Showing posts with label Flips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flips. Show all posts

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Lawrence O"Donnell Flips His $hit in Must-Watch Outtake

Lawrence O"Donnell may hold very different political beliefs than Bill O"Reilly.

But the two cable network hosts now have at least one thing in common.

Years after footage leaked online of O"Reilly flipping out over a few production issues ("F-ck it, we"ll do it live!" he famously screamed from behind his desk), O"Donnell has now apologized for an eight-minute long video that features him losing it on producers and colleagues.

“What’s going on, why am I losing this, why don’t I have sound,” the MSNBC host says early on. “Who’s asking for a Labor Day rundown in my ear?”

“God dammit,” he mutters shortly thereafter, shaking his head, prior to bursting into a brief spasm of fury and slamming his fists on the desk in front of him.

The profanity-laced rant was originally published on Mediaite and it depicts "The Last Word" anchor gesticulating wildly at times while also cursing at a person talking in his earpiece.

He later berates his staff for not getting the edits he wants in the script.

"There"s insanity in the control room tonight," O"Donnell says at one point, later adding through clenched teeth:

"You have insanity in my earpiece …. It"s not my earpiece, it"s somebody talking on our lines."

The portion that is getting quoted most often by Internet users, meanwhile, centers around a sound O"Donnell clearly does not want to hear in the background.

It"s messed him up big time.

"Somebody go up there and stop the hammering! I"ll go down to the … floor myself and stop it. Keep the … commercial break going," he shouts.

"I don"t care who you have to call. Stop the hammering!"

He veteran broadcaster eventually stands up and launches into a tirade past the camera.


After the lengthy piece of footage made its way around the Internet, O"Donnell jumped on Twitter to apologize.

"A better anchorman and a better person would"ve had a better reaction to technical difficulties. I"m sorry," he wrote on Wednesday night.

We have no idea why, though.

This was the best video we watched all week! No apology necessary!

Check it out now:

Lawrence odonnell flips his %24hit in profanity laced eight minute

Monday, September 11, 2017

LSU"s Derrius Guice Nearly Flips ATV, Barely Escapes Disaster

Welcome to “What the HELL are are you doing?!” — starring LSU RB Derrius Guice … who nearly flipped an ATV trying to pull off a 4-wheeled trick and almost CRUSHED himself in the process.  If you didn’t know, Guice is an absolute stud (he…


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Marshawn Lynch Flips Metaphorical Finger at Anthem Protest Questions

Oakland Raiders star Marshawn Lynch was asked point blank by the media about his national anthem protest — but by the way he bobbed, weaved and clowned the questions, you’d think he was Floyd Mayweather.  When asked to address the “elephant…


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Shia LaBeouf FLIPS OUT on Cop in Shocking Arrest Video: Watch!

Over the weekend, Shia LaBeouf was arrested for disorderly conduct and public drunkenness at an Atlanta hotel.

Details of the incident were initially scarce, but TMZ reported that LaBeouf lost his temper after asking a stranger for a cigarette and getting refused.

As new arrest video reveals, the stranger LaBeouf butted heads with was a police officer.

Footage from the incident shows an appparently intoxicated LaBeouf becoming increasingly irate with the arresting officer, who repeatedly attempts to calm him down.

Portions of Shia’s rant are downright hilarious in their absurdity:

“I have rights! I’m an American,” he shouts at one point.

“You got me in my hotel, arresting me in my hotel for doing what, sir? … I’m a f–king American, I pay my taxes, get these sh-ts off my f–king arm,” he added, seemingly referring to the fact that he was handcuffed.

Other times, the situation gets even uglier, as LaBeouf decides to play the race card with the black officer.

“You’ve got a president who doesn’t give a f–k about you, you’re on a police force that doesn’t give a f–k about you, and you wanna do what? Arrest white people?” he asked the cop.

“Why would I ask for cigarettes if I was racist?” LaBeouf continued, demonstrating some seriously questionable logic.

The 31-year-old actor continued to berate the officer, becoming increasingly hostile as he was loaded into the back of a police car.

