Showing posts with label Fraud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fraud. Show all posts

Monday, November 13, 2017

Wendy Williams Blasts Kenya Moore: Your Marriage is a Fraud! You Should Be Fired!

Wendy Williams went ahead this afternoon and did what she does best:

She stuck her irritating nose where it doesn’t come close to belonging.

On Sunday night’s emotional episode of The Real Housewives of Atlanta, Kenya Moore admitted that her marriage to Marc Daly is already in trouble.

The two got hitched this summer in a shocking ceremony that reportedly even took Bravo executives by surprise.

There was talk earlier this year that Moore might be fired from The Real Housewives because she didn’t let network cameras film her wedding.

Heck, she barely even let producers know she was getting married!

Details on Daly remain very fuzzy, but Moore said on the latest installment of this reality show that her husband is “in the corporate world” and is a “former Wall Street banker and now an entrepreneur.”

Daly lives in New York City; Moore remains in Atlanta; and, yes, there’s already trouble in romantic paradise.

“My husband is just feeling very overwhelmed because he’s a private person,” Moore said at one point, latter crying through a closed door:

“I don’t want to get divorced.”

Sad stuff.

So, naturally, Williams felt like it was her duty to pile on.

“Shut up,” the talk show angrily told Moore during her Hot Topics segment on Monday, adding:

“I don’t even know if she’s really married, but if you are really married, then you’re just beginning. You want to know the pressure of being married in the public eye? I believe nothing she said.

“They need to kick her off the show.

“You live in Atlanta, your man lives in Brooklyn.

“If you want to have a real marriage, you have to be in the same town, in the same house, in the same bed.”

Williams, whose husband has been accused of having an affair, is definitely in the position to lecture someone else about how to have a happy marriage, don’t you think?

We’d say we’re shocked that Williams would offer up a scathing opinion on something she knows nothing about…

… but that’s like saying we’re surprised when water is wet or the sun rises everyday.

This is just what Wendy Williams does.

Heck, she recently blamed a rape accuser for having been allegedly raped by Nelly just because… well… we don’t even know why.

Because she knew he would earn her headlines and ratings, we guess.

In this case, Williams is maybe making less sense than ever.

Producers ought to kick Moore off the show because she’s maybe in a weird marital arrangement that is causing her strife?

We’re pretty sure that’s the tagline for ALL Real Housewives shows:

Watch Women Who Are in Weird Marital Arrangements That Are Causing Them Strife. (And Also Who Drink A Lot of Wine!)


Monday, October 9, 2017

"Love & Hip Hop" Star Karen King Off the Hook in Identity Fraud Case, But ...

“Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta” star Karen King isn’t quite breathing a sigh of relief after her identity theft case was dismissed … it’s more like she’s holding her breath. Karen was busted for racking up a $ 5k tab at Saks Fifth Avenue, and…


"Love & Hip Hop" Star Karen King Off the Hook in Identity Fraud Case, But ...

“Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta” star Karen King isn’t quite breathing a sigh of relief after her identity theft case was dismissed … it’s more like she’s holding her breath. Karen was busted for racking up a $ 5k tab at Saks Fifth Avenue, and…


Monday, August 28, 2017

Caitlyn Jenner Confronted by Trans Woman: You"re a Fraud!

Despite her acclaim when she first came out as trans, Caitlyn Jenner has been slammed by the trans community multiple times. 

Caitlyn is one of the world"s most famous transgender women and she was a celebrity well before that, giving her a massive platform. But many in the LGBT community feel that she"s misused it and refused to listen to people who"ve publicly fought for rights longer than she has.

Now, Caitlyn"s been publicly confronted by a very heated trans woman who told her exactly what she thought of her. And it was all caught on video:

Caitlyn jenner and her memoir

In case you need a refresher on why many trans folks feel that Caitlyn Jenner is problematic for the community, remember that Caitlyn voiced support for both Ted Cruz and Donald Trump during the Republican primaries in 2016.

Ted Cruz, of course, is a vocal opponent of transgender rights.

(Caitlyn hoped to advise him on the issue)

Despite having so many flaws that he"s really more of an orange miasma, Donald Trump was really the only GOP hopeful who voiced support for trans rights.

After he said something along the lines of "Caitlyn Jenner can use any bathroom at Trump Tower she likes," Cait took him at his word and stopped by and used the women"s restroom.

Caitlyn jenner chats

In the heat of the bathroom bills, where social conservatives were freaking out because trans people exist and some city governments respect their rights, Trump"s statement was a huge deal.

