, Edwards has confirmed what has long been a suspicion across the Internet:

That Malik dumped her without even talking to her about it.

He did it via text message.

“It was horrible, the worst time in my life. A four-year relationship, two-year engagement ended by a simple text message. Just like that,” Edwards reportedly wrote in the group’s latest book One World.

An except from this tome has made its way on to Twitter. Behold:

Edwards excerpt

Edwards, of course, does not reference Malik by name in this passage.

But we’re pretty sure he’s the only person she dated for four years and was engaged to for two years.

Back in November, the ex-One Direction member –  who is now dating model Gigi Hadid – denied rumors that he had broken up with Edwards in this cruel fashion.

He told The Fader magazine that he has too much respect for Edwards “than to end anything over text message.”

“I love her a lot, and I always will, and I would never end our relationship over four years like that,” Malik back then. “She knows that, I know that, and the public should know that as well.”

Well, the public now has questions over this.

According to this same book, Little Mix bandmates Jesy Nelson, Jade Thirlwall and Leigh-Anne Pinnock helped Edwards through the difficult breakup.

“The girls were amazing. We’d have sleepovers and they’d get my favorite desserts and do everything they could to cheer me up,” she wrote.

“I surrounded myself with friends and family … I didn’t want to be alone because when I was I’d start thinking about things and get upset.”

And there were times when Edwards simply couldn’t help it.

She broke down in the middle a concert last year, presumably over Malik:

Fortunately for Edwards, she appears to have moved on.

The artist is dating actor Luke Pasqualino.

“We’ve been on a few fun dates, which is nice,” she recently told The Sun. “It’s early days but yeah, he’s really lovely.”

We’re guessing he would never break up with anyone over the phone.

Malik, we suppose, can at least take solace is not being the old celebrity dirt bag.

Click through the photo gallery above so you know who NOT to date in the future.


Thursday, September 8, 2016

Tom Hiddleston: I Dumped Taylor Swift, Not The Other Way Around!

Just when Tom Hiddleston thought he escaped the unfathomable hell of dating Taylor Swift, he’s pulled right back in.

The cycle of a break-up always includes the inevitable question, “Who broke up with whom?

It’s all very he said/she said, but Hiddleston, for one, is not going to sit back and let people assume it was Swift who ended things. 

“The reports are wide of the mark and come as news to all Tom’s friends,” a source, who worked with Hiddleston on the 2014 stage production of Coriolanus, told UK’s Heat Magazine.

He grew tired of Taylor, it wasn’t the other way round.

“Tom drifted from her and it had nothing to do with her being put off by the publicity.”

Hiddleston, it appears, rather prefers being a singleton.  

Also, he might have ADD.

“It’s more to do with the fact he’s a commitment-phobe who gets bored very easily.”

People announced Hiddleston and Swift’s break-up on September 6th, though no reason for the split was given.

Many were convinced that the set-up was a publicity stunt, put on to keep the two relevant.

In July, a source close to Hiddleston told The Hollywood Gossip that it was, indeed, all for show.

“Tom and Taylor’s relationship was initially set up by Taylor’s PR team after they bumped into each other at Anna Wintour’s house-party,” the source explained.

The reason?  Swift wasn’t making music, but wanted to remain in the spotlight until she released her next album.

“Tom was prepared to go along with it because he believed that he and Taylor would be able to find something in common with each other.  At least have some fun together. 

“It worked, and whilst he does care about Taylor, he is now beginning to realize that he may have made a mistake after she insisted upon them meeting each other’s parents within the space of twenty four hours.” 

Yeah…that’s a bit much.

“Taylor is practically glued to his side,” the source added.

“After only one month of dating, she is talking about moving in with him, getting married, and having children with him.”

And just like Heat’s source, this one brought up Hiddleston’s commitment issues.

“Tom has always had huge commitment issues, so Taylor talking to him about those things, and after such a short amount of time, is really beginning to freak him out.”

Another source told Radar Online last month that Hiddleston was sick of being a “glorified escort” for Swift.

“Tom can’t deal with being a laughing stock and has told Taylor he’s done unless there’s a 360-degree change on her part.

“It bothers him so much that they’ve become known as this fauxmance laughing stock.”

Hiddleston will be at this year’s Primetime Emmy Awards on September 18th, since he’s nominated for his role in the miniseries, The Night Manager.

Meanwhile, Swift will be writing some new songs…

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Taylor Swift & Tom Hiddleston: Who Dumped Whom? (And Who "Won" the Breakup?)

As you’ve probably heard by now, Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston have broken up after just three months of dating.

We’ve already broken down the big theories regarding where it all went wrong for Swift and Hiddleston, but despite the mountains of speculation on the Internet, two important questions remain:

1. Who was the one that finally decided to pull the plug on this brief, possibly fake relationship? And:

2. Who’s “winning” the breakup in the eyes of fans?

Sadly, it’ll probably be a while before we get any concrete answers with regard to the first question.

Of course, the truth will come out eventually as Taylor’s exes generally do talk to the press at some point (as evidenced by the Calvin Harris interview published by British GQ today).

And of course, Taylor always vents her frustrations in song form.

But this time she may have met her match in terms of coming out on top after a highly publicized breakup.

Yes, it seems that the answer to the second question – that of who’s being perceived as the more likable of the two in the wake of the Swiddles split – seems to be pretty clear.

Maybe it’s the fact that Taylor is disliked by so many social media users these days that the “Taylor Swift is over party” became a worldwide trending topic during her recent PR troubles…

…or perhaps it’s the fact that Hiddleston has such a solid reputation as a nice guy that he’s beloved by a legion of devote fans, even though he’s most famous for playing a supervillain.

Whatever the case, the court of public opinion has spoken, and the verdict is nigh-unanimous:

According to social media, Hiddleston is the good guy here.

“Insiders” from both camps have blamed the other party for being overly concerned with fame and appearances, and unwilling to put in the time and effort necessary to make a relationship work.

Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the split comes on the heels of the worst week of Taylor’s career (during which she feuded with Kim Kardashian, got dissed by Harris, and took multiple hits to her reputation), but the public is only buying Hiddleston’s story.

Interestingly, Taylor’s “hell week” may have contributed to the conditions under which the breakup took place.

Several sources have indicated that Hiddleston badly wanted Swift to attend the upcoming Emmy Awards ceremony with him.

Apparently, she had previously agreed to do so, but then decided against it, as she’s lying low until her current mini-scandals blow over.

Taylor skipped the VMAs last week to nurse her ailing ego/reputation, and she apparently informed Hiddleston that she’s had a change of heart about working the red carpet at the Emmys as well.

According to some sources, this sparked an argument which the young relationship simply couldn’t survive.

Like we said, it may be quite some time in tell you find out exactly what happened.

But we wouldn’t be surprised if Taylor is in a studio somewhere trying to think of words that rhyme with “Emmy.”