“I got more millionaire lawyers than you know what to do with, you stupid bitch!” he shouted at one point.

This isn’t the first time that LaBeouf has been arrested in similar situations.

Most recently, the actor was taken into custody at an anti-Trump protest. 

Prior to that, LaBeouf was arrested in New York for public intoxication in New York in 2014 after behaving erratically and disruptively while in the audience at a Broadway show.

The actor has yet to speak out on his latest legal woes, but he returned to work on a Georgia film set on Monday.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

White Skittles Hit the Market, Internet Flips the Eff Out

For the second year in a row, Skittles has made a gesture in support of the LGBT community.

With June widely considered Pride Month, the candy has gone all-white in various markets because, as the company behind Skittles explains, "during Pride, only one rainbow matters. So we’ve given up ours to show support."

The Skittles taste the same, it"s worth noting.

The typical colors associated with this beloved candy are simply the result of dye, not flavor of any kind.

But try telling that to the Internet!

As you might expect, a variety of users are responding in a variety of ways to this news. And not every reaction is positive…

1. These are White Skittles

These are white skittles

Yes, they look unusual. But remember the basis for the temporary change? It’s an admirable cause.

2. The Affiliated Message

The affiliated message

These white Skittlers are display in the U.K.’s Tesco stores, with a note that profits will be sent to charities that support LGBT+.

3. The Reactions Commence

The reactions commence

Okay, fair: the packaging could use some work.

4. No Way! The Package is Great!

No way the package is great

Fine. Sorry. Calm down.

5. Even More Praise

Even more praise

Hey, maybe the Internet isn’t so mean after all!

6. Then Again…

Then again

Wait, what?!? This is a race thing now?

View Slideshow

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Hassan Whiteside Surprises Mom With House, Family Flips Out (VIDEO)

Here’s video of Hassan Whiteside that’s gonna make you all gooey with the fuzziness inside … the Miami Heat star surprising his mom in the most awesome way … WITH A BRAND NEW HOUSE! Whiteside pulled off a pretty elaborate ruse on his mother ……


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Terese Giudice Gets Accused of Cheating, FLIPS THE EFF OUT

Terese Giudice is known for flipping tables when she gets angry.

But a new report claims Giudice simply flipped out upon being accused of stepping out on her husband.

In a sexual manner of speaking, that is.

An insider tells Life & Style that Giudice was attending a charity event along with Real Housewives of New Jersey co-star Kim DePaola when some ugly sparks started to fly.

And it all started when DePaola strongly hinted that Teresa was cheating on husband Joe Giudice.

“Teresa was talking about her wonderful children and everything she is doing with them, and Kim couldn’t take it,” a source explains to the tabloid.

“She said, ‘Please! You are out every night with some guy!’”

Whoa there! That apparently escalated quickly.

For the record, of course, Joe Giudice is currently behind bars.

We’re not saying this means Giudice is banging some other dude or anything. We aren’t in a position to verify Kim’s allegation.

We’re just reminding readers that Joe is serving many months in prison for his role in a bankruptcy fraud scheme.

Back when the situation was reversed – when Teresa was spending time in jail for the same crime – Joe was the spouse who was under fire for having a wandering private part.

But back to this recent night out between DePaola and Giudice.

How did the latter react when the former started leveling such public charges against her?

“She started acting like a lunatic,” the insider says, cursing at Kim and even threatening to hurt a drink in her direction.

“Kim said, ‘You throw that glass at me, you’re going back to jail, bitch."”

We presume this is a reference to Giudice being on parole. And that if she threw a drink… and if Kim then pressed charges… then it’s true: Teresa really could go back to jail.

DePaola and Giudice have never been good friends. And that’s an underestimate.

“Kim thinks Teresa is filthy,” the Life & Style source says very simply.

Teresa has gone far out of her way of late to paint herself as Mother of the Century.

With Joe in jail, Giudice has talked often about how she’s focusing on raising daughters Gia, Milania, Audriana and Gabriella and how it’s been a challenge at times.