Caitlyn went on to support Trump and criticize Hillary Clinton even on her series, I Am Cait, to the dismay of her viewers and also to literally all of her costars, including Candis Cayne.

At the time, she did snap a photo with her fellow costars and Hillary Clinton, indicating a willingness to listen to her friends who"ve been fighting for trans rights a lot longer than she has.

But ultimately, Caitlyn was vocally supportive of Trump until only very recently, when Trump (while panicking over dwindling popularity and innumerable scandals) announced his plan to ban transgender folks from the US military.

Trump made that official last Friday, as a Category Four hurricane slammed into Texas and as North Korea launched more missiles, right before taking even more time off.

That"s a move that"s certainly prompted by Mike Pence"s desire for the LGBT community to no longer exist.

Another motive is almost certainly to excite Trump"s base, many are whom are disappointed that he hasn"t actually accomplished anything, for good or ill, that he set out to do while campaigning.

Caitlyn jenner in july 2017

Well, if Caitlyn"s hoping her possible political career will see endorsements from trans women, she has another thing coming.

On Sunday, Cait attended the Trans Chorus event in Los Angeles, where transgender activist and editor Ashlee Marie Preston approached her.

Caitlyn responds, as you"ll see in the video, by going in for a hug, assuming that she"s meeting a fan.

She was not meeting a fan.

And Preston told her exactly what she thinks about Caitlyn"s politics:

"It’s really f–ked up that you continue to support somebody…that does everything with the military, that’s erasing our f–king community. And you support it."

She even directed some words at Caitlyn"s companion, Dena Williams.

"As long as we continue to be the ones that are most impacted by the choices that you make, it is not OK. We are complicit. Taking her money and doing all that? It makes us complicit. It goes against the mission."

The mission being for trans people to be treated like human beings with rights and dignity instead of discriminated against and, too often, murdered.

"How are we gonna fight anyone if she’s giving money to the people that are destroying us?"

Caitlyn jenner for sirius

That"s a fair question.

When Cait responded: "You don"t know me," Preston responded:

"Yes I do! You"re a f–king fraud and a fake!"

Some criticize Preston for having confronted Caitlyn in public when she was trying to do something else.

We"d ask where else Preston was going to get to speak her mind to Caitlyn Jenner?

Others criticized her for being rude or for being an "angry black woman."

We should remember that gay rights as we know them, and the movement for them, was started by another "angry black trans woman."

Marsha P. Johnson was part of the spark that gave birth to the push that made marriage equality the law of the land, nationwide, just a few years ago.

Not all change can come from politeness, though not all of us are cut out for being confrontational.

Caitlyn jenner confronted by trans woman youre a fraud

Friday, August 4, 2017

Martin Shkreli: Found GUILTY of Securities Fraud!

Universally reviled public figure and sometime “Pharma Bro” Martin Shkreli was convicted on three counts of securities fraud Friday.

Shkreli faces up to 20 years in prison, and while he will likely serve much less, he shook his head in apparent disbelief at the verdict.

“We’re delighted in many ways,” Shkreli, who was exonerated on five out of eight criminal charges, said outside the courtroom later.

“This was a witch hunt of epic proportions,” he added.

“They may have found some broomsticks.” 

Shkreli’s legal demise is likely to be celebrated across the land, given the reputation he’s cultivated over the past couple of years.

His apparent willingness to lie, exploit others for wealth that he later flaunted to an insane degree, and instigate public feuds is unmatched.

As such, many observers will be thrilled to see him go down in flames; Shkreli was not on trial for the above behavior, of course.

Prosecutors argued that he lied to investors in two hedge funds and the pharmaceutical company Retrophin, all of which he founded.

Shkreli allegedly told investors he graduated from Columbia, that his hedge fund was large and profitable, and that he hired an auditor.

All lies, according to prosecutors.

Shkreli’s defense attorney countered simply that his investors were wealthy and sophisticated, and that he ultimately made them richer.

He said Shkreli will appeal and that the hedge fund manager – nicknamed “Pharma Bro” for his previous career pursuits – should not go to jail.

You may recall that he first gained notoriety as a pharmaceutical exec by raising the price of a vital drug used by AIDS patients by 5,000 percent.

When he received intense scrutiny for this, he doubled down on it, fanning the flames by lamenting only that he didn’t raise it more.

That notoriety – which included taunting reporters on Twitter and smirking through Congressional hearings – hung over this trial.