“[The kids] miss their dad, of course, tremendously, just like I do. But you know they’re doing as well as could be expected,” she told ABC News a few months ago.

But she added that the girls are “amazing” and “really strong.”

Does she keep in touch with Joe?

Yes, as often as she can.

“We e-mail every day,” Teresa has said, adding:

“We talk every day and I see him every week… Our family’s gonna be reunited again, and that’s what I’m looking forward to.”


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 7 Episode 16 Recap: Erika Girardi Flips Out

Did Erika Girardi turn on Dorit Kemsley?

That was a key question on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 7 Episode 16 as the trip to Hong Kong continued. 

When the episode got underway, the two women continued their epic argument.

“You’re dying for my attention, and now you have it!” Erika shouted at Dorit.

“What on Earth would I need from you, Erika?” Dorit yelled. “You’re not interesting. You’re not fun. You’re cold as f–king ice.”

Erika then revealed that Panty Gate was still on her mind. 

“Do you think I’m really going to like you after everything that happened with the underwear?” Erika asked. “You took something that was innocent and turned it into this, ‘Oh, she’s doing it on purpose."”

If you watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online, you will already know that Erika’s underwear caused quite the stir at a party a few weeks back. 

Erika revealed to the camera that she felt great calling Dorit out. 

“It felt good to tell Dorit to go f–k herself.”

Surprisingly, Dorit was quick to point out that she had no idea Erika felt as strongly as she did about the whole thing. After that, Lisa Rinna chimed in that Dorit should have apologized on behalf of PK. 

“I’m sorry that my husband was glaring at your vagina.”

Dorit’s apology paved the way for Lisa Rinna to point in her face. Lisa Vanderpump spoke up with her views on the matter.

“They basically all thought it was a great idea, and then when Erika didn’t take it as quite a joke, they backed off. That’s not fair,” she said.

Erika fired back that she was still not impressed with the way Dorit was treating her. 

“This is f–king bulls–t. She’s out to humiliate me. Hooray, you did it.”

On the car ride home, Erika revealed she felt like she had not been treated fairly and thought Dorit should take that into consideration. 

Elsewhere, Vanderpump, Kyle, and Dorit went somewhere else to try and stop the arguing. Dorit persisted to trash Erika and said that her squad was probably getting in her head. 

The next day, the ladies met for dinner, and Rinna wasted no time in asking Dorit whether she had apologized to Erika. Erika revealed she had not. 

Erika pressed, saying it was something that should have never been spoken of again. As you can probably expect, Dorit said she had no recollection of what went down. 

Kyle went for Rinna when she brought Dorit’s husband into it. Apparently, it was because Kim said something about Harry Hamlin in the past and Lisa did not like it. 

Erika dropped the bomb that the root of her concern was that she, herself, had to explain to her husband about the whole incident. 

“Making me out to be a f–king slut or a whore or trying to seduce someone’s husband — it was at my expense, and I’m the one who has to live through that,” she snapped.

“You can apologize to him and say, ‘You know what Tom, I f–ked up,’ and then your husband can apologize to him, too.”

Dorit agreed that was the best course of action, but when everything seemed okay, it all kicked off again. Eileen said something she should not have. 

“Don’t ever talk about my kid again! Shut the f–k up! You don’t know what I deal with every night! That’s really insensitive. Your kid’s not out there!”

Apparently, Erika’s kid is a police officer. 

Okay then. 

Things went from bad to worse when Rinna asked if Dorit was doing cocaine in her house. 

What did you think of all the drama?


Thursday, February 16, 2017

Demi Lovato Reveals Nearly EVERYthing in Catsuit, Internet Flips Out

Demi Lovato has remained relatively quiet over the past few weeks.

She hasn’t released any new music. She hasn’t been spotted out in public much. She hasn’t posted any cryptic or particularly interesting messages on social media.

But now we know why.

Now we understand that Lovato simply wanted to build up an air of anticipation for what she just unleashed on unsuspecting followerrs.

And what she unleashed was this:

The most revealing Instagram photo in the history of her account.

We’re not exaggerating.

The 24-year old singer stunned fans on Thursday by sharing a photo of herself in a beaded one-piece, something that can only be described as a “catsuit,” which features a plunging neckline and strategic black beading.

How strategic? If it weren’t there, we’d see ALL of Demi’s goodies.

The artist paired this skintight suit with patent pumps and tousled waves.

Simply put, she looks amazing.

Lovato did not include a caption with the sizzling (and we mean SIZZLING) snapshot because, really, what is there to say?!?

“Slay mum,” one wrote clearly impressed Internet user, while another added:

“Hot damn! You are perfect.”

And yet another tagged a friend and asked, “you see?!? Beautiful AF.”

The almost X-rated photo has already garnered close to 1.5 million Likes. And it’s easy to see why.

Lovato made her romance with Luke Rockhold Instagram official in November when she posted a picture (below) of herself and the UFC fighter out and above, seated side-by-side and looking very cozy.

About six months earlier, Lovato and Wilmer Valderrama shocked everyone when they ended their six-year long relationship.

But what’s most impressive about Lovato’s racy image above is how it is representative of how far the artist has come.

As she isn’t afraid to talk about in public, Demi spent many months in rehab in 2010. She entered the facility due to drug and alcohol problems, but also due to an eating disorder.

Lovato also cut herself back in the day due to a severe lack of self-confident.

There’s simply no way the teenage Demi Lovato ever would have seen herself posing for this kind of picture.

Having arrived at a place of happiness and confidence, Lovato has used her platform to send as many positive messages about one’s body image as she can.

“Regardless of what society tells you these days… You don’t have to have a thigh gap to be beautiful,” Lovato wrote as a caption, for example, to THIS BIKINI SELFIE awhile back.

“It is possible to love your body the way it is. #fitness #health #acceptance #selflove,” she added at the time.

In an old interview with Glam Belleza Latina magazine, the stars also said she used to “tried to conform to what everyone thinks is beautiful.”

But now?

“I no longer look at my body and think, ‘Oh my gosh, I have such a fat butt’ or ‘I hate my thighs,” she said at the time.

“On some days I don’t love them. But, you know, that’s one of the things that makes me me.

We love Demi Lovato.

You keep doing you, girl. And, based on that photo, we know a bunch of guys who would LOVE to do you, if you catch our sexual drift.


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 7 Episode 11 Recap: Kyle Richards Flips Out

The arrival of Eden Sassoon has injected some new drama into The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. 

However, can she please shut up about Kim Richards? Regardless of whether Kyle Richards serves as her enabler, it’s none of her business.

As The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 7 Episode 11 got underway, Eden was not ready to be iced out by her new friend circle, so she turned to Lisa Vanderpump to air her feelings on the matter. 

Lisa was not impressed because she did not understand where the obsession was coming from, but Eden shocked her by revealing that she thought Kim was actually sober. 

The person who planted the seed of doubt in her mind was apparently Lisa Rinna.

Apparently, Rinna dropped the bomb on Eden while the pair were shopping. She said that Kim was not sober and was near death. 

That’s a hurtful thing to say, but somehow, Eden has a knack for causing drama, so it’s difficult to believe a word that comes out of her mouth.

LVP, however, seemed to believe what Eden was saying and agreed to pass the details on to Kyle. 

While all of this was going on, Lisa was at Kyle’s boutique, trying to get Kyle to give Eden a chance at having a friendship with her. 

Rinna’s main argument was that Kyle’s bond with Kim reminded Eden of the one she shared with her own sister. 

“I think she can be annoying as f–k, though,” Kyle said. Yes, we’re right there with you, Kyle. 

After that, Rinna disappeared to New York to support her daughter who was part of Fashion Week. In her travels, she met up with Camille Grammer. 

The pair bonded and it seemed like there was a very real possibility they could become good friends again.

Will this lead to Camille being an official cast member again?

Anyway, Camille told Rinna to ditch the situation with Eden because it will wind up causing even more drama. Rinna agreed. 

With Rinna agreeing to put all of the drama aside, LVP turned to Kyle to land Rinna in big trouble. 