Martin Shkreli

He also engaged in feuds with Ghostface Killah and others, and used his significant wealth in increasingly extravagant, public fashion.

Even during jury selection, the judge struggled to find potential jurors who didn’t already dislike the New York douchebag intensely.

Not helping matters was Shkreli, who had walked into a room full of media and derided the prosecutors in his case as “junior varsity.”

During the trial, prosecutors painted him as a greedy, chronic liar, while the defense tried to chalk up his “eccentricity” to the quirks of a genius.

Prosecutors focused on his leadership of two hedge funds, MSMB Capital and MSMB Healthcare, and a pharmaceutical company, Retrophin.

Shkreli raised millions for MSMB Capital, but not as much as he told investors, then made a bad bet that would doom the hedge fund.

And then …

Martin Shkreli Pic

Rather than tell investors this, Shkreli raised more money to start MSMB Heathcare, which he largely used to start up Retrophin.

When concerned investors asked for their money, Shkreli used money from other investors and money and stock from Retrophin to pay them.

“Just because the defendant got lucky and Retrophin became a success” later on doesn’t make this any less illegal, prosecutors argued.

“Martin Shkreli doesn’t think the rules doesn’t apply to him, that the law doesn’t apply to him unfortunately for him, it does.”

Shkreli’s attorney argued that he did not defraud anyone and that his investors – even those who testified against him – were not victims.

In the end, the jury didn’t see it that way.

Shkreli’s lack of contrition and his behavior – personal and legal – were obstacles that the defense team simply could not overcome.


Martin Shkreli Found Convicted in Securities Fraud Case

Martin Shkreli — dubbed the most hated CEO in America — was convicted in his long-drawn out federal fraud case. Shkreli was found guilty on 3 of 8 counts. He was charged with securities fraud, conspiracy to commit securities fraud and…


Saturday, July 29, 2017

Mariah Carey"s Bodyguard Allegedly Attacks Reporter, Who She Says Is a Fraud

Mariah Carey’s bodyguard dragged a guy out of the backstage area … who claims he was a credentialed journalist — but Mariah’s team is calling BS. James Pablo tells TMZ he was backstage at Mariah and Lionel Richie’s show Thursday night at San…


Saturday, July 1, 2017

Fyre Festival Co-Founder Billy McFarland Arrested For Wire Fraud

Billy McFarland, the man who teamed up with Ja Rule to organize the disastrous Fyre Festival has been charged with one count of wire fraud in relation to the event. Federal prosecutors say McFarland was arrested at his home in…


Fyre Festival Co-Founder Billy McFarland Arrested For Wire Fraud

Billy McFarland, the man who teamed up with Ja Rule to organize the disastrous Fyre Festival has been charged with one count of wire fraud in relation to the event. Federal prosecutors say McFarland was arrested at his home in…


Saturday, May 13, 2017

"Below Deck" Star Captain Lee Vindicated In Bankruptcy "Fraud" Case

Captain Lee Rosbach is claiming sweet victory in bankruptcy court, but it’s not enough to fix his credit score just yet. A judge just threw out his bankruptcy case on a technicality. We’ll spare you the legalese, but bottom line is the…


Monday, May 1, 2017

Fyre Festival, Ja Rule, Billy McFarland Sued for Fraud and Lying

Billy McFarland and Ja Rule defrauded the chumps who plunked down thousands of dollars for the Fyre Festival in the Bahamas, a festival that more resembled “The Hunger Games” or “The Lord of the Flies” than Coachella … at least that’s the take in…


Monday, April 3, 2017

Meghan Markle to Be Exposed as Fraud in Sister"s Tell-All?

From the time the world learned that Meghan Markle is dating Prince Harry, the actress has been subjected to relentless scrutiny of her personal life.

One reason, of course, is the fact that Meghan is dating one of the world’s most eligible bachelors, and there’s a certain elevation in visibility that comes with such a relationship.

But there are those who believe that there’s more going on here than the tabloid press simply placing Harry’s new girlfriend under a microscope for the simple reason that she’s Harry’s new girlfriend.

From the moment she entered the spotlight, there were rumblings about Meghan’s past, particularly with regard to her family.

Meghan’s half-sister has spoken out about their relationship, claiming they parted ways years ago, in large part due to the actress’ narcissistic, social-climbing ways.

Over the past few weeks, Samantha Markle has taken to calling Meghan out on social media, alleging that her recent, highly-publicized humanitarian work is nothing more than a publicity stuns.

“It’s about basic human consideration. She has none. What has she donated to India? Talk is cheap,” Samantha tweeted recently.

“People who are starving and too poor to afford sanitary napkins don’t need a voice they need money and they need donations.”

Unfortunately for Meghan, it seems her sister has no intention of holding off on publicly discussing their damaged relationship.

In fact, it appears she’s just getting warmed up.

This week, Samantha announced a deal to publish a memoir with the working title of The Diary of Princess Pushy’s Sister.

We’re guessing it’s portrayal of Meghan (aka Princess Pushy) is less than flattering.

Meghan has a lot of haters on social media, but she also has a lot of defenders, and Samantha has been taking flak for trash-talking her sister out of jealousy.

The elder Markle sister has been firing back at her critics, claiming that envy has nothing to do with it:

“My book deals with very important social issues and it has nothing to do with jealousy,” she tweeted yesterday.

If that’s really the case, Samantha might want to workshop that title.

The phrase “Princess Pushy” doesn’t exactly bring to mind an ultra-woke treatise on Third World social justice issues.


Sunday, April 2, 2017

"Below Deck" Star Captain Lee Says Bankruptcy Case is a Fraud, Feds Investigating (VIDEO)

Captain Lee Rosbach claims someone filed for bankruptcy for him without his knowledge or consent and he has no idea why … but he’s on the hunt and is looking for revenge. The “Below Deck” sea captain tells TMZ … he was shocked to hear…


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Teresa Giudice Pays Off $414,000 Bill for Fraud Case

Teresa Giudice’s paychecks are going to be a little fatter now, because she’s completely paid up the six-figure tab that was part of her sentence for fraud charges. Teresa’s wages will no longer be garnished to fulfill the $ 414,588 restitution…


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Urijah Faber Says Paige VanZant"s No Fraud ... But She Needs to Get Better (VIDEO)

Paige VanZant is no bitch — and just because she got beat up this weekend doesn’t mean she won’t come back and dominate in 2017 … so says her friend and training teammate, Urijah Faber.  VanZant got rocked by Michelle Waterson at UFC on FOX…


Friday, December 16, 2016

Dennis Rodman"s Former Business Manager Arrested for Fraud (PHOTO)

Dennis Rodman’s former business manager was busted for allegedly defrauding several pro athletes out of millions of dollars. According to the Houston prosecutor’s office … Peggy Ann “King” Fulford was taken into custody Friday in New Orleans and…


Monday, June 27, 2016

Abby Lee Miller: Guilty of Fraud!

Abby Lee Miller finally pleaded guilty to bankruptcy fraud. 

This all went down in Pennsylvania federal court on Monday, June 27. 

For those of you who watch Dance Moms online, it probably comes as no shock that she pleaded guilty

For far too long she’s been on a power trip on the show, and it appears that karma is finally catching up to her. 

For all of you who aren’t privy to the details of why she was caught, the Dance Moms star was allegedly hiding income and concealing assets after filing for bankruptcy in 2010. 

The star apparently set up a hidden bank account to hide payments of more than $ 755,000 that she made from TV show appearances, merchandise and dance lessons at her studio. 

This isn’t just a little white lie. It’s a mammoth lie. For anyone, $ 755,000 is A LOT of money. When you add in concealing assets, it’s clear the star has been very naughty. 

Just last November, Miller plead not guilty to the charges, but all of that changed recently when she made a deal to plead guilty to one count of concealing assets and one count of not reporting an international transaction. 

That’s a far cry from the 20 charges that were originally given to the star. 

The international transaction in question involved Miller smuggling more than $ 120,000 into the U.S. from Australia. 

She now faces 24-30 months in prison, but it seems that her attorneys are seeking a maximum sentence of just 6 months. 

That’s pretty lenient considering she admitted to fraud, right?!

Miller addressed her guilty plea with a statement Monday that read, “Events over the past several months have been extremely challenging for me, my family, my friends and most important, my students.”

“Because of this I made the very difficult decision to close the door on this chapter of my life by accepting responsibility for mistakes I have made along the way.”

Her sentencing will take place on October 11.

It’s unclear what the charges mean for the future of her reality series. 

What do you think about all of it?

Should Dance Moms continue on without Abby Lee Miller?

Hit the comments below!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Amy Duggar: Josh Duggar Is a "Fraud" and "Complete Stranger" To Me

Talk about a year of highs and lows.