“Rinna has said that she doesn’t believe that your sister is sober and that she is near death,” Vanderpump said.

“What?” Kyle shouted, but clearly shocked. 

Kyle was absolutely livid that Rinna would speak like that about her and rehashed the conversation they had earlier in the episode about them trying to move past all of the drama. 

“This last year and a half has been really hard for my sister, and she’s on a really good path and has a lot of exciting things in her life,” Kyle said. “Lisa Rinna needs to sew her f–king lips shut.”

Vanderpump added, “You’d need a lot of thread.”

When everyone gathered for dinner, Kyle revealed that Lisa R was the true culprit and the others agreed, but where was she?

The next morning, Rinna walked in, not knowing she was about to be put on blast. 

“I’m really sorry I’m not greeting you better, but we’re really having the perfect moment right now,” Kyle snapped. 


Was that the best cliffhanger of the series? 

Hit the comments with your thoughts on the drama. 


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Danielle Bregoli FLIPS THE EFF OUT on Airline Passenger

Danielle Bregoli, best known as the "Cash Me Outside" girl due to a memorable appearance on the Dr. Phil show last year, has now gone viral for a reason outside of her very odd word usage.

Only 13 years old, Bregoli earned her 15 Minutes of Fame several months ago when she mouthed off at the talk show audience while appearing opposite the aforementioned hack of a psychologist.

Bregoli and her mother were guests on the program, featured in a segment about the former’s out-of-control attitude.

And it was on full display not long after she stepped on to the stage.

"All these hos laughin’ like there’s something funny,” Bregoli said at one point, gesturing to the crowd and later taunting them with the catchphrase that has made her Internet famous:

“Cash me outside, howbow dah?”

The odd word choice… the accent… pretty much everything about Danielle Bregoli caused her to become the subject of quite a few memes, along with plenty of social media commentary throughout Facebook and Twitter.

On Monday, meanwhile, Bregoli got into a VERY heated dispute with a fellow passenger on board a Spirit Airlines flight.

According to TMZ, Bregoli took issue with a woman who wasn"t happy with how long Bregoli"s mother was taking to put away her carry-on bag.

Words were exchanged and then a punch was thrown by Bregoli.

The alleged victim then made a "citizen"s arrest," TMZ writes, until the cops arrived and all three people involved in the confrontation were escorted off the plane.

No arrests were made. But a lawsuit may be forthcoming.

And Bregoli isn"t denying that an assault took place.

“She got her ass whupped by a 13-year-old,” Bregoli, who has close to 800,000 followers on Facebook and 3 million on Instagram, said in a video posted to both those platforms this afternoon.

Watch the violent video in question below:

Danielle bregoli flips the eff out on airline passenger

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Scott Disick: Internet Flips Over Size of the Lord"s Dong

What do Scott Disick and Don Draper have in common?

Several things, actually:

They’re both blackout drunks; they both have trouble keeping it in their pants; and the equipment that they struggle to keep sheathed is the subject of endless fascination on the Internet.

Yes, the year is young, but it looks like we already have a winner for the 2017 Jon Hamm Giant Penis Award.

The Lord himself, Scott Disick, stepped out wearing a pair of flattering sweatpants recently, and the world was immediately reminded that you can’t spell “Disick” with D-I-C-K.

You can check out Scott’s package for yourself, or you can enjoy several hundred words of in-depth analysis below.

Seems like an obvious choice, if you ask us:

Like the Bieber Wang before it, the Disick Dong proves that a genetic link between douchiness and 

So if you’re a young woman who’s considering kicking your habit of dating self-obsessed jack-holes and finding yourself one of those mythical “nice guys” – don’t do it!

Is the increase in your peace of mind worth the the absence of an extra-large helping of manmeat in your life?

We think not.

Sure, there’s been talk of Orlando Bloom having a bigger penis than Justin, but that might be the exception that proves the rule.

Citing that example is like saying, “Where’s your climate change now, Obummer?” on a cold day in January.

We have no choice but to defer to the scientific community on such important and complex matters, and right now, all we know is that 100% of the two biggest jerk-asses in Hollywood are packing between the legs.

Now, you might be saying to yourself, “Oh, what about Jon Hamm? I heard he’s a nice guy.”

To which we reply, “You’re wrong, and Hamm is reportedly kind of a DB.”

We rest our case.

Anyway, let’s get to the really important matter here, which is what all this tells us about Kourtney Kardashian’s vagina:

In short: it’s clearly magic.

The latest reports have Kourtney hooking up with Bieber again, just weeks after her latest reconciliation with Disick crashed and burned.

When two of the industry’s most sizable douche dongs just can’t stay away from your hoo-hah, you’re clearly working with something special down here.

We’ll have further updates on these supernatural celebrity genitals as more information becomes available.


The Rock Flips Kevin Hart Off on Live TV at People"s Choice Awards (VIDEO)

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson got busted giving Kevin Hart the bird on live TV, but to be fair … Kevin kind of had it coming. Hart had just finished thanking all of his co-stars for winning favorite comedy performance in “Central Intelligence” on the…


The Rock Flips Kevin Hart Off on Live TV at People"s Choice Awards (VIDEO)

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson got busted giving Kevin Hart the bird on live TV, but to be fair … Kevin kind of had it coming. Hart had just finished thanking all of his co-stars for winning favorite comedy performance in “Central Intelligence” on the…


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Blac Chyna Hangs with French Montana, Twitter FLIPS OUT

Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian may be together and engaged.

Or Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian may have called off their wedding.

It’s impossible to know at this point.

It basically depends on the time of day, the mood these stars wake up in and how badly they need to make crap up for their reality show ratings.

But here’s one thing that cannot be denied or debated:

Blac Chyna most definitely hung out last week with French Montana, the very same French Montana who spent many months giving it to Khloe Kardashian a couple years.

What gives?

Why are these two hanging out?!?

And why did they simulate a similar photo – posing on the wing of an airplane – as posed for recently by Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick (below)?

What the heck kind of troll is this?!?

Chyna and Montana first sparked romance rumors when they were spotted together following Chyna’s appearance at 1 Oak nightclub in Las Vegas.

But there’s no way… is there?

Could these two really be hooking up?

We’re not sure if the Kardashian Family Tree could remain standing if a Blac-French branch has to be added.

Montana initially shared this picture on Instagram, writing “Young Legends” as a caption.

Chyna then followed suit, adding it to her social media account and simply penning “Bruva!” as her affiliated message.

In other words: the stars are clearly remaining mysterious and vague on purpose. They’re encouraging chatter about their relationship online.

And chatter they are receiving!

“Been there, done that!” one fan Tweeted. “Kourt and the Lord already did this! #copycat.”

It’s true. See for yourself:

Other reaction on Twitter was far more harsh.

Here are a few of the more pointed responses, as people are growing sick of Chyna either playing games, cheating on Rob or both:

This bitch is really disrespectful.

She’s a hot mess!

Chyna f–king you too @frenchmontana bitch got no shame in the game.. THOT all capitals… bitch got more miles than a ‘92 civic.

If Rob took a picture with another female u would lose it. Show [the] guy some respect. U is a real lame shawdy.

Late last year, of course, Chyna’s Instagram was allegedly hacked.

The leaked messages made it look as if Chyna was using Rob and her baby daughter purely for financial gain.

“Imma just worry about Dream,” she supposedly wrote to her friend Treasure, who replied:

“Your blessings will continue! Kris [Jenner] will make sure y’all are stable… just stack your money.”

Montana, who split from Khloe in December of 2014, gave Rob and Chyna his glowing endorsement in March of last year.

“I love the energy Rob is in,” the rapper told Us Weekly at the time.

“That’s my little brother. But I love him… I mean, as long as somebody is happy doing what they’re doing and just working out, having a lot of energy, I love that.”

Profound stuff from French.

But that was almost a year ago.

Time moves on. Energies change. New romances form.

Do you think Blac is riding French raw?