Amy Duggar, quasi-rebellious cousin of the Duggar family, recapped a very eventful 2015 on her blog.

The newlywed (who married Dillon King in September), told readers what went through her mind the day Josh Duggar confessed to cheating on his wife, Anna.

“September was a doozie!” she wrote.  “Life was just wonderful … drum roll please…. until one of my family members made some terrible confessions.”

A few months after Josh admitted to molesting young girls in 2006, his email was included in a hacked data dump of Ashley Madison users, a site that promotes extramarital affairs.

“I knew nothing of the molestation charges, and I had no idea what the Ashley Madison site even was?” Amy went on.

“I was completely shocked just like the rest of the world; the only difference was I was being fitted for my wedding dress with tears running down my face and a glass of wine in my hand as the news broke. I wondered what the heck was going on?”

That day, Josh confessed to cheating on his wife, Anna.  After, he checked into a faith-based rehab in Illinois.

“A million questions flooded my mind,” Amy wrote.  “Rage came over me, sadness crept in, and reality sat in that the person I had known my entire life turned out to be a fraud, and a complete stranger.

“I’ve always heard that there were people in this world that lived a double life, but I never thought that someone so close to home would be living a lie. “

With a wedding to plan, Amy kept any thoughts about Josh at bay.  

When the big day finally came, Amy welcomed her extended family with open arms.

“Everyone we knew and loved attended including Anna Duggar,” Amy wrote.

“Her attendance really touched me, after all she has and still is going through she wanted to be there for our special day. I gave her a huge hug right before I walked down the aisle, prayed with her and left her and my Aunt Michelle a letter on their chairs.

“It was so special that they came to support our marriage.”

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Martin Shkreli: Arrested For Securities Fraud!

You may know Martin Shkreli as the douche who jacked up the price of the life-saving AIDS drug Daraprim.

But with any luck, the inmates at Lewisburg Federal Correctional Facility will soon know him as the little weasel who’s willing to shell out more commissary Hot Pockets for protection than any terrified new fish in cell block history.

Martin Shkreli

Shkreli was arrested this morning on charges of securities and wire fraud after an investigation revealed that the 32-year-old penis wrinkle CEO had used stock from his former drug company to pay off past debts from a hedge fund he ran into the ground.

We don’t want to jump the gun and call this a Christmas miracle just yet (The guy still has to be convicted and sentenced, after all.), but it’s hard not to get excited over the idea of karma delivering a ball-shattering crotch kick to a guy who’s horrendously dick-holish behavior isn’t limited to rolling the dice with the lives of millions of sick people.

Shkreli was recently accused of stalking and harassing a former employee; he was fired from his post at Retrophin (the company whose stock he essentially stole) “because of serious concerns about his conduct,” and he enjoys flaunting his obscene wealth by purchasing extravagant status symbols like a $ 2 million Wu-Tang Clan album.

(Hilariously, Wu-honcho the RZA blasted Shkreli on social media, and the little fella got all worked up about it.)

As of today, Twitter fights and random feuds with Bernie Sanders are probably pretty low on the wannabe-G’s list of 99 problems, as he’s facing a lengthy prison sentence if convicted.

Hey, look on the bright side Martin: You might finally get some of that street cred you so desperately seek. They probably won’t let you take your collection of priceless, limited-edition Air Jordans into the clink with you, though.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Abby Lee Miller Pleads Not Guilty to Bankruptcy Fraud

Abby Lee Miller is guilty of being a bully on a fake reality show.

But the Dance Moms star swears she’s not guilty of breaking the law.

Miller posted $ 10,000 bond at her arraignment in Pennsylvania on Monday, pleading not guilty to 20 counts of bankruptcy fraud, each of which carries with it a maximum imprisonment of five years.

As previously reported, Miller was indicted in Pittsburgh last month.

She’s accused of hiding income and concealing assets; of setting up a hidden bank account to divert more than $ 755,000 in income after she filed for bankruptcy in 2010.

Ironically, she was caught in this alleged act by a judge who saw Miller in a commercial for various appearances and wondered what she was doing with the money she was earning as a result.

Asked for comment on the scandal as she walked into the courthouse, the reality star supposedly made a comment about her hair, promoting merchandise available on her website in the process.

Is she taking these charges seriously, Miller was asked?

“Yes,” she replied.

That’s the same one-word response we give when people ask if we hate Abby Lee Miller.

Sadly, it’s also the same one-word response we give when folks ask if we watch Dance Moms online.

What can we say?!? It’s an entertaining show!