Friday, December 23, 2016

Miles Teller"s Truck Flips in Car Accident

Miles Teller went upside down Thursday night when his truck hit another car and flipped over … TMZ has learned. We’re told the actor was driving in the San Fernando Valley late Thursday night when an Uber driver made a left turn in front of…


Thursday, December 15, 2016

Donald Trump Flips Out Over Bad Restaurant Review, Because of Course He Does

With so many disturbing things about Donald Trump’s policies, personality, and the way he’s spent his life enriching himself at the expense of others, it can be easy to overlook some of his lesser flaws.

Fortunately, unlike the President-elect, we’re not preparing to assume power as the leader of the free world while also squeezing in meetings with emotionally unstable rappers, so we have time to concern ourselves with minor issues like Trump’s sh-tty taste in food.

Just kidding! According to his morning rage-tweet, Trump has plenty of time to obsess over trivialities like overdone cheeseburgers.

On Wednesday, Vanity Fair published a piece by Tina Nguyen entitled “Trump Grill Could Be the Worst Restaurant in America.”

Nguyen posited that the establishment was more than just a sub-par tourist-t steakhouse, and actually serves as a reflection of the political neophyte himself, offering diners a “cheap version of rich,” consistent with Fran Lebowitz’s notion that Trump’s appeal lies in his role as “a poor person’s idea of a rich person.”

In other words, Trump Grill (or “Grille” as its spelled on some signage) is all sizzle and no steak.

Nguyen poked fun at everything from the food (“sad little meat things” and “woody batons called ‘fries’) to hilariously over-rehearsed banter from the staff.  (“Oh, I’ve shaken hands with him before, and they’re pretty normal-sized hands,” her waiter said, seemingly apropos of nothing.)

Naturally, none of this sat well with the Donald.

“Has anyone looked at the really poor numbers of @VanityFair Magazine. Way down, big trouble, dead! Graydon Carter, no talent, will be out!” Trump tweeted this morning.

Many have pointed out that the tweet (particularly the “big trouble, dead!” and “will be out!” parts) sounds like a threat, which is more than a little disturbing coming from a man who will soon be tasked with defending the Constitution, including that all-important First Amendment.

Of course, it’s possible that the random attack on Carter had nothing to do with criticism of “flaccid, gray Szechuan dumplings [and] their flaccid, gray innards,” and everything to do with Trump’s insecurity over his own anatomy.

Several sources have pointed out that Carter seems to have been the first to remark on Trump’s tiny hands during his time as Spy magazine.

Trump has voiced his displeasure with Carter several times in the past and hilariously, he’s been known to send photos of himself to the journalist in hopes of demonstrating that his hands are actually of a normal size for an adult male.

So yeah, even though Trump’s latest attack on Vanity Fair isn’t really about the Fieri-quality fare at his restaurant, we’ll still grant it the distinction of unseating that ridiculous taco bowl selfie from Mayas his most ridiculous food-related tweet.

Your next president, ladies and gentlemen.


Monday, November 28, 2016

Walmart Shopper FLIPS THE EFF OUT on Black Friday

Need another reason to stay home on Black Friday?

Need another reason to sit back and save a boatload of money via Cyber Monday instead?

Just consider the following video.

It features a woman who is in desperate need of her husband. And a Xanax, by the looks and sounds of things.

We don"t know her name. We don"t know what she is looking for inside of this Walmart. We don"t know exactly what is wrong with her, except to assume that the pressure of Black Friday has made her snap.

We"re somehow guessing, however, that it doesn"t take much to make this shopper snap.

All we know is that the woman is wearing a pretty snazzy Star Wars top and doesn"t like it when someone asks if she"s drunk. 

Or when she"s reminded that kids are in the vicinity.

Watch her react to both of those pronouncement in a very scary manner below:

Star wars fan flips the eff out on black friday

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Justin Bieber Flips Out at Fans: You"re So Obnoxious!

Things just haven’t been going so well for poor little Justin Bieber lately, have they?

Well, they haven’t been going well for him for years now, but things have taken a weird turn in the past few months.

We first started getting concerned for JB when he made his Instagram account private.

Sure, it sounds like kind of a mild little thing, but he did it because his followers were attacking his then-girlfriend, Sophia Richie.

“I’m gonna make my Instagram private if you guys don’t stop the hate this is getting out of hand,” he wrote at the time.

“If you guys are really fans you wouldn’t be so mean to people that I like.”

Now, that was fair — Justin has the right to make his Instagram account private if he wants to — but it’s strange because it seemed like Justin was starting to turn on his fans a little bit.

Why wouldn’t he just ignore the negative remarks? With all the thousands upon thousands of comments he gets, it would definitely be easy to do.

But then Justin put on that completely, hilariously absurd disguise last week in Germany, and everything started coming together.

Justin is really acting like he’s getting sick and tired of fame.

And he proved that at a concert on Monday when he got upset that his fans were cheering for him.

How dare they, right?

Justin stopped the concert and said “Can you guys do me a favor? Can you guys just relax for about two seconds?”

“I get it, I get it,” he said, “but I’m like two feet away from you. And I can hear you. I appreciate all the love, it’s amazing, but can you show it in a different way? Screaming is just so obnoxious.”

One might argue that Justin’s entire existence is “so obnoxious” and that he has little room to talk, but we digress.

Justin got himself some well-deserved boos, and he dug his douchey hole deeper.

“I get it, it’s been in our blood and it’s ingrained,” he said. “You go to a concert and you scream and stuff. But if you could just scream after the song, enjoy the song, and then take a chill pill for a second and listen to me speak.”

“I don’t feel like I’m being heard sometimes, and it gets a little frustrating. When I’m speaking, can you guys not scream at the top of your lungs?”

The thing is, though, that Justin is definitely being heard. His voice is heard all throughout the land, and that’s why so many people pay so much money to hear his voice.

If all these thousands of people paid their hard-earned money to see Justin, and if they’re so excited that they can’t help but scream, then wouldn’t that be a compliment?

And as long as Justin’s been touring now, wouldn’t he have gotten used to all those loud, rabid fans by now?

It just seems strange, that’s all.

And douchey. Definitely very douchey.


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Drake Gets Robbed of $2 Million in Jewelry, FLIPS OUT on Video!

Generally, things are pretty good in the life of Aubrey Drake Graham.

He’s one of the wealthiest and most successful rappers on the planet.

He’s dating Rihanna after years of pining for her as only Drizzy can.

For the most part, people don’t bring up the fact that his first name is Aubrey anymore.

And perhaps best of all, that video of teenage Drake whining about a tuna fish sandwich isn’t being posted on quite as regular a basis.

But here it is in case you’ve never seen it:

Yes, it’s pretty sweet to Drizzy.

But as Seinfeld fans know, there are some folks out there who hate the Drake.

And it’s possible that some of those people recently executed a $ 2 million jewelry heist that left the rapper understandably pissed off.

TMZ obtained the following footage that reportedly shows Drake flipping out on his staff after learning that come clever thieves had relieved him of seven figures worth of bling.

The alleged theft took place as Drake and Future performed at Talking Stick Resort Arena in Phoenix on Tuesday night.

Reports about exactly what happened keep changing.

First media outlets claimed that that the jewelry belonged to Drizzy.

The a conflicting story emerged claiming that the diamonds and gold were Future’s.

Now, TMZ is reporting that the bling was owned by Future the Prince, Drake’s DJ on his current tour.

Whatever happened, a few things are clear:

1. Some very expensive stuff was lifted from Drake’s tour bus.

2. He was not happy about it.

Naturally, there’s been talk on the Internet that this is the latest shot fired in Drake’s ongoing feud with Meek Mill.

That long-term beef nearly got violent in Philadelphia recently when Drake reportedly ignored warnings not to diss meek in his hometown.

Of course, it’s a bit of a stretch to assume that the heist was a retaliation perpetrated by Team Meek.

For one thing, Phoenix is a long way from Philly.

On top of that, does one really need added motivation to steal $ 2 million in jewels?